Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Shivaji University, Kolhapur Shivaji University, Kolhapur
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M. A. I & II (English) Pg No.6Paper VI : Critical TheoriesGeneral Topics :i) Psychological and Archetypal Criticism,ii) Structural and Post-structural Criticism,iii) Feminist Criticism,iv) Marxist Criticism,Texts Prescribed :i). Bharatmuni: “The Distinction between Sentiment and Emotional Fervour” (Chapter 6from The Natyashastra, Bharatmuni, Sri Satguru Publications )ii) Jung - ‘Psychology and Literature’iii) Frye - ‘The Archetypes of Literature’v) Genette - ‘Structuralism and Literary Criticism’vi) Derrida - ‘Structure, Sign and play in the discourse of human sciences”vii) Eagleton - ‘Capitalism, modernism and postmodernism’viii) Juliet Mitchell- ‘Feminity, Narrative and Psychoanalysis’viiii) Foucoult - ‘What is an Author’?Note:1. Essays (ii) and (iii) from David Lodge- Twentieth Century Literary Criticism,Longman.2. Essays (iv) to(viii) from David Lodge- Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader,Longman, 1988Books for Reference:1. Selden, R.: A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory.2. Eagleton, Terry: Marxism and Literary Criticism.3. Craig, David ( ed.): Marxists on Literature, ( Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1975.)4. Harold Bloom et. al.: Deconstruction and Criticism. ( Routlege Kegan Paul, 1979)5. Young, Robert ( Ed ): Untying the Test : A Post –Structuralist Reader.6. Showalter, Elaine: Literature of Their Own : British Novelists from Bronte toLessing. (Princeton <strong>University</strong> Press , 1977. )7. Buttler, Christopher :Interpretation, Deconstruction and Ideology.8. Sarup, M. : An Introductory Guide to Post –Structuralism.9. Selden, R. : Practicing Theory and Reading Literature: An Introduction.10. Mills, S. : Feminist Readings<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>6

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No.7Group 1: Elective Paper IV - LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsA) Applied Linguistics: Nature, Scope and different branches.B) Approaches to the study of language :1. Traditional Approach2. Structural Approach3. Transformational - Generative Approach4. Systemic and Functional ApproachC) Theories of L 1 Acquisition and L 2 Learning :1. Behaviourist Theories : Pavlov and Skinner2. Cognitive theories : Gestalt, Chomsky, Lenneberg, Piaget3. Interlanguage theory4. Error Analysis and Contrastive AnalysisD) 1. Processes of L 1 and L 2 Development2. Language Learning StrategiesE) Discourse AnalysisBooks for Reference :1. Frank Palmer, Grammar, Penguin, 1971.2. Crystal David, Linguistics, Pelican, 1971.3. Lyons J., Chomsky, Fontana, 19704. Corder S. P., Introducing Applied Linguistics, Penguin, 19735. Richards J.(ed.), Error Analysis, Longman, 19746. Kress Gunther, Halliday : Structure and Function in Languages, Oxford, 19857. S. Pit Corder, Error Analysis and Interlanguage, Macmillan, 1986.8. Fergusson, Dan, Psycholinguistics.9. Coulthard Malcolm, An Introduction to Discourse Analysis. Longman, 1977. (Ch. 2,3 & 8.)10. James, Carl, Contrastive Analysis. Longman, 1980. (Ch. 1& 3.)11. Lado, Linguistics across Cultures . Michigan, 1957.12. McLaughlin – Theories Second Language Learning. London: Edward Arnold, 1987.13. Rod Ellis, Understanding Second Language Acquisition.14. Backman, L. F., Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing, Oxford: OUP,1988. .<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>7

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No.8Theory :Paper VII: English Language and Literature TeachingA. Theory: 80 MarksB. Practical: Peer teaching: 20 MarksGeneral Topics :History and Development of English Language and Literature Teaching in India.Approaches to Syllabus Designing and Materials Production:a) Traditionalb) Structuralc) Notional, Functionald) Communicative3. Methods of Language and Literature Teaching (Vocabulary, Grammar and LanguageSkills):a. Traditionalb. Structuralc. Communicatived. Eclectic Approach and Beyond Methods Approach4. Testing and Evaluationa) Learners' EvaluationTest: Criteria of a Good TestTypes of TestsSignificance of Learners' Evaluationb) Course EvaluationEvaluation of the objectives of the Course, its materials, methods, testing materialPractical: Peer Teaching:a) Teaching of Literatureb) Teaching of Language SkillsBooks for Reference:1 Gokak, V. K: English in India, its Present and Future, 1966.2 Yardi,V. V. : Teaching English in India Today, Parimal Prakashan.3 Allen, H. B. & Campbell R. N.: Readings in Teaching English as a SecondLanguage, McCraw.4 Bright, J. A. & McGregor: Teaching English as Second Language, Longman,1970.5 Fry, Edward: Teaching Faster Reading, 1986.6 Grellet, Francoise: Developing Reading Skills, OUP, 1981.7 Howatt, APR: A History of English Language Teaching, OUP, 1984.8 Brumfit, C. J. (ed.): Teaching Literature Overseas : Language Based ApproachesE.L.T. Documents, 1985.9 Brumfit, C. J. & R. A. Carter: Literature and Language Teaching, 1985.<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>8

