John B - West Virginia Genealogy

John B - West Virginia Genealogy

John B - West Virginia Genealogy


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<strong>John</strong> B. Bailey and Sarah StanleyBy Gracie Stover<strong>John</strong> B. Bailey was born February 1, 1790, in Dinwiddie County, <strong>Virginia</strong>, anddied March 19, 1872, at White Stick, Raleigh County, <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>. At this time, we donot know who his parents were. However, in the 1850-1950 Raleigh County's 100thAnniversary edition of the Beckley Post-Herald, P.C. Maynor writes about hisgrandparents, Richard Tucker Maynor and Nancy Belcher. He says that <strong>John</strong> B. Baileywas Nancy's half-brother. So, we know that <strong>John</strong> is related to this family, but have not yetestablished his and Nancy's parents.He married Sarah Stanley in Franklin County, <strong>Virginia</strong>, July 5, 1813. Sarah,daughter of William Stanley, Jr., and Nancy Mullins, was born about 1796 in FranklinCounty and died February 15, 1884 in Raleigh County.Translation of Marriage BondKnow all men by these presents that we - <strong>John</strong> Bell and Obediah Stover are held andfirmly bound unto James Barbour Esquire, Governor of VA in the sum of one hundredand fifty dollars, to the payment of which will and truly to be made, we bind ourselvesand each of us, our and each of our heirs, Executors and assures, formally and severallyfirmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of July, 1813 thecondition of the above obligation is such that whereas there is a marriage shortly intended

to be had and solemnized between the above bound <strong>John</strong> Bell and Sarah Stanley, Now ifthere shall be no lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage then the above obligation tobe void, else to remain in full force and virtur.<strong>John</strong> Bell(x) his markObediah Stover(x)his markAlthough this marriage bond says <strong>John</strong> “Bell,” or <strong>John</strong> “Bale” (pronounced asBailey), based on further research and exchange of information, several indvidualsbelieve that this marriage bond is for <strong>John</strong> Bailey and Sarah Stanley who were marriedduring the same time period. Nyla Creed DePauk, Beverly Thomas, Sue Thompson,Deanna Holmes, and I have been researching <strong>John</strong> Bailey for several years.Obediah Stover, who was married to Massea Stanley, Sarah's sister, and <strong>John</strong>Bailey could not read or write so would not have known that the clerk made an error in<strong>John</strong>'s name. Obediah wouldn't have signed the marriage bond for just anyone. He didthis for his sister-in-law, Sarah. Researchers have tried finding a <strong>John</strong> and Sarah Bell, andthere is no record of them remaining in Franklin County or elsewhere and starting afamily. Both Obediah Stover and Massea and <strong>John</strong> Bailey and Sarah moved to RaleighCounty and were early settlers of the area. The first census they appear in is the 1830Logan County census.Peter H. Alley was married to Sarah E. Stanley on December 21, 1854, in PikeCounty, Kentucky. He wrote his family history about 1895, and it is on file at the LDSLibrary. He also wrote of his wife's family. Sarah was the daughter of Moses Stanley andEllender Lowe, and her aunt was Sarah Stanley, who was married to <strong>John</strong> Bailey. Alleyalso interviewed Sarah's family and published the names of the children of WilliamStanley and Nancy Mullins as follows:<strong>John</strong> StanleyWilliam StanleyJoseph Stanley married Ollie MullinsThomas Stanley married Delilah HillOne UnmarriedMoses Stanley married Ellender LoweElizabeth Stanley married <strong>John</strong> YoungNancy Stanley married Burry YoungJuda Stanley married Booker MullinsJane Stanley married Luke StanleySarah Stanley married <strong>John</strong> B. BaileyDelilah Stanley married James StanleyMassea Stanley married Obediah B. StoverPolly was unmarried.<strong>John</strong> and Sarah named a son Booker, and Booker is a name common to theMullins family. <strong>John</strong> and Sarah Bailey are both buried in the Stanley Cemetery on DryHill Road in Raleigh County. Booker Bailey filed the death record for <strong>John</strong>, and gives his2

