2011 - Theses - Flinders University

2011 - Theses - Flinders University

2011 - Theses - Flinders University


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White Lives in a Black Community: The lives of Jim Page and Rebecca Forbes in the Adnyamathanha communityTracy SpencerVolume Three Appendices:Creative Life WritingSection Three: Contact ZoneMiss Harris. Bro. Williams has in fact headed west by himself, on the strength of the permithe and Bro. Wade were granted to enter the Reserve earlier this year. I do not know if hegoes on the AAM’s work: he says he has written to the South Australian Advisory Council ofAborigines suggesting he be commissioned to sink wells, so a permanent station might beestablished in the Musgrave Ranges for the natives. 81 He is quite the figure of adventure withhis sleeves rolled back and his camels grumbling, and he speaks – plain speaker that he is –of the great need he witnessed for medical care, and his desire to follow Bro. Wade’s crusadefor the people of the central reserve. He is so eager to put himself among the people in simplefriendship and service, he says.Although I long to go with him, I will stay at my post looking for children to teach underthe tin shelter we have here for a school. Besides, I have not yet applied for a permit to enterthose foreign lands. Oodnadatta is foreign enough for me: I am sure my family back Homecould not imagine it, with not a shred of green, barely a building as they know them inLondon, just a scatter of sheds and hovels thrown upon a plain. No: for now I shall do theLord’s bidding here, and wait for further news of Bro. Williams explorations.I have not written much of my own duties here, but trust you have read my first article inthe Australian Aborigines Advocate, printed in February? I have added some cuttings to thispost just in case. You will have recognised The Chief’s influence of course – ‘the Word ofGod, as it is!’ – and thence the work proceeding from it, and finally a prayer diary: prayersgranted and prayers made. I find it is a good plan for my days, reminding me that Hisglorious presence travels with me wherever I go.I have endeavoured to use some of our teaching practices to convey the Gospel – a largepictorial Bible helps to illustrate simple stories I convey in the little phrases of nativelanguage I know, and the scant phrases of English they know – often the phrases you wouldwish they didn’t know, too! They seem to respond like children to the simple stories andactions I show them, using the round red pebbles everywhere on the ground here asillustrations for them. They clap and smile and grab hold of the pebbles and make their ownmarks in the dust with them, so I presume something of the message is getting through. It isso hard to really know, and then they are gone on their endless travelling and I don’t know ifI shall see them again. Pray that each seed may find water along the way!Some seem to stay here: I have encouraged a local girl, Kitty, to ‘compose’ her ownarticle, to show the miracle that the Sisters have wrought teaching the Gospel with little butlove and kindness and faith to overcome darkness of mind and soul. Of course, it is takingsome time to help Kitty find the words, and then I write them down for her, although shecannot read but trusts I have taken what she speaks and will send it to the Sisters for her. Itwould be quite something to have Aborigines themselves writing in The Advocate, don’t youthink? Surely it glorifies the Lord of all Nations!It is quite touching to see Kitty’s distress, as she genuinely misses her Sisters, and saysover and over, in her way, that she hopes they return to grow old with her. I had not expectedsuch strong emotions towards us, and I am careful to send her into the arms of her ownfamily when she becomes upset, and make a point of speaking with her only where they are50

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