Undergraduate Study Guide 2012 Southern Cross University

Undergraduate Study Guide 2012 Southern Cross University

Undergraduate Study Guide 2012 Southern Cross University


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Gold Coast & Tweed Headswww.scu.edu.au/goldcoastThe <strong>University</strong>’s newest campus islocated adjacent to Gold Coast Airportand close to North Kirra Beach.The Gold Coast campus foundationbuilding is a well-appointed facilityproviding a nurturing and supportivestudy environment in a contemporarysetting. Degrees in business, law, tourismand hospitality management are taught atthis location.The foundation building includes the GoldCoast shared services hub, an integratedstudent centre with computer stations, alounge area, coffee shop and bookstore.Teaching spaces include a lecturetheatre, tutorial rooms and computerlabs.Belying its busy location, the buildingprovides a quiet setting for students topursue their studies. The top floor, withviews to the Pacific Ocean, is devotedto student library services. Free on-siteparking is available to students.The next stage of the campus will includea 10-storey teaching and researchbuilding and another building, comprisinga 300-seat lecture theatre, two seminarrooms, break-out rooms, tutorial spaces,a bookshop and a café.The <strong>University</strong> operates two teachingfacilities in nearby Tweed Heads. Degreesin midwifery, occupational therapy,nursing and early childhood are taught atSCU Lakeside at Caloola Drive, TweedHeads. Secondary education, socialscience and sport management (surfingstudies) are taught at SCU Riverside atBrett Street, Tweed Heads. Postgraduatetourism and hospitality management andbusiness management degrees are alsotaught here.The <strong>University</strong> operates all three sites onEastern Standard Time, and the libraryand student hub at the Gold Coastcampus are shared with students atTweed Heads, with a free shuttle busrunning between locations.All <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>campuses are linked electronicallyfor coursework and researchpurposes.Campus toursIf you would like to book yourpersonalised campus tourFreecall: 1800 626 481Email: campustours@scu.edu.auundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au5

Lismorewww.scu.edu.au/lismoreLismore is a regional city located in theNorthern Rivers region of New SouthWales, with a population of around46,000 people. The campus occupies75 hectares of lush, sub-tropical groundsincluding landscaped gardens andrainforest walkways.The Student Centre in Goodman Plazais the heart of student life on campus,featuring a one-stop-shop for enquiries,with both self-help facilities and highlytrained staff available to assist students.The Student Centre is also a placeto relax and catch up and is a venuefor student clubs and gatherings. TheSCU Gym and Pool features health andfitness facilities including a heated indoorswimming pool.Teaching spaces include the law mootcourt, environmental science laboratories,nursing and tactile therapy laboratories,and exercise science facilities including abiomechanics laboratory and medicinalplant herbarium.The SCU Health Clinic, a professionalnatural medicine health service for thecampus community and the generalpublic, also provides opportunities forclinical experience for students studyinghealth degrees.The Lismore campus is a cultural hubwhere creativity and passion thrive,reflecting the dynamic arts andmusic scene of the Northern Rivers.Contemporary music, visual arts andmedia students have access to purposebuiltstudios. Visual arts students utilisepainting, printmaking, 3D and digital artand design studios. Contemporary musicstudents work in a simulated industryenvironment housed in a specialisedmusic building with high quality acousticand recording facilities. The teachingand performance space, Studio One29,provides students with the perfect venuefor honing their performance skills. Mediastudents work in dedicated productionfacilities including a newsroom, multicameratelevision studio, digital editingsuites, radio broadcast and editingstudios, and a multimedia computerlaboratory.The Northern Rivers region provides anattractive lifestyle to students and is closeto stunning coastal destinations. Thecity has a domestic airport, is less thanan hour’s drive to Byron Bay and underthree hour’s drive to Brisbane. Studentsenjoy international events such as theBlues and Roots Festival and Byron BayWriters Festival.Lismore is proud to be a university city,and students are very welcome membersof the community, enjoying a relaxed yetcosmopolitan environment in which topursue their studies.Campus toursIf you would like to book yourpersonalised campus tourFreecall: 1800 626 481Email: campustours@scu.edu.auundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au6

Coffs Harbourwww.scu.edu.au/coffsharbourThe Hotel SchoolSydneywww.hotelschool.scu.edu.auCoffs Harbour is a thriving city andpopular tourist destination on the MidNorth Coast of New South Wales,featuring beautiful beaches and a lush,coastal hinterland. The Coffs Harbourcampus offers a friendly learningenvironment and contemporary teachingfacilities. Courses at Coffs Harbourcampus include business, informationtechnology, international hospitalitymanagement, psychology, nursing,early childhood education, primary andsecondary education, arts and socialsciences and marine science.Facilities include purpose-built nursinglaboratories, complete with simulatedwards.Planned new facilities at the campuswill include specialised teaching spacesfor education students, a humanbiosciences laboratory, purpose-builtpsychology research facilities and a ‘newtechnologies’ laboratory for informationtechnology students.The <strong>University</strong> operates the NationalMarine Science Centre in Coffs Harbour,in walking distance to CharlesworthBay and adjacent to the Solitary IslandsMarine Park. The Centre provides aperfect setting for third-year marinescience students and researchers toundertake fieldwork. Facilities includea flow-through seawater system thatsupplies laboratories, a tank farm,aquarium room and hatchery. The Centreoperates a survey and research vessel,SCUBA support and analytical andsampling equipment.Campus toursIf you would like to book yourpersonalised campus tourFreecall: 1800 626 481Email: campustours@scu.edu.au<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> offersthe Bachelor of Business in HotelManagement at The Hotel School Sydneyin partnership with Mulpha Australia. Thecourse focuses on management practicein hospitality industries and the skillsneeded for employment in a competitiveand changing global businessenvironment.The Hotel School Sydney is located inMacquarie Street in the heart of the city.Mulpha Australia’s hotel portfolio includesthe five-star hotel, InterContinentalSydney, which is adjacent to the School.The gathering space in the heart of thecampus is the ideal place for studentactivities or to relax with friends. Therecreation hall and fitness centre providesa venue for a variety of sporting activities.The contemporary campus is part of aneducation precinct, with the <strong>University</strong>co-located with North Coast TAFE, atechnical and further education facilityand a secondary school.Coffs Harbour has a population of morethan 65,000 people and is located onthe coast and near World Heritagelistedrainforest. The city has severalspectacular surfing beaches and isgateway to the remarkable SolitaryIslands Marine Park, a protected marinehabitat. The campus is situated on thesouthern side of the city, minutes frominternational standard sporting facilitiesand the airport.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au7

undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au8Claire Mortimer, Conference and Event Coordinator,Crowne Plaza, CanberraBachelor of Business in Convention and Event Management, 2010I moved away from my home in Canberra to study at <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong><strong>University</strong> because it has the best tourism degrees and a strong reputationin the industry.A real bonus is that the <strong>University</strong> offers business studies within theirtourism degrees. This wide course material has given me a competitiveedge in the workplace as I have a greater understanding of the wholebusiness concept – not only how it relates to my work role, but also in aglobal context.The knowledge I have gained through my studies has enabled me to takeon varying projects such as marketing, yearly budgets and departmentalassignments with ease.When I applied for my current position, I was competing against 15 otherapplicants. I was able to demonstrate my industry skills and theorybasedknowledge with various university assignments from my event andbusiness units. I was able to express myself confidently with three yearsof university preparation backing me. Without my academic advantage, Iwould not have been able secure this position so quickly.<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> has three campuses to choose from; it boastsflexibility. I was able to study for two years at the Lismore campus, sixmonths at the Tweed and then the remaining six months in Canberracompleting my internship.The variety in the course units gave me the ability to choose unitsthat strengthened my particular interest, which was tourism eventmanagement.The lecturers made my degree an experience of a lifetime. They alwaysmade time for me, often meeting with me outside of tutorial sessions todiscuss my ideas and theories. They were always open to discuss myprofessional development and future employment opportunities. I am soglad I chose to study at <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>.

Degrees which put you in the workplaceMany <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> courses can include a paid orunpaid internship, professional placement, clinical placementor some other type of hands-on work experience to enableprospective employers to see the quality of <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong><strong>University</strong> students in action.Most <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> tourism and hospitalitymanagement courses include industry internships.As an elective option within business courses, students cancomplete an internship with a business organisation whichcounts as two units toward their degree.Our primary teaching course includes in-school teachingexperiences from the first year and the early childhood courseprovides a professional practice component in early childhoodcentres to ensure students gain experience working withchildren from birth to eight years.Secondary education students also enjoy extensive in-schoolteaching experiences culminating in a final in-school sessionto demonstrate their independent, professional capability as asecondary school teacher.The Bachelor of Media includes a professional placement unitwithin media organisations. Contemporary music studentsrub shoulders with music industry identities and are regularlyengaged in performance. Visual arts students have theopportunity to undertake internships with the dynamic artsindustries of the NSW North Coast and to showcase theirworks individually or as part of group exhibitions.Our occupational therapy, nursing and osteopathy degreesfeature clinical placements in hospitals, allied health servicesand other relevant clinical settings. Midwifery studentsundertake placements which enable them to provide care forwomen across their pregnancies, during childbirth and thepostnatal period.Sport, exercise science and nutrition students complete aminimum of 120 hours of work experience as part of theirstudies, and Diploma of Sport Management (Surfing Studies)students are actively involved in the industry during their course.Many of our environmental and marine science degrees offerinternships to provide on-the-job experience and supplementthe practical skills and theory components of the courses.Social science students may undertake field placements as partof their degree and law students may choose to undertake legalexperience and professional placement with legal firms andother legal work environments to build their practical legal skillsand professional networks.International exchange opportunities<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> offers students the opportunity tocomplete part of their studies overseas, and the experience isdescribed by most on their return as ‘life-changing’.<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> has agreements with around 60other tertiary education institutions in countries including theUnited States, Canada, throughout Europe, Japan, China andKorea. The exchange program is open to all <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong><strong>University</strong> students who have successfully completed their firstyear of study, and credits earned for study overseas go towardthe achievement of their chosen degree.Tourism and hospitality management students have becomefamiliar with the international tourism industry through theirstudies with the <strong>University</strong>’s partner institutions in the UnitedStates, Canada, Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, the UnitedKingdom and Hong Kong.Environmental science students too, have substantiallyincreased their understanding of global environmental issuesthrough their studies in New Orleans, Northern Arizona andHong Kong. Visual arts students can study for a time atuniversities overseas.While students must fund their own travel, there aregovernment scholarships and loans available which can assistwith some of the associated expenses.www.scu.edu.au/internationalundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au9

