Monographs on teacher.. 9808 v5 - Umeå universitet

Monographs on teacher.. 9808 v5 - Umeå universitet

Monographs on teacher.. 9808 v5 - Umeå universitet


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Jokkmokk Training CentreA modality of invisible pedagogy characterised the methodology withinthe process of training within JTC. At the centre all the <strong>teacher</strong>s, <strong>on</strong>equal terms, were involved both in the theoretical and practical orientedparts of the training. The level of their formal educati<strong>on</strong> was notimportant, what counted was the amount of their practical experiencesfrom work and their ability to perform their tasks. With respect to theparticipant of the courses at the centre, there were not any demands forpre knowledge or differences made between the trainees depending <strong>on</strong>their level from formal educati<strong>on</strong>. The c<strong>on</strong>tent of the courses wasc<strong>on</strong>structed across different engineering areas according to the principlethat the trainees should better understand the whole system and theinterrelati<strong>on</strong>s between adjacent equipment within the plants. C<strong>on</strong>nectedto this was the principle that the training should be practical useful inthe c<strong>on</strong>text of work. The methodology was also influenced by the marketec<strong>on</strong>omy approach of the school. In order to satisfy the trainees(customers) the <strong>teacher</strong>s had to negotiate with them, both with respectto variati<strong>on</strong>s in the c<strong>on</strong>tents and the applied methodology in the courses.All of the staff at the centre had free access to the computers, printersand copy machines and all other equipment. The trainees had almostthe same access. The guiding principle was that all types of materialused in the training should be as close to the user as possible. The <strong>teacher</strong>staff at the centre shared their place of work when not occupied withthe courses.Aswan Training Centre:Although all the efforts to influence the opposite the training processwithin ATC, became a visible pedagogy. The argument for thisc<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> is that <strong>on</strong>e category am<strong>on</strong>g the staff performed the theoreticaland another category the practical oriented training, sustained by anintricate b<strong>on</strong>us system. During the training could not the categorieswith different formal educati<strong>on</strong> be mixed, neither was the <strong>teacher</strong>s withinthe centre with lower formal educati<strong>on</strong> allowed to perform training fortrainees with higher formal educati<strong>on</strong>. Furthermore the <strong>teacher</strong>s withhigher formal educati<strong>on</strong> were not allowed to perform training in practicaloriented parts. Yet another principle regulated that the different enginee-55

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