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No.910 Hams, David : Testing English as a Second Language.11 Modern Techniques of Testing Language and Literature, Course Materials(E.L.T. Centre, <strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>).12 Prabhu N.S. : Second Language Pedagogy, OUP, 1897.13 Widdowson H.G. : Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, 1975.14 Indian Ministry of Education Study Group Reports , 1965, 1967.15 New Education Policy Govt. of India, 1987.16 Brumfit C.J. & K Johnson (ed.): The Communicative Approach to LanguageTeaching, OUP, 1979.17 Allen JPB and S. Pit Corder (ed.): The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics,Vols. II, III .18 Mackey F.: Language Teaching Analysis, Longman, 1965.19 Allen J.B.P. and Alan Davies: The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics, Vol.IV.20 Stern H. H. : Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching, OUP.Paper VIII: StylisticsObjective: The Course is designed to provide an introduction to the study ofstylistics and it does not presume to survey the entire field. It is practical since, it deals withthe study of the lexical, syntactic, and other relevant linguistic features of a literary text.I )Topics Prescribed:1. The concept of style: Traditional and Modern2. Everyday Language and Language of Literature: Contributions of Havranek,Jakobson, Halliday,3. Traditional Criticism and Linguistic Stylistics4. The Concept of Foregrounding: Contribution of Shklovsky, Mukarovsky, JakobsonLevin and other British stylisticians5. Style as Choice: Style as Deviation: Phonological, Syntactic and Semantic6. The Rhetoric of Text: Metaphor as cover term for figurative use of language7. Practical English Prosody, Prose Styles8 Ancient Indian School of Stylistics: Bhamaha on Vakrokti, Dandi’s concepts ofSwabhavokti and Vakrokti , Vamana’s RitivicharII)Practical Stylistic Analysis of Poetry and Literary Prose PassagesBooks for Reference:1. Enkvist Nils Erik, John spencer and Michael J Gregory (1964). Linguistics and Style.OUP2. Leech Geoffrey (1969): A linguistic guide to English Poetry, Longman.3. Leech G. & Michael H. Short (1981): Style in Fiction, Longman.4. Leech Geoffrey (1974): Semantics, Pelican.5. Cluysennar Anne (1976): Introduction to Literary Stylistics, Batsford.6. Widdowson H.G. (1975): Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature.<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>9

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 107. Widdowson H.G. in Allan JPB & S. Pit Corder (eds) (1974): Techniques in AppliedLinguistics, OUP.8. Blackstone Bernard (1965): Practical English Prosody, Longman Rutledge &K.Paul.9. Fowler Roger (1975): Essays on style and Language, Routledge & K Paul.10. Fowler roger (1975): Style and Structure in Literature, Oxford.11. Fowler Roger (1986): Linguistics and Criticism, OUP.12. Sebeok Thomas A. (ed) (1960): Style in Language, Cambridge Mass.13. Donald C. Freeman (1988) : Essays or Modern Stylistics, Methuen, London.14. Baker William E. (1967): Syntax in English Poetry 1970-1990. Berkeley.15. Groom Bernard (1955): Diction of Poetry from Spenser to Bridges. <strong>University</strong> ofToronto Press, Canada.16. Chatman Seymour (1971): Literary Style: A Symposium.17. Chatman S. & S. Levin (ed) (1967): Essay on the Language of Literature.18. Halliday and Hassan (1976): Cohesion in English, Longman.19. Ching Marvin K.L.M.C. Haley & R.F. Lunsford (ed) 1980) : Linguistics :Perspectives on Literature, Routledge.20. Attridge Derek (1982): The Rhythms of English Poetry, Longman.21. S. K. De : Sanskrit Poetics.22. Dr. P. V. Kane: History of Sanskrit Poetics.23. G. T. Deshpande: Bharatiya Sahityashastra.Group 2: Comparative LiteraturePaper IV: Comparative Literature: English and MarathiObjective: The Course is designed to provide a comparative perspective on twodifferent literary traditions, English and Marathi. The objective of the course is to examinerepresentative works drawn from both traditions in the theoretical context of concepts suchas literary movement, influence, reception, themes and motifs.General Topics:i) The concept of Comparative Literatureii) Nature and Development of Comparative Literature in the West and in Indiaiii) Schools of Comparative Literature.Topics Prescribed :i) Methodology of Comparative Literature.a) Thematicsb) Influencec) Receptiond) Movemente) Genreii) A comparative study of major literary movements with special reference to authorsand texts prescribed.Movements, genres and texts prescribed for the teaching:<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>10

