ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority


The family must meet the Federal minimum income requirement. The family must have agross annual income equal to the Federal minimum wage multiplied by 2000, based on theincome of adult family members who will own the home. The PHA may establish a higherincome standard for families. However, a family that meets the federal minimum incomerequirement (but not the PHA's requirement) will be considered to meet the minimumincome requirement if it can demonstrate that it has been pre-qualified or pre-approved forfinancing that is sufficient to purchase an eligible unit.Public assistance income may not be used for meeting the minimum income requirement,except for households in which the head or co-head is elderly or disabled and households thatinclude a disabled person other than head or co-head. (Public Assistance includes federalhousing assistance or the housing component of a welfare grant; TANF assistance; SSI that issubject to an income eligibility test; food stamps; general assistance or other assistanceprovided under a Federal, state or local program that provides assistance available to meetfamily living or housing expenses.)For disabled families, the minimum income requirement is equal to the current SSI monthlypayment for an individual living alone, multiplied by 12.For elderly or disabled families, welfare assistance payments for adult family members whowill own the home will be included in determining whether the family meets the minimumincome requirement. It will not be included for other families.The family must satisfy the employment requirements by demonstrating that one or moreadult members of the family who will own the home at commencement of homeownershipassistance is currently employed on a full-time basis (the term 'full-time employment' meansnot less than an average of 30 hours per week); and has been continuously so employedduring the year before commencement of homeownership assistance for the family.The employment requirement does not apply to elderly and disabled families. In addition, if afamily, other than an elderly or disabled family includes a person with disabilities, the PHAmust grant an exemption from the employment requirement if the PHA determines that it isneeded as a reasonable accommodation.The family has not have defaulted on a mortgage securing debt to purchase a home under thehomeownership optionExcept for cooperative members who have acquired cooperative membership shares prior tocommencement of homeownership assistance, no family member has a present ownershipinterest in a residence at the commencement of homeownership assistance for the purchase ofany home.Except for cooperative members who have acquired cooperative membership shares prior tothe commencement of homeownership assistance, the family has entered a contract of sale inaccordance with 24 CFR 982.631(c).© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 15-13Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

PHA PolicyFor disabled and elderly families, there will be no additional minimum income requirement.The requirements of 982.627(c)(3) will be applicable.Families will be considered “continuously employed” if the break in employment does notexceed four months.The PHA will count self-employment in a business when determining whether the familymeets the employment requirement.The PHA will impose additional eligibility requirements. To be eligible to participate in thehomeownership option, families must meet the following criteria:The family is not within the initial one-year period of a HAP Contract.The family does not owe money to the PHA.The family has not committed any serious or repeated violations of a PHA-assisted leasewithin the past year.15-VII.C. SELECTION OF FAMILIES [24 CFR 982.626]Unless otherwise provided (under the homeownership option), the PHA may limithomeownership assistance to families or purposes defined by the PHA, and may prescribeadditional requirements for commencement of homeownership assistance for a family. Any suchlimits or additional requirements must be described in the PHA administrative plan.If the PHA limits the number of families that may participate in the homeownership option, thePHA must establish a system by which to select families to participate.PHA PolicyFamilies who have been participating in the PHA’s Family Self-Sufficiency program for atleast six months, or have graduated from the FSS program, will be recruited for participationin the homeownership program. Elderly and disabled families will automatically be recruitedas well.All families must meet eligibility requirements as defined in Section 15-VII.B. of this plan.© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 15-14Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

The family must meet the Federal minimum income requirement. The family must have agross annual income equal to the Federal minimum wage multiplied by 2000, based on theincome of adult family members who will own the home. The PHA may establish a higherincome standard for families. However, a family that meets the federal minimum incomerequirement (but not the PHA's requirement) will be considered to meet the minimumincome requirement if it can demonstrate that it has been pre-qualified or pre-approved forfinancing that is sufficient to purchase an eligible unit.Public assistance income may not be used for meeting the minimum income requirement,except for households in which the head or co-head is elderly or disabled and households thatinclude a disabled person other than head or co-head. (Public Assistance includes federalhousing assistance or the housing component of a welfare grant; TANF assistance; SSI that issubject to an income eligibility test; food stamps; general assistance or other assistanceprovided under a Federal, state or local program that provides assistance available to meetfamily living or housing expenses.)For disabled families, the minimum income requirement is equal to the current SSI monthlypayment for an individual living alone, multiplied by 12.For elderly or disabled families, welfare assistance payments for adult family members whowill own the home will be included in determining whether the family meets the minimumincome requirement. It will not be included for other families.The family must satisfy the employment requirements by demonstrating that one or moreadult members of the family who will own the home at commencement of homeownershipassistance is currently employed on a full-time basis (the term 'full-time employment' meansnot less than an average of 30 hours per week); and has been continuously so employedduring the year before commencement of homeownership assistance for the family.The employment requirement does not apply to elderly and disabled families. In addition, if afamily, other than an elderly or disabled family includes a person with disabilities, the PHAmust grant an exemption from the employment requirement if the PHA determines that it isneeded as a reasonable accommodation.The family has not have defaulted on a mortgage securing debt to purchase a home under thehomeownership optionExcept for cooperative members who have acquired cooperative membership shares prior tocommencement of homeownership assistance, no family member has a present ownershipinterest in a residence at the commencement of homeownership assistance for the purchase ofany home.Except for cooperative members who have acquired cooperative membership shares prior tothe commencement of homeownership assistance, the family has entered a contract of sale inaccordance with 24 CFR 982.631(c).© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 15-13Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

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