name as <strong>John</strong> B. Bailey and his place of birth as Dinwiddie County, but he did not list hisparents' names. There are early land patents in <strong>John</strong> and Booker Bailey's names in FayetteCounty.The children of <strong>John</strong> and Sarah were Booker, George W, Sparriel, Leftridge,Elizabeth Jane, Nancy, Phoebe and Juda Bailey.- George W. Bailey was born in October of 1819. He married Rachel Harper,daughter of Joseph Harper, Sr., and Frances Stover, on July 29, 1841, in Fayette County.Their children were Cynthia, Nancy, and George W. Bailey, Jr.- Elizabeth Jane Bailey was born September 15, 1826, in Patrick County, and diedAugust 9, 1869, in Raleigh County. She married Fleming Stanley, son of Luke Stanleyand Jane Stanley on September 1, 1843, in Fayette County. Their children were Permelia,Sarah, <strong>John</strong>, Jeannie, and Julia.- Nancy Bailey was born August 12, 1816, in Franklin County, and died May 28,1891, in Raleigh County. She married Meredith C. Clay, son of Mitchell Clay, Jr., andJuda Clay. Their children were Charlotte, Booker, America, George Andrew, Floyd,Jackson, Leftridge, Amanda, German, Judah and Lucinda Clay.- Phoebe Bailey was born about 1824, and married Charles William Workman,son of Joseph Workman and Elizabeth Reed, on September 3, 1840, in Fayette County.Their children were Alfred, Sarah Jane, George, Stephen, William, James Patrick,Thomas, Causby, Rachel, Mary and <strong>John</strong>.- Juda Bailey was born about 1815 in Fayette County and married SampsonStover, son of Jacob Stover and Sallie McGhee in 1832, in Fayette County. Theirchildren were Charles and Clarkson Stover.2. Booker Bailey and Sarah StoverBooker Bailey, son of <strong>John</strong> B., was born October 22, 1818, in Franklin Countyand died January 30, 1888, in Raleigh County. His mother is living with him and hiswife in the 1880 Raleigh County census. He married Sarah Stover, daughter of <strong>John</strong>William Stover and Nancy Harper, about 1832. Sarah was born February 20, 1818, anddied November 6, 1882, in Raleigh County. Their children were Cynthia, Malinda,Clarinda, Jane, Aminta, Susan, Alethia, Paris, Booker, Marshall, Emily and <strong>John</strong>.- Cynthia. See below.- Malinda was born about 1841 and died as an infant.- Clarinda was born about 1843 and married Jacob Webb, son of James Webb andSarah Gillimore. Their children were Pauline, Rosebell, Ulysses and Lou Emma Webb.- Jane, born July 19, 1841, married Robert G. Christian, son of <strong>John</strong> Christian andPrunella Abbot, on December 7, 1865, in Raleigh County.- Araminta Bailey was born in 1845 and died February 14, 1905, in RaleighCounty. She married George W. Hood, Sr., on January 10, 1867, in Raleigh County.- Susan Bailey was born October 10, 1847, and died August 17, 1919, in RaleighCounty. She married Levi Evans, son of James Evans and Catherine Foster, on June 21,1861, in Raleigh County. Levi was born October 12, 1833, and died November 23, 1926,in Raleigh County.3

- Booker Bailey Jr. was born February 16, 1858, and died April 26, 1858.- Marshall Bailey was born August 25, 1860. He married Emily Louisa Teel onJanuary 27, 1877, in Raleigh County.- <strong>John</strong> Bailey married Julia Ann Hutchinson on March 3, 1875, in RaleighCounty.3. Cynthia Bailey and Peter PittmanCynthia, daughter of Booker, was born about 1838 and married Peter Pittman, sonof <strong>John</strong> Pittman and Nancy Lilly, on July 16, 1854, in Raleigh County. Peter Pittmanwas born December 12, 1824. Their children were Booker T., Ed, Newton, <strong>John</strong>, Sally,Nanny, Douglas, James and Birl.- Booker T. Pittman was born October 23, 1856 in Raleigh County and died April4, 1932, in Raleigh County. He married Jemima Clementine Meador, daughter of LewisT. Meador and Rachel Cox. Jemima was born July 14, 1858, and died September 29,1916, in Raleigh County. Their children were Dilly, Almira, Oliver, Cora May, Leonard,Nellie, Hiram, Harley, Wilson, and Dewey.3. Alethia Bailey and William ChristianAlethia, daughter of Booker Bailey, was born October 8, 1849, and died April 5,1924, in Raleigh County. She married William E. Christian, son of <strong>John</strong> Christian andPrunella Abbot, on May 23, 1867, in Raleigh County. William was born February 27,1846, and died December 19, 1875. They are buried in the Stanley Cemetery. Children ofWilliam Christian and Alethia Bailey were James Henry and <strong>John</strong> Booker Christian.- James Henry Christian was born on April 22, 1868, and died March 8, 1953. Hemarried Julia Phipps, daughter of Samara Phipps, on March 26, 1890, in Raleigh County.Julia was born August 6, 1867, and died April 15, 1936.- <strong>John</strong> Booker Christian was born January 19, 1870, and died June 13, 1910. Hemarried Josephine Sweeney, daughter of William Sweeney and Julia Phipps, on March30, 1892, in Raleigh County.3. Paris BaileyParis Bailey, son of Booker, was born November 18, 1851, and died February 17,1950. He married Octavia Rogers, daughter of Martin and Jane Rogers, on February 15,1871. Octavia was born November 16, 1850. The children of Paris and Octavia wereClarence Caden, Walter, Emmett, Dora, Ida, William, and Sarah Jane.- Clarence Caden Bailey was born June 23, 1872, and died June 6, 1952, inRaleigh County. He married Effie Rose Webb, daughter of Sebird Jacob Webb and EmilySmith, on January 12, 1902, in Raleigh County. Effie was born January 25, 1852, anddied June 23, 1943, in Raleigh County. The children of Clarence and Effie wereDempsey, Doris, Ray, Roscoe, Roy, <strong>John</strong>, Don, Vernon, Nellie, and Dessie.4