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 11a) Romanticism: English and Marathi – Wordsworth and Keshvsut.b) Modernism: Camus: The Outsider and Kiran Nagarkar: Sath SakkhamTrechalisa.c) Women’s Literature: Mary MaCarthy: Memories of a Catholic childhoodBaby Kamble: Jeena Amacha.d) Minority Literature: Le Roi Jones: Dutchman - Datta Bhagwat: WataPalawata.Books for Reference :1. Newton, P. Stalknecht and Horst Frenz, (eds.): Comparative Literature: MethodPerspective (<strong>University</strong> of Southern Illinois Press, 1961), Second enlarged andmodified edition, 1971.2. Ulrich Weisstein: Comparative Literature and Literature Theory: Survey andIntroduction (Indiana <strong>University</strong> Press, 1973).3. Rene Wellek and Austin Warren: Theory of Literature (New York : Harcourt, Braceand World Inc., 1942).4. Prawer S. S.: Comparative Literary Studies: An Introduction, (London: Duckworth,1973).5. Henry Gifford : Comparative Literature, (Lond : Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1969).6. Harry, Levin : Ground for Comparison, (Cambridge, Massachusesetts, 1972).7. Rene Wellek : Discriminations: Further Concepts of Criticism, (New Haven : Yale<strong>University</strong> Press, 1970).8. George Watson : The Study of Literature (Orient Longmans, 1969).9. Amiya Dev and Sisirkumar Das (Ed.): Comparative Literature ; Theory and Practice,Applied Publishers, New Delhi.10. Chandra Mohan (Ed.) : Aspects of Comparative Literature : Current Approaches,India Publisher & Distributors, New Delhi.General Topics:Paper VII: Translation Studies: Theory and Practice1. The Function of translation in the developing, multilingual countries.2. The place of Translation in comparative literary studies.3. History of Translation in Maharashtra.Topics Prescribed :I) Linguistic Theories of Translation :1. Jakobson2. Catford3. Nida4. Jiri Levy<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>11

II) Non-Linguistic Theories of Translation :1. Andre Lefevere & Susan Bassinet - Meguire.2. Anton Popovich3. Holmes4. Gideon TouryM. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 12III) Translation: Problems and Evaluation with reference to the following texts :1. Poetry : Dilip Chitre : An Anthology of Marathi Poetry.2. Fiction : Winds of Fire (Tr. of Wawtal by Venkatesh Madgulkar).3. Drama : Gouri Deshpande : The Dread Departure, Seagull, 1990.IV) Translation and Evaluation Practice :1. Translation of a given text from English into Marathi or Marathi into English.2. Analysis and evaluation of unseen paired texts (ST-TT).Books for Reference :1. Bassnet McGuire Susan : Translation Studies, Methuen, London and N. Y. 1980.2. Bassnet McGuire Susan and Andre Lefevere : Translation History and Culture.3. Benjamin, Walter : Huminations Fontans, 1979, (First Published 1955).4. Catford J. C. : A Linguistic Theory of Translation, London OUP, 1965.5. Holmes, James (ed.) : The Nature of Translation : Essays on the Theory and practiceof Literary Translation, The Hague Mouton, 1970.6. Jacobson, Roman (ed.) : 'On Linguistic Aspects of Translation', in R. Brower (ed.) OnTranslation, Cambridge Mass Harvard UP, 1959.7. Hermas, Thoe : The Manipulation of Literature.8. Kelly L. G. True Interpreter : A History of Translation Theory and Practice in theWest, Oxford, Blackwell, 1979.9. Levy Jiri : 'Translation as a Decision Process' in To Honour Roman Jacobson II, TheHauge, Mouton, pp. 1111-1182.10. Nida, Eugene Anwar Dil, (ed.), Language Structure and Translation, Stanford<strong>University</strong> Press, 1975.11. Steneir George : After Babel : Aspects of Language and Translation, OUP, London,1975.12. Sujeet Mukherjee : Translation as Discovery.13. Ogden and Richards : Meaning of Meaning.14. Whorf Benjamin Le : Language, Thought and Mind.15. Palmer, Semantics.<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>12

