Human Resource - FREE Original Acting Scenes for Workshop ...

Human Resource - FREE Original Acting Scenes for Workshop ...

Human Resource - FREE Original Acting Scenes for Workshop ...


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Mock Sides: <strong>Original</strong> Scripts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsHUMAN RESOURCEWritten byDavid Dalton & Chad SchnackelPages: 4Characters:Mike, late 20'sGreg Hancock, 40+Synopsis:Greg Hancock pays the new Director of H.R. a visit, only to besubjected to Mike's weird sense of humor.PERMISSION FOR USEEducational Use: YOU HAVE PERMISSION to use this script <strong>for</strong> actingclasses & workshops, general auditions, audition workshops, schoolentry auditions, school scholarship auditions, personal practice,and school related competitions where no monetary awards or prizesare given.Film or Video Productions: YOU HAVE PERMISSION to film orvideotape a per<strong>for</strong>mance of this script <strong>for</strong> the purpose ofdemonstration (demo reel or show reel) as long as the writer'snames appear in the film/video credits in the finished production.Expansion/Development/Film Festivals: YOU MUST OBTAIN expressedwritten permission from the MockSides administrators (writersDavid Dalton & Chad Schnackel) to expand or develop this scriptinto a short film, feature, or any sort of episodic series <strong>for</strong>commercial use or <strong>for</strong> entries into film festivals and competitionswhere a monetary award or prize is offered, in which case,monetary compensation may be required by the writers.NOTE: Most film festival organizations and their sponsors may noteven allow a produced video/film of this script to be entered,since there may already be produced versions of this script byothers, making it an "unoriginal film". We recommend youcommission the writers of this script to create original content<strong>for</strong> your use only.Copyright © 2012 www.mocksides.com

Mock Sides: <strong>Original</strong> Scripts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsINT. HUMAN RESOURCES - DAYMike Turner sits at his new desk with a stack of files. He isreading one file with extreme intensity.We hear a a quick couple knocks on the door be<strong>for</strong>e GREGHANCOCK enters. He is an executive manager within the firm.HANCOCKMr. Turner.Turner gets up and greets him with usual enthusiasticdemeanor.MIKEOh, hi. You are...HANCOCKGreg Hancock, Director of Finance.MIKEOf course. Mr. Hancock.HANCOCKPlease, call me Greg.MIKEYeah, Hancock(goes back to search hisfiles)Hancock ...Hancock, Greg.He finds Hancock’s file.They both sit.MIKEHere we go. Been with the companysince 1992. Wow, twenty years.That’s awesome.(beat)So, what brings you by?HANCOCKJust wanted to welcome aboard thenew Director of H.R.MIKEThanks. Please, have a seat.HANCOCKI have to tell you, I was a littlesurprised Mr. Mitchell hired such ayoung man.Copyright © 2012 www.mocksides.com(CONTINUED)

Mock Sides: <strong>Original</strong> Scripts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsMIKEReally? Why’s that?HANCOCKWell, Mr. Mitchell ...he’s alwaysbeen ...you know, ‘old school’.MIKEUh huh.(writing in Hancock’sfile)Old school.HANCOCKHe told me about your philosophy.What do you call it, your “gut<strong>for</strong>ce”philosophy? Veryinteresting.MIKEYeah, I follow my gut. Thecandidate’s qualifications areimportant, but I always go with mygut. It’s never let me down.HANCOCKOh, I see. I guess that’s a goodquality.MIKE(still writing)You guess? Uh huh.HANCOCKSo, I see you’re a note-taker.Another good quality.MIKEAllow me to ask a company veteranlike yourself a question.HANCOCKOf course, happy to share myexperience.MIKEIf you were a caterpillar in it’scocoon, would you come out abutterfly, or a moth?HANCOCKI’m sorry?Copyright © 2012 www.mocksides.com(CONTINUED)

Mock Sides: <strong>Original</strong> Scripts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsMIKE(begins to write again)Sorry ...Uh huh.HANCOCKI suppose I would be a...MIKEIf you had a super power, whatwould it be?HANCOCKIs this that new profile test Mr.Mitchell was talking about?MIKENo, it’s not. Answer the question,please.HANCOCKWell, I never really thought aboutit.MIKEUh huh.(beat)If you had access to all thefinancial accounts and were able totake money out and hide it, wouldyou?HANCOCKI do have access to all theaccounts. I’m head of the financedepartment...MIKEI’m sorry, Greg, but I have to letyou go.HANCOCKLet me go?(beat)Oh, Mr. Mitchell said you had aweird sense of humor.MIKEI don’t, and I’m not joking now.HANCOCKExcuse me? You’re firing me? Youcan’t do that.Copyright © 2012 www.mocksides.com(CONTINUED)

Mock Sides: <strong>Original</strong> Scripts <strong>for</strong> <strong>Workshop</strong> ActorsMIKEYes I can.HANCOCKNo you can’t.MIKEI can if I have Mr. Mitchell’sapproval.HANCOCKDo you have his approval?No.MIKEHancock stands up. Turner stands up to match.HANCOCKWell, good luck getting it.MIKE(laughing)Wait. I was just joking. You’re notfired.(beat)That’s just how I interviewcandidates. Only, I don’t firethem, cause they aren’t hired yet,I just tell them to get the hellout of my office. If they run, Idon’t call them back. If they standup to me, they get a secondinterview.I see.HANCOCKMIKEHey, you know where the bathroom’sare around here?HANCOCKDown the hall and on the left.MIKEThanks.(laughing)You would get a second interview.Mike exits leaving Hancock confused.CUT TO:Copyright © 2012 www.mocksides.com

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