Quality of Care Report - Ballarat Health Services

Quality of Care Report - Ballarat Health Services

Quality of Care Report - Ballarat Health Services


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What Happens If YouNeed a BloodTransfusionMaximising SafetyThe risks associated with bloodtransfusion are recognisedinternationally, and attention hasfocused on programs to improve thequality and safety <strong>of</strong> hospitaltransfusion practices. <strong>Ballarat</strong> <strong>Health</strong><strong>Services</strong> participates in the BloodMatters, Better Safer TransfusionProgram run by the Department <strong>of</strong>Human <strong>Services</strong> and employs aTransfusion Nurse to overseetransfusion practices and education <strong>of</strong>staff.One area <strong>of</strong> transfusion risk that ismonitored regularly is adherence to thepre-transfusion blood sample policy.The collection <strong>of</strong> the pre-transfusionblood sample for compatibility testingis the beginning <strong>of</strong> a complex chain <strong>of</strong>Improving <strong>Care</strong> forOlder People (IC4OP)Council <strong>of</strong> Australian GovernmentsLong Stay Older Patients (COAG LSOP)is a four year statewide initiative thatfocuses on improving care for olderpeople, particularly in rural areas. Theinitiative aims to prevent avoidablehospital admissions; the focus is onimproving the care older people receiveand to minimise their risk <strong>of</strong> leavinghospital with a lower level <strong>of</strong>functioning than they had prior to theirhospitalization. Together theseinitiatives aim to prevent older peoplestaying in hospital longer thannecessary and avoid the potential forresidential care. The project will addressall areas <strong>of</strong> caring for the older patientthrough the acute hospital stay and isfunded until June 2010.<strong>Ballarat</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Services</strong> has been theDementia lead in a Victorian Dementiaproject and has developed a Dementiacare in hospital support pack thathighlights the importance <strong>of</strong> involvingthe carer/s in the care planning. The1614121086420Number <strong>of</strong> Pre-Transfusion Blood Samples Rejected by LaboratoryJan-Jul 2008January February March April May June Julyevents in the process <strong>of</strong> clinicaltransfusion. If an error in patientidentification is made at this step it canlead on to the patient receivingincompatible blood or blood meant foranother patient. BHS and DorevitchPathology have policies in place thatmeet national and internationalguidelines to ensure that patient /sample errors do not occur. Anypackage includes an “Information for<strong>Care</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> Patients with Memory andThinking Difficulties – a guide tohospital” brochure and an informationabout” ME “ form for the carer to fillin that gives hospital staff informationand an understanding <strong>of</strong> the patient’susual dementia behaviours, which willassist with their in hospital careplanning.Over the next two years the IC4OPproject at <strong>Ballarat</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Services</strong> willbe concentrating on better assessment<strong>of</strong> people over 65 while in hospital andsample received in the laboratory thatdoes not meet these requirements isdiscarded and a repeat sample isrequested. Although the number <strong>of</strong>repeat blood samples requested aresmall (varying from 4 in January 2008to a high <strong>of</strong> 14 in March 2008), theZero Tolerance Policy that is in placeensures that the patient is not put atrisk.making the hospital journey morepatient centred allowing patients andtheir carers to be more involved in theirown care pathway.The IC4OP project will emphasise theimportance <strong>of</strong> involving ‘carers’ in allaspects <strong>of</strong> care planning for thepatient while in an acute hospital caresetting and will lead to a reduction <strong>of</strong>stress for the older patient, carers andhospital staff. <strong>Care</strong>rs can have peace <strong>of</strong>mind when leaving their loved one inthe care <strong>of</strong> Ballararat <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Services</strong>.The dementia care package includes information for carers <strong>of</strong> patients with memory loss andthinking difficulties<strong>Ballarat</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Care</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2007-08 36

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