WERC 2011

WERC 2011

WERC 2011


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Welcome to Orlando and the<strong>2011</strong> <strong>WERC</strong> Conference!In the next few days you’ll experience …New concepts, new ways of looking at things, new contacts andnew energy—these are the things that move a career forward.Real-world ideas that can be implemented as soon as you return.Knowledgeable speakers and a variety of topicsThe types of sessions you prefer—lectures, panel discussions,peer-to-peer sharing of ideas and facility tours.Hallway expertise: Connect with others who face the sameoperational, personnel and customer challenges you do,and learn from their successes and best practices (and maybe“never agains”).Breakfasts, lunches, evening events and admission to WIREare included in the registration fee.Michael WohlwendDirector, <strong>2011</strong> ConferenceVice President, SAP Americas, Inc.Conference CommitteeDirector of Conference <strong>2011</strong>Michael B. WohlwendSAP Americas, Inc.Facility Tours ChairTrista OttoSaddle Creek CorporationRoundtable ChairScott HinesLowe’s Companies, Inc.Conference Chair 2012Sheila BennyOptricity CorporationTopic ChairsProcessesSheila BennyOptricity CorporationFacilitiesRobert CaitoCaito Foods Service, Inc.MetricsJoseph TillmanSupply Chain VisionsWarehousingDebra TownsOutsourcingStephen (Andy) SmithKenco Logistic ServicesStrategiesTony WardKurt Salmon AssociatesSystemsRobert B. SilvermanJones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc.EquipmentDavid GealyVera Bradley Designs, Inc.TransportationBrian EverettNASSTRAC2<strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDOPeopleAaron JenkinsStampin’ Up

General InformationRegistration Desk HoursSundayMonday & TuesdayWednesdayMeals/Social Functions11:00 am – 8:00 pm7:00 am – 5:00 pm7:00 am – 11:30 amTickets for meals and the evening social events are inyour registration packet.Guest Ticket PricesA limited number of guest tickets are available for thefollowing events. Inquire at the <strong>WERC</strong> registration desk.Prices are as follows:<strong>WERC</strong>’s WIRE & Welcome Reception (Sunday) $30WIRE & Reception (Monday) $30Tuesday Reception $30Guest refers to a spouse, significant other or personal friend,not a business associate or staff colleague. Guest registrationwill not allow access to any sessions or activities exceptevening receptions on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.<strong>WERC</strong> PublicationsA select group of <strong>WERC</strong> pubs are available at member price(50%) discount. Check out the display copies and place yourorder at the <strong>WERC</strong> registration desk.Photography<strong>WERC</strong> takes photographs at the conference to use in <strong>WERC</strong>educational, news or promotional material, whether in print,electronic or other media including the <strong>WERC</strong> website. Byparticipating in the <strong>2011</strong> Conference, you grant <strong>WERC</strong> theright to use your name and photograph for such purposes.Conference At-A-Glance / Table of ContentsSUNDAY, MAY 15 .................................... 44:00 – 5:00 pm Conference Welcome & Special Session5:00 – 8:00 pm WIRE & ReceptionMONDAY, MAY 16 ................................ 5–107:00 –8:30 am Breakfast & General Session8:45 – 10:00 am 6 Sessions4 Roundtable Discussions10:15 – 11:30 am 5 Sessions4 Roundtable Discussions11:30 am – 1:30 pm Lunch at WIRE1:45 – 3:00 pm 5 Sessions4 Roundtable Discussions3:00 – 3:30 pm Break/Refreshments3:30 – 4:45 pm 5 Sessions4 Roundtable Discussions4:30 pm – 7:00 pm WIRE & ReceptionTUESDAY, MAY 17 ............................... 12–176:30 – 11:30 am Tours or7:30 – 8:30 am Breakfast Buffet8:45 – 10:00 am 3 Sessions3 Roundtable Discussions10:15 – 11:30 am 4 Sessions3 Roundtable Discussions11:35 am – 1:30 pm Lunch & General Session1:45 – 3:00 pm Walt Disney World DC Tour5 Sessions3 Roundtable Discussions3:00 – 3:30 pm Break/Refreshments3:30 – 4:45 pm 3 SessionsBeer ‘n’ Bull3 Roundtable Discussions5:00 – 8:30 pm Southern Wine & Spirits Tour5:00 – 7:00 pm ReceptionWEDNESDAY, MAY 18 ............................ 18–216:30 – 11:30 am Tours or7:30 – 8:30 am Breakfast Buffet8:45 – 10:00 am 4 Sessions3 Roundtable Discussions10:15 – 11:30 am Closing Session (no lunch)Facility Tour Information ............................. 21Hotel Map .......................................... 23<strong>2011</strong>–2012 Board of Directors ..........................24<strong>WERC</strong>ouncils / Circle of Acclaim ......................25<strong>WERC</strong> Warehouse Certification Recipients ..............26List of WIRE Exhibitors ........................... 27-28Plan Your Conference Experience ................. 29-313

Sunday, May 154:00 - 5:00 pmNorthern Hemisphere A–CFEATURE PRESENTATIONDC Measures Annual ReportThis is the study you wait for each Spring in which <strong>WERC</strong> members and DC Velocity readers identify the mostcritical metrics used in today’s DCs. The researchers will share how well firms are performing and tell whichindustry segments are experiencing better performance. You’ll hear about up-to-the-minute data that you canuse to benchmark your operational metrics.About RoundtablesIn these sessions, a facilitator will leaddiscussion on a particular topic. Thereis no formal presentation—just anintroduction and possibly some talkingpoints. Because the focus is on allowingtime and opportunity for all participantsto express an opinion, ask questions andshare ideas, participation is limited to 20.Come prepared to share!If you pre-registered for roundtables,your tickets will be in yourregistration envelope.Bring your ticket to the roundtable.Check for stand-by availability at thetime and location of the roundtable.Please arrive at least 5 minutesbefore the start of the session. At thattime, empty seats may be assigned tostand-bys. Stand-bys will be admittedon a first-come, first-served basis.5:00 - 8:00 pmKarl B. Manrodt, PhD, ProfessorGeorgia Southern UniversityAtlantic Hall Bring your beverage ticketsKate L. VitasekFounder and Managing PartnerSupply Chain VisionsWIRE & Welcome ReceptionWelcome to <strong>WERC</strong>’s conference! Whether you’re a first-time attendee or a seasoned veteran, you’llenjoy this time to catch up with old friends, meet new ones and enjoy a beverage and hors d’oeuvres.This is a chance to review your conference program and begin planning your next three days!Demo StagesStage 15:45 – 6:15 pm Vocollect6:30 – 7:00 pm PacksizeStage 25:45 – 6:15 pm Microsoft Dynamics6:30 – 7:00 pm Allegiance StaffingPlease be CourteousSmoking is prohibited in the meetingfacilities.Turn off cell phones while sessionsare in progress.To ensure a professional atmosphereand a positive learning environment,<strong>WERC</strong>’s Board of Directors hasadopted a zero-tolerance policyregarding disrespectful behavioror harassment of any kind at<strong>WERC</strong>-sponsored events.4<strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDO

