June 2010 - Castor Valley Elementary School Council

June 2010 - Castor Valley Elementary School Council

June 2010 - Castor Valley Elementary School Council


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3/4 - Kelly McKenna / DeborahTomlinson5 - Jane Reeb / Andrew Thorp5 - Andrew Thorp / Jane Reeb5 - Adjoua Kouassi / Taylor Chibuk7 - Jeanne Lalonde-Blais / Mike Speer7/8 - Mike Speer / Alain Lalonde7 LFI - Kim Holmes /Tracey Heard6 - Samantha Dowdall / NicolasBoudreau6 - Nicolas Boudreau / SamanthaDowdall6 - James Smith / Katherine Ryan8 - Chris Mott / Mark Mitchell8 - Grassau / Chris Mott8 LFI - Mark Mitchell / Tracey Heard<strong>School</strong> Admin Team:Deborah Davidson (LST)Diane Abboud (0.5 VP/0.5 Instruction)Marnie Patterson (Principal)We will be up to 9 portables (from 7) for next yearCelebrations7B & Mrs. Bickmore - National Award and letter of recognition from Lyall Thomson our Director of EducationFree the Children - Goal of raising funds for building a school in Kenya achieved!Pop tabs cashed in at metal recycler and another wheelchair for March of Dimes ($700)FYIME to WE - 15 total (staff and children) chosen to attend the ME TO WE Conference Sept. 29 - 30th inToronto. (Craig & Marc Kielburger). More info to come. Changed – tickets now for bilingual Me to We Dayscheduled for Montreal on Friday, Nov. 12 (PD Day)Message from Marnie: THANK YOU to all of you for being such a wonderful group of parents to workalongside. Your support of our staff and your dedication to ALL of our children is commendable.Teaching Staff Report– no reportSupport Staff ReportJEFF, Chief Custodian– “anticipating” additional cleaning hours for the new school year…let‟s hope!COREEN, Library Technician– library inventory completeSANDY & GAIL, Office Staff- Meet the Teacher is scheduled for Wed. Sept. 15th Details to come in Sept. Changed to Thurs. Sept. 16 from 5to 7 to enable volunteer firefighters from Metcalfe or Greely to assist with BBQ- Sandy & Gail extend best wishes for families to have a safe, happy summer. ”Thank you for all you do for us.You are such a great group!”

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