Annual Report 2009 - Toyota Financial Services

Annual Report 2009 - Toyota Financial Services Annual Report 2009 - Toyota Financial Services
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Toyota Financial Services Czech s.r.o.15. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSThe following related party balances were outstanding as at:31 March 2009 31 March 2008CZK’000CZK’000Short-term trade receivableToyota Financial Services Slovakia s.r.o. 2,908 0TOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. 4,858 1,463Total receivable 7,766 1,463Short-term trade payablesTOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. 0 2,849Anticipated payablesToyota Kreditbank GmbH 83 61TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES (UK) plc 387 994Toyota Financial Services Corporation 50 26520 1,081Other payablesToyota Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V. (see note 7) 300,000 300,000Accrued expenses from subventionsTOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. (see note 11) 718 1,636Accrued expensesToyota Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V. 1,109 1,653Total liabilities 302,347 307,219Income from subventionsTOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. 1,059 3,185Total income 1,059 3,185Purchase of servicesToyota Kreditbank GmbH 123 155TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES (UK) plc 2,301 1,965Toyota Financial Services Corporation 87 29TOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. 7 (51)Total purchase of services 2,518 2,098Interest expenseToyota Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V. 12,532 10,463Total expense 15,050 12,561The Company does not create provisions to receivables from related parties.Besides the above stated remuneration and benefits, there was no other consideration provided to the Company’s statutoryrepresentative and members of the Company’s management in 2008/09 and 2007/08.48

Annual Report 200916. COMMITMENTSThe Company had no significant capital commitments as at 31 March 2008.17. CONTINGENT LIABILITIESABN AMRO bank N.V. provided the Company with a bank guarantee of CZK 411,000 for the office space rent payment.The management of the Company is not aware of any other significant unrecorded contingent liabilities as at 31 March 2009.18. SUBSEQUENT EVENTSNo events have occurred subsequent to year-end that would have a material impact on the financial statements as at31 March 2009.19. CASH FLOW STATEMENTThe Company has prepared a cash flow statement following the indirect method. Cash equivalents represent short-term liquidinvestments, which are readily convertible for a known amount of cash. Cash and cash equivalents disclosed in the cash flowstatement can be analysed as follows:31 March 2009 31 March 2008CZK’000CZK’000Cash on hand and in transit 91 177Cash in banks 72,258 11,968Cash and cash equivalents 72,349 12,145STATUTORY APPROVALSThese financial statements have been approved for submission to the sole partner of the Company by the Company’s statutoryrepresentative.Prague, 24 June 2009Ing. Aleš KamarýtStatutory Representative49

<strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Czech s.r.o.15. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSThe following related party balances were outstanding as at:31 March <strong>2009</strong> 31 March 2008CZK’000CZK’000Short-term trade receivable<strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Slovakia s.r.o. 2,908 0TOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. 4,858 1,463Total receivable 7,766 1,463Short-term trade payablesTOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. 0 2,849Anticipated payables<strong>Toyota</strong> Kreditbank GmbH 83 61TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES (UK) plc 387 994<strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Corporation 50 26520 1,081Other payables<strong>Toyota</strong> Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V. (see note 7) 300,000 300,000Accrued expenses from subventionsTOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. (see note 11) 718 1,636Accrued expenses<strong>Toyota</strong> Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V. 1,109 1,653Total liabilities 302,347 307,219Income from subventionsTOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. 1,059 3,185Total income 1,059 3,185Purchase of services<strong>Toyota</strong> Kreditbank GmbH 123 155TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES (UK) plc 2,301 1,965<strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Corporation 87 29TOYOTA MOTOR CZECH spol. s r.o. 7 (51)Total purchase of services 2,518 2,098Interest expense<strong>Toyota</strong> Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V. 12,532 10,463Total expense 15,050 12,561The Company does not create provisions to receivables from related parties.Besides the above stated remuneration and benefits, there was no other consideration provided to the Company’s statutoryrepresentative and members of the Company’s management in 2008/09 and 2007/08.48

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