Monday, May 167:00 - 8:30 amNorthern Hemisphere A–D Ticket requiredBREAKFAST PRESENTATIONRelationships for Group SuccessA group’s success fundamentally depends upon how its individual members worktogether, and individuals work more effectively and enjoy their work more whenthey have genuine personal relationships with their colleagues. Relationships forGroup Success helps participants to see their colleagues as human beings. Thispresentation will help you spark a culture of generosity and accountability so youcan have more fun in the workplace, facilitate direct, honest communication forresolving conflict and contribute to the firm’s success by proactively buildingrelationships with people inside and outside the organization.8:45 - 10:00 amSESSIONSKeith FerrazziMaximize Equipment Investment toGet the Most Out of Your OperationsNorthern Hemisphere E1This session is based on more than 25 years of experience in helping clients plan for,purchase and install the right equipment for their operation. You’ll learn tips andtricks on how to first determine what’s the best application of equipment for yourfacility and operational needs; and second, how best to acquire the equipment sothat it meets and exceeds your expectations. The presentation will compare andcontrast different models showing the pros and cons for each approach and outlinetechniques for getting hidden costs on the table before signing on the dotted line.Patrick S. Sedlak, Vice President, Sedlak Management Consultants3rd Parties Costs and ChargesNorthern Hemisphere E2It’s not a secret—a rate development process is required to ensure that a beneficialrelationship exists for both the third-party warehouse operator and customer. Thissession will focus on that process and outline how these costs affect customerrates. Examples and case studies will demonstrate the importance of cost awarenessand maintenance from the warehouse operator’s perspective. You’ll also learnhow a customer can have an impact on rates by working more closely with thewarehouse operator to improve cost performance.Robert J. Moran, CEO, Operating Partner, SatariaGroupAsia 5How to Use Employee Benchmarkingto Improve ProductivityLabor is one of the highest cost centers in most DC operations. A well-designedperformance management system can empower managers and employees withthe information needed to improve productivity and be more successful as anorganization. During this session you will learn how to determine what metrics totrack, how to create multi-variate performance systems, and how to create employeebenchmarking and pay for performance programs that will drive productivity andquality and lower labor costs.Dean Dorcas, Founder & CEO, Integrated Management SystemsDan Keto, Founding Partner, Integrated Management SystemsGreening the Grounds:Finding Economic and Sustainable ReturnsNorthern Hemisphere E3Too often when people speak about green initiatives they only discuss theenvironmental benefits and maybe the design and maintenance aspects. Thissession will add the crucial business component of economics to the equation.We will explore return-on-investment (ROI) and business hurdle rates, the upfrontcosts and payback periods, and the long-term maintenance expense benefits andnegatives, plus carbon reduction and sequestration. The session will present thedetails of three sustainability actions Murphy has installed on its large logisticscampuses. 16 year’s experience with planting native prairies on industrial sites inurban areas will illustrate positive economic, environmental and aesthetic results.An award winning stormwater project on Murphy’s Minneapolis Logistics Campuswill show how turning an older, urban, 95% impervious site to today’s standardsfor quality and quantity management solved a myriad of stormwater issues anddelivered a major economic return. We’ll also explore the economics of solar powerusing a new technology system from Minnesota manufactured equipment.Richard T. Murphy, Jr., CLP, President & CEO, Murphy Warehouse CompanyImplementing Multichannel RetailingBest Practices for FulfillmentAmericas Seminar RoomAre your customers as loyal to you as you would like? Are you using best practicesin multichannel customer order fulfillment? Learn what the best cross channelfulfillment practices are and how one mid-sized retailer of women’s clothing isresponding to these challenges with scarce resources in a competitive environment.Luc Bourdeau, Vice President Logistics & Allocation, Groupe Dynamite, Inc.Alan Taliaferro, Senior Manager, Deloitte & Touche LLPThe Human Side of a SuccessfulTechnology Roll OutNorthern Hemisphere E4User adoption can make or break a project when new technology is introduced inthe warehouse. Taking a case study approach, you will hear how medical productsdistributor Owens & Minor achieved a breakneck 40-site voice picking implementationin less than one year. How, you ask? By getting the buy-in of managers and floorassociates early in the process, carefully communicating roll out plans, and generatingexcitement before going on site. Learn strategies for a successful technologyimplementation that you can apply to your next project, and hear the ins and outs ofone of the fastest, largest voice system rollouts ever.Daniel J. Keller, Director of Sales & Marketing, Lucas Systems, IncDoug Farley, VP of Corporate Operations, Owens & Minor, Inc.34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE5

Monday, May 168:45 - 10:00 amROUNDTABLESImplementing Advanced Material Handling —Justification and Lessons LearnedEurope 4This roundtable discussion will allow participants to discuss and share informationon their experiences with the implementation of advanced distribution systems,including WMS, WCS, and Material Handling. We will discuss how these systemshave been justified, which types under what circumstances have the best paybackand lessons learned by participants.Marvin Logan, Systems Sales Consultant, Bastian Material Handling LLCPeter Zurowski, Engineering Systems Consultant, Bastian Material Handling LLCLegal PerspectiveEurope 5This roundtable provides a forum for asking questions and sharing legal concernspertinent in today’s logistics industry. Applicable laws and regulationswill also be reviewed.Ann E. Christopher, VP & General Counsel, Kenco Group, IncOperating a Smaller FacilityEurope 6The problems are the same, but the solutions are different when you manage a smallwarehouse or DC (50,000 sq. ft. or less). You have fewer people, less space andsmaller budgets for equipment, automation and technology. Discuss your challengeswith others who are dealing with similar issues and hear about their solutions.Randy Plost, Houston Distribution Manager, Victaulic Company of AmericaPick This!Europe 11Evaluating or designing a piece picking system? With about 60% of DC labor costsattributed to picking, designing the best and most cost effective system solutioncontinues to be challenging for most operations. Join this session to discussoperational information required to design a piece picking system, piece pickingoptions and lessons learned from implemented designs.Robert Muller, Senior Engineer and Consultant, OPSdesign Consulting10:15 - 11:30 amSESSIONSCross Docking: The Benefits,the Trends and BeyondAmericas Seminar RoomIn 2008, Saddle Creek Corporation conducted ground-breaking research on crossdockingpractices, challenges and trends in the U.S. logistics industry and publishedthe results. Responding to widespread interest from industry professionals, the 3PLrevisited that study in <strong>2011</strong> to ask: Are companies still finding that the practiceimproves service levels, helps to control transportation costs and reduces the needfor warehouse space? The updated report examines the cross-docking valueproposition in light of recent economic conditions and the changing logisticslandscape. Attend this session to understand the role of cross-docking in today’sdistribution model.Michael J. DelBovo, Sr VP, Logistics & Transportation, Saddle Creek CorporationThe End of Cheap Oil:Preparing Your Supply ChainNorthern Hemisphere E4Oil prices are back to $100+ per barrel and the situation in the Middle East ischanging daily and adding to volatility and uncertainty. Oil is the master resourcethat powers 95% of the world’s transportation. What can supply chain professionalsexpect going forward? The session explains why the end of cheap oil is one of thoseinevitable “surprises” that will change the world as we know it. The focus of thissession is on geology, geopolitics, the energy industry, the search for alternatives,risk mitigation and, in particular, how these factors will impact fuel prices and supplychains. The goal is to raise awareness about critical energy issues and presentstrategies for supply chain executives to prepare their companies and themselves forthe predictable end of the oil age. This session will specifically examine possibleimpacts on DC strategy and operations.Charles L. Taylor, Principal, Awake!6<strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDO

Monday, May 16Slotting: A Case Study Approach to Understandingthe Objectives and BenefitsNorthern Hemisphere E3Warehouse slotting drives improved operations by trimming DC costs, minimizingcapital expenditures, increasing efficiencies and reducing labor. In addition, indirectresults can be achieved with advanced slotting techniques that lead to big benefits.This session explores the direct and indirect outcomes that can be accomplishedwhen leadership commits to slotting strategy as a priority in their DC operations.Case study examples from grocery distributor, Smart & Final, provide insight intowhen it is appropriate to use various techniques and what bottom line benefitscan be achieved. You’ll hear a domain expert and practitioner dialogue that demonstratesthe slotting challenges and solutions being faced in today’s warehousingenvironments.Dan Basmajian, President, Optricity CorporationKaren Korytowski, Operations Manager, Smart & Final, Inc.Thomas Paolucci, Director of Distribution, Smart & Final, Inc.A Case Study inGlobal Network Design & OperationNorthern Hemisphere E2How does a company with over 200 global manufacturing locations that distributeproduct to over a million “ship to” addresses in 103 countries do it? The complexityof the model presents obvious challenges about shipping method and cost. Oneway is to listen and learn the process a multi-nation company used to outsourceelements of their network and maintain integrity of logistics sourcing in aninternational environment. You’re invited to just such a session.Jay E. Fortenberry, VP, Supply Chain Integration, Honeywell International Inc.Deal with Unpredictable SpikesEurope 5One thing is very clear about the supply chain world that we live in today, EXPECTTHE UNEXPECTED!. Dramatic spikes and dips in customer demands, unexpectedchanges in supplier reliability, dramatic changes in operating costs are just a few ofthe many challenges facing supply chain professionals. Join this session to discussto address this operating turbulence while continuing to meet expected corporateprofit objectives. This Roundtable will be held in two parts. The first will focus onhandling unexpected higher performance needs related to customer demand, newproduct introductions, promotional activities, etc. The second will address handlingunexpected disruptions or dramatic cost increases that could have a significantimpact on operations.Richard H. Sharpe, President & CEO, Competitive Logistics LLCIt’s Who You KnowEurope 6Everyone has a social network, some are just better at developing and nurturing thenetwork for professional and business development than others. In this session,we’ll discuss the value of managing your social network, tools available to help youwith your network and leading practices in social networking.Christopher R. Barnes, Partner, MercerBarnes AssociatesKPIs and BenchmarkingEurope 11What measures are important to your overall corporate strategy? What are thechallenges you face collecting data and turning it into actionable information? Jointhis roundtable discussion to share how you are utilizing KPIs and benchmarking toimprove overall performance.Richard B. Wilhjelm, VP, Business Development, Compliance Networks…Integrating Contract Packaging IntoDistribution OperationsNorthern Hemisphere E1The role of the warehouse continues to change. An increasing number of CPGmanufacturers are consolidating the contract packaging function into DC operations.Performing packaging within the DC cuts supply chain cycle time and avoids millionsof miles in added freight runs to and from third-party packaging companies. It alsogives these companies added flexibility to quickly configure product to the exactspecification of retail customers. This session will review a case study of how amajor CPG manufacturer is executing the strategy to improve customer satisfaction,cut freight costs and reduce the company’s carbon footprint.R. M. Marlowe, Vice President of Operations, Kane Is Able, Inc.William Lindeke, Director, Distribution Operations Family Care, Kimberly-Clark Corporation10:15 - 11:30 amROUNDTABLESBusiness Location ServicesEurope 4Learn the keys to choosing the right site and how every logistician should approachsite selection. The session will include a step-by-step approach to Business LocationServices. Weigh in with your own experience! The “3 L’s” of real estate are no longerlocation, location, location … now they’re logistics cost, labor, and love.Timothy S. Feemster, Sr VP, Director of Global Logistics, Grubb & Ellis Company11:30 am - 1:30 pmAtlantic HallLunch &Doors open at 11:00 am, lunch at 11:30Demo StagesStage 111:30 am – Noon Agile Network12:15 –12:45 pm SwisslogStage 211:30 am – Noon Seegrid12:15 –12:45 pm Digital Lumens1:00 –1:30 pm TGW34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE7

