1970 SKI WHIZ MANUAL - Vintage Snow

1970 SKI WHIZ MANUAL - Vintage Snow

1970 SKI WHIZ MANUAL - Vintage Snow


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OPERATIONBREAK-I N PERIOD (20 Hours)~rate tbe $~1 WhiZ at approxunately ~500 to 4800rpm (1/2 to 3/4 throttle) UJidcr llgtn to medtum loads forthe first 21) haure. The Ski Wblz should DO< be operatedat full thr«tle at any time dunng the break-In penod.Mer approximately 20 bours. r:eturo the Slt Wboz totbe Muoey-Pergu-. Oulusblp •ilere It was ptrcb;ased(or a "'"'viCe ched ud adjUStments.CONTROLSenl!'lne apeed. Rele;ostng the control decreases enctneapeed and cauaes the convener to shut onto oeutral.qulls are adjaaable10 ail lachrldual prefereace. See tbeAd)tM mts'' secuca.Throttle ControlThe dtrortle control ts located on the ngllt bancllebar, Pte. 1. Preulng on tbe m-tte control tocreas

ewind. If the bAttery 11 lnxtlve on o machine equippedw•d\ ~l«trlc atart (eccusory), the m:mual stan may beused wltlloot Interference.1'0'1'1!: U the c able or rewiDd sprlDg becomubrotaa or fouled. • emetg y -nlq p>lleymay be lllled. Remove the blower -.tq aadwl8d a rope a.-.! tbe polley, P'lllng abarply.. tbe rope to N m the "''&fn". 'The cable oropnq aboWd be repaired or replaced aa -u poee-speed vcblc._, care aodcommoa eeaae obauld be used In ils ~·Before operat•lll tbe Sb Whiz at blgb apoecl, be·come tbonlliJIIIy famtltu wltb its c:oatrals aad haodll"'

• Never work on the Ski Whiz. when the engi.ne Is run·tng, except durtng carbu:retor adjustment.• OJe to gla_re from snow. Vlsion may be tmpalredternpor.arlly. Operate caunously untO accustom edto bnght •un.IMPORTANT: Running the Sl:! Whiz when It tolow on fuel may t:~use serious engine damage.Sbould c:nglne operatJ0

L. Turn the key to the .. srort .. position.2. PUll choke out approximately hal! way.3. Squeeze llmmle control shgbtly (approxlmowly1/4 open).4. PUll gradually on tbe stoner handle until restaaoceis felt, then pull &b;lrply to rurn the engtne. Holdoa to tbe ouner hilndle and allow tbe cabl" to rewtnclslowly. Mer lint pull, "" eboie·tie cmtre>l Lilli allow me, en:;pne to Idle untU it .,..,,.,.. up.6. AdJUst the cbOI

Trock Tenalonfig. 4- Trod< Ten5ion AdjustmentThe track ahOJ ld be ugllt enough so that It mllnu.nsIll proa>er position when m operaoon. All panaof the track, under the bogey wheels, must be In contactwlt.h the ground. After tightening the track until ItIs taut, c h ~-c k to make: sure It contacts the ground underall bogeys. Rolse rcor of mochine to check trock. ApproximatelyI" c lcorn.ncc s hould exist between ccmcrbogey wheels und Inside of track. Measure the t.hreouof each adjuallng boll to mokc sure it is adjust~'

Poe rnQJCimum maneuverability In hard p:u:kedsnow, position the s kis In tile rear boles oC tbe s ki saddles.Depress tile front of the ma.chlne wben removingtbe s kis to take the pressure o[C tbe saddl.es. After theskis bave been reposldoned, make sure tbe cotter plrusare agatn spread. Loosen tbe jam nuts and back olf tbebolts on tbe rearsuspensloa to allow the rear ol tbe macblneto rise. Through such adjustment. most of tilemachine and operator ,...,.gbt rests oo the skis and r,.uof tbe track, pumlttlng Improved handling at blgb apooeclOil bard ·-.Thro ttle and Brake ControlsThe Ski Wbtz is equipped with adjustable throttleand brake control levers, Ptg. 8 . To change tbe positionof the levers, loosen tbe socket head scuw:rews mthe lever plvoc blocks. The levers may be moved In orout or turned to meet indtvuluaJ requirements. Cueshould be ta !

LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCELUBRICATI O NThe Ski Whiz was designed for minimum maintenance,however, lubrication is occasionally required.Lubricate at the following locations and at the intervalsstated. See Diagram, Fig. 9.Take care to keep oils and greases from belts andtrack. Always wipe off oils or grease if accidentallyspilled. Do not over lubricate at any point.Wear Plates (No. 1) - Every 30 hours operation.Grease liberally with general pu.rpose, lithium basegrease.Sp.ring Pivots (No. 2) - Every 30 hours operation.Oil with SAE 5W-20 or lOW-30 motor oil.Steering Shaft - Bottom (No. 4) - When needed. OiJoccasionally with sAE 5w -20 or lOW - 30 motor oil.Sprin~Spacers (No. 5) - Every 30 hours. Oil liberallywith AE 5 W -20 or lOW -30 motor oil.Brake Pivot Points (No. 6)- When needed. Greasewith generBJ purpose, lithium base grease.Steering Shaft - Top (No. 7) - When needed.liberally with SAE 5W-20 or lOW-30 motor oil.OilChain Case (No. 8) - Cbange oil after first 15 hoursoperation -- iliereatter add oil when needed.Keep chain covered at bottom of case with approximately1'' SAE 80 transmission oil. When changingafter break- In, 4-l/2 ozs. will fill case to proper level.- 14 -

fig. 9 - Lubrication Diagram

Sus pens 1 on SprlJlgs (No. 9) - Every 30 llours,Greue liberally with general purpose, lithium basegrease.Pivot Assemblies ()'.'o. 10) - Annually. 011 JlberaUyw1tb SAl! SW-20 or JOW-30 Motor oil.Idler Sbaft (No. 11) - Annually. Grease liberaUywttb general purpose, htbimn base grease.MAINTENANCECarburetor Adjustment1110 carburetor is adJUSted at the ractory and should.!!.2!. be rcndjustcd unless pcrrormonce is excepnonallypoor or erratic . See Fig. 10Doth high s peed and Idle mixture screws are turnedc lockwise to close, or lean tJ1e mixture; and counte r­c lockwise to open, or enrich the m!xrure. To adjustIJle CO rw rCtOr, proceed as !OliOWI$:CAUTION: N e v er attempt to adjust theSid WhJz when It I• movlllg.I. Turn the h1gb ~ otnd Idle muu:ure screwsclocnue Wltll fully closed, then open b)• rurnmg caunterc:lockwule1-1/4 rums oa idle mixture screw and1-1/2 w rns on high speed screw.IMPORTANT': Do nat rurn adjusting screws lntight 1111 seats may become damAged.2. Block up IJle rear or the Ski Wlllz so IJlat thetrack Is free or the ground. Start engine

EXCEPTIONAl-LY LEAN. SINCE ENC!NEOAMACE CAN RESULT. A SUCHTLY RICHMIXTURE IS PREFERABLE FOR PROLONCBOENC!NE LIFE AND VARY!NC OPERATINGCONI> mONS.Sporlt Plu g leplou•enlShould cubu=or ad_US t m .. Dt fail tO produ..o nplac:~~~~tm.. spark plug, mal.e co:rtalD the ~ r •• lD plat.,, olDdtap- to 2b to 30ft. -U.. torq...,.f\Bod 8umpo Con Gi .. You luropol--Wbeft reyla.:lliJ pll:g•. """ m.. follc,. .. aos: All Models- O..mpton - K'l, tn: 160, o r Bosch - !\1240TI.Cylinder Heod l oll Tightneu.\Iter the hrst 20 bou's of OflC'raU..,, m.. ~ boltsmu5t he cbec M!cl for prof"'r 11gflto..as. If looa.., ngtnento 18-21 ft. -11». torque. Tlglttc:o eadl • hnl., at a tt~.In the order 11hown •n Ptg. 12. Head bolta are equippedwith rwo nuts, IIIIth a washer •n bcrwec:n.1iFig. II - Spork PlugFig. 12 -Tightening Heod Soht. I• 19 •

IMPORTANT: Overtightening bead bolts canstrip treads or damage cyLinder head.The hc~t shield must be removed to tighten nuta.Most engtno: null And bolts are or metrtc. ralber tlwnrracuooaJ stz.es.IMl'ORTM'T· Pertodic:ally c:heelt bead bolt•.especially after prolooged operatiOD at ~speeds.Sbo.Jd l.be ~ ........, rau to perform aausCactonly aDdother :.dJUStlnC.'nta or m.au1teunce do DCKcauae amprovemi!Jil.ul;e tbc S.a Wluz to a Massey-Fergusoo Oulerto ~~a..., tgr~uoa "'"''"& c!lecked arxl adJUS«!d.llrolte linltoge Ac:l jullmenlAdJU»t caste!llated no..t 110 lhat brale pads Carmllgrasp pulley when brake as Cully engase

