ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority


PART II: VERIFYING FAMILY INFORMATION7-II.A. VERIFICATION OF LEGAL IDENTITYPHA PolicyThe PHA will require families to furnish verification of legal identity for each householdmember.Verification of Legal Identity for AdultsCertificate of birth, naturalization papersChurch issued baptismal certificateCurrent, valid driver's license orDepartment of Motor Vehiclesidentification cardU.S. military discharge (DD 214)U.S. passportEmployer identification cardVerification of Legal Identity forChildrenCertificate of birthAdoption papersCustody agreementHealth and Human Services IDSchool recordsIf a document submitted by a family is illegible or otherwise questionable, more than oneof these documents may be required.If none of these documents can be provided and at the PHA’s discretion, a third partywho knows the person may attest to the person’s identity. The certification must beprovided in a format acceptable to the PHA and be signed in the presence of a PHArepresentative or PHA notary public.Legal identity will be verified on an as needed basis.7-II.B. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS [24 CFR 5.216 and HCV GB, p. 5-12]Refer to Chapter 17 regarding Social Security Number (SSN) disclosure and verification.7-II.C. DOCUMENTATION OF AGEA birth certificate or other official record of birth is the preferred form of age verification for allfamily members. For elderly family members an original document that provides evidence of thereceipt of social security retirement benefits is acceptable.PHA PolicyIf an official record of birth or evidence of social security retirement benefits cannot beprovided, the PHA will require the family to submit other documents that support the© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc.Page 7-10Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

eported age of the family member (e.g., school records, driver's license if birth year isrecorded) and to provide a self-certification.Age must be verified only once during continuously assisted occupancy.7-II.D. FAMILY RELATIONSHIPSApplicants and program participants are required to identify the relationship of each householdmember to the head of household. Definitions of the primary household relationships areprovided in the Eligibility chapter.PHA PolicyFamily relationships are verified only to the extent necessary to determine a family’seligibility and level of assistance.The following verifications will always be required if applicable:Verification of relationship:Official identification showing namesBirth CertificatesBaptismal CertificatesVerification of guardianship:Court-ordered assignmentVerification from social services agency stating the head of household receives benefitson behalf of a minor child.MarriagePHA PolicyCertification by the head of household is normally sufficient verification. If the PHA hasreasonable doubts about a marital relationship, the PHA will require the family todocument the marriage.A marriage certificate generally is required to verify that a couple is married.In the case of a common law marriage, the couple must demonstrate that they holdthemselves to be married (e.g., by telling the community they are married, calling eachother husband and wife, using the same last name, filing joint income tax returns).© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc.Page 7-11Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

PART II: VERIFYING FAMILY INFORMATION7-II.A. VERIFICATION OF LEGAL IDENTITYPHA PolicyThe PHA will require families to furnish verification of legal identity for each householdmember.Verification of Legal Identity for AdultsCertificate of birth, naturalization papersChurch issued baptismal certificateCurrent, valid driver's license orDepartment of Motor Vehiclesidentification cardU.S. military discharge (DD 214)U.S. passportEmployer identification cardVerification of Legal Identity forChildrenCertificate of birthAdoption papersCustody agreementHealth and Human Services IDSchool recordsIf a document submitted by a family is illegible or otherwise questionable, more than oneof these documents may be required.If none of these documents can be provided and at the PHA’s discretion, a third partywho knows the person may attest to the person’s identity. The certification must beprovided in a format acceptable to the PHA and be signed in the presence of a PHArepresentative or PHA notary public.Legal identity will be verified on an as needed basis.7-II.B. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS [24 CFR 5.216 and HCV GB, p. 5-12]Refer to Chapter 17 regarding Social Security Number (SSN) disclosure and verification.7-II.C. DOCUMENTATION OF AGEA birth certificate or other official record of birth is the preferred form of age verification for allfamily members. For elderly family members an original document that provides evidence of thereceipt of social security retirement benefits is acceptable.PHA PolicyIf an official record of birth or evidence of social security retirement benefits cannot beprovided, the PHA will require the family to submit other documents that support the© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc.Page 7-10Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

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