<strong>2012</strong> undergraduate degreesLAW & JUSTICEB Laws (undergraduate entry) 15B Laws (graduate entry) 15B Legal and Justice Studies 15Double Degrees with Law 16Associate Degree in Law (Paralegal Studies) 16INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYB Information Technology 17Associate Degree of Information Technology 17B Applied Computing – Prerequisite TAFE Diploma orequivalentBUSINESSB Business (accounting, advanced accounting, finance, humanresource management, international business, information systems,management, marketing)B Business Administration 20B Business, B Arts 20B Business, B Laws 20page1719TOURISM & HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENTB Business in Tourism Management 21B Business in Tourism Management, B Laws 21B Business in International Tourism Management 22B Business in International Hospitality Management 22B Business in Convention and Event Management 22B Environmental Tourism Management 23B Sport Tourism Management 23B Business in Hotel Management(The Hotel School Sydney)HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCEB Arts (cultural studies; history, politics and society; writing) 24B Social Science (counselling, community studies, government andpolicy studies, social welfare)B Ageing in the Community 25B Arts/B Education (Secondary) 26B Arts, B Laws 26B Social Science, B Laws 26Associate Degree of Creative Writing 26CREATIVE & PERFORMING ARTSB Media 27B Visual Arts 27B Contemporary Music 29B Visual Arts/B Education (Secondary) 29B Contemporary Music/B Education (Secondary) 29B Contemporary Music, B Laws 29page2325undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au12

EDUCATIONB Education (Primary) 31B Education (Early Childhood) 31B Technology Education 31B Education (Primary) – 4th year upgrade 32B Education (Secondary) – graduate entry only 32Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary) 32Education (Secondary) combined degrees 32Environmental, Forest & MarineSciences & ManagementB Marine Science and Management 33B Forest Science and Management 33B Environmental Science (coastal management, environmentalresource management, fisheries and aquaculture management)B Science/B Education (Secondary) 35B Environmental Science, B Laws 35NURSING, MIDWIFERY, Clinical SciencesB Nursing 36B Midwifery 36B Clinical Sciences 37B Occupational Therapy 37page35PSYCHOLOGYB Psychological Science 38SPORT & EXERCISE SCIENCEB Sport and Exercise Science 39B Exercise Science and Nutrition 39B Sport and Exercise Science/B Education (Secondary) 40B Sport and Exercise Science, B Laws 40Diploma of Sport Management (Surfing Studies) 40INDIGENOUS STUDIESB Indigenous Studies 41B Trauma and Healing 41B Indigenous Studies, B Laws 41Diploma in Community Recovery 41pagePlease note the OPs published by the Queensland TertiaryAdmissions Centre (QTAC) may differ from those in this publication,depending on the competition for places.Some majors and units differ by campus and some are availableexclusively by distance education (check www.scu.edu.au/courses).<strong>University</strong>-wide majorsThe next generation of professionals may undertake numerous career changes during their working lives. <strong>University</strong>-wide majors – includingsustainability, education, law and justice, organisational management, sport management, natural medicine, and Indigenous Australianstudies – can broaden the study experience and help provide a pathway to multiple careers. www.scu.edu.au/coursesundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au13

Jhoanna Mendoza, Finance Officer,Department of Defence, CanberraBachelor of Business, 2007undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.auI highly recommend <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> to people who arethinking of going to university. The lecturers are all approachableand if you have any problems with your studies, they are willing tohelp you either through private meetings or email. The courses areall up-to-date and they definitely prepare you for when you enterthe workplace.I enjoyed the flexibility of learning offered at SCU. I could eithergo to lectures, tutorials, an online classroom ‘Elluminate’ session,or email my lecturer or tutor directly. The freedom of choosing themost effective way of learning was great – some on-campus studyattending compulsory lectures and some at-home study.I truly enjoyed going to SCU. It wasn’t just because the lecturerswere terrific and approachable, or that the course was interesting,but I also had an opportunity to do many course-relatedextracurricular activities such as:• competing in the Boston Consulting Group Business StrategyCompetition in 2005 and 2006;• competing in the Students in Free Enterprise project in 2006(in Brisbane) and 2007 (in Melbourne) and winning in bothyears;• being selected as a business mentor in the New Inventors ofthe Year Program in 2007; and• becoming a <strong>University</strong> student ambassador where I went todifferent high schools around the Gold Coast, supporting highschool students as their business mentor.18

BUSINESSwww.scu.edu.au/business-schoolBachelor of BusinessThis degree will help you acquire the professionalqualifications specifically needed and most in demandthroughout the public and private business sectors. TheBachelor of Business is accredited by most major industrybodies, giving graduates an excellent head start to theircareer, or a boost to their career progression.If you are seeking an edge in employment prospects werecommend choosing to undertake a 312-hour internshipwith a business which may count as two units towardsyour degree.Majors available*:Accounting: A great accountant needs to haveexceptional analytical skills, an eye for detail and thecreative ability to see pictures in numbers. Accountantsplay a key role in ensuring the financial viability of anorganisation. This major will ensure you have the technical,conceptual and managerial skills to be an effective financialmanager in modern commercial, government, social andnot-for-profit organisations.Advanced Accounting: The advanced accountingmajor provides a path for students who first complete theaccounting major and are committed to an accountingcareer. This major provides advanced study in taxation,audit, financial reporting, financial planning, investment andstrategic management.Finance: The finance sector is fast-paced and rewarding.You are taught to understand the key principles of wealthcreation and risk analysis in a global economy. You willlearn to evaluate factors that impact on the value of thedollar, interest rates and the stock market. Graduatesare able to make informed financial decisions on behalfof clients, companies, governments, not-for-profitorganisations and their own investment portfolios.Human Resources: Get equipped with the professionalexpertise and understanding needed to manage selectionand recruitment procedures, training and development andperformance management of staff. You will develop a vitalappreciation of the complex interrelationships involved inbusiness, industry and service organisations and the allimportanthuman factor in business success.Information Systems: Effectively managing informationwithin modern organisations is a critical success factor.A major in information systems equips graduates withthe concepts, methods and skills necessary to design,implement and manage information systems to maximiseorganisational effectiveness. Graduates are in demand andcan command high salaries in top level jobs.International Business: Conducting business in aglobal environment is complex, highly competitive andrewarding. This major prepares graduates to respond tothe complexity of global markets addressing issues such ascross cultural communication and negotiation, alternativemarket structures, variations in consumer demand patternsand differing government regulations and law. Graduatesgain an understanding of leadership, strategy, culturaldiversity, communication and decision-making as it relatesto contemporary international business issues.Management: Effective managers focus on forwardplanning to ensure the ongoing success and viabilityof their organisation. They need vision, excellentcommunication skills and the ability to inspire others towork together to achieve common goals. The managementmajor teaches you the skills to monitor the changingbusiness and social environment and make soundjudgments on the most appropriate directions and actions.Marketing: Marketing is a creative business disciplinethat requires analytic business skills, an understandingof human behaviour and motivation and excellentcommunication skills. Effective marketing encouragesorganisations to design their goods and services aroundthe ever-changing needs and wants of targeted consumersin a way that is valued by their customers and makesthem stand out from their competitors. In an increasinglycompetitive business environment, effective marketing isessential for business growth and success. The increasedreliance on marketing strategy has created new andexciting career opportunities.* Please note that some majors and units may not beavailable at each location. Unit availabilities are publishedfor each study period and vary from year to year. Pleasecontact the SCU Business School for further information.Your careerA world of opportunity awaits you in the spheres ofaccounting, advertising, banking, finance, humanresource management, international business,investment, management, marketing, productmanagement and public relations.SummaryLocationsDurationGold Coast, Lismore, Coffs Harbour,Distance education3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeUAC codes GC - 332160, L - 332100,CH - 332150QTAC codes GC - 052161, L - 052001,CH - 052501Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au19

Bachelor of Business AdministrationThis internationally-recognised business qualificationis ideal for managers early in their career or thoseaspiring to move into supervisory or managerialroles as part of their career progression. It offersa highly flexible option to those who already havesome professional or technical qualifications, and theopportunity to broaden their knowledge and skill basein the areas of management and professional practice.There are two distinct pathways – one focuseson business administration, the other on humanresources.Your careerThere are a host of different and excitingroles available within private and governmentorganisations, human resource management,marketing, international business, finance,information systems and management.SummaryLocationsDurationGold Coast, Lismore,Coffs Harbour,Distance education3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeUAC codes GC - 332165, L - 332107,CH - 332155QTAC codes GC - 052661, L - 052071,CH - 052561Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14Double degrees with Business #To increase career prospects, consider one ofthe following double degrees which are availableon-campus in Lismore or by distance education.You can undertake a double degree and complete thetwo degrees within five years of full-time study ratherthan the six normally required.Graduates with a double degree may seekemployment within one or both of their studydisciplines, increasing their employment opportunitiesand chances of career advancement.Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of ArtsGraduates of the Business/Arts degree are equippedwith the critical analysis skills and managementexpertise to help them succeed in the field of businessand the arts and media sector.Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of LawsIf you are seeking an edge in employment prospectswe recommend choosing to undertake a 312-hourinternship with a business which may count as twounits towards your degree. Law students may chooseto undertake legal experience and professionalplacement with legal firms or offices.The business degree is accredited by mostprofessional organisations and the law degree providesthe academic requirements needed for accreditationby those who wish to qualify to practise law as abarrister or solicitor in Australia.#Course codes for all double degrees are available atwww.scu.edu.au/coursesNB: Students studying a double degree with law mustcomplete some compulsory on-campus workshops.For details, contact the School of Law and Justice.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.auDane Smith, Banking Associate,National Australia BankBachelor of Business (Management) 2008A business degree opens up so many doors,the possibilities are endless. SCU provideda relaxed lifestyle for my studies. I wasencouraged to express my opinions andchallenge the status quo, which is greatbecause texts date and business is anever-changing environment. I can easilyrelate to the workplace what I learnedduring my degree and it does makelife easier.20

undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au22Bachelor of Business in InternationalTourism ManagementThe Bachelor of Business in International TourismManagement prepares students for an internationalcareer in the tourism industry by providing a globalperspective and experience of the tourism industry.The course provides students with a thoroughunderstanding of tourism management at aninternational level, underpinned by core businessskills. Students in this degree gain a balance betweenresearch, theory and application to provide relevantskills and knowledge highly sought after by tourismindustry employers both in Australia and overseas.This course offers an optional international exchangeprogram for second year students to study in theUnited States, Canada, England, Germany, Austria,The Netherlands or Hong Kong. The School offers20 scholarships to support suitably qualified studentsparticipating in a period of study overseas.Your careerGraduates will have the opportunity to build aninternational management career in a wide range oftourism, hospitality and leisure industries, governmentagencies and associated services.SummaryLocationsGold Coast, Lismore,Distance education*3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeDurationUAC codes GC - 334161, L - 334111QTAC codes GC - 054161, L - 054111Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14* Students may accelerate their studies to completetheir degree in less time than the duration indicated.Bachelor of Business in InternationalHospitality ManagementThis course is designed to give graduates the businessmanagement skills to pursue a career as a hospitalityindustry leader and provide them with contemporary,cutting-edge hospitality management expertise at aninternational level. Graduates will be highly qualifiedto meet the challenges associated with operating andowning their own hospitality business. This courseoffers a high level of academic rigour, practical industrybasedexperience and the opportunity to developprofessional networks. Students in this course have theoption of majoring in hotel and resort management orgaming management.This course offers an optional international exchangeprogram for second year students to study in theUnited States, Canada, England, Germany, Austria,The Netherlands or Hong Kong.Your careerGraduates will have the opportunity to take onpositions as professional managers in resortsand hotels, spa and health resorts, casinos,clubs, restaurants, food service and catering,airlines, convention and exhibition centres, visitormanagement, eco-tourism operations, theme parksand tourist attractions, hospitality managementconsultancies and other hospitality operations.SummaryLocationsCoffs Harbour, LismoreDistance education3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeDurationUAC code L - 334151, CH - 334150QTAC code L - 054601, CH - 054651Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14Bachelor of Business in Convention &Event ManagementThe Bachelor of Business in Convention and EventManagement positions graduates at the centre of thefast growing business events industry. Students acquirethe skills and knowledge required to pursue a career inthe management, planning and marketing of corporateevents, conventions and meetings, festivals and specialevents.This course offers an optional international exchangeprogram to study in the United States, Canada,England, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands orHong Kong.Your careerGraduates may pursue careers in professionalconference organisation, business development,conference event or destination marketing, corporatemeeting planning, event and concert production,festival direction, event planning, and/or sponsorshipcoordination.SummaryLocationsDurationUAC code 334460QTAC code 054461Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14Gold Coast,Distance education3 years full-time, 6 years part-time

Melissa Garcia, StudentBachelor of Environmental Tourism Management, 2010I have worked in the industry in big hotels, studied at both a private college and anotheruniversity, travelled, and worked on big international conservation projects. I chosethis degree because I believe it will equip me with the knowledge to be able to helpcommunities develop sustainable, low impact tourism, helping them to thrive and surviveinto the future while preserving their natural resources and cultural heritage. It combineseverything I am passionate about – the environment, biology, ecology, marketing, tourismand business. For me, this is the only type of tourism that makes sense in the 21st Century.Bachelor of Environmental TourismManagementThis multi-disciplinary degree combines award-winningteaching in both tourism and environmental scienceto develop students’ interest in marine, forest andnatural resource management into a viable tourismbasedcareer, while developing an understanding of thesocial, cultural and environmental impacts of tourismdevelopment. Students who undertake the course bydistance education will be required to attend someon-campus residential schools.This course offers an optional international exchangeprogram for second year students to study in the UnitedStates, Canada, England, Germany, Austria,The Netherlands or Hong Kong.Your careerGraduates can pursue careers in nature-based andeco-tourism operations at attractions, hotels andresorts; environmental and visitor management withinfederal, state or local government; protected areamanagement agencies and national parks; policyand planning positions with government bodies andnon-government organisations (NGOs); as well ascommunity-based tourism organisations.SummaryLocations Lismore, Distance educationDuration 3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeUAC code 334400QTAC code 054401Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14Bachelor of Sport Tourism ManagementOffered jointly by <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s School ofTourism and Hospitality Management and the Schoolof Health and Human Sciences, this specialised courseis designed to put students on track to build a sporttourism management career anywhere in the world.This course offers an optional international exchangeprogram for second year students to study in the UnitedStates, England, The Netherlands, Canada, Austria,Hong Kong or Germany.Your careerGraduates can find careers in the management ofsport tourism events and attractions, sport festivals,sport conferences, leisure theme parks, sport tourismtours, sports adventure tourism, and sport tourismresorts and also within local, state and nationalgovernment sport and tourism departments.SummaryLocation LismoreDuration 3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeUAC code 335103QTAC code 055041Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14Bachelor of Business in HotelManagement(The Hotel School Sydney) Full fee coursewww.hotelschool.scu.edu.auThis degree, offered at The Hotel School Sydney,focuses on hotel operational skills, managementpractice in hospitality industries and the skills neededfor employment in a competitive, changing, globalbusiness environment. The Hotel School Sydney is apartnership between <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> andMulpha Australia, whose hotel portfolio includes theInterContinental Sydney, Hayman Island, SanctuaryCove, Hyatt at Sanctuary Cove, Hilton AirportMelbourne and Bimbadgen Estate in the Hunter Valley.With a paid internship in employer-reserved places asan attractive feature of the program, The Hotel SchoolSydney and InterContinental Sydney are positioned inthe heart of the central business district, with SydneyHarbour, the Opera House and the Botanical Gardenson their doorstep.Your careerGraduates of this full-fee course have built careers inhospitality and service management in Australia andoverseas. Graduates have achieved managementpositions in hotels and resorts, human resources,marketing, front office, food services, food andbeverage, events and conferences and generalmanagement.SummaryLocation Macquarie Street SydneyDuration 3 years full-time studyUAC code 354140QTAC code 054041Total units 242011 ATAR N/A #2011 OP N/A ## Please note that entry is restricted as all applicants mustattend a selection interview at The Hotel School Sydney.Applications for interview can be downloaded fromwww.hotelschool.scu.edu.auNB: Majors and units for degrees can differ by campus, and some are available exclusively by distance education.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au23

Melanie Balsom, Fundraising Coordinator/administrator Sydney Medical SchoolFoundation, Sydney <strong>University</strong>Bachelor of Arts, 2010<strong>Study</strong>ing at SCU has given me a belief in my own ability as well as the knowledge, skillsand most importantly, the confidence to know that I can research and write, tell a goodstory, develop characters and plot lines and finish a project. My job involves quite a lotof writing, like writing articles for newsletters that go out to donors, report writing, webdesign and content writing, and communications skills – all areas that my degree hashelped me develop. I am also currently writing a novel which I hope to get published.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.auHUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCESwww.scu.edu.au/socialscienceBachelor of ArtsThe Bachelor of Arts enables critical thinking,community engagement and creative practices.The course explores contemporary issues in cultureand society. It provides the scope to build strongintellectual capabilities and a broad knowledge ofthe liberal arts as well as depth through the study ofmajors.The course allows students to pursue majorspecialisations in the disciplines of writing, culturalstudies, history, and politics and society, with thefreedom to combine these majors with other areasoffered by the School or across the <strong>University</strong>, such assustainability or Indigenous studies.Graduates develop cultural awareness, intellectualrigour, critical thinking and communication skills in away that integrates creative practice and theory. This isultimately of benefit to the graduate’s future workplaceand lifelong learning, whether they choose to work inservice to the public, in education, as a writer, or tobuild their own career in another field.Majors are available both on campus and by distanceeducation or a combination of both.Majors available are*:Cultural Studies: enables students to connect theireveryday life, personal, community and vocationalinterests to the broader issues and challenges of the21st Century. It equips students with a highly prizedcombination of critical and creative thinking skills andabilities. Cultural studies offers an interdisciplinaryapproach to the study of culture, nature and societythrough textual analysis, cultural theory, media analysisand understanding how meaning is made through power,identity and place. Cultural studies empowers diversity,social inclusion, ethical and innovative scholarshipthat guides and informs how we live, work and learn.Students develop responsible scholarship practices thatare highly valued in both work and life.History: is a dialogue between the past and present.Historians explore the diversity of human experience todraw out patterns and ideas that help us understandthe world today. The focus of the major in history ison the knowledge and critical skills of the disciplinethat can be applied to the study of the past in all itsdimensions, including important professional skillssuch as communication, analysis, critical thinkingand interpretation. Students have the opportunity toundertake independent research projects relevant totheir own interests. The units provide the scope to workin education, exploring histories of place and culture.Through the study of cultural heritage and interpretation,students engage with contemporary issues and ways ofpresenting the past.Politics and Society: brings together two keystrands in the arts and humanities. The approach ismultidisciplinary – drawing on politics and sociology toconsider contemporary issues in society and provideinsights into events that influence the world in whichwe live. Staff have expertise in each of the disciplineareas and share a commitment to interpreting past andcontemporary society by using a range of theoretical andmethodological approaches.Writing: Pursue your passion for writing in a supportive,inter-disciplinary environment which promotes the typeof creative learning needed by cutting-edge writers.Acquire skills in a broad range of writing genres includingnovels, short stories, writing for performance, featureand investigative journalism and essay writing as well asediting and publishing.* Please note that some majors and units may not beavailable at each location. Unit availabilities are publishedfor each study period and vary from year to year. Pleasecontact the School for further information.Additional majors may also be selected from a widerange offered across the <strong>University</strong> including socialjustice, media studies, education, law and justice,psychology, art and design, organisational management,sustainability, Indigenous studies, and contemporarymusic.Students of the Bachelor of Arts may also exit theprogram with an Associate Degree of Creative Writing,following successful completion of 16 required units.Your careerDepending on choice of majors, graduates may findemployment in community relations, journalism,cultural policy, management and administration,education, publishing, public service, multimediadesign, creative and cultural industries, politics,social justice and human rights.SummaryLocationsLismore, Coffs Harbour,Distance education3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeDurationUAC codes CH - 333151, L - 333100QTAC codes CH - 053151, L - 053001Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 1424

