ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority


Separation or DivorcePHA PolicyCertification by the head of household is normally sufficient verification. If the PHA hasreasonable doubts about a separation or divorce, the PHA will require the family todocument the divorce, or separation.A certified copy of a divorce decree, signed by a court officer, is required to documentthat a couple is divorced.A copy of a court-ordered maintenance or other court record is required to document aseparation.If no court document is available, documentation from a community-based agency willbe accepted.Absence of Adult MemberPHA PolicyIf an adult member who was formerly a member of the household is reported to bepermanently absent, the family must provide evidence to support that the person is nolonger a member of the family.This includes a submission of a certified statement that includes the following:Name, full address, and phone number of family member who left the householdDate family member left the householdDocumentation of another address at which the person resides (e.g., lease or utilitybill)(If the family does not know the new address of the absent family member, this must be noted inthe certified statement.)Foster Children and Foster AdultsPHA PolicyThird-party verification from the state or local government agency responsible for theplacement of the individual with the family is required.© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc.Page 7-12Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

7-II.E. VERIFICATION OF STUDENT STATUSGeneral RequirementsPHA PolicyThe PHA requires families to provide information about the student status of all studentswho are 18 years of age or older. This information will be verified only if:The family reports full-time student status for an adult other than the head,spouse, or cohead.The family reports childcare expenses to enable a family member to further his orher education.The family includes a student enrolled in an institution of higher education.Restrictions on Assistance to Students Enrolled in Institutions of Higher EducationThis section applies only to students who are seeking assistance on their own, separately fromtheir parents. It does not apply to students residing with parents who are seeking or receivingHCV assistance.PHA PolicyIn accordance with the verification hierarchy described in Section 7-1.B, the PHA willdetermine whether the student is exempt from the restrictions in 24 CFR 5.612 byverifying any one of the following exemption criteria:The student is enrolled at an educational institution that does not meet thedefinition of institution of higher education in the Higher Education Act of 1965(see Section Exhibit 3-2).The student is at least 24 years old.The student is a veteran, as defined in Section 3-II.E.The student is married.The student has at least one dependent child, as defined in Section 3-II.E.The student is a person with disabilities, as defined in Section 3-II.E, and wasreceiving assistance prior to November 30, 2005.If the PHA cannot verify at least one of these exemption criteria, the PHA will concludethat the student is subject to the restrictions on assistance at 24 CFR 5.612. In addition toverifying the student’s income eligibility, the PHA will then proceed to verify either thestudent’s parents’ income eligibility (see Section 7-III.J) or the student’s independencefrom his/her parents (see below).© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc.Page 7-13Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

7-II.E. VERIFICATION OF STUDENT STATUSGeneral RequirementsPHA PolicyThe PHA requires families to provide information about the student status of all studentswho are 18 years of age or older. This information will be verified only if:The family reports full-time student status for an adult other than the head,spouse, or cohead.The family reports childcare expenses to enable a family member to further his orher education.The family includes a student enrolled in an institution of higher education.Restrictions on Assistance to Students Enrolled in Institutions of Higher EducationThis section applies only to students who are seeking assistance on their own, separately fromtheir parents. It does not apply to students residing with parents who are seeking or receivingHCV assistance.PHA PolicyIn accordance with the verification hierarchy described in Section 7-1.B, the PHA willdetermine whether the student is exempt from the restrictions in 24 CFR 5.612 byverifying any one of the following exemption criteria:The student is enrolled at an educational institution that does not meet thedefinition of institution of higher education in the Higher Education Act of 1965(see Section Exhibit 3-2).The student is at least 24 years old.The student is a veteran, as defined in Section 3-II.E.The student is married.The student has at least one dependent child, as defined in Section 3-II.E.The student is a person with disabilities, as defined in Section 3-II.E, and wasreceiving assistance prior to November 30, 2005.If the PHA cannot verify at least one of these exemption criteria, the PHA will concludethat the student is subject to the restrictions on assistance at 24 CFR 5.612. In addition toverifying the student’s income eligibility, the PHA will then proceed to verify either thestudent’s parents’ income eligibility (see Section 7-III.J) or the student’s independencefrom his/her parents (see below).© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc.Page 7-13Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

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