Vol 7 No 1 - Roger Williams University School of Law

Vol 7 No 1 - Roger Williams University School of Law

Vol 7 No 1 - Roger Williams University School of Law


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international level, it is necessary to examine their consistencywith other law,148 such as the Rome Convention which determineschoice <strong>of</strong> law149 and the 1968 Brussels Convention on choice <strong>of</strong>forum,150 and to examine their propriety in light <strong>of</strong> internationaldiscussions such as those currently taking place in the Hague.151Recognition <strong>of</strong> party autonomy is taken to an even furtherextreme in UCITA’s condonation <strong>of</strong> a licensee’s self-help rights,which calls into question the propriety (from both a legal andpolicy perspective) <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> technological methods to replaceboth contract and intellectual property law as a method <strong>of</strong>protecting a licensor’s rights in information.152Despite the difficulties inherent in adopting UCITA as modelinternational legislation, UCITA is nonetheless useful as a guideto future work in the field. Even the critics <strong>of</strong> UCITA recognizethe contributions that it has made to the development <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Law</strong>: Party Autonomy in Choosing Applicable <strong>Law</strong> and Forum under ProposedRevisions to the Uniform Commercial Code, 32 Int’l <strong>Law</strong>. 1067 (1998); KathleenPatchel, Choice <strong>of</strong> <strong>Law</strong> and S<strong>of</strong>tware Licenses: A Framework for Discussion, 26 Brook J.Int’l L. 117 (2000).148. One particular aspect <strong>of</strong> the choice <strong>of</strong> law rule bears special note: thedifferentiation between the law <strong>of</strong> jurisdictions inside and outside the United States.Under UCITA, if the laws <strong>of</strong> a country outside the United States apply as a result <strong>of</strong>the choice <strong>of</strong> law provisions, that law governs only if it provides substantially similarprotections and rights to a party not located in that jurisdiction as are provided underUCITA. UCITA § 109(c). Significantly, this rule applies only if there is no contractchoice <strong>of</strong> law provision: the theory being that the parties (including consumers) canagree to give up the protections they would otherwise be entitled to. To the extent thatthis provision demonstrates a “U.S.-centric” provision, its propriety on an internationalbasis is extremely questionable. A similar problem exists in the proposed revisions toArticle 1 <strong>of</strong> the Uniform Commercial Code.149. Convention on the <strong>Law</strong> Applicable to Contractual Obligations, opened forsignature June 19, 1980, 1980 O.J. (L 266) 1.150. Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement <strong>of</strong> Judgments in Civil andCommercial Matters, 1978 O.J. (L 304) 77.151. Hague Conference on Private International <strong>Law</strong>.152. See generally Robbin Rahman, Electronic Self-help Repossession and You: aComputer S<strong>of</strong>tware Vendor’s Guide to Staying out <strong>of</strong> Jail, 48 Emory L.J. 1477 (1999);Craig Dolly, The Electronic Self-help Provisions <strong>of</strong> UCITA: A Virtual Repo Man?, 33 J.Marshall L. Rev. 663 (2000). One <strong>of</strong> the arguments frequently advanced in favor <strong>of</strong> theself-help provisions is that self-help is already recognized in the Uniform CommercialCode Article 9 provisions dealing with default; this is one area where there isapparently a reluctance to admit that the issues involving electronics are sufficientlydifferent to merit a different rule. See Hugenholtz, supra note 78, at 78-79 (“Thecombination <strong>of</strong> contract and technology poses a direct threat to the copyright system aswe know it, and may require an entirely new body <strong>of</strong> information law to guard thepublic domain.”).

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