ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority


EXHIBIT 13-1: SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE PROTECTING TENANTSAGAINST FORECLOSURE ACT (PIH 2009-52)Note: This document provides a summary of requirements and responsibilities under theProtecting Tenants Against Foreclosure Act (PTFA). For more detailed information seethe following document(s): PIH Notice 2009-1724 CFR 982.310, Owner Termination of TenancyPub. L. 111-22, Preventing Mortgage Foreclosures And Enhancing Mortgage Credit Pub. L. 111-5, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009'42 U.S.C. 1437f (o)The immediate successor in interest, which is the party gaining ownership through aforeclosure sale, becomes subject to the HAP contract.There must be “good cause” other than vacating the property prior to sale in order toterminate the existing tenancy.If the immediate successor-in-interest will use the unit as a primary residence, the leasecan be terminated effective on the date of the sale with the tenant still entitled to aminimum of 90 days notice to vacate.If a PHA learns that the property is in foreclosure, the PHA must:Make all reasonable efforts to determine the status of the foreclosure and ownership ofthe propertyContinue to make payments to the original owner until ownership legally transfers inaccordance with the HAP contractAttempt to obtain a written acknowledgement of the assignment of the HAP contractfrom the successor in interest. Even if the new owner does not acknowledge theassignment of the HAP contract in writing, the assignment is nevertheless effective byoperation of lawInform the tenant that they must continue to pay rent in accordance with the lease, and ifthe successor in interest refuses to accept payment or cannot be identified, the tenantshould pay the rent into escrowIf the PHA is unable to make HAP payments to the successor in interest due to an actionor inaction by the successor in interest that prevents such payments, or an inability toidentify the successor, the PHA should inform the familyThe PTFA and Recovery Act protections related to foreclosure shall not preempt anyState or local law that provides additional protections for participants. Federal protectionsapply when state and local laws provide less protection for participants whose units areforeclosed. Where State and local laws appear to cover the same ground as the federalstatutes, the law that gives the longest time frame or most protection to the existingparticipant applies.© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 13-16 Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

Chapter 14PROGRAM INTEGRITYINTRODUCTIONThe PHA is committed to ensuring that subsidy funds made available to the PHA are spent inaccordance with HUD requirements.This chapter covers HUD and PHA policies designed to prevent, detect, investigate and resolveinstances of program abuse or fraud. It also describes the actions that will be taken in the case ofunintentional errors and omissions.Part I: Preventing, Detecting, and Investigating Errors and Program Abuse. This partpresents PHA policies related to preventing, detecting, and investigating errors andprogram abuse.Part II: Corrective Measures and Penalties. This part describes the corrective measuresthe PHA must and may take when errors or program abuses are found.© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.Page 14-1

EXHIBIT 13-1: SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE PROTECTING TENANTSAGAINST FORECLOSURE ACT (PIH 2009-52)Note: This document provides a summary of requirements and responsibilities under theProtecting Tenants Against Foreclosure Act (PTFA). For more detailed information seethe following document(s): PIH Notice 2009-1724 CFR 982.310, Owner Termination of TenancyPub. L. 111-22, Preventing Mortgage Foreclosures And Enhancing Mortgage Credit Pub. L. 111-5, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009'42 U.S.C. 1437f (o)The immediate successor in interest, which is the party gaining ownership through aforeclosure sale, becomes subject to the HAP contract.There must be “good cause” other than vacating the property prior to sale in order toterminate the existing tenancy.If the immediate successor-in-interest will use the unit as a primary residence, the leasecan be terminated effective on the date of the sale with the tenant still entitled to aminimum of 90 days notice to vacate.If a PHA learns that the property is in foreclosure, the PHA must:Make all reasonable efforts to determine the status of the foreclosure and ownership ofthe propertyContinue to make payments to the original owner until ownership legally transfers inaccordance with the HAP contractAttempt to obtain a written acknowledgement of the assignment of the HAP contractfrom the successor in interest. Even if the new owner does not acknowledge theassignment of the HAP contract in writing, the assignment is nevertheless effective byoperation of lawInform the tenant that they must continue to pay rent in accordance with the lease, and ifthe successor in interest refuses to accept payment or cannot be identified, the tenantshould pay the rent into escrowIf the PHA is unable to make HAP payments to the successor in interest due to an actionor inaction by the successor in interest that prevents such payments, or an inability toidentify the successor, the PHA should inform the familyThe PTFA and Recovery Act protections related to foreclosure shall not preempt anyState or local law that provides additional protections for participants. Federal protectionsapply when state and local laws provide less protection for participants whose units areforeclosed. Where State and local laws appear to cover the same ground as the federalstatutes, the law that gives the longest time frame or most protection to the existingparticipant applies.© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 13-16 Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

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