ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority


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PART II: PBV OWNER PROPOSALS18-II.A. OVERVIEWThe PHA must describe the procedures for owner submission of PBV proposals and for PHAselection of PBV proposals [24 CFR 983.51]. Before selecting a PBV proposal, the PHA mustdetermine that the PBV proposal complies with HUD program regulations and requirements,including a determination that the property is eligible housing [24 CFR 983.53 and 983.54],complies with the cap on the number of PBV units per building [24 CFR 983.56], and meets thesite selection standards [24 CFR 983.57].18-II.B. OWNER PROPOSAL SELECTION PROCEDURES [24 CFR 983.51]The PHA must select PBV proposals in accordance with the selection procedures in the PHAadministrative plan. The PHA must select PBV proposals by either of the following twomethods. PHA request for PBV Proposals. The PHA may solicit proposals by using a request forproposals to select proposals on a competitive basis in response to the PHA request. ThePHA may not limit proposals to a single site or impose restrictions that explicitly orpractically preclude owner submission of proposals for PBV housing on different sites. The PHA may select proposals that were previously selected based on a competition. Thismay include selection of a proposal for housing assisted under a federal, state, or localgovernment housing assistance program that was subject to a competition in accordance withthe requirements of the applicable program, community development program, or supportiveservices program that requires competitive selection of proposals (e.g., HOME, and units forwhich competitively awarded LIHTCs have been provided), where the proposal has beenselected in accordance with such program's competitive selection requirements within threeyears of the PBV proposal selection date, and the earlier competitive selection proposal didnot involve any consideration that the project would receive PBV assistance.Solicitation and Selection of PBV Proposals [24 CFR 983.51(b) and (c)]PHA procedures for selecting PBV proposals must be designed and actually operated to providebroad public notice of the opportunity to offer PBV proposals for consideration by the PHA.The public notice procedures may include publication of the public notice in a local newspaperof general circulation and other means designed and actually operated to provide broad publicnotice. The public notice of THE PHA’s request for PBV proposals must specify the submissiondeadline. Detailed application and selection information must be provided at the request ofinterested parties.PHA Request for Proposals for Rehabilitated and Newly Constructed UnitsThe PHA will advertise its request for proposals (RFP) for rehabilitated and newly constructedhousing in the area newspapers, the PHA website, and www.economicengine.com.In addition, the PHA will post the RFP and proposal submission and rating and rankingprocedures on its electronic web site.© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. 18-4Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

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