2011 - Theses - Flinders University

2011 - Theses - Flinders University

2011 - Theses - Flinders University


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26 Education, The Adnyamathanha People: Aboriginal People of the <strong>Flinders</strong> Ranges. An Aboriginal StudiesCourse for Secondary Students. P156 ; Dr Shanahan and MC Birt, 'Grg52/1/1903', State Records of SouthAustralia, Adelaide.27 Tindale, 'Observations on Aborigines of the <strong>Flinders</strong> Ranges, and Records of Rock Carvings and Paintings.'p47; Gertie Johnson, Conversation with Gertie Johnson 010802, ed. Tracy Spencer (Nepabunna: 2002), vol.Gertie identified the man named ‘Wanjulda’ in Figure 18 of Hale and Tindale as her Grandfather, Mt Serle Bob.28 Education, The Adnyamathanha People: Aboriginal People of the <strong>Flinders</strong> Ranges. An Aboriginal StudiesCourse for Secondary Students. P143P45 Shows a photograph with caption: ‘Sydney Ryan, wife Annie and Frome Charlie taken at Ram PaddockGate about 1928.’ The genealogy itself does not mention Annie as wife to Sydney, although it does mention thatSydney’s wife Mary died at Mt Serle some time before 1930. Sydney was a Mathari man (pvii), so Annie as awife would presumably be Arruru.29 Guy Tunstill, ed., Adnyamathanha Years R-10: A Teaching Framework for Revival and Second LanguageLearning in Years R to 10 (Hindmarsh South Australia: DECS Publishing, 2004). P117. Ngarlaami is ‘aunt(mother’s elder sister)30 Brock, Yura and Udnyu: A History of the Adnyamathanha of the Northern <strong>Flinders</strong> Ranges.p2231 R Ellis, 'The Funeral Practices and Beliefs of the Adjanmathanha,' Journal of the Anthropological Society ofSouth Australia 13.6 (1975). P4 describes that white lime is applied to members of the moiety not of the samemoiety as the dead person. Those of the same moiety blacken their faces, and the women of that moiety conductthe funeral wailing.32 Ellis, 'The Funeral Practices and Beliefs of the Adjanmathanha.' P633 Dorothy Tunbridge in association with the Nepabunna Aboriginal School and the Adnyamathanha people ofthe <strong>Flinders</strong> Ranges, <strong>Flinders</strong> Ranges Dreaming. p176 Name of Nepabunna waterhole.34 Brock, Yura and Udnyu: A History of the Adnyamathanha of the Northern <strong>Flinders</strong> Ranges.p4635 Education, The Adnyamathanha People: Aboriginal People of the <strong>Flinders</strong> Ranges. An Aboriginal StudiesCourse for Secondary Students.p156 Quotes an extract from The Register, 1902, commenting on an epidemic ofmeasles amongst ‘blacks’ at Mt Serle, where 15 people had died in four months.36 (Gordon Arthur) Smiler Greenwood, Tape Recording, (Mortlock JB Somerville Oral History collection: StateLibrary of South Australia, 1964), vol.37 Keith Nicholls, Transcript of Interview with Keith Nicholls 151001, ed. Tracy Spencer (Beltana: 2001), vol.38 Rosie Brady Rita Coulthard, Lorna Demell, Conversation with Rita, Rosie and Lorna 191001, ed. TracySpencer (Ram Paddock Gate: 2001), vol.39 Yakarties = children83

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