Quality of Care Report - Ballarat Health Services

Quality of Care Report - Ballarat Health Services

Quality of Care Report - Ballarat Health Services


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One Family’s Journeythrough ourPsychiatric <strong>Services</strong>John is a 22 year old man who lives athome on a farming property with hisparents, Colin and Jean(not their real names).He attended school at nearby Araratuntil he was 15 years old, then stayedat home, helping his dad out on thefarm.Colin and Jean state that John hasalways been a bit <strong>of</strong> a loner, mixingpoorly with other people and spendinga lot <strong>of</strong> time in his room, surfing theinternet and playing music. They say heis always talking to himself.Over the last few weeks, John’s parentshave noticed that he is not sleeping,spending all <strong>of</strong> his time locked in hisbedroom, always on the computer andplaying music very loudly. He hasbecome more and more withdrawn anduncommunicative.He has started eating and drinking verylittle, and seems very suspicious <strong>of</strong> hisparents.When Colin asks John to help out onthe farm, John becomes verballyaggressive towards his father, stating “Iknow what you are all trying to do toMental illness accounts forover 25 per cent <strong>of</strong> thedisability burden from allhealth problems across thepopulation as a whole.The economic impact <strong>of</strong>mental illness in Victoria hasbeen estimated at $5.4billion annually.In 2006, mental illness was akey factor in 25 per cent <strong>of</strong>all people on a DisabilitySupport Pension in Victoria.me!” He then storms out <strong>of</strong> the houseand runs <strong>of</strong>f across the paddocks.When John doesn’t return home bydark, Colin and Jean go looking for himand find him in a pump station shed.He is curled up in the fetal position andhumming loudly. They take him homeand put him into bed.They contact their local generalpractitioner . in Ararat, who agrees todo a home visit.Following a lengthy consultation, thedoctor notes that John has beenhearing voices for a number <strong>of</strong> years,and believes that he is being controlledby people over the internet. He believesthat people wish to harm him becausehe has special powers.Psychiatric services provide24 hour 7 day a weekservices across the region.Experienced clinicians areavailable to provideassistance. (Telephone1300 66 13 23 local call)He is sleeping poorly and his dietaryintake is inadequate.The doctor recommends that John havea psychiatric assessment to provide adiagnosis and possible treatmentoptions. Whilst John is reluctant to dothis, his parents manage to get him toagree to the assessment. The doctorcontacts the Ararat Psychiatric Serviceto arrange the assessment.The details <strong>of</strong> John’s presentation areobtained from the doctor and theduty clinician arranges for anassessment to be done thefollowing morning at the farm.The doctor has given John asedative so that he cansleep overnight.All referrals forwarded bygeneral practitioners toPsychiatric <strong>Services</strong> lead to acomprehensive assessment.A recently developedprotocol “Working andCaring Together” outlinesthe collaboration betweenPsychiatric <strong>Services</strong> and theclient’s general practitionerin care and treatment.Following the assessment, anappointment is made for John to see aPsychiatrist in Ararat.John and his parents are given anoutline <strong>of</strong> the possible treatmentprogram and provided with strategiesto minimise the effects <strong>of</strong> the voicesand thoughts. They are given a 24 hourcontact telephone number and thefindings <strong>of</strong> the assessment arecommunicated to the generalpractitioner.John attends the appointment with thePsychiatrist in the company <strong>of</strong> hisparents.A comprehensive mental stateexamination and review <strong>of</strong> John’s lifehistory is taken.The Psychiatrist informs John that he issuffering from paranoid schizophreniaand outlines a treatment plan whichinvolves taking anti-psychoticmedications and undergoing a range <strong>of</strong>psycho-social treatment interventions,which will be provided by themultidisciplinary team.Mental <strong>Health</strong> Clinician Marice O’brien taking a triage call<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Care</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2007-08 16

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