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Case Study:<strong>Arco</strong> demonstrates attention todetail with Greater ManchesterPolice CSI contractSeven of <strong>Arco</strong>’s key vendors attended and the eventprovided an ideal opportunity for <strong>Arco</strong> and its vendorsto understand the current safety issues and identifypossible solutions and for Greater Manchester Police toask questions, try products and learn how to use themcorrectly. From this specialist vendor day <strong>Arco</strong> was able toidentify and resolve issues and look at providing more costeffective solutions in some cases. For instance <strong>Arco</strong> is nowable to offer a better quality of disposable gloves than werepreviously used, at a better price, equivalent to an annualsaving of over £5,000 per year. <strong>Arco</strong> also identified thatthe protective coveralls worn were not suitable due to thelimited flexibility of the hood, which created an exposurerisk. An alternative basic protective coverall was offeredas it was adequate for the risks associated with the jobat a fraction of the cost. Greater Manchester Police alsopurchased a large quantity of knee pads and high poweredtorches on the day.<strong>Arco</strong> has been supplying safety advice to theGreater Manchester Police’s Crime SceneInvestigation Unit since 2006, supplying specialistequipment such as respiratory protection,kneepads, protective coveralls, gloves andtorches to enable crime scene investigators (CSIs)to safely carry out their work. In 2011, throughits Trafford Park branch, <strong>Arco</strong> began the processof reviewing the existing contract to ensure thatGreater Manchester Police were getting the bestvalue for money and each employee was correctlyprotected. As the second largest forensic serviceoutside London, this was no small task.Glenn Stephens, National Account Manager at <strong>Arco</strong>’sTrafford Park branch, who led the Greater ManchesterPolice project, explained, “In 2011 <strong>Arco</strong> worked with theCSI unit at Greater Manchester Police to evaluate theircurrent needs versus what they were being supplied withat the time, which revealed that there was opportunity toimprove in several areas.” As part of the process to improvethe existing contract, Glenn coordinated a specialist CSIvendor day at the Trafford Park Branch to allow GreaterManchester Police to evaluate the full range of products.The specialist vendor day also highlighted that respiratoryprotection was a major issue within Greater ManchesterPolice. Glenn explained, “The disposable respirators usedby the CSI unit were not flexible enough for the job. CSIswould fold them up and put them in their pockets betweenuses, but the disposable respirators would lose shapedue to the metal bar across the nose which compromisedprotection when worn. The inadequate fit of the disposablerespirators also created problems such as misting up ofglasses and visors. These respirators are used by theCSIs in contaminated environments, when dusting forfingerprints and in laboratory situations, so making surethey are correctly working is essential.”To address the concern over respiratory protection,Glenn set up a dedicated respiratory products vendorday to help <strong>Arco</strong> to better understand their needs forrespiratory equipment. Following in depth discussionswith the CSI staff and <strong>Arco</strong> vendors, <strong>Arco</strong> initiated a trialof new disposable respirator masks offering the best levelof protection for the task and following a successful trialare now included in the contract. In total, through the twovendor days, <strong>Arco</strong> were able to assist Greater ManchesterPolice in saving over £60,000 and improve the levels ofprotection for its staff.Because of the successful changes within the CrimeScene Investigation Unit, Greater Manchester Policeis now looking at rolling out this best practice projectacross all departments within the force, looking at PPE forapproximately 5,000 staff.“We are very impressed withthe work and assistancethat <strong>Arco</strong> provided. As aresult of all the PPE changesat the CSI unit at GreaterManchester Police, I havereceived extremely positivefeedback from our CSIsabout the quality of the PPEthat we now have. The staffhave said that the new kit isvery comfortable and makesscene examination a littleeasier and they have peaceof mind that they have themaximum protection againstbiological contamination.”Ben Sefton,Senior Crime Investigator,Manchester Police17www.arco.co.uk18

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