General Topics:Paper VIII : Indian Novel in TranslationM. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 131. Nature and Function of the modern novel in regional literary traditions.2. Genre-specific Problems: Form, Realism, SymbolismBooks Prescribed:1 Mannu Bhandari: The Great Feast (Tr. by Ruth Vanita). Orient Longman. 20062 Ashapurna Devi: The First Promise (Tr. by Indira Chaudhary) Orient Longman. 2006Ashok Mitran: Mole (Tr. by Raman N. Kalyan) Orient Longman. 2006Ahmed Nazir: Son of the Moment (Tr. by Zakir Mohommad) Orient Longman. 2006Bhalchandra Nemade: Cocoon (Tr. by Sudhakar Marathe)MacMillan.Sheelabhadra: Agomony Ferry Crossing (Tr. by Nagen Datta). B.R. World Books.S. L. Bhyrappa: The Uprooted (Tr. by K. Rahavendrarao) B.R. World Books.Pratibha Ray: The Primal Land (Tr. by Das Bikram K.) Orient Longman. 2006Books for Reference :1. George K. A.: Comparative Indian Literature.2. Kripalani, Krishna: Modern Indian Literature.3. Mukherjee, Meenakshi: Realism and Reality.4. Indian Institute of Advanced Studies (ed.): Modernity and Contemporary IndianLiterature.5. Motilal Jotwani: Contemporary Indian Literature and Society.General Topics:Group 3: New Literatures in EnglishPaper IV: Indian English Literaturei. Problems of creative writing in Englishii. Colonial and post-colonial discourseiii. Diaspora and Indian English Noveliv) Modern Indian English PoetryBooks Prescribed :i. Thorat, A., Chindhade, S. (ed.) – Approved Voices ( Poems by Dilip Chitre, JayantMahapatra, A. K. Mehrotra and Gieve Patel )ii. Raja Rao - The Serpent and the Ropeiii. Arun Joshi - The Strange Case of Billy Biswasiv. Kamala Markandya - Two Virginsv. Amitav Ghosh - Hungry Tidesvi. Zumpa Lahiri - Interpreter of Maladiesvii. Mahesh Dattani – Final Solutionsviii. Vijay Tendulkar – Ghashiram Kotwal<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>13

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 14Reference Books :i. Paul Verghese - Problems of the Indian Creative Writers in English, Somaiya,Bombay,1971.ii. Ashcroff, Griffiths - Empire Writes Back, Routledge, London, 1989..iii.Viney Kirpal - The New Indian Novel in English: A Study of the 1980s. AlliedPublishers, 1990.iv. Dass and Dhawan (ed.) - Fiction of the Nineties, Prestige Books New Delhi, 1994.v. M. K. Naik - A History of Indian English Literature, Sahitya Akademi, K. R. S. Iyengar - Indian Writing in English, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 2000.vii.M. K. Naik and Mokashi-Punekar - Perspectives on Indian Drama in English,Prestige Books, New Delhi, 1994.viii. Jaun Jasbir (ed.) Writers of the Indian Diaspora, Rawat Publication, 1998.ix. Viney Kirpal - The Post Modern Indian English Novel. Allied Publishers, 1996.x. Chaudhary Asha Kuthari- Mahesh Dattani, Foundation Books, 2005.General Topics :Paper VII : African and Caribbean Literature1. Development of African Fiction and Poetry2. Development of Caribbean Fiction and PoetryBooks Prescribed :A. African Literature :1. Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart2. Wole Soyinka, Dance of the Forest3. J. M. Coetzee, Life and Times of Michael K.4. Selected Poems from Adewale Maja-Pearce (ed.), The Heinemann Book of AfricanPoetry in English.i. Dennis Brutus, a) "Nightsong: City"ii.iiii.iv.b) "Robben Island Sequence"Wole Soyinka, a) "Fado Singer"b) "After the Deluge"J. P. Clark Bekederemo, a) "The Casualties"b) 'Death of a Lady"Kofi Awoonor, a) "Songs of Sorrow"b) "The Weaver Bird"v. Frank Chipasula a) "A Love Poem for My Country"b) "My Blood Brother"<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>14