Bachelor of Social ScienceThe Bachelor of Social Science builds capacity in problemsolving, communication, critical thinking and analysis.Depending on their area of study, it prepares students forprofessions involved in social change, social advocacy,community service, social welfare and government andnon-government policy development. The degree providesa range of options for combination study (e.g. social welfareand counselling), as well as electives and <strong>University</strong>-widemajors.Students who choose to specialise in counselling, communitystudies or social welfare have the opportunity to gain relevantwork experience by undertaking a field placement as part oftheir degree. This allows them to apply their knowledge in awork environment, build practical marketable employmentskills and develop contacts and networks that will assistthem throughout their career. These students are required toundergo a criminal record check.Majors available are:*Government and Policy Studies: provides an introduction tothe many social and political forces that affect how individualsfunction in society, and that influence policy development andgovernance. It addresses skills in communicating, writing,researching, analysis and critique that provide a solid foundationfor a range of career paths. These skills and perspectivesare essential to our roles as informed and active citizensand workers. This major is useful for those seeking work ingovernment at any level or in community or non-governmentalorganisations, or who are otherwise seeking to understand thebroad Australian social, political and policy landscape.Community Studies: is a people-focused major forthose interested in working in organisations and servicesas community development workers or in communitybasedwelfare or social planning. The major is also of useto enthusiastic activists and concerned citizens. Graduatesare suited to positions including adult education workers,community arts workers, environmental workers, family centrestaff, health education and promotion workers, housingdevelopment officers, sports development officers, youthworkers and managers. Field placements are also available tostudents who choose this major.Counselling: taken in conjunction with other majors counsellingis designed for people aiming for careers where the focus is onworking with individuals, families and communities. This may bewithin local and state government agencies, private industry ornon-government organisations.Social Welfare: students undertake practical field work aspart of their study to provide them with a range of marketableskills, which equip them to deal with real world problems.They develop an important network of contacts to assistthem throughout their careers. Students are well-preparedfor professions involved in social change, social advocacy,community service, social welfare and government and nongovernmentpolicy development.* Please note that some majors and units may not beavailable at each location. Unit availabilities are published foreach study period and vary from year to year. Please contactthe School for further information.Your careerThe wide choice of specialty areas offered by this courseprovides graduates with a range of career options includingwelfare officers, counsellors, community developmentworkers, policy makers and writers within governmentdepartments and agencies, and also the private sector.SummaryLocationsTweed Heads*, Lismore, Coffs Harbour,Distance education3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeDurationUAC codes TH - 331170, L - 331101, CH - 331151QTAC codes TH - 051701, L - 051011, CH - 051511Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14* SCU Riverside, Brett Street, Tweed Headsundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au25

undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au28Yantra de Vilder, CEO, Labyrinth Music StudiosWinner 2010 JD International Music Award for‘Best Instrumental’Bachelor of Contemporary MusicI came to <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> because I wanted to learnhow to orchestrate for orchestras in a more contemporaryway and to learn conducting. I also wanted to develop myskills in scoring music and notation.I was given many different opportunities, including conductingHandel’s Messiah for a massed choir of some 650 singers –an exhilarating and unforgettable experience and one of thehighlights of my life.I loved the environment and lived at Wategos Beach in ByronBay while I studied at the Lismore campus. I was able to workon a number of films during my studies and the friendshipsand collaborations I made are still an important part of my lifetoday.There was an amazing environment of creativity that waseverywhere … I studied and learnt from a fantastic bunchof people, some of whom I still work with today. There weresome really inspiring people who I really respected and whohad a lot of industry knowledge. It was a wonderful place tostudy.The good thing about going to <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> wasthat it taught me how to apply critical thinking. It taught mehow to discipline my mind and practice and to listen moredeeply and to analyse music – skills that I still find invaluablein my work today.

Bachelor of Contemporary MusicThe hands-on, practical yet creative Bachelor ofContemporary Music degree offers students learning in amusic industry environment and engages them from thestart of the course. They can specialise in performance,music industry, professional studies and/or musiceducation.The lecturers are all practising musicians and wellconnected in the industry. The creative vibe on campusdraws inspiration from the rich music scene of the NorthCoast of NSW, including annual events such as the EastCoast Blues and Roots Festival.Many students perform at North Coast entertainmentvenues, taking advantage of the vibrant and diverse musicenvironment. There are plenty of opportunities to givepublic performances both on and off campus and to joinwith others to form your own band.The <strong>University</strong> has secured a special grant from APRA –the Australasian Performing Rights Association which isthe peak body representing songwriters in Australia andAsia – to bring in a steady stream of outstanding talent tomentor and guide students through an annual series ofsongwriting workshops.Female students are well supported through the Womenin Music Program. The program gives students theopportunity to experience first-hand the diversity ofprofessional women working in the contemporary musicindustry, and to meet, be taught by, and network with,some leading female practitioners.Your careerGraduates work in the entertainment industryas performers, recording and masteringengineers, recording studio managers, andin other music-related businesses. When combinedwith the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) graduatescan also teach music at secondary level.SummaryLocation LismoreDuration 3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeUAC code 333101QTAC code 053011Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14Combined and double degrees +Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Education(Secondary)This four-year full-time combined degree at Lismoreprovides the opportunity for students to pursue theirinterest in creative arts while also studying for a secondaryteaching degree which is accredited by the NSWInstitute of Teachers and recognised further afield. Theeducation component includes a program of in-schoolteaching experiences to develop and demonstratestudents’ independent, professional teaching capabilities.Students can also elect to add English, modern historyor mathematics as an additional teaching subject andpotentially increase their employability in schools.Bachelor of Contemporary Music/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)This four-year full-time combined degree at Lismoreprovides the opportunity for students to pursue theirinterest in contemporary music while also studying for asecondary teaching degree which is accredited by theNSW Institute of Teachers and recognised further afield.The education component includes a program of in-schoolteaching experiences to develop and demonstratestudents’ independent, professional teaching capabilities.Students can also elect to add mathematics, English ormodern history as an additional teaching subject andpotentially increase their employability in schools.Bachelor of Contemporary Music,Bachelor of LawsThe law component of this five-year full-time doubledegree at Lismore meets the requirements to practiseas a solicitor or barrister in Australia. The double degreeprovides the opportunity to develop expertise in legalmanagement, which is highly relevant to the field ofentertainment law.A UAI/OP of 90/6 applies to this double degree. Applicants whodo not have the required entry mark are encouraged to apply forthe single, partner degree. If those students achieve the requiredgrade point average during that course, they may then apply fortransfer into the double degree with law.NB: Majors and units differ by campus and some are availableexclusively by distance education.+Course codes for all double degrees are available atwww.scu.edu.au/coursesundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au29

undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.auMatt Carothers, Year Three Teacher, Eaton House School, Belgravia, LondonBachelor of Education (Primary), 2004I honestly have an amazing job. I teach at an independent boys’ school with an international reputation,catering for students from kindergarten to Year Three. We have small, personalised classes – I only havenine boys in my class – and we take them through an advanced academic curriculum, which means we canaccelerate them ahead of the State system. We do loads of interesting extra-curricular activities and the staffare just brilliant...There is so much that was wonderful about my studies at SCU.Music, art and drama were areas in which I didn’t really have a huge amount of confidence, yet the degreeenabled me to really focus, research and get ideas about these subjects. Now I have developed a fabulousresource – my ‘music, art and drama folder’, which I use all the time.The other main area of great benefit was the breaking down of maths into small, bite-sized chunks, whichwas much easier to digest. Maths was always tough for me when I was a kid, probably because I was stuffingaround not paying attention, but at SCU it was broken apart and I really gleaned a good understanding of it.Brilliant! I am now a much better maths teacher because of it.The ‘Beyond the Line’ educational trip was another fabulous aspect of the course. It enabled a wonderfulinsight into teaching out West and really gave you a feel for being a teacher in a small school away from theglitz and glamour of the coast or big cities.Overall, I can honestly say that I not only enjoyed my studies enormously, but that they helped prepare me foran exciting career in teaching.30

