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Photo by Christie PhillipsMembers of the Key West Police Department gathered with their Fire Department counterparts for a moment of silence to mark the anniversary ofSeptember 11. At far right, Emergency Management Coordinator Craig Marston led the brief ceremony, and Mayor Morgan McPherson and PoliceChief Bill Mauldin, second and third from right, respectively, shared thoughts on the day and thanked the emergency responders present for their bravery,dedication and service to the City of Key West.Photo courtesy of Sean BrandenburgActress (and sister of K-9 trainer Colby Gwen-Williams) Deanna Russo took time out ofher busy schedule to visit KWPD K-9 training last month. Deanna currently plays LoganArmstrong on The Young and the Restless, and stars in an AXE body spray “Bow ChicaWah Wah” ad. She has also been on CSI and CSI: NY. At K-9 training, Deanna gothands-on with the dogs and learned how they respond to their handlers’ <strong>com</strong>mands.KWPD K-9s are used to search for drugs and in the apprehension of dangerous suspects.Deanna is pictured here with K-9 Sergeant Sean Brandenburg and his dog Wind.Photo by Christie PhillipsProfessional Standards Lieutenant Jim Benkoczy wasnamed Police Officer of the 3rd Quarter by the Key WestChamber of Commerce. He was recognized for this honorat a Chamber luncheon.

Rapist arrested 90 minutes after attackKEY WEST — Key WestPolice officers arrested a manfor sexual battery a mere hourand a half after he allegedlyheld a woman at knife-point inher own house and raped herfor two hours.Leroy Lord, 43, wascharged with sexual battery,kidnapping, armed burglary,grand theft and burglary for theassault and for an incident theday before involving the samevictim.Officers were first dispatchedto the 200 block ofAmelia Street at 6 o'clock onSeptember 2 after the victimcalled to report the assault.Once on scene, the womantold officers that a man hadkicked down her door and madeher have sex with him for overtwo hours.The victim said that around 4a.m. she woke up to a loudnoise, but that she didn't get outof bed to check it out.Moments later, she saw a flashlightshine into her room, andshe saw a black male standingLeroy LordSTAR nightdeters DUIsover her inbed.“I saidwho areyou andwhat doyou want,”the victimtoldpolice.“He said‘Shut up or I will kill you then Iwill kill your children.’”The victim’s children weresleeping in a room across thehallway.The victim said that the manhad what appeared to be a shirtover his head, so she did not geta good look at him.“He had a knife to me and Ijust lay there,” the victim toldofficers. “He held my face downso I could only look away fromhim.“I asked him to please weara condom, but ne said ‘No, Iwant to get you pregnant.’”At the scene, officers notedthat the front door to the residencewas broken, as if kickedKEY WEST — The department conducted aStrategic Traffic Accident Reduction Night onSaturday, September 1, from 2 p.m. until midnight.In that time, officers issued 62 traffic citationsand gave out 50 warnings, both verbal and written.Three arrests were made for traffic-related crimessuch as fleeing and eluding police and driving with asuspended license.Thankfully, drivers seemed to be cognizant of theincreased police presence, and took steps to ensuretheir <strong>com</strong>pliance with the law as no Driving Underthe Influence arrests were made.Throughout the night, one motor unit, one DUIunit, two road patrol units and one sergeant werestationed throughout town running radar to monitorspeeds and enforcing all other traffic violations. in, and the victim's bedroomwas in disarray.The victim said she didn'trecognize the suspect, but toldofficers that a man who hadbeen staying with her neighborhad been following her andharassing her over the past fewdays.She said the man, later identifiedas Lord, had approachedher while she was hangingclothes out in her backyard andtold her that he wanted her to behis wife.The next day, Lord knockedon the victim’s door and told hershe needed to move her carsince it was occupying twoparking spaces.The victim obliged, butbecame scared when Lord stoodnext to her car staring at her.She said she locked her cardoors and waited for him toleave before going inside andlocking her apartment door.With this information, officerscanvassed the area andfound a witness who had seenLord leaving the victim's residence.Officers found Lord walkingon Emma Street at 7:30 a.m.and detained him for questioning.Upon questioning, Lord confessedto breaking into the victim'sapartment and having sexwith her, but denied it was rape.Lord was arrested for thesexual battery and kidnapping.He racked up the charges forgrand theft and burglary from anincident the day before in whichhe allegedly broke into the victim'shouse and stole a camerafrom the residence.“This was a great arrest onthe part of our officers,” saidPolice Chief Bill Mauldin.“They worked quickly and efficientlyon the scene and in theneighborhood to solve thiscrime less than two hours afterit was <strong>com</strong>mitted.“And with the help of watchfuland concerned neighbors, wewere able to get a violent manoff the streets in a very shortperiod of time.” Photo courtesy of Jim BenkoczyOfc. Tommy Anglin receives his Love Fund check from Love Fund President JimBenkoczy, left, and Ofc. Steve Torrence, right. The Love Fund, in conjunction with thedepartment, previously held a fundraiser at Boondocks to raise money for Ofc. Anglin,who has been battling cancer since January, his second brush with the disease.

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