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 15B. Caribbean Literature:Books Prescribed :1. Wilson Harris, The Eye of the Scarecrow.2. V. S. Naipaul, The House of Mr. Biswas.3. Jamaica Kincaid, Annie John.4. Poems selected from-Ian McDonald and Stewart Brown (ed.), The Heinemann Bookof Carribbean Poetry.i. James Berry, a) ‘It's Me Man’,ii.iii.iv.Books for Reference:b) ‘Fantasy of an African Boy’c) ‘Lucy's Letter’d) ‘One’Edward Kamau Brathwaite, a) ‘Miss Own’b) ‘Xango’,c) ‘Red Rising’,d) ‘Naima’Jan Carew, a) ‘The Dreamtime Lives Again’,b) ‘Tiho, The Carib’Derek Walcott, a) ‘Midsummer LIV’b) ‘The Season of Phantasmal Peace’c) ‘Elsewhere’,d) ‘The Hotel Normandie Pool’1. William Walsh : Commonwealth Literature, Oxford <strong>University</strong> Press, 1973.2. David Cook : African Literature, Longman Group Ltd. , London, 1977.3. Claude Warthier : The Literature and Thought of Modern Africa, Heinemann,London, 1978.4. Kenneth Ramchand : The West Indian Novel and Its Background, Faber, London,1970.5. Bruce King : West Indian Literatur, Macmillan, London, 1980.6. Eustace Palmer : An Introduction to the African Novel, Heinemann, London,1972.7. Eldred Jones : The Writings of Wole Soyinka, Heinemann, London, 19788. G. D. Killam : The Writings of Chinua Achebe, Heinemann, London, 1977.<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>15

9. William Walsh : V. S. Naipaul Oliver & Boyd , Edinburgh, 1973.M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 1610. Kenneth Ramchand, An Introduction to the Study of West Indian Literature, London,1976.11. G. D. Killam : African Writers on African Writing, Heinemann, London, 1973.12. C. D. Narasimhaiah & Emenyounu : African Literature Comes of Age, A DhvanalokaPublication, Mysore, 1988.Paper VIII: Australian and Canadian LiteratureGeneral Topics :1. Development of Australian Fiction and Poetry2. Development of Canadian Fiction and PoetryBooks Prescribed:A. Australian Literature:1. Patrick White, The Eye of the Storm2. Thomas Keneally, Season in Purgatory.3. David Williamson, Jugglers Three.4. Poems selected from - Harry Heseltine (ed), The Penguin Book of Australian Verse.i. Barton, "The Man from Snowy River".ii. O'Dowd, "Australia".iii. Kenneth Slessora) "Thieves Kitchen"b) "Sensuality"c) "The Night Ride"iv. A. D. Hopea) "Australia"b) "The Wandering Islands"c) The Death of the Bird"d) "Imperial Adam"v. Judith Wrighta) "The Company of Lovers"b) "Bullocky"c) "Woman to Man"d) "The Harp and the King"vi. James MacAuleya) "Terra Australia"b) "The Incarnation of Sirus"c) "Tune for Swans"vii. Les Murraya) "A New England Farm, August 1917"b) "Blood"c) "The Wilderness"<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>16

B) Canadian Literature :1. Mac Lennan Hugh, The Watch That Ends the Night2. Margaret Atwood, Survival.3. Sinclair Ross, As For Me and My House.M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 174. Poems of P. K. page and Raymond Souster from - Gary Gaddes and Phylls Bruce(ed.), 15 Canadian Poets Plus 5Books for Reference :1. Leonine Kramer (ed), The Oxford History of Australian Literature. Oxford <strong>University</strong>Press, 19812. John K. Eves, Creative Writing in Australia3. D. R. Burns, The Directions of Australian Fiction4. Geofry Dutton, The Literature of Australia5. W. J. Keith, Canadian Literature in English. Longman, London, 1985.6. Elizabethan Waterson, A Short History of Canadian Literature. Methuen Ontario,1973.7. Carl F. (link [ed)], Literary History of Canada, Vols. 1-3., <strong>University</strong> of TorontoPress, 1977.8. Graeme Gibson, Eleven Canadian Novelists, Anansi Toronto, 1973.9. Louis Dudek and Michael Gnarowski (ed), The Making of Modern Poetry in Canada,The Ryerson press, Toronto, 1967.10. William Walsh, Patrick White.11. Arnold Davidson & Cathy Davidson, The Art of Margaret Atwood, Anansi Toronto,1981.12. Michael Ondaatje: Leonard Cohen, The Canadian Publishers, Totonto, 1970.13. Hergenhen, Leuri, The Penguin New Literary History of Australia, Ringwood, Via,Goodwm, Ken 1988.14. Daniel Helen, Liers, Australian New Novelists, Ringwood, Penguin, 1988,.15. Andrews Berry, The Oxford Guide to Australian Literature, OUP, Melbourne, 1981.16. Toye Willam (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature, Toronto, Oup,1983.17. New, W.H. , A History of Canadian Literature, Macmillan, London, 1989.<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>17

