1 - Voice For The Defense Online

1 - Voice For The Defense Online

1 - Voice For The Defense Online


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IMINUTES OF BOARD OF DIWECTORS MEETING* As dbcted b~ Board of Directors' resolntion passed at the February 11, 1978 meetinn.-. the minutes of that and & futute meetinEs - am to be uub&hed in the Vaice.TEXAS CRIMINAI. DEFENSE LAWYERS ASSOCIATIONa. BOARD OP DIRECTORS MhETINCfP =FEBRUARY 11, I97811 :05 a.m. Preddernt C6Ivin called the meeW to ordw Cindy Waltea caned therolL It was e~tabIirhed that a 4um~m was present.PRESENT: Emqett Colvhvin George Luquette* ,Vincent Periai* Robert dons,Charles McDonald, Jack Bw&, David Birea, Clifford Brown, DavidCarlmk, Waggoapr Cart, AIlW Cazier+ Sam Houston Clinton, W. V.~w*m, Buck Filert Kmy FitzGerdg, Gerry Coldstein, Olirer Heanl,Jan Hemphill, CliE HoMea, Ed hballett, Stiutley To& Tom 5We,Ri+nl Thornton, Doug "Tinker, Stmltfy Weiqherg, Elmo Will&,Rodgw Ziriyllerman, Rodd Zipp, James Babo, Many Cowiant,Mehael mbson, R&ee Seas, Michael Tbmas, Phil Burlesan andWeldon Bol~onxb.EXCUSED Louis Dugar, Bootr; &ueg,e~, Bme DeBullet, kymand Caballero andABSENES: B u d Busby13NEXCU$ED IIam Nass. C!hrles BuEh Dick D&&. Art La&m. J~hn Mont-ABSENCES: ford: Pat &st, Upleg Rbenberry, Pete ~orres, ~bel ~osmo, GarlandWier, Francis Willias, Abtodo Cantu, Chmt Hmdeway, EeUyIreland, Albert Pena and James WeddXng.OTHERS Steve Capeb, CMy Waltqs* John Basfou, CDLP Project DDwtor,PmSENT: and Richard Andwon, TCDLA Member fmn Dam<strong>The</strong> motion was made by Weldon HOicom7, that the reading of themiautes oT the Deeembw 66th meeting be d'ispemd with and that theminet%+ he a~proved RS previously ab fted to the Board of Dim-Ms. Seconded by Clif Holmes. <strong>The</strong> 2 akh ~ariert <strong>The</strong> ininxtesstand approved.AMICUS Stcvg Ca~elle =ported that the Amicus Cariw CommStt&e hM notCURIAE mush aetmity lately and that only one casa had adBRt1y been referxedtg the ~mmittee. Steve stated tbai he wouId report on the stam ofthis ease at the. next meeting., CZE O w DMstein #ported tht TCDLA will hold a niFninaIlaw seminarin Caatmt, blesiw April 69. Gem &&ad the need fa mhnteers€0 speak and 'to supply dttm mat&. Gerry ranindedthe inmembersthat 6 hours pa day, ~kwoom timane, was necsssary to secure the taxdedllction on ttg trip.Gerry also 8iseusse.d plans for a criminal trizl seminar to be heId inAustin for Uniwmity Law School students. Gerry stated that MikeSharlot wlll amkt him in orderamminrr tW hnction and that both ofLabaratories & OfficesofWAYNE BAKER,ERlC HOLDEN& ASSOCIATESblygmph Laboratorie~ BL Officesestabl&hedto serve the legal professipnTHE REGISTRY, Sulte 2486350 LBJ FreewayDallas, Texoa'?S&OTEXAS PENAL CODETABLEOFOFFENSESAND PENALTIES(with 1977 Amendments)IAddirional cnpies may he obtltimd atS1.a~ per copy. You recewed onecopy free as a member of TCDLA.Writs the Associationoffit?e foraddition81 copies.. - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED-Tha Am-them would be on members of the Board to volqnteer as in- , C,fike Committee of TC~LA h8aPresident Calvin mprted th@ Ron Gmwn of Was is stitl workingon the jury selection seminar and that the &h&&@ k &host wmplete.<strong>The</strong> dab of the semkiar will be announced in th% neat future.Vinee Perini ann~unoed that the Criminal T d Aduow Institat~inD&as had been canceled due to a laok of support. It was stated thatthe- a oasslbilitv that the institute would be ~tternpkd again inabout 6 moljlrs.in helping with thisiI of TWLA Amicus'WVOICE for the <strong>Defense</strong>

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