Vol 7 No 1 - Roger Williams University School of Law

Vol 7 No 1 - Roger Williams University School of Law

Vol 7 No 1 - Roger Williams University School of Law


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only such as are original, and are founded in the creativepowers <strong>of</strong> the mind. The writings which are to beprotected are the fruits <strong>of</strong> intellectual labor, embodied inthe form <strong>of</strong> books, prints, engravings, and the like.”In Burrow-Giles, the Court distilled the samerequirement from the Constitution’s use <strong>of</strong> the word“authors.” The Court defined “author,” in a constitutionalsense, to mean “he to whom anything owes its origin;originator; maker.” As in The Trade-Mark Cases, theCourt emphasized the creative component <strong>of</strong> originality.It described copyright as being limited to “originalintellectual conceptions <strong>of</strong> the author,” and stressed theimportance <strong>of</strong> requiring an author who accuses another <strong>of</strong>infringement to prove “the existence <strong>of</strong> those facts <strong>of</strong>originality, <strong>of</strong> intellectual production, <strong>of</strong> thought, andconception.”“<strong>No</strong> one may claim originality as to facts.” This isbecause facts do not owe their origin to an act <strong>of</strong>authorship. The distinction is one between creation anddiscovery: the first person to find and report a particularfact has not created the fact; he or she has merelydiscovered its existence. To borrow from Burrow-Giles,one who discovers a fact is not its “maker” or“originator.”48Building upon this reasoning, the Court held that the copying<strong>of</strong> 1309 entries in the white pages <strong>of</strong> the telephone directory wasnot a copyright infringement nor was the selection or arrangement<strong>of</strong> the entries in basic alphabetical order creative enough to give athin layer <strong>of</strong> copyright protection to the arrangement <strong>of</strong> theentries.49As a consequence <strong>of</strong> the Feist decision, arguments were madethroughout the world for the creation <strong>of</strong> a sui generis form <strong>of</strong> legalprotection for the time and expense <strong>of</strong> creating databases. In1996, the European Union adopted a Directive on the LegalProtection <strong>of</strong> Databases50 that proposed a sui generis regime; later48. Id. at 345-47 (citations omitted).49. See BellSouth Advertising & Pub. Co. v. Donnelley Info. Pub., Inc., 999 F.2d1436 (11th Cir. 1993).50. Council Directive 96/9/EC, 1996 O.J. (L77) 20.

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