Group 4: American LiteraturePaper IV : 19 th Century American LiteratureM. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 18General Topics:i) Puritanismii) Transcendentalismiii) The Frontieriv) The Adamic Myth in American literaturev) The American DreamBooks Prescribed :1. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, - The House of Seven Gables2. Herman Melville - Billy Budd, the Sailor3. Mark Twain - Tom sawyer4. Selected Essays by Emerson R.W., The following Essays from American LiteratureSurvey: The American Romantics (1800-1860), The Viking Library,1975.i) Natureii) Beautyiii) Languageiv) Disciplinev) Commodityvi) Idealismvii) Spiritviii) Prospectsviiii) The American Scholarx) Self Reliancexi) Experience5. Henry David Thoreau, Walden,6. Walt Whitman, - Song of Myself,7. Edgar Allen Poe - Poems to be studied from American Literaturesurvey, The American Romantics ( (1800 – 1860).The Viking Library, 19758. H. W. Longfellow – “Hymn to Night”“The Evening Star”“My Lost Youth”“The Tide Rises the Tide Falls”“The Cross of Snow”, “A Psalm of Life,“The Arsenal at Springfield “. “Seaweed “,“Hawthorne”, “Chaucer”.From American LiteratureSurvey, The American Romantics (1800 -1860 ) TheViking Library, 1975,<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>18

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 19Books for Reference :1. A. N. Kaul Hawthorne, A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs: Printice-Hall, 1966.2. Richard Chase (ed) -Herman Melville, A Critical Study, New York:Macmillan,1947.3. Edward Wagenknecht - Ralph, Waldo Emerson: Portrait of a Balance SoulOUP, 19744. J. Donald Crowlay (ed)- Hawthorne : The Critical Heritage London, 1985.5. Frederick Anderson (ed)- Mark Twain: The Critical Heritage6. Tanner Tony - City of Words, American FictionHarper and Row publishers, 19807. Fogle, R.H. Hawthorne’s Fiction, Norman, <strong>University</strong> ofOklahoma Press, 1964.8. Miller, James E. Walt Whitman, New Haren: College of <strong>University</strong>Press, 1962.9. Cox, J. M. Mark Twain: The Fate of Humor, Princeton:Princeton <strong>University</strong> Press, 1966.10. Ford, Boris The New Pelican Guide to American Literature:American Literature, Vol. 9. London: Penguin, 1995.11. Thorp, Willard, ed., Herman Melville: Representative Selections, NewYork, 1938.12. Harding, Walter ed., Thoreau Handbook, New York, 1959.General Topics:i) Pragmatismii) Naturalismiii) Expressionismiv) The Lost Generationv) The Southern RenaissanceGroup 4: Elective Paper VII:20 th Century American LiteratureBooks Prescribed :1. Earnest Hemingway- The Sun Also Rises.2. Bernard Melamud - The Fixer, Dell Publishing Company, INC,New York, 19703. William Faulkner- As I Lay Dying.4. Eugene O’Neill - Emperor Jones, Nine Plays by O’Neill, JosephWood Krutch, The Modern Library, New York, 1959.5. Philip Barry - The Animal Kingdom, Twenty Best Plays of theModern American Theatre, Ed. by John Gassner,Crown Publisher, INC, New York, 1970.6. Tennessee Williams - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Penguin Books, 1982.<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>19

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 207. Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens and Ezra Pound: Selected poems from An Anthology:American Literature 1890-1965. edited by Egbert Oliver. New Delhi: EurasiaPublishing House, 1998.a) Robert Frost: i) ‘The Death of the Hired Man’ii) ‘Home Burial’iii) ‘The Road Not Taken’iv) ‘Birches’v) ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’b) Wallace Stevens: i) ‘Of Modern Poetry’ii) ‘ A High- Toned Old Christian Woman’iii) ‘The Emperor of Ice-cream’iv) ‘Sunday Morning’v) ‘The Idea of Order at Key West’c) Ezra Pound: i) ‘An Immortality’ii) ‘A Virginal’iii) ‘The Return’iv) ‘The Rest’v) ‘Salutation’8. Joseph Heller: Catch-22.Books for Reference :1. Moore Jack B and Burbank Rex – The Literature of the American RealisticPeriod Charles E Merrill Publishing CompanyColumbus , Ohio. 1985.2. Mari Evans ed.- Black Women Writers (1950-1980) : A CriticalEvaluation Anchor Books,New York, 1984.3. Berlin, Normand, Eugine O’ Neill, London, Macmillan, 1982.4. Gassner,John, ed., O’ Neill : A Collection of Critical Essays, EnglewoodCliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1964.5. Krutch, Joseph Wood : American Drama Since 1918, New York : GeorgeBraziller, 19576. Hoffman, D. G. ed. : American Poetry and Poetics, New York :Doubleday & Company Inc., 1962.7. Hoffman, Frederick J. : William Faulkner, Bombay : Popular Prakashan,1967.8. Baker, Carlos : Hemingway, Princeton : Princeton UP, 1963.9 Cox, James M. ed. : Robert Frost : A Collection of Critical Essays,Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall, 1962.10. Stiner, Naney Hunter, A Close Look at Ariel : A Memory of Sylvia Plath,London : Faber & Faber, 1974.11. Vendler, Helen ed. Voices and Visions : The Poet as American, NewDelhi, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1987.<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>20