- Ida Cora Bailey was born July 24, 1874, in Raleigh County, and she was marriedto Henry Lewis Warden. Henry, son of David Jordan Warden and Melissa Jane Williams.Henry was born about 1869 and died February 8, 1914, in Raleigh County. Their childrenwere Maggie Mae, Carl V., and Dewey Lawrence Warden.- Sarah Jane Bailey was born January 11, 1883, and died November 7, 1968. Shemarried <strong>John</strong> Quincy Stover, son of Burrell Stover and Rebecca M. Bailey. Their son,<strong>John</strong> Quincy, Jr., married Eva Walters.3. Emily BaileyEmily Bailey, daughter of Booker, was born August 1, 1837, and died January 29,1878, in Raleigh County. Her first marriage was to Charles Preston Kidd, son of ElishaKidd and Margaret Perry, on October 6, 1853, in Raleigh County. Charles was bornFebruary 27, 1838, and died May 6, 1861. Their children were Cyrus, Sarah, Joseph,Otis, Martha, Milton, Emily, Lydia, and William.- Cyrus Kidd was born February 9, 1857, in Raleigh County and died September15, 1928. He married Elizabeth Williams, daughter of James and Lucinda Williams, onJanuary 31, 1881, in Raleigh County. Their children were Giles, Minnie and Louella,- Sarah Kidd was born February 8, 1856, in Raleigh County and died about 1850.She married Jackson T Arnold, son of <strong>John</strong> Arnold Jr., and Nancy Griffith, on April 17,1872, in Raleigh County. Their children were <strong>John</strong>, Lucretia, Martha Ann, Nancy Jane,William, Lee, Rosa, and Cordelia.- Martha Kidd was born August 27, 1854, in Raleigh County. She married AaronWilliams, son of James Williams and Lucinda Williams, on January 12, 1874, in RaleighCounty.- Milton Kidd was born August 7, 1859, in Raleigh County. He married SarahMeador on May 13, 1880, in Raleigh County.- Emily Kidd, born about 1862, and married <strong>John</strong> Rinehart.Emily Bailey's second marriage was to Andrew Jeremiah Thompson, son of <strong>John</strong>and Polly Thompson, on December 27, 1866, in Raleigh County. Andrew was born about1835, and died May 10, 1903. Their children were Jeremiah, Will, and Moses.- Jeremiah Thompson was born October 13, 1872, at Sand Lick, Raleigh County,and died May 20, 1946, at Sandlick. He is living with William R Daniel in the RaleighCo, WV 1880 census. He married Mary C. Williams, daughter of <strong>John</strong> Williams andFrances Harper, on October 28, 1891, in Raleigh County. Their children were Carl,Myrtle and Clifford.- Will Thompson Daniel was born February 2, 1870, and died December 22,1956. He is also living with William R. Daniel in the 1880 census, and he used the lastname of Daniel. He married Louemma Williams, daughter of <strong>John</strong> Williams and FrancesHarper, on November 2, 1892, in Raleigh County. Their children were Noah, Dawson,Verna, Eva and Vestie.- Moses Thompson was born October 22, 1867, in Raleigh County.5

