ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority


PART III: DENIAL OF ADMISSION3-III.A. OVERVIEWA family that does not meet the eligibility criteria discussed in Parts I and II, must be deniedassistance.In addition, HUD requires or permits the PHA to deny assistance based on certain types ofcurrent or past behaviors of family members.Forms of Denial [24 CFR 982.552(a)(2); HCV GB, p. 5-35]Denial of admission includes any of the following: Not placing the family's name on the waiting list Denying or withdrawing a voucher Not approving a request for tenancy or refusing to enter into a HAP contract Refusing to process a request for or to provide assistance under portability proceduresProhibited Reasons for Denial of Program Admission [24 CFR 982.202(b), Pub.L. 109-162]HUD rules prohibit denial of program admission to the program based on any of thefollowing criteria: Age, disability, race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (See Chapter 2 for additionalinformation about fair housing and equal opportunity requirements.) Where a family lives prior to admission to the program Where the family will live with assistance under the program. Although eligibility is notaffected by where the family will live, there may be restrictions on the family's ability tomove outside the PHA's jurisdiction (See Chapter 10, Portability.)Whether members of the family are unwed parents, recipients of public assistance, orchildren born out of wedlockWhether the family includes childrenWhether a family decides to participate in a family self-sufficiency programWhether or not a qualified applicant has been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence,or stalking© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.Page 3-21

3-III.B. MANDATORY DENIAL OF ADMISSION [24 CFR 982.553(a)]HUD requires the PHA to deny admission in the following cases: Any member of the household has been evicted from federally-assisted housing in the last 3years for drug-related criminal activity. HUD permits, but does not require, the PHA to admitan otherwise-eligible family if the household member has completed a PHA-approved drugrehabilitation program or the circumstances which led to eviction no longer exist (e.g., theperson involved in the criminal activity no longer lives in the household).PHA PolicyThe PHA will deny assistance to an applicant family if any member of the household hasbeen evicted from federally assisted housing in the last 5 years for drug-related criminalactivity.The PHA will admit an otherwise-eligible family who was evicted from federallyassistedhousing within the past 5 years for drug-related criminal activity, if the PHA isable to verify that the household member who engaged in the criminal activity hascompleted a supervised drug rehabilitation program approved by the PHA, or the personwho committed the crime, is no longer living in the household.The PHA determines that any household member is currently engaged in the use of illegaldrugs.PHA PolicyCurrently engaged in is defined as any use of illegal drugs during the previous sixmonths.The PHA has reasonable cause to believe that any household member's current use or patternof use of illegal drugs, or current abuse or pattern of abuse of alcohol, may threaten thehealth, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents.PHA PolicyIn determining reasonable cause, the PHA will consider all credible evidence, includingbut not limited to, any record of convictions, arrests, or evictions of household membersrelated to the use of illegal drugs or the abuse of alcohol. A conviction will be given moreweight than an arrest. The PHA will also consider evidence from treatment providers orcommunity-based organizations providing services to household members.Any household member has ever been convicted of drug-related criminal activity for theproduction or manufacture of methamphetamine on the premises of federally assistedhousingIf any applicant does not respond to the question of “is any member subject to a lifetimeregistration requirement under a state offender registration program”, they may be deniedassistance.If any household member is currently registered as a sex offender under a state registrationrequirement, regardless of whether it is a lifetime registration requirement, the family will bedenied assistance.© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.Page 3-22

PART III: DENIAL OF ADMISSION3-III.A. OVERVIEWA family that does not meet the eligibility criteria discussed in Parts I and II, must be deniedassistance.In addition, HUD requires or permits the PHA to deny assistance based on certain types ofcurrent or past behaviors of family members.Forms of Denial [24 CFR 982.552(a)(2); HCV GB, p. 5-35]Denial of admission includes any of the following: Not placing the family's name on the waiting list Denying or withdrawing a voucher Not approving a request for tenancy or refusing to enter into a HAP contract Refusing to process a request for or to provide assistance under portability proceduresProhibited Reasons for Denial of Program Admission [24 CFR 982.202(b), Pub.L. 109-162]HUD rules prohibit denial of program admission to the program based on any of thefollowing criteria: Age, disability, race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (See Chapter 2 for additionalinformation about fair housing and equal opportunity requirements.) Where a family lives prior to admission to the program Where the family will live with assistance under the program. Although eligibility is notaffected by where the family will live, there may be restrictions on the family's ability tomove outside the PHA's jurisdiction (See Chapter 10, Portability.)Whether members of the family are unwed parents, recipients of public assistance, orchildren born out of wedlockWhether the family includes childrenWhether a family decides to participate in a family self-sufficiency programWhether or not a qualified applicant has been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence,or stalking© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.Page 3-21

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