Ski Run ner ReplacementWhen runners are worn b.tdly, they may be replacedby removing nut on oop of s kts and sliding out runnersCram bonom. See F ig. LS.TO OL BOX (350 SS, 5 0 0 SST)The tool box Is loc4ted at the back oC the seat, Ptg.17. To opeo, unsnap Castener and lift up.Fig . 15 - Ski Runner ReplacementD rive Belt ReplacementTo remove nn old belt, roll belt oU driven pulleyand ~rk around clutch pulley. The dutch or drivepulley Is oaacbed to the engine c ro.nksboft. See Ftg. 16.To replace the belt, ,...,rk the belt olllo the dutchpulley Clrst, then the dnven pulley.~Fig. 16- Drive Belt ReplaeementISU MMER STORAGEFig. 17- Tool Boxmock vebtcle oU ground, taking wctgbl oct drivebelt and skis.Dram 4Dd clean ruel tani.Loosen drh·e ttack and drive chain tension.Oil skis on top and bottom with mOlDr otJ.Remove spark plug, or plugs, place a few

Store Ski Whl:t in protected area . U Ski Whiz mustbe stored outside, protective cover should be used.TAKING OUT OF STORAGELubnc:.ate all points u descrtbed In·· Lubncatlon''secuoo.Flush out fuel tank, clnn, tileD fUI with frcsll fuc>lot the proper oll -- guollnC! (regular gnde) miXtUre.O>eck plug gap aod replace Spark plug, rig!untqto 26to 40 ft.-U.. to~. c.,,_.t plug~.AdJUSt teUtoo ot drt"' tnek and d:rtTe c:latn.ACCESSORIES AIID ATTACHMENTSWINTER AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGSk i Whiz SuitsUgtuw~.libt , water aod windproof SUitS ott avalbbleIn ooe or cwo-plec:e types. Jump suits are avalbbiC!lnred and Rallaye tults tn blacl:. T.,v-plec:e swtsb.ave redjaclceu cd blaclt pauu. AD suits bave detocboble boods.Ckle Sltl Whl:t patcb Is ""'"' over the left breast pocltC!t.AddJtlooal paa:bes are ayailahl,. from Massey-Fergu­Oealns. SC!e Ptp. 18. 19, and 20.Rua engine vnttl thol'CUghly ..-armed, at low speed,tbeo ild)ust csrburctor tl n• c lied.Fig. 18 ·One-Piece Su lland Helme!Fig . 19- Ral loye Su i I- 24 -• 25 -

Mate ns and l o ohNylon mlnl.'na are ptl~ lined for .. -armth. They haVe.'lea~r palma, :tlp~ r a and elastic cuUs. Boola arem..te ot nylo.n and rublx!r, and are eq.npped wuh :tlppC!rl,d:rawsut,.s and nr..,.. The felt 1mers are replaceable.•Fig. 20 • Winter Boot and UnerHelmet, VIsor a nd GogglesThe !loll, jCt •atylo helmet (Z 90.1 - 1966 USASI approved)hoe nn acet ate rayon foam padded line r ondnlOidcd rubbor on 1.-dge for wa rmth and protection. Op ­tional chin cup, detachable visor , or goggles wltlo Inter·changeable lenaoe are a lso available .tfig. 21 • T"""port Trviler one! Protective Co~~erPROTECliVE COVERA ~ny vtnyl cover Is tatlored .., fu the w~ of theSki Will%, for u.., ..tlen storing outsode or wtoen In tr.&na·port. Top v~nta ollow coolong ot C!Dglne Without colle.;tlngmollture and prevent billowmg of cover when trovo~lling.The cover Is equipped Wlth drawstronga for c .. yInstallation or rernoval. See Fog. 21.TRAN SPORT TRAilERS -DOUBlE O R SIN GLEIll thor trailer may be towed at highway speed• nndIs equipped to meet highway regulations of moot arc••·Chock whll local o(flctals regarding use. The tralleratilt In ~lther direction for easy loadong and unloadl111fA swiVel hltch ~rmlta turning the uaoler to tho aide,aiiOWinJ loadln& ond unloadmg Without uablt

