Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...

Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...

Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...


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1. Incorporate a confirmation pre-call to MCOs selected in the sample. This adjustmentwas determined necessary in order to verify and update contact information that was outdated.These limitations however, did not influence the selection <strong>of</strong> the MCOs into the sample; theprocedural modification was needed to expedite the process <strong>of</strong> reaching the appropriate firstcontact in the particular MCO.During the pilot, certain obstacles were encountered when initial contact letters weremailed to each MCO selected for the sample. For example, the information on the identifiedsenior executive (to whom the initial contact letter was addressed) was found to be outdated intwo ways: either the individual no longer held the position, or the individual was the correctcontact but was located at the health plan headquarters at another address. Also, the telephonenumbers listed in the directory for MCO senior executives were sometimes a general number,not a direct line to the senior executive’s <strong>of</strong>fice. In this situation, it became difficult to ascertainwhether the MCO (specifically, the identified senior executive) had received the initial contactletter. Due to these difficulties, the procedure was modified to include a confirmation pre-call tobe made before the initial contact letter was mailed to the selected MCOs.The confirmation pre-call was incorporated to verify the following:! The telephone number is not an automated service, but allows directcontact with the identified senior executive’s <strong>of</strong>fice to confirm nameand address;! The identified senior executive still holds the relevant position. Ifnot, the current senior executive is identified; and! The identified senior executive is based in the local <strong>of</strong>fice beingcalled. If the identified senior executive is not based out <strong>of</strong> the local<strong>of</strong>fice, another senior person or manager is identified to receive theinitial contact letter from OMH.2. Add an Internet web site option for accessing, completing, and submitting follow-upquestionnaires for Staffing and Membership respondents. In the Pilot Test Response Form, mostrespondents (4 out <strong>of</strong> 6) indicated an option for completing and submitting the (follow-up)questionnaires on the Internet would be useful. Based on these reports, the Staffing andMembership Questionnaires were converted into HTML format so that the web site submissionoption would be available to respondents at the time <strong>of</strong> data collection.3. Reduce the size <strong>of</strong> the Staffing and Membership respondent mail packages. During thepilot phase, personnel that were recommended by the senior executive were mailed packagesthat included a copy <strong>of</strong> the actual survey. As a result <strong>of</strong> information learned through the pilotregarding the desirability <strong>of</strong> completing and submitting the questionnaires electronically (eitherby electronic mail or Internet web site), hard copies <strong>of</strong> the instruments were no longer to beincluded in the initial contact packages for these respondents. Instead, Staffing and Membershiprespondents would receive an introductory letter from OMH and instructions for participating inCOSMOS Corporation, December 2003 G-6

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