ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority


PART I: ANNUAL REEXAMINATIONS [24 CFR 982.516]11-I.A. OVERVIEWThe PHA must conduct a reexamination of family income and composition at least annually.This includes gathering and verifying current information about family composition, income, andexpenses. Based on this updated information, the family’s income and rent must be recalculated.This part discusses the schedule for annual reexaminations, the information to be collected andverified, and annual reexamination effective dates.11-I.B. SCHEDULING ANNUAL REEXAMINATIONSThe PHA must establish a policy to ensure that the annual reexamination for each family iscompleted within a 12-month period, and may require reexaminations more frequently [HCV GBp. 12-1].PHA PolicyThe PHA will begin the annual reexamination process at least 90 days in advance of itsscheduled effective date. Generally, the PHA will schedule annual reexaminationeffective dates to coincide with the family’s anniversary date.Anniversary date is defined as 12 months from the effective date of the family’s lastannual reexamination or, during a family’s first year in the program, from the effectivedate of the family’s initial examination (admission).If the family moves to a new unit, the PHA will perform a new annual reexamination,unless a reexamination has been conducted within the last 120 days.The PHA also may schedule an annual reexamination for completion prior to theanniversary date for administrative purposes.Notification of and Participation in the Annual Reexamination ProcessThe PHA is required to obtain the information needed to conduct annual reexaminations. Howthat information will be collected is left to the discretion of the PHA.PHA PolicyFamilies generally are required to participate in an annual reexamination interview,which must be attended by the head of household, spouse, or cohead. If participation inan in-person interview poses a hardship because of a family member’s disability, thefamily should contact the PHA to request a reasonable accommodation (see Chapter 2).Notification of annual reexamination interviews will be sent by first-class mail and willcontain the date, time, and location of the interview. In addition, it will inform the familyof the information and documentation that must be brought to the interview.If a family fails to attend a scheduled interview without PHA approval, or if the notice isreturned by the post office with no forwarding address, the PHA may consider the family© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 11-2Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

to have violated its family obligations. This may result in termination of the family’sassistance in accordance with Chapter 12.The family may request to reschedule an interview for good cause, or if it is needed as areasonable accommodation for a person with disabilities. Good cause is defined as anunavoidable conflict, which seriously affects the health, safety or welfare of the family.Requests to reschedule an interview must be made orally or in writing and will beconsidered on a case by case basis. At its discretion, the PHA may request documentationof the “good cause” prior to rescheduling the interview.An advocate, interpreter, or other assistant may assist the family in the interview process.The family and the PHA must execute a certification attesting to the role and assistanceof any such third party.11-I.C. CONDUCTING ANNUAL REEXAMINATIONSAs part of the annual reexamination process, families are required to provide updatedinformation to the PHA regarding the family’s income, expenses, and composition [24 CFR982.551(b)].PHA PolicyFamilies will be asked to bring all required information (as described in thereexamination notice) to the reexamination appointment. The required information willinclude a PHA-designated reexamination form, an Authorization for the Release ofInformation/Privacy Act Notice, as well as supporting documentation related to thefamily’s income, expenses, and family composition.Families will be provided the option to complete the HUD Form-92006, Supplement toApplication for Federally Assisted Housing, to identify an individual or organization thatthe PHA may contact and the reason(s) the individual or organization may be contacted.Families will be asked if any member is subject to a lifetime registration requirementunder a state sex offender registration program.Any required documents or information that the family is unable to provide at the time ofthe interview must be provided within 10 business days of the interview. If the familydoes not provide the required documents or information within the required time frame(plus any extensions), the family will be sent a notice of termination (See Chapter 12).The information provided by the family generally must be verified in accordance with thepolicies in Chapter 7. Unless the family reports a change, or the agency has reason to believe achange has occurred in information previously reported by the family, certain types ofinformation that are verified at admission typically do not need to be re-verified on an annualbasis. These include: Legal identity Age© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 11-3Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

PART I: ANNUAL REEXAMINATIONS [24 CFR 982.516]11-I.A. OVERVIEWThe PHA must conduct a reexamination of family income and composition at least annually.This includes gathering and verifying current information about family composition, income, andexpenses. Based on this updated information, the family’s income and rent must be recalculated.This part discusses the schedule for annual reexaminations, the information to be collected andverified, and annual reexamination effective dates.11-I.B. SCHEDULING ANNUAL REEXAMINATIONSThe PHA must establish a policy to ensure that the annual reexamination for each family iscompleted within a 12-month period, and may require reexaminations more frequently [HCV GBp. 12-1].PHA PolicyThe PHA will begin the annual reexamination process at least 90 days in advance of itsscheduled effective date. Generally, the PHA will schedule annual reexaminationeffective dates to coincide with the family’s anniversary date.Anniversary date is defined as 12 months from the effective date of the family’s lastannual reexamination or, during a family’s first year in the program, from the effectivedate of the family’s initial examination (admission).If the family moves to a new unit, the PHA will perform a new annual reexamination,unless a reexamination has been conducted within the last 120 days.The PHA also may schedule an annual reexamination for completion prior to theanniversary date for administrative purposes.Notification of and Participation in the Annual Reexamination ProcessThe PHA is required to obtain the information needed to conduct annual reexaminations. Howthat information will be collected is left to the discretion of the PHA.PHA PolicyFamilies generally are required to participate in an annual reexamination interview,which must be attended by the head of household, spouse, or cohead. If participation inan in-person interview poses a hardship because of a family member’s disability, thefamily should contact the PHA to request a reasonable accommodation (see Chapter 2).Notification of annual reexamination interviews will be sent by first-class mail and willcontain the date, time, and location of the interview. In addition, it will inform the familyof the information and documentation that must be brought to the interview.If a family fails to attend a scheduled interview without PHA approval, or if the notice isreturned by the post office with no forwarding address, the PHA may consider the family© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. Page 11-2Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

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