2011 - Theses - Flinders University

2011 - Theses - Flinders University

2011 - Theses - Flinders University


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draws breath accounting for the customs and superstitions of the ‘natives’ he has met. Theoratory climaxes with a passionate appeal for the soul of the Australian Native, living indarkness, in great need of Christ. He pauses, letting the sweep of his gaze dwell a moment oneach uplifted face. In a quiet voice, barely containing his passion, he delivers a quotationfrom his very own interview printed in The Advertiser newspaper the previous week.‘“As Australians,” he sa[ys], “We have a national responsibility towards them, which wecannot legitimately disregard.”’ 124Time suspends for a moment, tipping into Eternity, and then the tall steadying form ofPastor Wiltshire is beside him, settling his spirits like oil poured on water.‘Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you,’ Wiltshire intones, authoritatively, intothe still room. ‘It is God alone who chooses His messengers. And it is the weak vessel ofGod’s church that sets such messengers apart to perform the task God appoints to them.’The Induction charge rumbles on, until Jim becomes aware of the preachers handoutstretched towards him, takes the right hand of fellowship, and shakes it, and the next andthe next as one by one ministers and missionaries file forward to embrace him in theircompany. He is one of them now. This time, when they sing the lilting verses of the finalhymn, he does not even open his hymnal, but instead closes his eyes, and sings by heart thewords John Wesley loved.‘Take my life and let it beconsecrated Lord to theeTake my moment and my daysLet them flow in ceaseless praise.Take my hands, and let them moveAt the impulse of thy love.Take my feet, and let them be71

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