EDUCATIONwww.scu.edu.au/educationBachelor of Education (Primary)This four-year course prepares students to work withprimary school children, aged from five to 12 years, andis recognised Australia-wide as well as in many othercountries. Graduates are highly regarded in the primaryteaching profession because of the quality of theirpreparation for professional practice.During the first year of the course, students are placedin schools to observe teaching and learning, culminatingin a block practicum. In-school experiences continuethroughout each year of the course.The course covers foundation studies in areas of teachingand learning, professional practice, program design,behaviour management, understanding children and youngpeople, special education, Aboriginal education, informationand communications technology, and curriculum studiesacross six key learning areas.Your careerGraduates find employment as a primary schoolteacher, after-school care coordinator, tutor,community/environment/outdoors educator, oreducation officer with various organisations includingthe armed services. Graduates may find employmentwithin Australia and overseas.SummaryLocations Tweed Heads*, Lismore, Coffs HarbourDuration 4 years full-time, 8 years part-timeUAC codes TH - 331160, L - 331100, CH - 331155QTAC codes TH - 051261, L - 051001, CH - 051251Total units 322011 ATAR 772011 OP 11* SCU Lakeside, Caloola Drive, Tweed HeadsBachelor of Education (Early Childhood)The Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) wasdeveloped in consultation with state and nationalaccrediting bodies. The course is distinctive in terms of itschild-centred philosophy and is supported by up-to-dateevidence on best practice in the early years, includingresearch being undertaken through the Centre for Childrenand Young People, which is co-located with the School ofEducation.The course focuses on understanding the education, careand development of children from birth to eight years,childhood studies, and curriculum studies. Students alsodevelop an understanding of children from eight to 12years. It also includes extensive professional experiencewithin early childhood and primary school settings.Your careerGraduates of this degree can pursue teachingopportunities in kindergartens and in the early years ofprimary school, pre-schools, childcare centres and otherearly childhood services.SummaryLocations Tweed Heads*, Lismore, Coffs HarbourDuration 4 years full-time, 8 years part-timeUAC codes TH - 331167, L - 331117, CH - 331157QTAC codes TH - 051761, L - 051711, CH - 051751Total units 322011 ATAR 682011 OP 14* SCU Lakeside, Caloola Drive, Tweed HeadsBachelor of Technology EducationThe Bachelor of Technology Education prepares studentsas secondary school teachers of design and technology,graphics and multimedia technology, industrial technology,food technology, textiles technology and computingstudies. It is a distance education course supportedby online learning, Elluminate sessions and podcasts.Where units contain a practical component, compulsoryworkshops of from two to five days duration are conductedin Coffs Harbour and, where numbers permit, also inSydney. The unique structure of the course also providesthe opportunity for students to qualify to teach vocationalcourses in schools. The course has a focus on creativityand innovation and a strong underpinning in social, culturaland environmental sustainability.The Bachelor of Technology Education is closely integratedwith vocational education courses. Some specialisationsincorporate a TAFE Certificate III with specificcompetencies. Students who already hold the appropriateTAFE qualification will receive advanced standing. Thedegree also provides the opportunity for students to qualifyto teach in-school vocational courses.Your careerGraduates find careers as secondary teachers ofdesign and technology, graphics technology, industrialtechnology, food technology, textiles technology, andcomputing studies. They are also in demand in theemerging technology areas of private enterprise andorganisations where innovation, technology skills andknowledge are highly desired.SummaryLocation Distance education *Duration 4 years full-time, 8 years part-timeTotal units 32* Some units require attendance at 2-5 day workshops at theCoffs Harbour campus or other NSW location.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au31

Shane Preston spent 10 weeks on the Pacific Island of Leleuivia as part of aninternship in the Bachelor of Marine Science and Management degreeMost of my work involved teaching volunteers on six-week conservationexpeditions about fish and other species identification, as well as survey methodsto show them how to collect and record information scientifically. We wererecording 67 types of fish as well as many coral and invertebrate species, so itwas pretty interesting as well as a beautiful place to go to work!A high amount of practical field work is included in the internship program andthere are many opportunities to volunteer on other SCU research projects. If I hadknown the course would be this good I would have done it years ago!Environmental, FOREST & MARINE SCIENCES & MANAGEMENTwww.scu.edu.au/enviroscienceBachelor of Marine Science andManagementThe Bachelor of Marine Science and Managementcombines marine science with contemporarymanagement concepts to equip graduates with theskill set sought by employers in this field.The course will develop practical field skills in a rangeof subtropical coastal and marine environments,including the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Furtherhighlights include the intensive marine mammalsand coral reef study units. The marine mammals unitexplores the biology and ecology of whales, dolphinsand other marine mammals and highlights the majorconservation and management issues that threatenthese extraordinary species. The coral reefs unitintegrates the material taught throughout the final yearand involves an extended field trip to coral reef sites inthe Great Barrier Reef.After completing two years of the course in Lismore,students attend intensive six-day teaching periods atthe National Marine Science Centre in Coffs Harbourto study specialist marine science units such asoceanic systems, global climate change, marinepollution and marine ecosystem management.Your careerGraduates are employed within the public andprivate environmental sectors as consultant marinepark planners, marine biologists and ecologists,marine reserve officers, project officers, technicalofficers, and state coordinators. Graduates alsohave opportunities to develop careers as marineresearchers by undertaking marine research forHonours and postgraduate research degrees.SummaryLocations Lismore, Distance education*Duration 3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeUAC code 334104QTAC code 054101Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14* Distance education students must attend thecompulsory residential units taught at the NationalMarine Science Centre, Coffs Harbour.Bachelor of Forest Science andManagementForest management is a science concerned with thenature of forest ecosystems and how they can bestbe managed – not only for timber but for biodiversityconservation, protection of catchments, storage ofcarbon and other essential functions.The Bachelor of Forest Science and Management isthe leading four-year forestry degree in Australia andwas designed in consultation with a range of forestrystakeholders to meet a shortage of degree-qualifiedforesters.Our forestry graduates develop many skills andunderstand the multi-faceted aspects of sustainableresource management. They also have the opportunityto specialise in small or large-scale plantations,restoration forestry, provision of environmentalservices, wood utilisation, forest inventory andplanning, or international forestry.The National Association of Forest Industries hasindicated that strong industry growth will continue toincrease demand for degree-qualified foresters. Theestate of plantations in Australia has doubled in sizein the last decade, to two million hectares. Nativeforests continue to be important sources of high-valuewood and require managers not only in public forestagencies but in national parks departments where thefocus is on fire management, weed and feral animalcontrol and a host of other important issues.Your careerForestry graduates are typically employed inthe following fields: field forestry in plantationestablishment and management, use of geographicinformation systems, natural resource managementand environmental planning, native forestmanagement, fire prevention and control, forestresource assessment, policy development, pestand disease management, agroforestry and farmforestry advisory services, forest growth modellingand yield prediction, international forestry focussedon developing countries, reserve management andforestry research.SummaryLocationsDurationUAC codesQTAC codesTotal units 322011 ATAR 682011 OP 14Lismore, Mt Gambier SouthAustralia (mixed mode)4 years full-time, 8 years part-timeL - 334102, Mt G - N/AL - 054021, Mt G - N/Aundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au33

Bachelor of Environmental ScienceThe Bachelor of Environmental Science aims toproduce graduates who can manage the environmentfor future generations and focuses on buildingscientific knowledge and practical skills in land,water, and flora and fauna conservation. Studentscan also elect to complete an internship working withgovernment and industry partners.Majors available are:Coastal Management: provides insights intoprocesses that affect our use of the coastal zone.Students explore the impact of climate change, landuse planning, protected area management, economicsand people in the coastal environment.Fisheries and Aquaculture Management:integrates fisheries biology, stock management, habitatprotection, and aquaculture studies with environmentalmanagement. Students focus on developing strategiesto maintain a sustainable fishery/aquacultureenterprise.Environmental Resource Management: preparesgraduates to work in areas such as protectedarea management, catchment management andenvironmental restoration. Students learn how toconduct wildlife surveys, conserve fauna and flora andrehabilitate degraded land for future generations.Your careerGraduates may gain employment in an everexpandingrange of areas including national parksand protected area management, environmentalprotection, environmental impact assessmentand monitoring, environmental education andinterpretation, sustainable forestry, fisheriesmanagement, aquaculture, ecotourism, and land/river/coast care programs. The private sector and alltiers of government employ increasing numbers ofour graduates as environmental managers.SummaryLocations Lismore, Distance educationDuration 3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeUAC code 334100QTAC code 054001Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14Combined and double degrees +Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education(Secondary)This four-year full-time combined degree offersstudents the opportunity to pursue a career as asecondary teacher of science (biology, chemistry,earth and environmental science). Students can alsoelect to add mathematics, geography, modern historyor English as an additional teaching subject therebypotentially increasing their employability in schools.Bachelor of Environmental Science, Bachelor ofLawsThis five-year full-time double degree offers graduatesthe opportunity to pursue a career as a solicitorand legal specialist in areas of law specific to theenvironment such as state and federal resourcemanagement, planning regulations and localgovernment. Graduates can also pursue career pathsmore specific to either discipline.+Students studying a double degree with law by distanceeducation must complete some compulsory on-campusworkshops. For details, contact the School of Law andJustice.Course codes for all double degrees are available atwww.scu.edu.au/coursesundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au35

NURSING, MIDWIFERY, CLINICAL SCIENCESwww.scu.edu.au/healthscienceundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.auBachelor of Nursing<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s nursing degree provides acombination of coursework and clinical experiences toprepare you for a career in the health sector. Clinicalexperience is gained at government and privatehospitals and health agencies.The degree provides the necessary qualification forgraduates to be eligible to become a Registered Nursewithin the Australian health sector.Nursing students undertake clinical placementsthroughout their course in settings relevant to theirareas of study, including in hospitals and healthagencies throughout New South Wales and southeastern Queensland.Clinical experience gained through these placementsprovides students with hands-on practical experiencein a variety of areas including in community health,surgical and medical wards, aged care, mental health,Indigenous health and child health.Your careerAs a Registered Nurse in a range of public andprivate health sectors including surgical theatres,paediatrics, community health and education,renal dialysis, as a practice nurse in GP clinics,child care, aged care, Indigenous health, remotearea health, and in mental health.SummaryLocationsDurationTweed Heads*, Lismore,Coffs Harbour3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeUAC codes TH - 335161, L - 335101,CH - 335151QTAC codes TH - 055161, L - 055011,CH - 055151Total units 242011 ATAR 682011 OP 14* SCU Lakeside, Caloola Drive, Tweed HeadsBachelor of MidwiferyThe Bachelor of Midwifery is specifically designed todevelop graduates for entry to professional midwiferypractice. The course prepares graduates with skills,knowledge and attitudes to provide high qualitywoman-centred care through safe and effectivemidwifery practice in accordance with the AustralianNursing and Midwifery Council National CompetencyStandards for the Midwife.Graduates will be equipped to apply sound evidencebasedreasoning skills to their midwifery practice;work in continuity-of-care models in partnership withwomen; and collaborate effectively in multidisciplinaryteams to promote effective outcomes. The degreeaims to produce graduates with the capability,confidence and flexibility to adapt to changes andcontribute to innovation in the midwifery professionand the health care system, focusing on women andtheir needs through a primary health approach.Students will be required to undertake supervisedplacements that will enable them to focus on womancentredcare and provide continuity of care withwomen across their pregnancies; attend antenatal andpostnatal assessments/visits with women; providedirect care to women during labour, assist womenduring birth; support women and their babies withdiverse needs across pregnancy, labour and birth, andthe postnatal period, and experience the full scope ofmidwifery practice.Your careerRegistered midwives may practise midwifery invarious capacities in public and private hospitaland community maternity and neonatal healthcare settings in urban, rural and remote areas, aspractising midwives, group practice midwives,clinical midwifery consultants, midwifery educators,midwifery unit managers, community midwives andresearchers.SummaryLocation Tweed Heads*Duration 3 years full-time # , 6 years part-timeUAC code 335171QTAC code 055171Total units 322011 ATAR 842011 OP 8* SCU Lakeside, Caloola Drive, Tweed Heads# Students will be required to study across all three sessions tocomplete the degree in the duration indicated.36

