Vol 7 No 1 - Roger Williams University School of Law

Vol 7 No 1 - Roger Williams University School of Law

Vol 7 No 1 - Roger Williams University School of Law


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ISO and Intergraph can be contrasted with Radio TelefisEireann v. European Commission (Magill), a decision <strong>of</strong> theEuropean Court <strong>of</strong> Justice (ECJ).230 In Magill, due to the specificcopyright laws in place, television stations were able to claimcopyright in the listing <strong>of</strong> weekly programs in Ireland. Thetelevision stations published their own station specific as opposedto comprehensive weekly television guides and released daily andweekend details <strong>of</strong> programs to daily newspapers.231 Magillattempted to publish a comprehensive weekly television guide butwas enjoined from doing so on the motion <strong>of</strong> the televisionstations.232 Magill sought a declaration that in refusing to licencethe copyrighted material the stations had engaged in antitrustviolations or in European terms abused their dominant position inthe market place.233 The ECJ agreed, opining:In the present case, the conduct objected to is theappellants’ reliance on copyright conferred by nationallegislation so as to prevent Magill—or any otherundertaking having the same intention—from publishingon a weekly basis information (channel, day, time andtitle <strong>of</strong> programmes) together with commentaries andpictures obtained independently <strong>of</strong> the appellants.Among the circumstances taken into account by theU.S. 585; In re Indep. Serv. Orgs. Antitrust Litig., 203 F.3d 1322; Intergraph Corp. v.Intel Corp., 3 F. Supp. 2d 1255 (N.D. Ala. 1998), vacated by 195 F.3d 1346 (Fed. Cir.1999); Eastman Kodak Co. v. Image Technical Servs., Inc., 125 F.3d 1195 (9th Cir.1997); Data Gen. Corp. v. Grumman Sys. Support Corp., 36 F.3d 1147 (1st Cir. 1994);MCI Communications v. AT&T, 708 F.2d 1081 (7th Cir. 1983), cert. denied, 464 U.S.891 (1983); Byars v. Bluff City News Co., 609 F.2d 843 (6th Cir. 1980); Hecht v. Pro-Football Inc., 570 F.2d 982 (D.C. Cir. 1977), cert. denied, 436 U.S. 956 (1978); see alsoPhillip Areeda, Essential Facilities: An Epithet in Need <strong>of</strong> Limiting Principles, 58 ABAAntitrust L.J. 841 (1990); Allen Kezsbom & Alan Goldman, <strong>No</strong> Shortcut to AntitrustAnalysis: The Twisted Journey <strong>of</strong> the “Essential Facilities” Doctrine, 1 Colum. Bus. L.Rev. 1 (1996); David McGowan, Regulating Competition in the Information Age:Computer S<strong>of</strong>tware as an Essential Facility Under the Sherman Act, 18 HastingsComm. & Ent. L.J. 771 (1996); W. Greg Paciak, Essential Facilities Doctrine:Intergraph Corp. v. Intel Corp., 14 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 323 (1999).230. See Radio Telefis Eireann v. European Comm’n, 1995 E.C.R. I-743; 4 C.M.L.R.718 (1995); see also TRIPS, supra note 5, at art. 40; Inge Govaere, The Use and Abuse<strong>of</strong> Intell. Prop. Rts., in E.C. <strong>Law</strong> 3-12 (1996); Irini A. Stamatoudi, The Hidden Agendain Magill and Its Impact on New Technologies, 1 J. World Intell. Prop. 153 (1998).231. Radio Telefis, 4 C.M.L.R. at para. 3.232. Id. at para. 7.233. Id. at para. 8.

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