Monday, May 161:45 - 3:00 pmSESSIONSGlobal Sourcingthe Disney WayNorthern Hemisphere E2Without doubt Disney is seen as a leader in many aspects of business. This sessionwill explain the Disney approach to Strategic Supplier Management and the currentglobal/economic challenges and trends impacting sourcing decisions. Additionally,you’ll learn how Disney’s Environmental Responsibility Index supports their sustainabilityefforts and the importance of protecting the brand.Soo-Ah Landa, Vice President, Merchandise Sourcing and Technical Design,Disney Parks Supply Chain ManagementJourney to SafetyExcellenceAmericas Seminar RoomSafety performance is now seen by leading corporations as one aspect ofoperational excellence. This presentation will outline the elements of a world-classsafety program and show how you can improve your safety leadership and culture togain business advantage. A case history example of recent safety improvementefforts by Lowe’s Companies will be included. You’ll hear methods for measuringsafety culture and programs and a practical approach within the distribution industry.Ronda Ruane, Regional General Manager, Lowe’s Companies, IncThomas J. Cavanaugh, Sales & Marketing Manager, Hospitality and Retail Industry,DuPont Sustainable SolutionsToday’s Human ResourceIssues in BusinessNorthern Hemisphere E4As if life weren’t complicated enough, these days businesses face a host of changesthat will affect their dealings with associates. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce worksto lessen the burden of the new government health care law while promotingstrategies and solutions to help businesses get costs under control, improve quality,and increase coverage of the uninsured. You will want to attend this session.Katie Hays, Executive Director, U.S. Chamber of Commerce1:45 - 3:00 pmROUNDTABLESChemical WarehousingEurope 4Join this specialized group to discuss the unique challenges inhandling chemicals.William A. Miller, Sr Director of Business Development, Faure Brothers CorporationCase Study: How Fastenal Used AS/RS toTransform Their DistributionNorthern Hemisphere E1From a single store launched in 1967, Minnesota-based Fastenal has grown into oneof the nation’s largest distributors of industrial fasteners with 2,357 store locationsacross 18 regions of the country. The company has also grown by expanding thenumber of products it sells by a factor of five. To handle the growth, the companyinstalled a goods-to-person mini-load automated storage and retrieval system(AS/RS) from TGW. You’ll hear typical material movement rates that can be achievedin these systems and specifically, the impact on operations with the new systemfor Fastenal.Robert Rienecke, Systems Integration Sales Manager, TGW SystemsAdam Florin, Distribution Efficiency Manager, Fastenal5 <strong>WERC</strong> experts,4 categories,3 ideas, 2 you for 1 great timeNorthern Hemisphere E3Join this fast-paced session to hear useful ideas on equipment, space, labor andsystems. Speaking from experience and expertise, our panelists will leave youreeling with idea after idea.MODERATOR: Michael B. Wohlwend, Vice President, SAP Americas, Inc.John Dolan, Client Engagement Director, SAP Americas, Inc.John Giangrande, Senior Account Executive, Fortna, Inc.Karen Korytowski, Operations Manager, Smart & Final, Inc.Kenneth Ruehrdanz, Warehouse & Distribution Market Manager, DematicKathryn Zepaltas, Director of Logistics, Jackson Family Wines8<strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDO

Monday, May 16Leveraging Private Sector Resourcesfor Disaster ResponsesEurope 5Distribution of life saving materials during a disaster is complicated by incomplete orinaccurate information, rapidly changing needs and the challenges of last miledistribution to those displaced by the event. This is a reality very familiar to logisticsprofessionals! Join the discussion at this roundtable to deliberate how private sectorlogistics expertise can be utilized to improve disaster response.John T. Menzies, III, Chairman, The Terminal CorporationToo Much? Too Little? Or Just Right?Europe 6Warehouse and DC managers can influence how much space they have in which tooperate, but not without answering the tough question: How much space is the rightamount? Too much space may lead to inflated inventories and the inability to get ridof dead, excess or obsolete iteCan a restricted amount of space lead to improvedinventory management, more productive operations and even a bigger role for theDC manager in supply chain decisions? Let’s talk about it.M. Geoffrey Sisko, Senior Consultant, Jack Kuchta, LLCVested OutsourcingEurope 11How can you move beyond saying “partnership” to contracting for true partnership?How do you know if Vested Outsourcing is something you should explore? What arethe incentives to get your customer /supplier to go down a Vested Outsourcing path?Join this roundtable discussion to better understand Vested Outsourcing.Kate L. Vitasek, Founder and Managing Partner, Supply Chain Visions3:00- 3:30 pm FoyersRefreshment Break3:30 - 4:45 pmSESSIONSFinding the Quarters Hidden in the Sofa orUncovering Inefficiencies Within YourSC OperationsNorthern Hemisphere E3Come hear how these three giants of the Retail/Grocery industry have uncoveredsubstantial operational savings. This session is going to challenge you to look in themost obvious place for savings in your supply chain operations—in your ownwarehouse. By applying the right supply chain visibility methodology and tools tocurrent operations, you might uncover surprisingly large inefficiencies that can savemillions of dollars. We will consider labor utilization, product touches/moves,reselects, shorts, matching inbound with outbound, real-time hours of work per areaanalysis and overstock analysis—areas within your supply chain operations wherethere are guaranteed savings.Steve M. Hensley, President, Blue Sky Technologies, Inc.John Eisenach, COO, LMS Intellibound, Inc.Jeff Forward, Logistics Systems Manager, Woolworth’s of AustraliaJerry Pimental, VP, Supply Chain Initiatives, Ahold USAOmni-Channel RetailNorthern Hemisphere E1Omni-channel retailing is the world where customers have access to the exact sameinventory assortment and available quantities no matter how they are shopping andwhere that inventory physically resides. In the store, online, via smart phone or athird party—the guest experience must be exactly the same to drive maximum valueto the retailer AND the customer. Learn how leading retailers like Williams-Sonomaand several others are transforming their supply chains to meet this global objectiveTODAY.Kirk Hale, Vice President, Distribution Operations, Williams-Sonoma Inc.John Seidl, Partner, Kurt SalmonWho to Work With and When:The Broker vs. Asset-Based Carrier QuestionNorthern Hemisphere E4For the shipper who is contemplating changes in their transportation partnerprogram, this is a must-attend. You’ll learn insights on the advantages and disadvantagesof using 3PLs and asset-based carriers. The panel will also explore when touse each kind of resource, and the issues attached — ranging from liability and riskmanagement in the relationships to operations and handling paperwork.James Tucker, President & CEO, Tucker Company WorldwideRobert Voltmann, President & CEO, Transportation Intermediaries AssociationHot Topics From aLegal PerspectiveAmericas Seminar RoomThis presentation will provide insight into several legal issues impacting today’slogistics industry. Attendees will gain insight on protecting their business interestthrough effective contract negotiation and contract law. Economic concernsassociated with logistic partners and protection from such economic hardships willas be addressed. The session will wrap up with a government affairs update onemployment law issues and security.Ann E. Christopher, VP & General Counsel, Kenco Group, Inc.If I Knew Then ...Northern Hemisphere E2Large-scale system implementation projects are challenging, so if you’re taking oneon this session allows you to benefit from years of experience. Hear what CEOs,Project Sponsors and Project Managers wished they had better understood at thebeginning of their projects. Through interviews with 40 steering committee membersspanning 15+ projects we learn about their good and bad experiences and highlightthe practices that led to project successes. This presentation will review casestudies from ERP, WMS, and other logistics projects and translate broadly acceptedtopics into specific practices.Chelle Stringer, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, OCM, LLC34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE9