Emily Bailey's third marriage was to Pleasant Brown, son of Bird Brown andMary Spradling, on June 15, 1874, in Raleigh County.2. Sparriel Bailey and Mary TyreeSparriel Bailey, son of <strong>John</strong> B., was born about 1813 and died May 4, 1881, inRaleigh County. He married Mary Jane Tyree, daughter of Satterwhite Tyree and RhodaTaylor. Mary Jane was born in April1814 in Patrick County, <strong>Virginia</strong>, and died October20, 1902, in Raleigh County. Their children were <strong>John</strong> W., James Monroe, William,McDowell, Amos, Sarah Armenta, Margaret, and George Washington Bailey.- <strong>John</strong> Washington Bailey was born about 1834 and died in 1863, during the CivilWar.- William H. Bailey was born about 1838, and he married Elizabeth Alen Teel.Their children were Elias, Daniel, Charles, and Alen May Bailey.- McDowell Bailey was born about June 1841, and was married to Mary Francis.- Amos Bailey was born November 1, 1845, in Fayette County and died April 5,1917, in Raleigh County. He married Miriam Warden.- Sarah Amanda Bailey was born July 19, 1848, in Fayette County, and diedOctober 17, 1904, in Raleigh County. She married Williams Mullins, son of <strong>John</strong> S.Mullins and Ollie Short, on February 14, 1877, in Raleigh County.3. James Monroe Bailey and Mary Ann GodbeyJames Monroe Bailey, son of Sparriel, was born September 12, 1836, in FayetteCounty, and died June 12, 1825, in Raleigh County. He married Mary Ann Godbey,daughter of Archibald Whitt Godbey and Susanna Taylor, on November 20, 1856, inRaleigh County. Mary Ann was born February 17, 1837, in Pulaski County, <strong>Virginia</strong> andshe died October 28, 1921, in Raleigh County. Their children were Dexter, FrancisMarion, Henry, Alfred, Charles, Ella Mae, Roxie, Lula, Ida, and Samuel Bailey.- Dexter was born September 20, 1857, and died April 19, 1886, in RaleighCounty.- Francis Marion Bailey was born October 10, 1859, in Raleigh County. Hemarried Josie Caroline Hutchison on April 9, 1888, in Raleigh County.- Henry W. Bailey was born January 20, 1861, in Raleigh County and diedAugust 5, 1922.- Alfred P. Bailey was born June 20, 1864, in Raleigh County, and died October12, 1911. He was married to Rosa Brown.- Charles Martin Bailey was born September 3, 1866, in Raleigh County, and diedNovember 12, 1967.- Ella Mae Bailey was born October 26, 1869, in Raleigh County and died July20, 1932. She married <strong>John</strong> H. Williams, son of Eli Williams and Emily Warden, onSeptember 4, 1900, in Raleigh County. <strong>John</strong> was born June 30, 1869, at Prosperity,Raleigh County, and died September 23, 1944, at Beckley, Raleigh County. Theirchildren were Moss, Mary Emma and Myzra.6

- Lula Bailey was born October 8, 1874, in Raleigh County and died September24, 1825. She married Thomas Arden Warden, son of William Warden and ElizabethCobler, on October 9, 1895, in Raleigh County. Thomas was born August 9, 1870, inRaleigh County, and died September 14, 1930. He and Lula are buried in the SparrielBailey Cemetery, in Raleigh County. Their children were Ila <strong>Virginia</strong>, Mary Elizabeth,Herman, and Virgil Warden.3. George Washington Bailey and Letitia WardenGeorge Washington Bailey, son of Sparriel, was born in January, 1852, in RaleighCounty. He died October 12, 1916, in Raleigh County. He married Letitia Warden,daughter of Hughes Jefferson Warden and Susanna Ann Williams, on June 12, 1872, inRaleigh County. Their children were Charles Henry, Mary, Bertha, Edna, Bernard, Lillie,Edgar, Wilmer, Claude, Ash, Grace, and Jean Bailey.- Charles Henry Bailey was born September 16, 1873, in Raleigh County, anddied August 10, 1927, in Raleigh County. He is buried in the Wildwood Cemetery inBeckley, Raleigh County. He married Anice Irene Hurt on November 8, 1893, in RaleighCounty. He also was married to Francis.- Mary J. Bailey was born about 1875 and died about 1940, in Raleigh County.She was married to Hugh A. Dunn, and they are both buried in the Wildwood Cemetery.- Bertha Snow Bailey was born January 22, 1877, and married George HenryMellen on September 1, 1897, in Raleigh County. They are buried in the WildwoodCemetery.- Edna Bailey was born August 31, 1880 and married James Emmet Hurt on June14, 1902, in Raleigh County. They are both buried in the Wildwood Cemetery.- Bernard Bailey was born about 1882 and married to Bertha Blanche Warden.They are buried at the Wildwood Cemetery.- Wilmer W. Bailey was born about 1889, and married Hattie Mann on May 14,1910, in Raleigh County.2. Leftridge Bailey and Arena PettryLeftridge Bailey, son of <strong>John</strong> B. was born May 12, 1823, in Raleigh County anddied about 1848 in Fayette County. He married Arena “Rena” Pettry, daughter of JacobPettry and Celia Gore. Arena was born about 1830 and died May 7, 1894, in RaleighCounty. Their children were <strong>John</strong> B. Bailey and Clarinda Bailey.- <strong>John</strong> B. Bailey was born July 7, 1846, in Fayette County and died November 14,1899. He married Pauline Asbury, daughter of James Asbury and Mary Gunnoe, onNovember 11, 1867, in Raleigh County. Pauline was born August 15, 1848, in FayetteCounty, and died August 4, 1929. Their children were Harvey, Leftridge, James, George,Letha, Charley, and Araminta Bailey.7

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