PSYCHOLOGYwww.scu.edu.au/psychologyBachelor of Psychological ScienceThe Bachelor of Psychological Science strikes abalance between research, theory and application toprovide relevant skills which are highly sought after byemployers in the public and private sectors. RelevantIndigenous material is integrated into the curriculum toensure graduates have a strong capacity for action ina regional and rural context.This degree provides the first three years (full-time orpart-time equivalent) of study and training required toprepare graduates for employment as psychologistsin professional practice and in research careers. Thecourse focuses on providing a thorough knowledgeof the theoretical basis of psychological scienceand prepares students to conduct an independentresearch project.Completion of the Bachelor of PsychologicalScience degree plus completion of the Bachelorof Psychological Science with Honours or thePost Graduate Diploma of Psychology, meets therequirements for conditional registration.The course aims to equip graduates with stronganalytical skills regarding human, organisational andcommunity-wide problems; competency in the designof research and interpretation of research findings; anda comprehensive understanding of statistical methods.Your careerGraduates of this course are highly suitablefor employment within various governmentdepartments, particularly those connected withhealth, social and disability services, youth service,corrective services, the armed services, researchagencies such as the CSIRO, and education. Privateindustry is also a large employer of psychologistsin management, human resources and specialisedconsultancy services.SummaryLocation Coffs HarbourDuration 3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeUAC code 335152QTAC code 055351Total units 242011 ATAR 732011 OP 12undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au38

Combined and double degrees +Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)This four-year (full-time or part-time equivalent) combineddegree provides the qualifications necessary to teachPDHPE (personal development, health and physicaleducation) in secondary schools.Graduates also work in a range of training anddevelopment settings in industry, and the public service.Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science,Bachelor of Laws^Students who undertake this double degree arecandidates for both degrees and are able to completethe two degrees with five years’ full-time study ratherthan the six normally required.Graduates of this double degree can pursue aninteresting range of career opportunities that combinetheir knowledge of these disciplines to work in lawrelatedareas of the sport and exercise scienceindustry. They can also pursue career paths specificto either discipline: that is, as barristers or solicitorsin the corporate, government or private sector; orin professional managerial, marketing, developmentor consultancy roles with government, amateur andprofessional sporting organisations.^Not available by distance education.+Course codes for all double degrees are available atwww.scu.edu.au/coursesDiploma of Sport Management(Surfing Studies)The Diploma of Sport Management (Surfing Studies)was developed in response to industry demand andin conjunction with Surfing Australia to provide theknowledge and skills required of employees andmanagers in the ever-expanding global surf industry.Graduates are academically qualified specialists in theAustralian and international surfing industry and thiscourse provides a business management qualificationwith excellent employment outcomes.The curriculum provides a balance of sportmanagement theory and the study of surf culture(surfing studies), practical components for personaldevelopment and involves work experience in theindustry.The Diploma of Sport Management (Surfing Studies)also provides a pathway to the Bachelor of Sport andExercise Science.Students can complete 150 hours of industryplacement for practical work experience tocomplement their studies.Your careerGraduates are employed in the management andmarketing of surf manufacturing, wholesale and retailoperations, surf tourism, surf journalism and in theorganisation of surf events and surf schools.SummaryLocations Tweed Heads * , Distance educationDuration 1 year full-time, 2 years part-timeUAC code 335061QTAC code 055061Total units 82011 ATAR 682011 OP 14* SCU Riverside, Brett Street, Tweed Headsundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au40Will Markwick, Head Performance Coach, Acceleration Gold Coast,Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Gold Coast Blaze, AssistantStrength and Conditioning Coach, Gold Coast UnitedBachelor of Human Movement Science, 2006There is no way in the world that I would be where I am today withoutthe level of education and practical experience SCU provided. Thecourse prepared me 100 per cent for the workplace and got me a jobbefore I even graduated.Now I am in a fantastic career. I love my job. I train athletes in all sortsof different environments, both one-on-one and in group and teamsettings, helping them to develop their full potential and reach theirmaximum performance capacity.

Melanie Blackhall, StudentBachelor of Indigenous Studies, 2010No-one in my immediate family had ever been to university and it never crossed my mind thatI could do it. The first day I set foot on the campus was just amazing. I really couldn’t believethat I was at university.Now I am getting lots of support from the amazing staff at Gnibi with things like essaystructure, writing, and research skills as well as personal support. I consider them friends. Itis a beautiful learning environment. I am amazed at how far I have come. It is all interestingand engaging and I am enjoying every minute of it.INDIGENOUS STUDIESwww.scu.edu.au/gnibiBachelor of Indigenous StudiesThe Bachelor of Indigenous Studies is open to allAustralians along with international applicants. Thecourse has been specifically designed to communicateand generate a better understanding of Indigenousworld views by exploring past and present histories in aculturally diverse and supportive environment.The degree increases awareness of Aboriginal andother Indigenous peoples’ histories, ways of living,and social commitments while raising understandingbetween people of all matters relevant for a shared andvalued future. It prepares graduates for all workplacesbut particularly areas which are highly serviced byIndigenous people, communities and organisations.Your careerGraduates can pursue a range of careers in areaswhere an understanding of Indigenous issues isrequired. Depending on the units completed inthe degree, graduates may be suited to positionsin project management or administration withIndigenous organisations or in private or publicsector areas such as health services, education andtraining, paralegal and social work, environmentalmanagement, humanities and the arts.SummaryLocations Lismore, Distance educationDuration 3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeTotal units 24Bachelor of Trauma and HealingThis course meets the need within Indigenouscommunities for a healing and recovery response tothe individual, family and community pain, that manypeople carry as part of their life experiences – which wasacknowledged in the 2008 historic apology by the thenAustralian Prime Minister, The Hon Kevin Rudd MP.This degree responds to the documented demandwithin both Indigenous and non-Indigenouscommunities regionally, nationally and internationally,for higher education curriculum which addresses theeffects of trauma and which facilitates skills for healingand recovery.Your careerGraduates will be skilled to work in a diverse range ofcommunity-based and government organisations inareas linked to trauma and healing work and wherean understanding of Indigenous and humanitarianissues is required. Depending on the units completedin the degree, employment options include crossculturalsocial work, health, community services,international aid work, or working with IndigenousAustralian communities and peoples.SummaryLocations LismoreDuration 3 years full-time, 6 years part-timeTotal units 24Double degrees +Bachelor of Indigenous Studies, Bachelor of LawsThis five year, full-time, double degree, delivered oncampus at Lismore or by distance education, providesthe opportunity for graduates to pursue a career as asolicitor or legal specialist in areas of law which particularlyaffect the rights of Australian Indigenous peoples.Diploma of Community RecoveryThe Diploma of Community Recovery has beendeveloped for both Indigenous and non-Indigenouspeople to enhance their ability to work ‘on the ground’in communities in need of services in counselling,trauma and violence recovery.The focus of the course is to provide studentswith practical skills to work as community workers,counsellors, community project workers, or managersin a culturally safe and secure way. It aims to enhancethe development of Indigenous peoples through theirown self determination – working with heart and handtogether – and to help break the cycles of dysfunctionand trauma which many Indigenous people suffer.The course is designed to have students accept andexpand on their own lived experiences and acquiredknowledge and wisdom, before moving to expand anddeepen their understanding of communal contextslinked to situations of other human groups.Your careerGraduates will develop the skills and knowledgerequired to work across a wide range of sectorsincluding health services, education and training,social welfare, environmental management,community development, humanities and the arts.Graduates may seek employment as field officers inrural and remote areas of Australia; as advisors withinthe public sector; or internationally, working withIndigenous people throughout the world.SummaryLocation Distance education*Duration 1 year full-time, 2 years part-timeTotal units 8* All units are taught by distance education and havecompulsory intensive residential block workshops in Lismore.+Course codes for all double degrees are available at www.scu.edu.au/coursesundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au41

Pathways into <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>There are many pathways to gain entry to <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> andwe want to help you learn about them all.You can contact us at:www.scu.edu.au/howtoapplyt: 1800 626 481e: enquiry@scu.edu.auSTAREntrySchemeATAR/OPPriorEducationTAFEPathwaysGetting into<strong>Southern</strong><strong>Cross</strong><strong>University</strong>STATTestundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.auPreparingforSuccessPersonalCompetencyStatementWorkExperience42