Monday, May 163:30 - 4:45 pmROUNDTABLESCross Docking <strong>2011</strong>Europe 4Explore how cross-docking has evolved in recent years and how recent economicconditions have affected cross-docking practices. What are the greatest benefits ofcross-docking and which companies are the best candidates for the practice? Shareyour experiences and hear from others involved in cross-docking.Michael J. DelBovo, Sr VP, Logistics & Transportation, Saddle Creek CorporationMotivating Today’s Workforce — GenerationsEurope 6Today’s workforce is more complex than in the past because it’s comprisedof multiple generations with varying motivators and values. This roundtablewill explore what motivates Gen X, Gen Y and the “Millennials” in theworkplace and how the values of these generations differ. Incorporation ofsocial media in the workplace, the impact of the “Grey Collar” and theconcept of “Presenteeism” will be discussed to discover ways to effectivelyaddress these phenomena.Steve Johnson, Principal, Johnson Stephens Consulting, Inc.Dealing With Your Safety ChallengesEurope 5Following an analysis of US industry’s injury trends, this roundtable willinvite participants to list and discuss common types of injuries and othersafety issues within the warehousing and distribution industries and theircompanies. Some of these issues will be discussed in further detail so as toshare successful preventative measures. Topics that may be discussedinclude employee turnover/new employees, lifting/ergonomics and vehicles.Thomas Cavanaugh, Sales and Marketing Manager, DuPont Sustainable SolutionsRetrofitting: Get the Most Out of Your WarehouseEurope 11If you’re being asked to get more out of your facility, then attend thissession and hear a multitude of innovative ideas for increasing your facilitystorage and throughput capacity. The group will brainstorm ideas from notohigh-investment to get more out of your space.Norman E. Saenz, Jr., Assistant Vice President, TranSystems Corporation4:30 - 7:00 pmAtlantic Hall Bring your beverage ticketsReception &Demo StagesStage 14:30 – 5:00 pm Lucas Systems, Inc.5:15 – 5:45 pm Optricity / Blue Sky Technologies6:00 – 6:30 pm Accu-Sort SystemsStage 24:30 – 5:00 pm Intermec5:15 – 5:45 pm Frazier / The Raymond Corporation6:00 – 6:30 pm Inther Integrated Systems10 <strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDO Enjoy your evening in Orlando.We’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, May 176:30 - 11:30 amFACILITY TOURSMeet in Asia 4 –5A continental breakfast will be available. Pre-registration is required.See page 21 for details.7:30 - 8:30 amNorthern Hemisphere A–D Ticket requiredBREAKFAST & BUSINESS MEETING9:00 - 11:30 amFACILITY TOURSMeet in Asia 5Pre-registration is required. See page 21 for details.8:45 - 10:00 amSESSIONSStay Just a Little Bit Longer:Retrofit Your WarehouseNorthern Hemisphere E3If you think your warehouse is full, this session will challenge you to take a look atthe use of all your space, equipment and layout resources. We’re guessing thatchances are you’ll find some unused space, underutilized equipment and manyoptions for getting more storage and pick capacity. Hear how Sport Supply Group’swarehouse in Dallas, TX, focused on these areas and gained an additional 50% inpick locations and 30% in storage capacity!Bobby Melton, Plant Director, Sport Supply GroupNorman E. Saenz, Jr., Assistant Vice President, TranSystems CorporationFrom the C-LevelNorthern Hemisphere E4Hear industry leaders share their insights about today’s supply chain issues. Withthe number of hot-button items facing businesses in general and our industry inparticular, executives have a lot on their minds. This directed discussion provides aforum for candid dialogue. Learn what these respected industry experts think aboutkey challenges and future opportunities.MODERATOR: Dr. Thomas W. Speh, Senior Director, MBA Programs, Miami UniversityJeanne R. Reisinger, Director, Global Supply Network Operations Leader, Procter & GambleJohn P. Lanigan, Jr., Executive VP & Chief Marketing Officer, BNSF Railway CompanyAndy Smith, President & COO, Kenco Logistic ServicesRichard H. Thompson, Executive VP, Jones Lang LaSalle8:45 - 10:00 amROUNDTABLESDeal With Unpredictable SpikesEurope 4Dramatic spikes and dips in customer demands, unexpected changes in supplierreliability, dramatic changes in operating costs are just a few of the many challengesfacing supply chain professionals. Join this session to discuss and address thisoperating turbulence while continuing to meet expected corporate profit objectives.This Roundtable will be held in two parts. The 1st will focus on handling unexpectedhigher performance needs related to customer demand, new product introductions,promotional activities, etc. The 2nd will address handling unexpected disruptions ordramatic cost increases that could have a significant impact on operations.Richard H. Sharpe, President & CEO, Competitive Logistics LLCImplementing MetricsEurope 5The real value of metrics lies in defining how to implement them so they’remeaningful and appropriate for your operation. With hundreds (literally) of possiblemetrics to consider, let’s talk about applying some methods to this madness.Bruce Baring, Vice President, Peach State Integrated Technologies, Inc.Crowd Engineering...In the DC?Americas Seminar RoomMany well run companies have installed labor standards, implemented warehousemanagement and labor planning software and are still scratching their headswondering what to do next to improve productivity. Carter’s, the baby clothingretailer and manufacturer, found itself in a similar situation in 2009. This is a casestudy about how Carter’s improved productivity by over 40% using a new techniquefor teaching and training employees in the most efficient motions associated with awarehousing job. We call this innovative technique Crowd Engineering. To tell thisstory we’ll show a video of the operation, clips from the training videos, and shareCarter’s efficiency numbers before and after. We’ll also cover some of the hurdlesthat go along with implementing these new methods.Charles Epps, Assistant General Manager, Stockbridge DC, The William Carter CompanyStephen A. Mulaik, Partner, The Progress GroupIt’s Who You KnowEurope 6Everyone has a social network, some are just better at developing and nurturing thenetwork for professional and business development than others. In this session,we’ll discuss the value of managing your social network, tools available to help youwith your network and leading practices in social networking.Christopher R. Barnes, Partner, MercerBarnes Associates10:15 - 11:30 amSESSIONSIncrease Productivity & Reduce Costs WithLabor Management SoftwareNorthern Hemisphere E3Learn about the process of successfully implementing an integrated LaborManagement System including industrial engineering, process evaluation,data collection, system integration, change management and employee training.12<strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDO

Tuesday, May 17This presentation will focus on the opportunities for improving performanceat all levels within the organization, as well as how the Labor ManagementSystem can provide greater insight into operational performance data insupport of continuous improvement initiatives.Caroline Dreyer, Vice President, Fulfillment Operations, Home Shopping NetworkRobert Monti, Senior Vice President, Operations, Home Shopping NetworkAndy Recard, Director, Labor Management Solutions, TZA ConsultingSteven R. Simmerman, Senior Vice President, Business Development, TZA ConsultingTransporation Advocacy Issues:Washington UpdateNorthern Hemisphere E2Clearly, there is a significant number of advocacy issues that have thepotential of creating unwise or excessively burdensome regulation in suchareas as security, global trade, and workforce and operational requirements.New legislative decisions made on Capitol Hill are dramatically changing thesupply chain landscape, and they’re having a significant impact on operationsissues in transportation, distribution and logistics. This session will provideshippers and providers with information on key legal, regulatory andlegislative issues that will impact transportation and supply chains, rangingfrom infrastructure, reauthorization, hours of service, and CSA to port drayageunionization and air cargo security.Brian Everett, Executive Director, NASSTRACAn Ounce ofPreventionAmericas Seminar RoomBack injuries are bad for associate personal well being, overall productionand morale - as well as company profit. In this session attendees will learn aproven formula that prevents these costly injuries through sprain/strain injuryprevention. A case study will detail how CDW reduced their worker’s compcosts by 74% in one year and increased production by 16% by applying thesetechniques.Troy R. Appel, Director of Central Distribution, CDW CorporationDennis Downing, President, Future Industrial Technologies Inc10:15 - 11:30 amROUNDTABLESFrom the Bottom UpEurope 4You’ve decided to drive improvement from the bottom up because you see thevalue in developing a company culture of continuous improvement. Nowwhat? Join this session to discuss the details of changing leadership style tofacilitate buy-in and engagement from the bottom up.David Bretey, Managing Director, Stampin’ Up(continued page 14)Visualize Your Enterprisewith Seegrid RoboticSolutionsGP8Vision-Guided Pallet TruckToday’s Security ThreatsNorthern Hemisphere E4Employee theft has fast become a critical problem, costing companies billionsof dollars and forcing many unsuspecting distributors and wholesalers intobankruptcy. To make matters worse, internal theft always escalates in atough economy and in the last year, white and blue collar crime has spiked torecord levels. If you’re not completely comfortable that your business is wellprotected from internal theft and professional criminals, this session willprovide you with truly invaluable insight. You’ll learn where your company ismost vulnerable, which security safeguards don’t work, as well as proventechniques that will protect you from the biggest risks facing logisticscompanies today.Barry Brandman, President, Danbee InvestigationsSee us at:<strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>, Booth #447 & Demo Theater 2Monday, May 16th, 11:30am - 12 Noonwww.seegrid.com877 SEEGRID(877-733-4743)34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE13

When it comes to transportation and logistics,Con-way helps you predict the future.The confidence that things will go right — it’s what we offer our customers every day.With proven less-than-truckload, truckload and third-party logistics expertise andservice excellence second to none, we deliver the reliability and certainty you need.When you work with Con-way, it’s easy to predict the future after all.Learn more about how we can ensure yoursuccess by putting Con-way’s companies towork for you — visit www.con-way.com/werc.