• .,..., •llppace. N~loo web ue-downa ant opttooal. Breua.,.ych.atn...for tile toWU>g veh•dc. tallltcJita witll stOPand tuna "''""I•,.;oad bcenK plat" bradc:ts ne sunclanl.X.. Ft ... 22 ~Dd 23 •I=-JFig. 24- Elecldc Stortlng Kit and HounnelerFig. 22- Laadinv on Doubl• Trailer-ELECTRI C ST AR TI NG KITPl:rmlt• easy mns In all "'eatller. 1be sunc»n:tre.:otl atarter remaUlS oo the mochtne ud ""'Y be usedtf the cleunc stoner •s - •'""""· See Ftg. 2• .HOURM £T ER1llc! hourmec.u IS usable only oa maclltnes eqwppedw1lh elc:ctrlc start. Reconb lloure In tenllls. Excepuor,.llyufeful tn determtni• fuel consumptioo andcompmnc opn-nmg ra11ge.Fig. 23 - Unloading- zg -TINTED WINDS HIELDS11..., and amber tmted, IIOJI·clare Wlods!ueld$ areentlaNe. Also available •• a Ia.. proftle vers>O

SPROCKETSChalo sprockets to provtde a wider peed selectaon-· 17 teetb !or Models 300 S and 350 SS, 25-tooth forModel 500 SST and 21-tooth !or ll models.SNOW FLAPpa<strong>Snow</strong> Flap mounted on rear of mach\ne, to protenger on Skl Wh :t or tbose ln pull-beblnd sleigh.tOTHER ACCESSORIES AND ATTACHMENTSINCLUDEG s c p wlth gauge, bulb-type prtmer, ktek stand,lo- hop dolly, b-peedomaer, t ~ hometcr, compass, U­lurninated rear ltcen e plate holder. tot bag and rearvtew mlrror.- 30 -

Fig. 25 -Schematic -Manual Start Wiring -Models300 S, 350 SS- 31 -

II &If W N/Te,-IJitCOlt N~ l, 7CRMINI4LI~ GA WHIT( CC>NNCC TOll!"'.,_ACI

•Fig. 27- Schematic - Electric Start Wiring - Models 300 S, 350 SS

t •,. ..,114_,,,_•... W N +tL_, • C4..,,.... _-~c.. rtO.,,.." 1..1'9"...,., .-~ ............... 01'c.r.-ccr.-. • 6....,. ~-­O'~~OI'C-" C U HFig. 28- Schematic - Electric Start Wiring- Model 500 SST

.SPECIFICATIONS3 0 s350 ss500 SSTTRA.CK •.•....••.•..........•.•.Length on Ground ........•..•..\Yidth ......... •.•.•... .......•Surface on Ground .....•..•....<strong>SKI</strong>S : ..... ...................... ..Lengtll .•........••• .••••.......\Vidth ......................... .OVERALL DIMENSIONS: .•.•...••.Height (Over Wind hield) ••.•••••Length • • • . . . . . • • • • . . . . . • , • • • • •Width ....... I •• I ••••••••••• ' •••DRIVE ......•.•••....••...•. , • , •.BRAKE .•.••.•••..... ...•.•••. ...E Gl _ ES ........................ .~i~~•••••.......••••••••••... 'HP at 5500 rpm Mfgr' s Rating ....FUEL TANK CAPACITY .••.•......SEAT: .....•.......•............Capac icy .....•• .•....••..•... .•Len,gth. .. ........................ .Molded Polyurethane38"15-1/t••589 Sq. ln.41-1/2''5"41"99-1/2"32"Torque SensitiveCaliper Type1 cylinder2 cycleJLO 292 cc18.54 gals.2 persons35"44-1/2"15-l/2"690 sq. in.41-1/2"5"42"106''32''1 cylinder2 cycleJLO 336 cc225-1/4 gals.44-1/2"15-1 /2' I690 sq. in.41-1/2"5"42"106'.32"T\vin cylinder2 cycleJLO 443.8 cc295-1/4 gals.2-3, persons 2-3 persons39-1/2'. 39-1/2''

3005 350 ssSEAT: (Continued)Widtll .. I •••••••••••••••••••••• 17" 17'.WEIGHT (Approx ..) •...•..••••.... 325 lbs. 355 lbs.500 SST17"395 lbs ••w00The machines used for photographs in this Manual are prototypesand may differ slightly from production models.

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