General Topics :M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 21Paper VIII : Black American and Native American Literaturesi) The Black Movementii) Harlem Renaissanceiii) The Rise of New AmericanismBooks Prescribed :a) Black American Literature:1. Ralph Elison - The Invisible Man2. Richard Wright- Black Boy3. Tony Morrison- The Bluest Eye4. Gwendolyn Brooks & Poems from The Poetry of the Negro (1946-1970)Arna Bontempsed. Langston Hughes and Arna Bontemps,Doubleday and Company, Inc., New York, 1949.b) Native American Literature:5. N. Scott Momaday- House Made of Dawn6. Silco Leslie Marman- Ceremony Ny,Viking Press 1977.7. James Baldwin - Blues for Mister Chareley8. Longster Hughes :&Claude Mckey: The Poetry of the Negro ( 1946-1970 )An Anthology edited by Langston Hughes and Arna Bontemps., Doubledayand Company, INC , New York, 1949. The following poets to be studied:‘Claude Mckay’‘Langston Hughes’Books for Reference :1. Rock roger - The Native American in American LiteratureGreenwood Press, 19852. Nauta Laura - Native Americans : R Resource Guide, Bestville, 1992.3. Simon and Schuster, eds., Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit,Essays on Native American Life Today, New York, 1996.4. Mari Evans - Black women Writers (1950-1980) A CriticalEvaluation, Anchor Books, New York, 19845. Abcarian,Richard ed., Richard Wright’s Black Boy: A Critical Handbook,Belmont, Calif., Wadsworth, 1970.6. Faber Michel, The World of Richard Wright, Jackson: <strong>University</strong>Press of Mississippi, 1985.7. Locke, Alain and Gregory Montmegory, eds,. The Plays of Negro Life, ASourcebook of Native American Literature, NewYork, Harper and Brothers, 1927.8. Morrison, Tony Playing the Dark, Whiteness and the LiteraryImagination, London , Pan, 1993.9. Samuels, Wilfred D., and Hudson Clenora, eds., Tony Morrison, Boston:Boston: Wayne, 1990.<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>21

General Topics:M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 22Group 5: Elective Paper IV :British Literature from Chaucer to the End of the 17 th Centuryi) Miracle and Morality Playii) Renaissance: Science and Reason, Humanismiii) Elizabethan Poetry.v) Religious prose in 17 th centuryvi) The Restoration DramaBooks Prescribed:1. Chaucer: Prologue to Canterbury Tales2. Spenser, Milton, Shakespeare, Metaphysical poets(Poems Selected from The Oxford Library of English Poetry Vol. ISpenser to Dryden)Poems Prescribed:a) Edmund Spenser - ‘Epithalamion’b) Willam Shakespeare- Sonnet- XXX -‘When to the Sessions…’Sonnet LXXIII – ‘That time of Year…’Sonnet CXVI – ‘Let me not the marriage…Sonnet CXXX – ‘My Mistress’ eyes are…’c) John Donne - i) Song: Go, and catch a falling star’ii) The Fleaiii) The Good –morrowd) John Milton -‘Lycidas’e) Andrew Marvell- ‘To His Coy Mistress’f) George Herbert- ‘The Collar’‘The Pulley’3. Thomas kyd – The Spanish Tragedy4. Shakespeare – Hamlet5. Ben Jonson - The Alchemist6. Congreve - Love for Love7. Bunyan - The Pilgrim’s Progress8. Dryden - Essay of Dramatic Poesie.Books for Reference:1. Daiches, David : A Critical History of English LiteratureVol. 1 to 2. New Delhi:Allied, 1997.2. Ford, Boris (ed.) : The New Pelican Guide to English LiteratureVol. 2 to 3. London: Penguin, 1998.3. Toyne, Anthony - A Reader’s Guide to History of England(OUP), 1971.4. Sanders, Andrew : The Short Oxford History of English Literature.3 rd Edition, New Delhi:OUP, 2005.<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>22