Tuesday, May 1710:15 - 11:30 am (continued)ROUNDTABLESLegal Perspective on Chemical WarehousingEurope 5Discuss the operational and legal aspects of handling chemicals in thesupply chain.Ann E. Christopher, VP & General Counsel, Kenco Group, Inc.William A. Miller, Senior Director of Business Development, Faure Brothers CorporationSlotting Best PracticesEurope 6Every operation, no matter how advanced, can likely improve slotting in somefashion. This roundtable will allow participants to explore both traditional slottingbenefits and techniques to achieve non-traditional benefits. Challenge your ownthinking and share your unique experiences in this roundtable as you discuss withother practitioners which techniques lead to the best return on your slottinginvestment.Charlie Dunn, Project Director, Optricity Corporation11:35 am – 1:30 pmNorthern Hemisphere A–D Ticket requiredLUNCH & FEATURE SPEAKERWhat Can We Do to Make It Better?Two years ago, <strong>WERC</strong> had the privilege of having Randy Lewis on our main stage atConference 2008. Telling his story of putting the “able” into “disabled” inspired andmoved our audience and was a powerful message about the heart of our industryand how small changes can lead to BIG results.This year, Randy will be with us again to update us on the Walgreens initiative tohire people with disabilities. “We’d be glad to share what we’ve learned from thehuman resources side with anybody. A lot of people have taught us a lot of things,and we’ll be glad to share what we learned. I’m very interested in talking to mypeers at the <strong>WERC</strong> Conference who want to do something like this. It’s not as hardas they think, and it makes a big difference. “J. Randolph Lewis, Senior VP, Distribution & LogisticsWalgreens Company1:45 - 3:00 pmFACILITY TOURWalt Disney World Distribution Center1:45 - 3:00 pmSESSIONSBreakthrough DistributionTechnologies <strong>2011</strong>Northern Hemisphere E3This session will use a multi-media approach to explore new technologies availableto the DC and how they impact service productivity and quality. We’ll also discussthe application of existing technologies in innovative ways and how economic andenvironmental impacts on the DC are driving the need for technology. This alwayspopularsession includes new content for <strong>2011</strong>.Marvin Logan, Systems Sales Consultant, Bastian Material Handling LLCPeter Zurowski, Engineering Systems Consultant, Bastian Material Handling LLCEmployee Buy-In Fromthe Bottom UpNorthern Hemisphere E2With staff reductions common in a recession, employees aren’t as likely to supportprocess improvements. Deciding to drive improvement from the bottom up is a strategicleadership decision. One you choose because you see the value in developinga company culture of continuous improvement, even at the lowest levels of the organization.While a bottom-up strategy may result in a slower ramp up and may requireadditional work up front, it is part of what makes continuous improvement andemployee buy-in sustainable for the long term. This session will address conceptson how to get buy-in for continuous improvement at every level of the organization.David Bretey Jr., Managing Director, Stampin’ Up!Are YouCarrier-Friendly?Northern Hemisphere E4If you’re looking for practical ideas on how to most effectively work with your carrierpartners to ultimately reduce costs and improve performance in your supply chain,you’ll want to attend this session. Learn best practices, the costs associated withimplementation and why it is important to create an efficient interface withtransportation companies at your DC.MODERATOR: Jeff Brashares, Senior VP Sales & National Accounts, TTS-LLCJohn Bauer, VP, Global Transportation, Starbucks Coffee CompanyRandy Bayles, Group Manager, National Accounts, Norfolk Southern Corp.Dave Howland, VP Land Transport Services, APL Logistics Americas Ltd.Wayne Johnson, Manager Carrier Relations, Logistics and Customer Operations,Owens CorningPaul Newbourne, SVP Operations, Armada Supply Chain Solutions (Hub One/LXP/BASIX)Val Noel, EVP Operations, Pacer InternationalVic Springer, Supply Chain Manager, SP Newsprint(continued page 16)Meet in Asia 5Pre-registration is required. See page 21 for details.34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE15

Tuesday, May 171:45 - 3:00 pm (continued)SESSIONSYou Can’t Manage What YouDon’t Measure – Where to Start?Northern Hemisphere E1There’s lots of talk about the importance of metrics, but there aren’t many roadmapsto define how to implement them so they’re meaningful and appropriate for youroperation. Attend this session to learn a method for defining and utilizing meaningfulmetrics and a process to manage and monitor them. Hear the strategy behindreporting business performance and also some key tactical elements to ensure theuse of metrics drives improvement and sustainability in your supply chain.Bruce Baring, Vice President, Peach State Integrated Technologies, Inc.Brian Lindenmeyer, Practice Director –Operational Excellence, SolutionsPeach State Integrated Technologies, Inc.Pick This!Europe 5Evaluating or designing a piece picking system? With about 60% of DC labor costsattributed to picking, designing the best and most cost effective system solutioncontinues to be challenging for most operations. Join this session to discussoperational information required to design a piece picking system, piece pickingoptions and lessons learned from implemented designs.Robert Muller, Senior Engineer and Consultant, OPSdesign Consulting3:00- 3:30 pm FoyersRefreshment Break3:30 - 4:45 pmSESSIONSQ&A With WalgreensAbout Their ProgramAmericas Seminar RoomRandy Lewis and his team planted the seed to help create more employment opportunitiesfor people with disabilities and knew they had to start from the ground upwith designing new system applications and training for employees and managers.After working with some of the best in the field for technology and training,Walgreens designed a plan that could be rolled out at its next generation of DCsand implemented at other DCs across the chain. Now, Walgreens is sharing whatthey have learned with you, proving that with the right mix of creativity andcompassion, everyone can succeed.Deb Russell, Manager, Outreach & Employee Services, Walgreens CompanyAllied Partnerships: A Cooperative Approachto Business ImprovementNorthern Hemisphere E3Our speakers will illustrate how a client-provider relationship, when cooperativelydesigned, can create greater synergy with organizations who are working in a stateof disconcert. The presentation will provide examples of programs and methods thatenhance the growth of the organizations, improve profitability, increase facilitythroughput, improve quality and eliminate operations waste. Hear how commondirection creates uncommon results and using effective conflict can create adultadultcross organization solutions.Scott R. Carr, President, Bonded Logistics, Inc.Kevin Kelly, President, Solucion LLC1:45 - 3:00 pmROUNDTABLESAll About <strong>WERC</strong>ouncilsEurope 4<strong>WERC</strong>ouncils are local groups of logistics professionals who meet to sharefriendship, ideas and experiences. Join this discussion to find out more about settingup a <strong>WERC</strong>ouncil and learn the nuts & bolts of scheduling presentations and facilitytours in your area.Andrea F. Velasquez, VP, Business Development, EpsteinVolume vs. Cost & How toMake It Work TogetherNorthern Hemisphere E2Do you feel like you are riding a roller coaster every day at work? Dealing with highvolumes one day and volumes falling short the next day can make a rough ride. Thissession will outline simple tools that will help you deal with changing volumes fromday to day and control the costs of your operation. We’ll cover planning necessarystaff based on daily volume, understanding volume trends and the staffing and costimpact and setting daily productivity goals.Mike Honious, VP, Customer Solutions & Implementation, OHLMore Quarters in the SofaEurope 5Let’s talk real-life examples of how and where to uncover cost reduction opportunities.We’ll consider operational efficiencies, inventory visibility, performance metrics,load optimization, route optimization, etc., etc., etc. Share and learn with us.Steve M. Hensley, President, Blue Sky Technologies, Inc.State of Automationin Retail DistributionNorthern Hemisphere E4Get a view of the current direction and vision of automation in retail distribution.You’ll see examples of varying levels of automation in use by Walmart across themany distribution channels and countries they serve. In addition, you’ll hear aboutpast, current, and future drivers and impediments to automation in warehousing anddistribution and how automation enables sustainability through predictability in anever changing environment of demand, labor and resource. You’ll also hear theresults from a 4th Quarter 2010 Retail Automation Survey that will illustrate whatother companies of comparable size are implementing in warehouse automation bysharing results of the survey sorted by demographics information.William M. Leber, Director of Business Development, Swisslog Warehouse and DistributionBradley J. Moore, VP, Sales & Marketing, Swisslog Warehouse and DistributionRichard T. Wilkinson, Senior Director Logistics Engineering, Walmart Stores, Inc.16<strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDO

Tuesday, May 17Beer ‘n’ BullAsia 4 Ticket requiredWe’re going to create a fun, social environment for sharing and discussinginteresting or fun facts about warehousing and the logistics industry. For example,what do beer and logistics have in common? What role has beer played in ourgovernment? You get the idea. After a full day of intense education, attend thissession to learn about the unbreakable bond between beer and logistics.Chad Pilbeam, Business Development, <strong>WERC</strong>1:45 - 3:00 pmROUNDTABLESKPIs and BenchmarkingEurope 4What measures are important to your overall corporate strategy? What are thechallenges you face collecting data and turning it into actionable information? Jointhis roundtable discussion to share how you are utilizing KPIs and benchmarking toimprove overall performance.Richard B. Wilhjelm, VP, Business Development, Compliance NetworksMergers & AcquisitionsEurope 5Often the most critical aspect of making a merger or acquisition work is integratingthe distribution operations into fewer facilities. In this session, we will discussfactors that impact which facilities to keep, the steps required to quickly andeffectively integrate distribution operations and other aspects of mergers andacquisitions as they relate to distribution operations.Robert B. Silverman, Sr VP of Supply Chain & Logistics, Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc.Slotting Best PracticesEurope 6Every operation, no matter how advanced, can likely improve slotting in some fashion.This roundtable will allow participants to explore both traditional slotting benefits andtechniques to achieve non-traditional benefits. Challenge your own thinking and shareyour unique experiences in this roundtable as you discuss with other practitionerswhich techniques lead to the best return on your slotting investment.Charlie Dunn, Project Director, Optricity Corporation5:00 - 7:00 pmDolphin Pool /Cabana Deck Bring your beverage tickets.ReceptionRelax after a full day of sessions. Enjoy a beverage and hors d’oeuvre beforecontinuing the evening enjoying all that Orlando has to offer.5:00 - 8:30 pmFACILITY TOURSouthern Wine & SpiritsMeet in Asia 5Pre-registration is required. See page 21 for details.I am demanding.I am dedicated.And I believegood enough never is.Intermec 70 SeriesAll Performance. No Compromise.The 70 Series is the new family of next-generation,ultra-rugged mobile computers, purpose-built fortheir environments. Four breakthrough productsbuilt on the same powerful platform, engineeredto give users everything they need—includingindestructible keypads, unbeatable battery life andonboard device health monitoring—with no trade-offin size, ruggedness or functionality.Built for the real titans of industry.» Intermec.com/70series34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE17

Wednesday, May 186:30 - 11:30 amFACILITY TOURSMeet in Asia 4 –5A continental breakfast will be available. Pre-registration is required. See page 21for details.7:30 - 8:30 amNorthern Hemisphere A Ticket requiredBreakfast Buffet8:45 - 10:00 amSESSIONSMayo Clinic’s DistributionValue EquationNorthern Hemisphere E2This session will demonstrate how the Mayo Clinic Distribution Center incorporatedindustry standards to develop a value equation—defined as “quality, includingoutcomes, safety, and service, over cost.” The presenters will describe the metricsused in the equation and development of a best-in-class target.Todd E. Brandt, Unit Head-Logistics, Mayo ClinicCarol G. Chase, Senior Analyst, Mayo ClinicFASB Change ComingNorthern Hemisphere E3A major change is coming on how leases are accounted for on balance sheets andincome statements. These changes are due to take effect in 2012 or 2013 withcompanies required to publish comparison year financials of 2-3 years back; so all<strong>2011</strong> statements will have to comply. These changes will affect ERP, leaseadministration, and accounting systems—and impact first parties, 3PLs, truckingcompanies, manufacturers, retailers, and any company that leases anything.Jeffrey W. Shell, Executive VP, Corporate Finance, Grubb & Ellis CompanyTimothy S. Feemster, Sr VP, Director of Global Logistics, Grubb & Ellis CompanyPactiv’s Lean Journey Playbook –Implementing a Lean CultureNorthern Hemisphere E4By focusing on Pactiv’s evolution and journey towards a Lean Supply Chain, fromsource to customer, participants can hear about practical, real world Lean principlesto get started on their own journey in their Supply Chains. Pactiv Corporation is aleader in the consumer and foodservice/food packaging markets it serves. Its Leansupply chain initiatives have reduced costs, reduced inventories, brought speed andresponsiveness to customers, improved customer satisfaction and leveraged thesupply chain as a competitive advantage. Come learn from both Pactiv and enVista“The Playbook” of “Process, Programs and Projects” that have made Pactiv’s journeyan industry success.Mark Crabtree, Executive Director of Supply Chain, Pactiv CorporationAl Gagnon, Senior Account Executive, enVistaTHE Supply ChainVisibility Software CompanyOUR CLIENTS INCLUDE:VISIT US:Exhibit Hall:Booth 628/630Presentation:Monday | 3:30 - 4:45PMRoundtable Discussion:Tuesday | 1:45 - 3:00PMDemo Theater:Monday | 5:15 - 5:45PM | Demo Theater 1LEARN MORE:704.256.3099 | www.blueskytech.com18 <strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDObluesky specializes in bringing your organization the visibility to measure and manage youroperations through our Data Vault Supply Chain Data Warehouse and our Insight BI Dashboards.Proactively monitorand measure operations Utilize real-time exception-based dashboards and alerts.

Wednesday, May 18Maple Leaf Foods Supply ChainTransformation with SAP’s EWMAmericas Seminar RoomCome learn how Maple Leaf Foods is rolling our SAP’s EWM across all of theirdivisions: Frozen Foods, Consumer Bakery, Poultry, Fresh Bread, and Prepared Meats.Rob Dombkowski, Senior Director, Maple Leaf Foods, Inc.8:45 - 10:00 amSystem Integration – The Good, The Bad, The UglyEurope 6Considering launching an integration project and want to talk with others about howto avoid common pitfalls and take the right steps to help manage project-relatedrisks? Whether a material handling integration project, a software integrationproject or perhaps designing an entirely new facility, this roundtable will call uponthe experiences of participants to outline simple, practical system integrationguidelines that we can all learn from.Steve Simmerman, Senior Vice President, Business Development, TZA ConsultingROUNDTABLESDealing With Your Safety ChallengesEurope 4Following an analysis of US industry’s injury trends, this roundtable will invite participantsto discuss common types of injuries and other safety issues within thewarehousing and distribution industries and their companies. Some issues will bediscussed in further detail so as to share successful preventative measures. Possibletopics include employee turnover/new employees, lifting/ergonomics and vehicles.Thomas J. Cavanaugh, Sales & Marketing Manager, Hospitality and Retail Industry,DuPont Sustainable SolutionsHow to Cut Costs (All of us is smarter than one of us)Europe 5It’s not all about cutting costs, but that’s never a bad place to begin—whetherpersonally or for your business. Join this discussion to share ideas with otheroperational professionals. Bringing back just one great idea could easily pay for thewhole conference experience!Catherine L. Cooper, EVP & CIO, OHL10:15 - 11:30 amNorthern Hemisphere A–CCLOSING PRESENTATIONOrdinary People, Extraordinary ResultsWhat do the world’s most successful teamshave in common? The ability to upgrade their“teamwork” to Human Synergy! In thispresentation , Eco-Challenge Adventure RacingWorld Champion and San Diego FirefighterRobyn Benincasa imparts the attitude andmindset that allows groups of ordinary peopleto accomplish truly extraordinary things together.You’ll walk away completely thrilled with thisvisually and viscerally entertaining look into theworld’s most amazing extreme teams, and withsome simple and easily applied skills that willallow them to create Human Synergy with allof the teammates in their lives, from colleaguesto spouses and family.34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE19

