Quality of Care Report - Ballarat Health Services

Quality of Care Report - Ballarat Health Services

Quality of Care Report - Ballarat Health Services


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Community Advisory Committee Front row: From left Mark Patterson, Liz Sheedy, Jan Skewes, Maree Harris, Andrew Miller, back row WendyHubbard, Lois Abraham, Greg Haines (Chair), Simone Rosewall and Debra Tsilfidis.Planning andDeveloping the2007-2008 <strong>Quality</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Care</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Our aim is to make this report relevantto the community includingpatients/clients/residents and our staff.To plan this report we:• Reviewed the guidelines andminimum reporting requirements for2007-2008 from the Department <strong>of</strong>Human <strong>Services</strong> (DHS)• Reviewed the DHS comments for the2006-2007 BHS report• Reviewed the feedback that you thepublic provided us by filling in andreturning the questionnaire in the2006-2007 report2006-2007 <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Care</strong> FeedbackBHS was pleased with the constructivefeedback provided to us by you thepublic. We went to great lengths toensure the most effective means <strong>of</strong>distribution. This meant that there wasan opportunity to distribute over19,000 copies particularly by circulatingthe report in The Courier newspaper.We reviewed each and every feedbackform sent in and incorporated many <strong>of</strong>the suggestions in this years report.A number <strong>of</strong> the feedback formsrequested additional information aboutPsychiatric <strong>Services</strong> and we haveresponded by making this service afeature <strong>of</strong> our report. We receivedconstructive feedback from DHS andhave reviewed this in line with thecriteria for the 2007-2008 report.Some <strong>of</strong> our staff wrote to us aboutthe report reminding us that the staffwho work at BHS are also part <strong>of</strong> thecommunity. We considered how wecould incorporate this in our2007-2008 report and have not onlyreported on staff and their qualityoutcomes but have included theirstories as part <strong>of</strong> the community. Dueto the number <strong>of</strong> department headsthat suggested we promote thevaluable services they provide to thecommunity, we have decided to <strong>of</strong>fer acomprehensive listing <strong>of</strong> all Specialty<strong>Services</strong> available at BHS to keep youinformed.Distributing the reportHard copies <strong>of</strong> this report have beendistributed widely across thecommunity via health services, medicalservices, community services, localcouncil and public libraries. For peoplewith access to a computer we have putthe report on <strong>Ballarat</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Services</strong>internet site at www.bhs.org.au it canalso be viewed by BHS staff on theintranet.A full page summary <strong>of</strong> this report hasalso been placed in our regionalnewspaper to ensure a widedistribution. A newsletter summary <strong>of</strong>the report will be sent to all patientsadmitted to BHS during the next sixmonths.If you would like this publication as a;• Large Print Version• On CD• Translation in a different languageplease contact Ms Helen Manning(03) 5320 4439We value your feedbackTo continue to improve our reporting, please let us know what you think sothat we can continue to meet your needs. Once you have read the report,please take the time to complete the freepost evaluation form in this reportand send it back to us. Alternatively you can email your feedback toquality<strong>of</strong>carereport@bhs.org.au or telephone us on (03) 5320 4014 or(03) 5320 4439 with your comments.<strong>Ballarat</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Care</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2007-08 4

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