Preparing for SuccessThe Preparing for Success Program is available at everyteaching session, free of course fees, to people who have apassion for learning and who may not meet the formal entryrequirements for enrolment in a degree.The program is an enabling course, helping students to developthe academic skills needed for success at <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong><strong>University</strong>. Successful completion of the course may offer apathway to one of our degrees.Core academic skills are the focus of the 12-week full-timeprogram, with study skills tailored for degrees in specificdisciplines. Preparing for Success is available at Lismore, CoffsHarbour and Tweed Heads or by distance education and canbe done part-time if preferred.Learn more about this program atwww.scu.edu.au/preparingforsuccessor email: successprogram@scu.edu.auTAFECongratulations! If you have completed study at TAFE you arewell on your way to your <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> degree.Depending on the TAFE course you’ve completed, you may beable to use it to gain entry into your university studies and gainadvanced standing (credit) towards your degree.If you are a graduate from North Coast TAFE (NCT) or the GoldCoast Institute of TAFE, with a Diploma or Advanced Diploma,you will be granted a minimum ATAR equivalent rank for entryinto <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>:- Diploma (ATAR Rank 86.10) and- Advanced Diploma (ATAR Rank 92.65).If you have completed any TAFE studies (or even just someTAFE units), at Certificate Level III or higher, you also mayreceive advanced standing for those studies. This may enableyou to complete your university degree in a shorter time than isusually the case.ATAR/OPATAR – stands for Australian Tertiary Admission Rank. It is ameasure from 0 to 99.95 of academic achievement in the HSCthat assists universities in NSW and the ACT to rank applicantsfor selection to their degrees. The Queensland equivalent iscalled the Overall Position (OP).OP stands for Overall Position – it is a number from 1 to 25and is a measure of academic achievement in the QueenslandSenior Certificate. It assists universities to rank Queenslandapplicants for selection to their degrees.Other criteria such as a portfolio, interview, audition, orquestionnaire may also be taken into account in conjunctionwith the ATAR/OP for certain courses.If you are a current school leaver from within the <strong>University</strong>’sfeeder region (see Star Entry Scheme below) you are alsoeligible for bonus ATAR/OP points. You will automatically begranted five bonus points to your ATAR score, or two bands toyour OP, for entry.Visit UAC: www.uac.edu.auVisit QTAC: www.qtac.edu.auIf you feel you have been educationally or sociallydisadvantaged during your school studies (because of eventsor circumstance beyond your control that have impacted onyour ability to study successfully), you may request specialconsideration of these circumstances when applying to study at<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>.You may be eligible for the special education access schemesoffered by the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) or theQueensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC).www.uac.edu.au/undergraduate/easwww.qtac.edu.au/InfoSheets/SpecialConsiderationStar Entry SchemeThe STAR Entry Scheme is designed to provide high schoolstudents in the <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> feeder region theopportunity to gain admission to the <strong>University</strong> on the basis oftheir principal’s recommendation.STAR early offers are made from October so it is possible fora successful STAR applicant to have a university offer in theirhands before their year 12 results are known.You are eligible to apply if you are a year 12 student from withinthe SCU feeder region, which is the area bordered in the southby the NSW Central Coast, west to the NSW/SA border, northto the Darling Downs, Queensland and east to include theGreater Gold Coast.Offers for the STAR Entry Scheme are made via the UAC orQTAC preference system.How to apply1. Complete the application form sent to eligible schoolsin Term 3 and return to your careers advisor/guidancecounsellor.2. Lodge your UAC or QTAC preference for this course by30 September.3. Your principal or careers advisor/guidance counsellor willcomplete and return your STAR Entry Scheme applicationform to <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au43

Miscellaneous (non-award)studyAnother way to obtain a selection rankis to study three or more miscellaneousunits through <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>.In this way you can gain experiencestudying at university level.Depending on the units you studied,you may gain advanced standing if youdecide to enrol in a degree course.Credit for previous learningIf you have completed previouspost-secondary study (includingTAFE courses), or you have relevantprofessional experience or demonstrableexpertise, this experience might becredited toward your university degree.It’s called advanced standing, and ifyou apply for it successfully, it maydecrease the number of units you needto study and shorten the time it wouldotherwise take to complete your degreeat <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>.How to apply foradvanced standingTo apply for advanced standing youwill need to complete the AdvancedStanding Application form which can bedownloaded fromwww.scu.edu.au/howtoapplyor pick up a form at any <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong><strong>University</strong> campus.Tip: Apply for advanced standingwhen, or as soon as possibleafter you apply, because if you’resuccessful, it will have an effect onthe units you choose to study withinyour degree.How your rank will be calculatedThe following table is a guide to the rankyou’ll receive if you hold any of thesequalifications.Further details are available atwww.scu.edu.au/howtoapplyQualificationRankAQF Certificate IV – incomplete 67AQF Certificate IV – complete 69AQF Diploma – incomplete 73AQF Diploma – complete 79AQF Advanced Diploma – incomplete 75AQF Advanced Diploma – complete 80Associate Degree – incomplete 77Associate Degree – complete 83Bachelors Degree – incomplete (3 units) 77Bachelors Degree – incomplete (4-7 units) 80Bachelors Degree – incomplete (8-15 units) 83Bachelors Degree – incomplete (16+ units) 84Bachelors Degree – complete 85This table is to be used as a guide onlyas assessment tables can change.<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> can onlyassess incomplete qualifications if aminimum of three units have beenpassed, and you have studied for sixmonths full-time (or equivalent) or more.All minimum ranks are based on apassing grade point average.If you have received grades higher orlower than a pass your rank will differ.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au45

MySCU is a web-based portal to allthe online resources which you canaccess including:- Learning resources and facilitiesassociated with the units youare studying, including lecturerannouncements- The library and its electronic databasesand catalogues- Student administration- Timetables for lectures and exams- Access to your grades each teachingsession- A personal calendar and address bookto help you stay organised- The latest <strong>University</strong> news and eventshappening around the campuses andbeyond- Student classifieds- Software and software updates.Internet accessAs a <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> studentyou can use the on-campus computerlabs, which will provide you with fastinternet access or use the wirelessnetwork with your own laptop.IT supportSupport is offered across all campusesfor our students via the IT Call Centres. Acomprehensive range of frequently askedquestions (FAQs) is also kept up-to-dateon the website.www.scu.edu.au/scuconnectStudent computer labsOur general purpose computing labs arewell equipped and available to studentson each of the <strong>University</strong> campuses.Support staff provide assistance with theuse of technology in the computing labsand orientation is available for studentsat the beginning of each teachingsession. Wireless access points are alsostrategically placed around each of ourcampuses enabling connection to theinternet and web services with your ownlaptop.Audio visual and multimedia servicesA variety of services are available fromthe multimedia centre located on Lismorecampus including:- Video/audio editing- Duplication service- All format conversion – video systemconversion- Specialised multimedia productionsupport.Careers and employment services<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> provideshelpful vocational counselling forstudents. The careers advisor can helpwith careers counselling, information andresources, graduate recruitment, courseadvice, prospective student information,advice about returning to study andcareers workshops. Casual work andgraduate employment is advertised onCareerHub, a web-based portal thatprovides an electronic communicationhub between students, recent graduates,the <strong>University</strong>’s career service, andprospective employers.www.scu.edu.au/services/oasisIndigenous student supportIndigenous Australian students aresupported by Gnibi College of IndigenousAustralian Peoples. Support caninclude Indigenous tutorial assistance, acomputer lab for Indigenous students,and a gathering space where studentscan get together and study, relax andmeet friends. Indigenous applicants whodo not meet the usual entry requirementsare invited to attend a testing andassessment program at <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong><strong>University</strong> which is usually held in Januaryeach year.www.scu.edu.au/gnibiStudents with disabilityStudents with disability have access to arange of support services to assist themin their studies, and may have specialarrangements made to enable them tostudy successfully. For eligible students,these services include:- Note taking assistance in class oraccess to digital note takers- Access to alternative format material(e.g. for students who are blind orhave low vision)- AUSLAN or signed English interpretersfor hearing impaired students (pleasenote that limited interpreting servicesare available)- Access to specialised software andcomputers (at certain locations)- Assistance of a reader or scribe,and/or provision of extra time in anexamination- Access to a computer in anexamination (at certain locations)- Access to an electric scooter(at certain locations)- A personal counselling serviceSupport services will be negotiatedon a case-by-case basis, taking intoconsideration the functional implicationsof the individual disability and the inherentrequirements of the course of studybeing undertaken.If you have a disability and think you mayrequire access to support services, youare encouraged to make contact with the<strong>University</strong> as soon as possible.Some disability support is able to beco-ordinated quickly, however somesupport services may take time toarrange. Making early contact will ensureappropriate support services are in placefor the commencement of your studies.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au47

Student lifestyle<strong>University</strong> life is not only about growing in your knowledge,skills, and maturity to find your niche in the world – it is alsoabout having fun and making friendships to last a lifetime.At <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> you can look forward to awonderful experience in a truly unique part of Australia.Each campus is close to some of the best surfing beachesand marine environments in the nation and to World Heritagerainforest areas and national parks – perfect for greatbushwalking and camping experiences.The region is home to a growing creative population, producinginternationally-acclaimed music, film, literary and communityfestivals, art exhibitions and regular cultural events.There is always plenty of action with a lively weekendentertainment, sport and market scene too.On-campus activities provide loads of diversity and fun, and theopportunity to meet new friends. There are all kinds of clubsand societies you can join where you can meet other studentswho share similar interests. These include sporting groups,social clubs, film and environmental groups.The Office of Sport & Cultural Activities (OSCA) works closelywith our student associations to build a vibrant campuscommunity adding to the student experience. It organiseslots of <strong>University</strong>-wide events like orientation, SCU RaceDay, the National Campus Film Fest, National Campus BandCompetition, SCU Snow Trip and the OSCA Awards.For more information:www.scu.edu.au/oscaundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au49

