ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority


Joint Custody of DependentsPHA PolicyChildren who are subject to a joint custody agreement but live with one parent at least51% of the time will be considered members of the household. "51% of the time" isdefined as 183 days of the year, which do not have to run consecutively.When more than one applicant or participant family is claiming the same dependents asfamily members, the family with primary custody at the time of the initial examination orreexamination will be able to claim the dependents. If there is a dispute about whichfamily should claim them, the PHA will make the determination based on availabledocuments such as court orders, or an IRS return showing which family has claimed thechild for income tax purposesDeparture of a Family or Household MemberFamilies must promptly notify the PHA if any family member no longer lives in the unit[24 CFR 982.551(h)(3)]. Because household members are considered when determining thefamily unit (voucher) size [24 CFR 982.402], the PHA also needs to know when any live-in aide,foster child, or foster adult ceases to reside in the unit.PHA PolicyIf a household member ceases to reside in the unit, the family must inform the PHAwithin 10 business days. This requirement also applies to a family member who has beenconsidered temporarily absent at the point that the family concludes the individual ispermanently absent.If a live-in aide, foster child, or foster adult ceases to reside in the unit, the family mustinform the PHA within 10 business days.Family Break-up [24 CFR 982.315]The PHA has discretion to determine which members of an assisted family continue to receiveassistance if the family breaks up. However, if a court determines the disposition of propertybetween members of the assisted family in a divorce or separation decree, the PHA is bound bythe court's determination of which family members continue to receive assistance.PHA PolicyWhen a family splits into two otherwise eligible families due to divorce or legalseparation, only one of the new families may retain rental assistance.In the absence of a judicial decision, or an agreement among the original familymembers, the PHA will determine which family will continue to receive assistance,taking into consideration the following factors:Which family member applied as head of household.The interest of any minor children, including custody arrangements,The interest of any ill, elderly, or disabled family members,© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 11-8Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

Any possible risks to family members as a result of domestic violence or criminalactivity, andThe recommendations of social service agencies or qualified professionals such aschildren's protective services.Restrictions that were in place at the time the family applied.Documentation of these factors is the responsibility of the families. If either or both of thefamilies do not provide the documentation, they may be denied continued assistance forfailure to supply information requested by the PHA.In cases where domestic violence played a role, the PHA will require evidence that thefamily has been or is being displaced as a result of fleeing violence in the home. Afamily member must complete certification, or the information that may be provided inlieu of the certification, within 14 business days of receiving the written request for thiscertification by the PHA, owner or manager. If the family member has not provided therequested certification or the information that may be provided in lieu of the certificationby the 14th business day or any extension of the date provided by the PHA, manager andowner, none of the protections afforded to victims of domestic violence, dating violenceor stalking (collectively “domestic violence”) under the Section 8 or public housingprograms apply.Remaining Member of a Tenant Family [24 CFR 5.403]The HUD definition of family includes the remaining member of a tenant family, which is amember of an assisted family who remains in the unit when other members of the family haveleft the unit. Household members such as live-in aides, foster children, and foster adults do notqualify as remaining members of a family.If dependents are the only “remaining members of a tenant family” and there is no familymember able to assume the responsibilities of the head of household, see Chapter 6, Section 6-I.B, for the policy on “Caretakers for a Child.”© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 11-9Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

Joint Custody of DependentsPHA PolicyChildren who are subject to a joint custody agreement but live with one parent at least51% of the time will be considered members of the household. "51% of the time" isdefined as 183 days of the year, which do not have to run consecutively.When more than one applicant or participant family is claiming the same dependents asfamily members, the family with primary custody at the time of the initial examination orreexamination will be able to claim the dependents. If there is a dispute about whichfamily should claim them, the PHA will make the determination based on availabledocuments such as court orders, or an IRS return showing which family has claimed thechild for income tax purposesDeparture of a Family or Household MemberFamilies must promptly notify the PHA if any family member no longer lives in the unit[24 CFR 982.551(h)(3)]. Because household members are considered when determining thefamily unit (voucher) size [24 CFR 982.402], the PHA also needs to know when any live-in aide,foster child, or foster adult ceases to reside in the unit.PHA PolicyIf a household member ceases to reside in the unit, the family must inform the PHAwithin 10 business days. This requirement also applies to a family member who has beenconsidered temporarily absent at the point that the family concludes the individual ispermanently absent.If a live-in aide, foster child, or foster adult ceases to reside in the unit, the family mustinform the PHA within 10 business days.Family Break-up [24 CFR 982.315]The PHA has discretion to determine which members of an assisted family continue to receiveassistance if the family breaks up. However, if a court determines the disposition of propertybetween members of the assisted family in a divorce or separation decree, the PHA is bound bythe court's determination of which family members continue to receive assistance.PHA PolicyWhen a family splits into two otherwise eligible families due to divorce or legalseparation, only one of the new families may retain rental assistance.In the absence of a judicial decision, or an agreement among the original familymembers, the PHA will determine which family will continue to receive assistance,taking into consideration the following factors:Which family member applied as head of household.The interest of any minor children, including custody arrangements,The interest of any ill, elderly, or disabled family members,© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 11-8Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

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