bullying/harassment/teen dating - Brevard Public Schools

bullying/harassment/teen dating - Brevard Public Schools

bullying/harassment/teen dating - Brevard Public Schools


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Definition of Harassment (Insulting Behaviors) Any threatening,insulting or dehumanizing gesture, use ofdata or computer software, written, verbal,or physical contact. Has the effect of interfering with thestudents education and the orderlyoperation of the school.5

It may involve, but is not limited to: (Unwanted) teasing Social exclusion Threat Intimidation Stalking Physical violence Theft <strong>Public</strong> humiliation Sexual, religious, orracial/ethnic <strong>harassment</strong> Damaging or destructionof property Placing a student inreasonable fear of harmto his/her person orproperty Cyber-<strong>bullying</strong> Cyber-stalking6

New Addition RegardingCyber-<strong>bullying</strong>:“The physical location or time ofaccess of a computer-relatedincident cannot be raised as adefense in any disciplinaryaction initiated under thissection.”9

What does that mean?No matter where or what computer isused, if your child uses it tobully/harass a student and/or schoolbased adult, if reported, disciplinarysanctions must be taken by theschool administrator.10

Warning Signs Withdrawn Secretive/Isolated Spending all time with partner Unexplained injuries Alcohol/drug abuse Making excuses Uncontrolled anger13

Expected BehaviorsNo tolerance for <strong>bullying</strong>/<strong>harassment</strong>Help create a positive school climateDemonstrate appropriate behaviorand treat others with civility andrespect.14

What To Tell Your Teen To Do IfHe/She is Being Bullied/Harassed orAbused:Tell the offender to stopWalk awaySeek help from a trusted adultReport15

Find Out the Circumstances of theIncident and What Exactly Transpired.Suggested questions to ask your <strong>teen</strong>:• Who was present?• What were the circumstances?• Where did it happen?• When did it happen?16

Talk To Your Child About Being withFriends and Knowing Which FriendsThey Can Count OnEncourage your child to developpositive relationships and not hangout with kids who make them feelbadly about themselves.17

How Students Report Verbal: In-person reporting; Written: BPS Bullying/Harassment/TeenDating Violence and Abuse Reporting Form -Secondary/Adult; Anonymous: Bully Box, Speak Out Hotline(1.800.226.7733), School-based website ifapplicable.18

Incident Reporting andImmunity GOOD FAITH – Anyone making a report in good faithis immune from cause of action/damages. It will NOTeffect employment, grades, learning/workingenvironment or assignments. WRONGFUL & INTENTIONAL – Consequences andappropriate remedial action will apply.19

Teach Your Teen thePOWER of Bystanders!Bystanders Should: Express disapproval by not participating. DONOT laugh along, DO NOT tease, DO NOTwatch, listen, or gossip!!! Tell the offender to STOP! Walk away (encourage the victim to go with you) If you see these behaviors repeated, REPORTthe offenders.20

How Can Parents Help EndOffensive BehaviorsSupportiveListenObservantSay itClaim itStop it21

Actions Taken for Students WhoViolate the Policy• Counseling• Letters / phone calls to parents ofboth the offender and the victim• Suspension• Expulsion• Reported to law enforcement.22

Consequences for Parents,Visitors/Volunteers Who Violate ThisPolicyDetermined by the SchoolAdministratorTrespassedIf applicable, report to appropriatelaw enforcement agency.23

Ways Parents of SecondaryStudents Can Help Remain proactive and reinforce respectfulbehavior Let them know that <strong>bullying</strong>/<strong>harassment</strong> and<strong>teen</strong> <strong>dating</strong> violence and abuse isdisrespectful, unacceptable, and can bedangerous Tell them hazing is illegal, humiliating, and canbe life threatening Tell them sexual <strong>harassment</strong> is illegal24

More Information to Tell Your Teen Misbehavior on the basis of race,ethnicity, religion, disability or sexualorientation is a form of bias or hate andcan not be dismissed as teasing. Hate-motivated behavior often leads tohate crimes and are punishable by law.25

Parents Should Also… Know the school rules, expected behaviors andconsequences of <strong>bullying</strong>/<strong>harassment</strong>/<strong>teen</strong><strong>dating</strong> violence and abuse Participate at school, offer services and attendschool-sponsored activities Communicate regularly with teachers Report <strong>bullying</strong>/<strong>harassment</strong>/<strong>teen</strong> <strong>dating</strong> violenceand abuse behavior immediately Ask for and accept the school’s s help whetheryour youth is a target, an offender or a bystander26

<strong>Brevard</strong>’s s Bullying PolicyOur Board is committed to a safe,secure, positive, productive andnurturing educational environmentthat is free from <strong>bullying</strong> or<strong>harassment</strong> of any kind for all of itsstudents, employees, volunteers,parents and/or school visitors.27

Again! Expected Behavior in our<strong>Schools</strong>…Show NO tolerance for<strong>bullying</strong>/<strong>harassment</strong>/<strong>teen</strong> <strong>dating</strong>violence and abuseHelp create a positive school climateDemonstrate appropriate behaviorand treat others with civility andrespect.28

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