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Facility Tour InformationPre-Registration is RequiredAll tours will meet in Asia 4 -5Tickets are required for facility tours. If you have pre-registeredfor a tour your ticket is in your registration packet.Tour date and time is printed on the ticket.Please arrive early as tours will depart promptly at their scheduled time.Pastries, coffee and juice will be provided for tours scheduled before8:00 am. (Not for the Disney tours.)Tours usually return 4 ½ to 5 hours after departure.All tours have been filled. You may check for stand-by availability themorning of the tour at the registration podium in the tour staging area.Advance Auto PartsAdvance Auto Parts is a leader in the automotive aftermarket, and they say they“have more than 78 years of grease, grime and grit under our fingernails toprove it. We have over 3,500 store and more than 51,000 of the best-equippedTeam Members in the business to help you get the right part and find the bestanswers to all your repair questions.” So you’re invited to see their auto partsDistribution Center that handles 65,000 SKUs and services 500 stores andPDQs. The DC ships and receives on average a total of 4.5 million pieces aweek and combines the use of voice, RF guns, RF laptops, finger scanners, andBluetooth applications to process merchandise. They use over 200 pieces ofmaterial handling equipment to move product through the DC and run a scannersortation operation with the ability to scan over 8,500 scans an hour.Tours Depart: Tuesday, May 17 7:00 amWednesday, May 18 7:00 amCHEP Innovation CenterThe 17,500 sq. ft. Innovation Center provides a competitive advantage for ourcustomers who want to evaluate the performance of their products, materialhandling equipment and packaging. We test pallet and container loads ofproducts for customers around the world and can simulate the conditions theseproducts experience including, extreme heat and cold, humidity, compression,vibration, and impact. We also develop and validate new product offerings andimprovements to our existing equipment pool. The CHEP Innovation Centerexemplifies “continuous improvement” in action where you’ll see:1. Testing unit load stability, product damage potential and equipment durabilitywith the CHEP Vibration Tester System. The tester simulates unit loadvibration from all transportation modes.2. Testing the structural integrity of pallets, containers and full unit loads ofproduct by exerting up to 22,637 kn (50,000 lbs.) of compressive force onmaterial handling products in both racking and stacking configurations.3. Testing the effect of impact on pallets, large containers, our customers’products and unit loads of up to 1,810 (4,000 lbs.Tours Depart: Tuesday, May 17 7:20 amWednesday, May 18 7:20 amRooms To GoRooms To Go is America’s #1 independent furniture company with the nation’slargest furniture inventory. It introduced the concept of displaying and packagingfurniture in complete room settings and its distribution centers househundreds of thousands of furniture pieces ready for delivery today.The RTG Airport Road facility in Lakeland is the largest furniture distributionfacility on the east coast (1.7 million sq.ft.) and distributes orders to customerhomes throughout Florida. The facility features an “in-house” developed recycleprocess that maintains a 94% recycle of the total waste stream. Rooms To Goreturns department maintains a 99% accuracy performance on all returns as toquantity, quality assessment and ID of items. You’ll see how the operation usesdollys to move furniture through the delivery bay processes and have insertedunique material handling equipment. Rooms To Go believes in constantcommunications with its distribution associates and the Distribution arm hasdeveloped significant training programs, held in a classroom setting, for bothhourly and salary personnel. These training programs are designed to improveinterpersonal relationships and general productivity as they relate to attitudesand behavior on the job. Any “how to” technical training issues are separate,and are carried out by each department, within the department, on an asneeded basis.Tours Depart: Tuesday, May 17 7:30 amWednesday, May 18 7:30 amTompkins AssociatesThe Tompkins Associates Emerging Technology Center showcases the practicalintegration of multiple supply chain technologies. Experience how this working$6 million dollar, 11,000 sq. ft. center helps you integrate people, software andequipment to improve your supply chain. The Center demonstrates how tocompare and evaluate equipment and compatibility before implementation andhow to see how material handling modules, subassemblies and software worktogether before installation. You’ll want to sign on for this hands-on tour.Tours Depart: Tuesday, May 17 7:40 amWednesday, May 18 7:40 amWalt Disney World Resort / Distribution ServicesThe DC-2 Merchandise facility is located on the Walt Disney Resort property,where other Disney facilities, including Food & Beverage (DC-3), General Supply(DC-G) and overflow merchandise storage (DC-6) also reside. The DC-2 facilitycontains in excess of 400,000 sq ft, 18,000 pallet storage locations, 27,000 totalpick faces and a SKU base of over 20,000. It’s open for business 24 hours a day,365 days per year and over 300 merchandise locations are serviced from the DC.You’ll see their automated conveyor system (receiving, pick), pick modules (4modules for unit/each picking) and the Marking Room (first price, re-price).Tours Depart: Tuesday, May 17 after breakfast, 9:00 amTuesday, May 17 after lunch, 1:45 pmSouthern Wine and Spirits of America, Inc.As the country’s largest wine and spirits distributor, Southern Wine and Spiritsof America, Inc., is nationally recognized by its supplier partners and itscustomers for its state-of-the-art distribution capabilities and leading-edgeinformation technology. Tour this 1.8 million case capacity facility (650,000 sq.ft.) with its 10,000 SKUs and 75,000 sq. ft. of cooler to see its state-of-the-artWMS, 11 language pick-to-voice system, high-tech control center and imagingand barcode reader system.Tours Depart: Tuesday, May 17 5:15 pmWednesday, May 18 7:15 am34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE21

Walt Disney World DolphinGeneral SessionsBallroom LevelMain EntranceDown to WIRERegistration DeskLobby LevelEurope & AsiaMeeting RoomsLobby LevelDown to WIREConvention HallsGround Level34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE23

JENNIFER VOICEPLUSMeet Jennifer in BOOTH 409 and in these presentations:MONDAY, MAY 16, 8:45amMONDAY, MAY 16, 4:30pmA better voicefor your warehouse.The Human Side of a Successful Technology Roll Out:Hear how Owens & Minor implemented Jennifer in 40 DCs in lessthan a year.Beyond Voice-Enablement:Process Optimization For Voice Directed Warehousing. PRESIDENTLawrence Dean ShemeshPresidentOPSdesign ConsultingVICE PRESIDENTLawrence G. Corrigan, II,CPIMVP, OperationsMedline Industries, IncSECRETARY-TREASURERGregory J. JavorVice President Global LogisticsStarbucks Coffee CompanyPAST-PRESIDENTCatherine L. CooperExecutive Vice President & CIOOHLDIRECTOR OFMARKETING MEMBERSHIPAndrea VelasquezVP, Business DevelopmentEpsteinDIRECTOR OF WEB SERVICESSylvia SporeRightSourceRxDIRECTOR OFINDUSTRY RELATIONSMichael B. WohlwendVice PresidentSAP AmericasDIRECTOR,2012 ANNUAL CONFERENCESheila BennyEVPOptricity CorporationDIRECTOR,2013 ANNUAL CONFERENCEChad W. Autry, PhDAssociate Professor of LogisticsUniversity of Tennesseeat KnoxvilleDIRECTOR AT LARGEPaul M. AvampatoVP, Process DesignKraft FoodsDIRECTOR AT LARGEStan DanzigExecutive DirectorCushman & WakefieldDIRECTOR AT LARGEJ. Randolph LewisSr VP, Distribution & LogisticsWalgreens CompanyDIRECTOR AT LARGEStephen (Andy) SmithPresident & COOKenco Logistic ServicesCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERMichael J. Mikitka, CAE, CMPCEOWarehousing Education &Research Council<strong>2011</strong>-2012 Board of Directors

Think Globally, <strong>WERC</strong> LocallyA special thank you and congratulations toAtlanta, North Carolina, Philadelphia/Delaware Valleyand Northern Californiafor having five or more events in the last year!Atlanta*Baltimore/WashingtonBostonCanadaChicagoland*Cincinnati*ColoradoColumbusHoustonIndianapolis*New York/New Jersey/Connecticut*North Carolina*North TexasNortheast OhioNorthern California*OrlandoPhiladelphia/Delaware*PortlandSouthern CaliforniaTennessee25

ExhibitorsEXHIBITOR Booth # EXHIBITOR Booth # EXHIBITOR Booth #ASSOCIATION<strong>WERC</strong> 305AUTOMATION SOLUTIONSMitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. 341BAR CODE EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMSAbeTech 211Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 131Intermec Benefactor Sponsor 117Systems Application Engineering, Inc. (SAE) 336CONSULTANTSAFMS 213ALLFLAT Consulting 150Deloitte 415Greater Des Moines Partnership 443Johnson Stephens Consulting, Inc. 310OPSdesign Consulting ® 226Supply Chain Consulting Search 309CONVEYORS, COMPONENTS & ACCESSORIESHytrol Conveyor Company, Inc. 339Intralox LLC 438SpanTech LLC 338DISASTER RELIEFAmerican Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) 151ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/SITE SELECTIONKansas City SmartPort 127EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONGeorgia Institute of Technology/Supply Chain & Logistics Institute 145INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONAmerican Society of Transportationand Logistics (ASTL) 250INTERNET JOB BOARDJobsInLogistics.com 208LEAN MANUFACTURINGPacksize International Champion Sponsor 347LIFT TRUCKSFlorida Lift Systems Inc. 135Jungheinrich Benefactor Sponsor 547The Raymond Corporation 235/237LIGHTINGDigital Lumens, Inc. 514LOGISTICS LABOR MANAGEMENTSolucion LLC Champion Sponsor 315MANIFEST/SHIPPING SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENTADSI 435Agile Network 542Cornerstone Automation Systems 311Fox IV Technologies, Inc. Benefactor Sponsor 303Systems & Programming Solutions, Inc. 214MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENTColumbia Machine, Inc. 410Daifuku Webb 109Efacec USA, Inc. Patron Sponsor 230Frazier Industrial Co. 408Hänel Storage Systems 228IFCO Systems N.A., Inc. 441Interlake Mecalux 312Kiva Systems Benefactor Sponsor 417REB Storage Systems International 233Schaefer SystemInternational, Inc. Benefactor Sponsor 147Storage Solutions 334Yale Materials Handling Corporation 431NON PROFIT CERTIFYING BODYManufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) 342PACKAGING MATERIALS/SUPPLIESBuffers USA Inc. 242Rehrig Pacific Company 442PALLETSPECO Pallet, Inc. 215Sonoco 129PALLETS/CONTAINERSCHEP 141PICKING SYSTEMSINTHER Integrated Systems 439KNAPP Logistics Automation, Inc. 508top-VOX Corporation 231Vocollect Benefactor Sponsor 523Voxware 243continued on page 28ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING SYSTEMSApplied Energy Solutions, Inc. 536Orion Energy Systems Southeast 219ERP SYSTEMSMicrosoft Dynamics Patron Sponsor 346GENERAL CONTRACTORPanattoni Construction 111HVAC SOLUTIONSJohnson Air Rotation –a Division of Arizon Companies 222Our best of breed slottingoptimization solution supports eventhe most demanding warehousingenvironments. With patent pendingprocesses, OptiSlot DC, reducescosts, optimizes product placementaccording to your rules, and providespayback in less time than you wouldimagine. Stop by our booth toexperience the power this systemdelivers.Optricity Corporation2530 Meridian Parkway, Suite 300Research Triangle Park, NC 27713(919) 806-4303info@optricity.comwww.optricity.comFor additional Supply Chain optimization information, visit us at Booth 52934TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE27

