Forensic Science final project – assigned 12/17/09;

Forensic Science final project – assigned 12/17/09;

Forensic Science final project – assigned 12/17/09;


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<strong>Forensic</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>final</strong> <strong>project</strong> – <strong>assigned</strong> <strong>12</strong>/<strong>17</strong>/<strong>09</strong>;Due Friday January 8, 15, and Tuesday January 19You will complete one assignment from each row. Each assignment will be graded basedupon the criteria provided in the following descriptions.1. Write ajournal from theperspective of thecriminal5. Make arecording of apoliceinterrogation(video or audio)9. Give aPowerPointpresentationabout a crimesceneinvestigation andthe conclusion2. Do ademonstration ofa forensicprocedure wehave learned6. Interview aCSI professionalor bring one toclass for apresentation10. Create anepisode of CSIand make a video3. Write a newsbroadcast reportor a newspaperstory about acrime sceneinvestigation7. Write a mockpolice report andcomplete one11. Write acrime story4. Create amissing personsposter or awanted poster8. Create a photostory board of acrime sceneinvestigation<strong>12</strong>. Create acrime storycomic book –like “PulpFiction”Row one (1 – 4) <strong>project</strong>s – 50 points each, due Friday January 81. The journal should cover at least a week in time with a minimum of two entriesper day. Journal entry should contain elements of the crime including motive,planning, execution, results, and possible consequences. The journal needs to bein book form (make your own or you could use a spiral notebook). The moredetails, the better the grade. You could include photos or other “souvenirs” fromthe crime or victim for extra credit.2. The demonstration should be at least 5 minutes long. You need to provide propsand visual aides. You also need to provide your own supplies. Thedemonstration needs to be correct in content and be informative. You need to bewell rehearsed and plan what you are going to say – no credit will be given for“winging it.” You should consider having the students complete some part ofyour demonstration for extra credit.

3. Your newspaper story needs to be in column form including at least one photoand a minimum of 300 words long. The story should include the facts from thecrime, what evidence was taken from the scene, how evidence was analyzed,possible motives, and probable suspects. For maximum credit, your newspaperstory will also discuss possible sentencing and court elements. You shouldconsider interviewing eyewitnesses as well. Your news broadcast will contain allthe same elements, but it will be read as a report on the news. It must bevideotaped and be a minimum of 1 minute long. Extra credit would be given forincluding a video clip from witnesses or the crime scene.4. The missing persons poster or wanted poster should include a detailed sketch orphoto of the person, description, evidence leading to the recovery of the person,possibly a reward, contact information, and the circumstances for which theperson is missing or wanted. Since this assignment is low in difficulty, the posterneeds to be of the highest quality and reflect effort and time spent on the <strong>project</strong>for full credit.Row two ( 5 – 8) <strong>project</strong>s – worth 75 points, due Friday January 155. The police interrogation needs to be either an audio or video recording. Thevideo or audio needs to be a minimum of 5 minutes long. You must play yourrecording for the class and also turn in a script with all of the lines from therecording. Your interrogation must be of a suspect or a victim and include detailsfrom the crime, possible motives, and possible consequences of the crime. Youwill need to be sure you follow correct police protocol for questioning.6. The interview of the CSI professional needs to be either written or recorded. Youneed to have at least 20 questions that pertain to the forensic science curriculumwe have covered. If you choose to bring a CSI professional to class, he or shemust have one of the professions we have mentioned as part of a CSI team, thevisit needs to be arranged in advance with Mrs. Gidcumb, and the speaker needsto speak on a topic we have covered in class. You must provide the speaker withthe topic and lead the discussion and the interview. Extra points will be awardedif the professional can give some kind of demonstration.7. You will need to create a police report that would be used at a real crime scene.It must have places for all of the details and follow a logical sequence. You needto follow all of the steps of crime scene protocol. Once you have created theform, then you will need to fill one out with the information from a mock crimescene. You information needs to flow and make sense and follow a story lineincluding a probable motive, details, and from the correct perspective (victim, orwitness).8. Your photo storyboard should be similar to the ones you see on the crime sceneinvestigation shows. You should include photos of the victims, the crime scene,other scenes also involved in the crime, all evidence, possible suspects, autopsy,lab results, and so forth. Your storyboard will need to include a minimum of atleast 25 photos to adequately portray the crime scene investigation. Your photoscan either be in powerpoint form or mounted to a poster board and presented tothe class.

Row three (9 – <strong>12</strong>) <strong>project</strong>s – 75 points, due Tuesday, January 199. Your powerpoint presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides about all thesteps involved in a crime scene investigation. You can either follow a story lineof a mock crime or simply give an instructional talk about all of the steps in acrime scene investigation from the time of the crime all of the way to the courtproceedings. You will give your presentation to the class.10. Your CSI episode needs to have a plot, elements from a real crime sceneinvestigation, a conclusion, and of course an interesting twist. You will need toact out the story and your video should be at least 10 minutes long. This choice isripe with opportunity for extra credit!11. The crime story will be similar to the CSI episode only it will be in written formrather than acted out. Your story will be a minimum of five typed pages –double-spaced. It must contain all literary elements such as plot, setting,characters, and so forth.<strong>12</strong>. Crime story comic books need to be in book form with a cover and on plain (notlined) paper. They should be a minimum of 5 one-sided pages and will be in acomic strip form. Comics will contain a plot and a storyline that include elementsof a crime, motive, investigation, and procedure. Stick figures are not an optionhere and will not be accepted! You have great potential for extra credit on this<strong>project</strong>.

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