Accommodationwww.scu.edu.au/accommodationoff-campusA year-round service is available at the <strong>University</strong>’s campuses to help students find private rental and other off-campus accommodationat the Gold Coast, Tweed Heads, Lismore and Coffs Harbour.www.scu.edu.au/accommodationon-campusA range of on-campus accommodation options are available at the Lismore and Coffs Harbour campuses. Apartments are fullyfurnished and have their own kitchen, lounge, dining area and bathroom. All campus accommodation is managed by studentaccommodation specialists, Campus Living Villages, in partnership with <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>. There are no on-campusaccommodation facilities at the Gold Coast or Tweed Heads.www.scuvillage.com.auSCU VillageCoffs Harbour and LismoreAt SCU Village, the focus is on the studentexperience. Both campuses offer anextensive ‘Live, Learn, Grow’ residentlife program, designed to support social,academic and personal development. Fromsocial events and sporting competitions, tocooking classes and study support, SCUVillage provides the complete living andlearning experience.Dedicated resident assistant teams at eachlocation are available to provide assistanceand help students settle into their newcommunity.LismoreSCU Village at Lismore offers a choice oftwo-to-six-bedroom apartments at threelocations, called Orion, Sirius and Magellancolleges. All colleges are convenientlylocated within walking distance from themain campus. Facilities vary, dependingon location, but may include in-roominternet access and/or a well-equippedstudy centre, swimming pool, recreationroom and laundry. In 2011, an extensiverefurbishment project added new BBQareas at all colleges, along with revampedapartments and bathrooms at SiriusCollege and new security features at OrionCollege.Coffs HarbourSCU Village at Coffs Harbour providesmodern, four-bedroom apartments anda recreation lounge located a short walkfrom any part of the campus. With just 96residents, the Coffs SCU Village offers aninclusive and friendly community.For more information regarding on-campusaccommodation at Lismore and CoffsHarbour, visit www.scuvillage.com.auor phone 02 6621 2343.Image courtesy of SCU Village student accommodationundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au50

Image courtesy of SCU Village student accommodationTransportCoffs Harbour:Private operators provide regular busservices for Coffs Harbour studentsbetween the campus and the local centralbusiness district.Lismore:Regular services are provided by privatebus operators and run between the city’scentral business district and Lismorecampus.Gold Coast & TWEED HEADS:Regular services are provided by privateoperators between commercial andresidential areas of the Gold Coast andTweed Heads.All campuses are serviced by airports withlinks to Australian capital cities.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au51

Costswww.scu.edu.au/feesundergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au52How much will university cost?It’s difficult to estimate the individual costsof attending university as much dependson your program of study, but thefollowing information has been compiledto assist you with your own calculations.<strong>Study</strong> costsCommonwealth Supported Places(CSP)The federal government providesCommonwealth support to mostAustralian citizens, permanent residentsand New Zealand citizens enrolled inundergraduate and some postgraduatedegrees. For each unit a Commonwealthsupported student undertakes towardtheir degree, the federal government payspart of the cost and the student pays therest (see HECS-HELP below).The amount students pay (calledthe student contribution amount) isdetermined by the units of study selectedby the student. This will vary accordingto the ‘band’ the federal government hasnominated for particular units.The following table provides a generalguide to the student contribution amountper unit for students who commencedstudy at <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> in2011.BandsNationalPriorityProgramsMathematics,Statistics, Science1 Education, Nursing,Humanities,BehaviouralScience, SocialStudies, ClinicalPsychology, ForeignLanguages, Visualand Performing Arts2 Computing, OtherHealth, AlliedHealthSTUDENTCONTRIBUTIONAmount Per Unit*$ 544.00$ 680.00$ 969.003 Law, Accounting, $1,135.00Administration,Economics,Commerce* Amounts are rounded to the nearest dollarHECS-HELPNew students eligible for federalgovernment support are required tocomplete a HECS-HELP form, whichis available under My eCAF on theMyEnrolment section of the <strong>Southern</strong><strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> website:www.scu.edu.au/myenrolmentStudents who are ‘Commonwealthsupported’ can either defer or pay forall or part of their student contribution ifeligible under that scheme. If you pay bythe census date, a 20 per cent discountwill apply for payments of $500 or more.After the census date, any record ofunpaid student contribution is sent tothe Australian Tax Office. Graduatesand continuing students will be requiredto pay this deferred debt once theirincome is above the nominated minimumthreshold. Currently, this threshold is$44,911 per annum (2010-2011).You can find out exactly which band(s)your units of study belong to by visitingwww.scu.edu.au/feesFor further information on CommonwealthSupported places go towww.goingtouni.gov.auNon-Commonwealth Supported feeinformation is available atwww.scu.edu.au/feesLiving expensesMake a list of all the things you thinkyou might need to bring to <strong>University</strong>.Discuss items on this list with family orfriends who are already attending Uni.For example, if living in on-campusaccommodation you will need to bring:• Cooking and eating utensils• Sheets, towels, pillows, bedding• Stationery (pads, pens, folders).You will not need to provide yourown furniture and appliances, as allapartments come fully furnished. Utilitiesare charged at a flat rate so you don’thave to deal with any unexpected billsthroughout the year.If you are living off-campus, make sureyou are aware of all the costs associatedwith your accommodation includingweekly rent, any bond payable, yourshare of the telephone/electricity/gas/internet fees, your transport costs to getto Uni etc. You may need to bring or buyfurniture and appliances such as a bed,desk, jug, toaster etc.Write these costs down and put theminto your budget. Don’t forget to calculatethe cost of buying your food and anallowance for things like personal itemsand clothing.<strong>Study</strong> costs could also include computerequipment and software, text books,stationery, field trips, uniforms or othercourse-specific expenses such as artmaterials, musical equipment or travelfor practicums/internships/industryexperience.There may also be unavoidable costsassociated with your particular area ofstudy. Individual course coordinators canprovide further information relating tocosts associated with your chosen courseas expenses vary from course to course.Other expenses might include those costsyou can do without, if you have to, suchas money for your social, cultural andsporting life – but if you do, you will missout on an important and integral part ofbeing a university student. The skill is inbudgeting wisely to maintain a balancedand healthy student lifestyle.Remember to retain all receipts of theitems you purchase for your records ortaxation purposes.Student discountsMany local businesses give generousdiscounts to <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>students and these all help to reduce yourliving costs.Student loans schemeIf you get into difficulties with your studycosts, SCU will also consider helping youwith a small loan.Voluntary student unionismYou may choose to pay fees to thestudent association at your campus.Information about their services andmembership fees are available from thosebodies.

Postgraduate study optionsIn addition to the undergraduate degrees listedin this publication, <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong>offers a range of postgraduate degrees.Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas,Masters degrees, and/or professionaldoctorates (PhD) are available in thefollowing areas:AccountingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Administration (Advanced)Business Administration in Hotel and TourismManagementChildhood and Youth StudiesClinical Exercise PhysiologyClinical ScienceClinical Science (Breast Cancer Nursing)Clinical Science (Cardiac Nursing)Clinical Science (Cardiothoracic Nursing)Clinical Science (Clinical Management)Clinical Science (Complementary Medicine)Clinical Science (Drug and Alcohol Studies)Clinical Science (Emergency Nursing)Clinical Science (Healthy Ageing andAged Care)Clinical Science (Intensive Care Nursing)Clinical Science (Lifestyle Medicine)Clinical Science (Mental Health Nursing)Clinical Science (Neuroscience Nursing)Clinical Science (Perioperative Nursing)Clinical Science (Perioperative Nursing/Surgeon’s Assistant)Community Development (EmergencyManagement)Convention and Event ManagementEducationEnvironmental ScienceForest Science and ManagementHigher Education (Learning and Teaching)Human Resources and OrganisationalDevelopmentIndigenous PhilosophiesIndigenous StudiesInformation TechnologyInternational BusinessInternational Sport ManagementInternational Tourism and Hotel ManagementLawManagementMarine Science and ManagementOsteopathic MedicineProfessional AccountingPsychologyPublic HealthPublic Health LeadershipRecruitment, Placement and CareerDevelopmentResearch ManagementSupply Chain ManagementTechnology and ManagementVocational Education and TrainingWorking with Indigenous Communities.www.scu.edu.au/coursesResearch<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> <strong>University</strong> offers PhDand Masters by Research programs.The <strong>University</strong> enjoys an internationallyrecognised research profile with specialisedexpertise in a number of areas, including thefollowing dedicated research centres andclusters:Special Research Centres• <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> GeoScience• <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> Plant ScienceResearch Centres• Research Centre for Tourism, Leisure andWork• Research Centre for Gambling, Educationand Research• Research Centre for Children and YoungPeople• Marine Ecology Research Centre• Environmental Innovations ResearchCentre• Centre for Coastal BiogeochemistryResearchResearch Clusters• Cognitive Neuroscience• Enterprise and RegionalDevelopment• Health and Wellbeing• Health eRegions (research arm ofRegional Futures Institute)• Higher Education Policy andPracticeOther research areas include:• Arts and Social Sciences• Business and Business Management• Change Innovation and OrganisationalDevelopment• Indigenous Studies.undergraduate degrees <strong>2012</strong> www.scu.edu.au53

Gold Coast &Tweed HeadsLismore Coffs Harbour SydneyDistance fromBrisbane1.10 hrs drive #(102 km)2.30 hrs drive(200 km)4.40 hrs drive(400 km)10.50 hrs drive(930 km)Distance fromSydney9.45 hrs drive(830 km)8.40 hrs drive(736 km)6.10 hrs drive(532 km)-Transport availableInternational air,rail and coachservices;local bus servicesInterstate air,rail and coachservices;local bus servicesInterstate air,rail and coachservices;local bus servicesFull services#All distances & times approximate

<strong>2012</strong>studyoptionsAll admission enquiriesTelephone: 1800 626 481Email: enquiry@scu.edu.auwww.scu.edu.au/howtoapplyGold Coast campus<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Cross</strong> DriveBilinga Qld 4225Tweed Heads – LakesideCaloola DriveTweed HeadsTweed Heads – RiversideBrett StreetTweed HeadsLismore campusMilitary Road,East Lismore NSW 2480Coffs Harbour campusHogbin Drive,Coffs Harbour NSW 2450campustourscampustours@scu.edu.auBook a personalised campus tour and learnabout life on campus from other studentsand have a chat to our course advisors.School visits can also be arranged.For a campus tour freecall 1800 626 481.www.twitter.com/scuonlineCheck us out on Facebook!www.facebook.com.au/southerncrossuniversityPaper used derived from sustainable forestry product. ISO 14001SCU3734

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