ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority

ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN - San Antonio Housing Authority


PART I: GENERAL VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS7-I.A. FAMILY CONSENT TO RELEASE OF INFORMATION [24 CFR 982.516 AND982.551, 24 CFR 5.230]The family must supply any information that the PHA or HUD determines is necessary to theadministration of the program and must consent to PHA verification of that information [24 CFR982.551].Consent FormsIt is required that all adult applicants and participants sign form HUD-9886, Authorization forRelease of Information. The purpose of form HUD-9886 is to facilitate automated data collectionand computer matching from specific sources and provides the family's consent only for thespecific purposes listed on the form. HUD and the PHA may collect information from StateWage Information Collection Agencies (SWICAs) and current and former employers of adultfamily members. Only HUD is authorized to collect information directly from the InternalRevenue Service (IRS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). Adult family membersmust sign other consent forms as needed to collect information relevant to the family’s eligibilityand level of assistance.Penalties for Failing to Consent [24 CFR 5.232]If any family member who is required to sign a consent form fails to do so, the PHA will denyadmission to applicants and terminate assistance of participants. The family may request aninformal review (applicants) or informal hearing (participants) in accordance with PHAprocedures.7-I.B. OVERVIEW OF VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTSHUD’s Verification HierarchyHUD authorizes the PHA to use five methods to verify family information and specifies thecircumstances in which each method will be used. In general HUD requires the PHA to use themost reliable form of verification that is available and to document the reasons when the PHAuses a lesser form of verification.PHA PolicyIn order of priority, the forms of verification that the PHA will use are:Up-front Income Verification (UIV) whenever availableThird-party Written VerificationThird-party Oral VerificationReview of DocumentsSelf-Certification© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc.Page 7-2Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

MTW Program ParticipantsThe PHA will continue mandatory use of EIV reports, utilize UIV when available, and transitionfrom the use of third party verification of income for participants to participant provideddocuments. The PHA may complete oral verification and/or mail third party verification ifdocuments appear altered. The PHA may also employ quality control measures to randomlyselect participant accounts and require additional verification to ensure the integrity of theverification policy. Note: This does not apply to verification of expenses; the aboveVerification Hierarchy still applies.Each of the verification methods is discussed in subsequent sections below. Exhibit 7-1 at theend of the chapter contains an excerpt from the notice that provides guidance with respect to howeach method may be used.Requirements for Acceptable DocumentsPHA PolicyAny documents used for verification must be the original (not photocopies) and generallymust be dated within 60 calendar days for applicants and 120 calendar days forparticipants of the date they are provided to the PHA. The documents must not bedamaged, altered or in any way illegible.The PHA will accept documents dated up to 6 months before the effective date of thefamily's reexamination if the document represents the most recent scheduled report froma source. For example, if the holder of a pension annuity provides semi-annual reports,the PHA would accept the most recent report.Printouts from web pages are considered original documents.The PHA staff member who views the original document must make a photocopy. Anyfamily self-certifications must be made in a format acceptable to the PHA and must besigned in the presence of a notary public.© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc.Page 7-3Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

MTW Program ParticipantsThe PHA will continue mandatory use of EIV reports, utilize UIV when available, and transitionfrom the use of third party verification of income for participants to participant provideddocuments. The PHA may complete oral verification and/or mail third party verification ifdocuments appear altered. The PHA may also employ quality control measures to randomlyselect participant accounts and require additional verification to ensure the integrity of theverification policy. Note: This does not apply to verification of expenses; the aboveVerification Hierarchy still applies.Each of the verification methods is discussed in subsequent sections below. Exhibit 7-1 at theend of the chapter contains an excerpt from the notice that provides guidance with respect to howeach method may be used.Requirements for Acceptable DocumentsPHA PolicyAny documents used for verification must be the original (not photocopies) and generallymust be dated within 60 calendar days for applicants and 120 calendar days forparticipants of the date they are provided to the PHA. The documents must not bedamaged, altered or in any way illegible.The PHA will accept documents dated up to 6 months before the effective date of thefamily's reexamination if the document represents the most recent scheduled report froma source. For example, if the holder of a pension annuity provides semi-annual reports,the PHA would accept the most recent report.Printouts from web pages are considered original documents.The PHA staff member who views the original document must make a photocopy. Anyfamily self-certifications must be made in a format acceptable to the PHA and must besigned in the presence of a notary public.© Copyright 2008 Nan McKay & Associates, Inc.Page 7-3Revised/Approved 04/08/10 (Eff: 07/01/10)Unlimited copies may be made for internal use.

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