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 235. Long, William - English Literature – Its History and its SignificanceLudhiana: Kalyani, 1996.6. Bradley, A.C. - Shakespearean Tragedy. Macmillan: 1992.7. Dobree, Bonamy - The Restoration Comedy: 1660- 1720.London: OUP, 1924.General Topics:Paper VII: British Literature from Pope to the End of the 19 th Century1. Age of Satire2. Periodical Essays3. Rise and development of novel4. Sentimental Comedy.Books Prescribed :1. Poems from the Penguin Book of English Verse (ed. Hayword, John). Penguin. 1984.i) Alexander Pope: From “Essay on Criticism”ii) James Thomson: From “Winter”iii) Samuel Johnson: “The Scholar’s Life”iv) Thomas Gray: “An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”v) Oliver Goldsmith: From “The Deserted Village”vi) William Blake: From “Songs of Experience”vii) S. T. Coleridge: “Kubla Khan”2. Samuel Richardson - Pamela.3. John Gay - The Beggar's Opera.4. Oliver Goldsmith - She Stoops to Conquer.5. William Wordsworth- “The Prelude” Books I and II and “The Tintern Abbey:”6. Charles Dickens - Great Expectations.7. William Thackeray - Vanity Fair.8. Thomas Carlyle - Hero and Hero Worship.Books for Reference:1. Daiches, David : A Critical History of English Literature, Vol. 3 and 4.(NewDelhi : Allied, 1997)2. Sanders, Andrew: The Short Oxford History of English Literature (3 rdedition).(New Delhi : OUP, 2005).3. Ford, Boris (ed.): The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol. 4 to 6.4. Empson, William – Some Versions of Pastoral. (London: Hogarth Press,1986).5. Dixon, Peter - The World of Pope’s Satires. London: Bell, 1962.6. Jack, Ian - The Augustan Satire. London: OUP, 1974<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>23

M. A. I & II (English) Pg No. 24Paper VIII : 20 th Century British LiteratureGeneral Topics :1. Turn of the Century2. Experimentation in Modern Literature3. The Absurd Drama4. Inter- war and post-war literatureBooks Prescribed:1. Poems selected from The Oxford Book of 20 th Century English Verse chosen byPhilip Larkin (OUP, 1973):i) W. B. Yeats – ‘The Second Coming’, ‘Sailing to Byzantium’ii) Alfred Owen - ‘Insensibility’iii) T. S. Eliot – ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’iv) Dylan Thomas – ‘Fern Hill’, ‘Refusal to Mourn the Death, by fire of a child inLondon’.v) W. H. Auden - ‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats’vi) Philip Larkin – ‘Toads’, ‘At Grass’.vii) Ted Hughes - ‘Hawk Roosting’2. Doris Lessing- Selected short stories from The Doris Lessing Reader.London: Paladin Graftin Books, 1989.3. D. H. Lawrence - The Rainbow.4. James Joyce - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.5. Graham Greene - The Power and the Glory.6. Arnd Wesker - Merchant.7. Harold Pinter - The Homecoming.8. John Fowles - The French Lieutenant’s Woman.Books for Reference :1. Ford Boris : The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol. 7 and 8.2. Sanders, Andrew : The Short Oxford History of English Literature (3 rd edition)New Delhi: OUP, 2005.3. Leavis, F. R.: D. H. Lawrence, Novelist. London: Chatto, 1950 rpt.Penguin.4. Sagar, Keith :The Art of D.H. Lawrence. Cambridge: CUP, 1966.5. Hodgart, Matthew -James Jayce : A Students’ Guide. London: Routledge,19786. Esslin Martin : The Theatre of the Absurd. London: Penguin,1980.7. Esslin Martin : Pinter : A Study of his Plays. London: Eyre Methuen,1973.8. Spurling, John: Graham Greene :Contemporary writers Series. London:Methuen, 19839. Southam, B.C.(ed) : Eliot’s Prufrock etc, A Case Book, London : Macmillan,1977.10. Stead, C.K. – Pound, Yeats, Eliot and the Modernist Movement. London:Macmillan, 1986.11. Davison, Dennis – W.H. Auden, London: Evani Brothers, 1970.12. Rasenthan, M.L.- The Modern Poets : A Critical Introduction. London:Constable, 1965.C:\My Documents\Syllabus M A.I & II ( 2006-2007 ).A-3.doc/ birje<strong>Shivaji</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Kolhapur</strong>24

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