EXHIBITOR Booth # EXHIBITOR Booth # EXHIBITOR Booth #ExhibitorsPRODUCTIVITY/LABOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSAllegiance Staffing 626Kronos Incorporated 437Next View Software, Inc. 240TZA 413REALTY SOLUTIONGrubb & Ellis Company 330RESEARCHNational Institute for Occupational Safetyand Health (NIOSH) 212ROBOTIC INDUSTRIAL TRUCKSSeegrid Corp. Benefactor Sponsor 447SCALES/WEIGHINGQuantronix, Inc. 343SHIPPING SOLUTIONSStamps.com/Parcel Partners 247STAFFINGParamount Staffing 251TRC Staffing Services, Inc. 41128 <strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDOSUPPLY CHAIN SOFTWAREBlue SkyTechnologies, Inc. Benefactor Sponsor 628-30Optricity Patron Sponsor 529TranSolutions, Inc. 510SYSTEMS INTEGRATORDematic Benefactor Sponsor 217TGW 624Swisslog 332THIRD-PARTY LOGISTICS PROVIDERHK Logistics 210Kenco Logistic Services, LLC 531Ryder Supply Chain Solutions 512Saddle Creek Corporation 433Shippers Warehouse 534UTi Worldwide 314Weber Logistics 115TRADE PRESS / MEDIABooth 147DC Velocity 305Food Logistics Magazine 241Supply Chain Group 540Visionary AutomationSCHAEFER SYSTEMS is a turn-key globalManufacturer and design/build integration partnerspecializing in Product-to-Person automateddistribution systems.We accurately generate more throughput in lessspace with fewer people to give you betteroperational visibility.Booth 147SCAN with YourSmartphone formore informationTRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSCon-Way, Inc. Champion Sponsor 333Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. Champion Sponsor 318VOICE-DIRECTED WAREHOUSE SYSTEMLucas Systems Patron Sponsor 409WAREHOUSE EQUIPMENTCornerstone SpecialtyWood Products LLC 532Randall Manufacturing 221WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMHighjump Software 239Made4net LLC 538Manhattan Associates 245RedPrairie 121SAP Americas Patron Sponsor 440UPP Technology Inc. 340WAREHOUSE SECURITYWeiser Security Services Inc. 209/308

Plan Your Conference ExperienceSunday, May 154:00 - 5:00 pm Feature Presentation Northern Hemisphere A-CDC Measures Annual Report5:00-8:00 pm WIRE & Reception Atlantic HallMonday, May 16DEMO STAGE 15:45 - 6:15 pm Vocollect6:30 -7:00 pm PacksizeDEMO STAGE 25:45 - 6:15 pm Microsoft Dynamics6:30 -7:00 pm Allegiance Staffing7:00 - 8:30 am Breakfast Presentation Northern Hemisphere A-DRelationships for Group Success8:45 -10:00 amSESSIONS (page 5)Maximize Equipment Investment toGet the Most Out of Your OperationsNorthern Hemisphere E13rd Parties Costs and ChargesNorthern Hemisphere E2How to Use Employee Benchmarking toImprove Productivity Asia 5Greening the GroundsNorthern Hemisphere E3Implementing Multichannel RetailingBest Practices for FulfillmentAmericas Seminar RoomThe Human Side of a SuccessfulTechnology Roll OutNorthern Hemisphere E4ROUNDTABLES (page 6)Implementing Advanced Material Handling–Justification and Lessons Learned Europe 4Legal Perspective Europe 5Operating a Smaller Facility Europe 6Pick This! Europe 1110:15 -11:30 amSESSIONS (page 6)Cross Docking: The Benefits, the Trendsand BeyondThe End of Cheap Oil: PreparingYour Supply ChainSlottingA Case Study in Global NetworkDesign & OperationIntegrating Contract Packaging IntoDistribution OperationsAmericas Seminar RoomNorthern Hemisphere E4Northern Hemisphere E3Northern Hemisphere E2Northern Hemisphere E1ROUNDTABLES (page 7)Business Location Services Europe 4Deal with Unpredictable Spikes – Resilient Supply Chain Europe 5It’s Who You Know Europe 6KPIs and Benchmarking Europe 1111:30 am -1:30 pm(doors open at 11:00 am, lunch at 11:30)Lunch & DEMO STAGE 111:30 am - Noon Agile Network12:15 - 12:45 pm SwisslogDEMO STAGE 211:30 am - Noon Seegrid12:15 - 12:45 pm Digital Lumens1:00 - 1:30 pm TGW1:45 - 3:00 pmSESSIONS (page 8)Global Sourcing the Disney WayNorthern Hemisphere E2Journey to Safety ExcellenceAmericas Seminar RoomCase Study: How Fastenal Used AS/RS toTransform Their DistributionNorthern Hemisphere E15 <strong>WERC</strong> experts, 4 categories, 3 ideas,2 you for 1 great time Northern Hemisphere E3Today’s Human Resource Issues in Business Northern Hemisphere E4ROUNDTABLES (page 8)Chemical Warehousing Europe 4Leveraging Private Sector Resources for Disaster Response Europe 5Too Much? Too Little? Or Just Right? Europe 6Vested Outsourcing Europe 113:45 - 4:45 pmSESSIONS (page 9)Finding the Quarters Hidden in the SofaOmni-Channel RetailWho to Work With and When:The Broker vs. Asset-Based Carrier QuestionHot Topics From a Legal PerspectiveIf I Knew Then ...Northern Hemisphere E3Northern Hemisphere E1Northern Hemisphere E4Americas Seminar RoomNorthern Hemisphere E2ROUNDTABLES (page 10 )Cross Docking <strong>2011</strong> Europe 4Motivating Today’s Workforce – Generations Europe 6Dealing With Your Safety Challenges Europe 5Retrofitting: Get the Most Out of Your Warehouse Europe 1134TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE29

Plan Your Conference continuedMonday, May 16 continued4:30 -7:00 pmReception & DEMO STAGE 14:30 - 5:00 pm Lucas Systems. Inc.5:15 - 5:45 pm Optricity / Blue Sky Technologies6:00 - 6:30 pm Accu-Sort SystemsDEMO STAGE 24:30 - 5:00 pm Intermec5:15 - 5:45 pm Frazier / The Raymond Group6:00 - 6:30 pm Inther Integrated SystemsFive MillionPossibleConfigurations.One Solution.With the Jungheinrich ® EKX 513-515kElectric Turret Truck and OrderPicker, the possibilities are endless.Approximately five million chassisand mast configurations are available,making it easy to find the correctsolution for your application. Andwith the optional RFID transpondertechnology, which providesprecise positioning and warehousearea recognition as well as truckperformance programming, the EKXcan easily be adjusted forany situation.From innovative engineering tocomprehensive product offerings,Jungheinrich provides the totalwarehouse solution.Visit our booth, #547,to speak with one of ourexperienced WarehouseProduct Consultants and toenter a drawing to win anEKX 513-515k order pickerscale model and pallet rack.Tuesday, May 176:30 -11:30 amFACILITY TOURS Meet in Asia 4-57:30 - 8:30 am Breakfast & Business Meeting Northern Hemisphere A-D8:45 -10:00 amSESSIONS (page 12)Stay Just a Little Bit Longer: Retrofit YourWarehouseCrowd Engineering...In the DC?From the C-LevelNorthern Hemisphere E3Americas Seminar RoomNorthern Hemisphere E4ROUNDTABLES (page 12)Deal With Unpredictable Spikes Europe 4Implementing Metrics Europe 5It's Who You Know Europe 69:00 -11:30 amFACILITY TOUR Walt Disney World DC Meet in Asia 510:15 -11:30 amSESSIONS (page 13)Increase Productivity & Reduce Costs WithLabor Management SoftwareAdvocacy Issues in TransportationAn Ounce of PreventionToday’s Security ThreatsNorthern Hemisphere E3Northern Hemisphere E2Americas Seminar RoomNorthern Hemisphere E4ROUNDTABLES (page 13)From the Bottom Up Europe 4Legal Perspective on Chemical Warehousing Europe 5Slotting Best Practices Europe 611:35 am -1:30 pmLunch & Featured SpeakerWhat Can We Do to Make It Better?1:45 - 3:00 pmNorthern Hemisphere A-DFACILITY TOUR Walt Disney World DC Meet in Asia 51:45 - 3:00 pm1-877-JH-FORKS | 1-877-543-6757www.jungheinrich-lift.comCopyright © <strong>2011</strong> by MCFA. All rights reserved. All registered trademarks arethe property of their respective owners, including Jungheinrich ® and its logos.Some products may be shown with optional equipment.SESSIONS (page 15)Breakthrough Distribution Technologies <strong>2011</strong>Employee Buy-In From the Bottom UpAre You Carrier-Friendly?You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure –Where to Start?Q&A With Walgreens About Their ProgramNorthern Hemisphere E3Northern Hemisphere E2Northern Hemisphere E4Northern Hemisphere E1Americas Seminar Room30<strong>WERC</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ORLANDO

1:45 - 3:00 pmROUNDTABLES (page 16)All About <strong>WERC</strong>ouncils Europe 4More Quarters in the Sofa Europe 5Pick This! Europe 63:45 - 4:45 pmSESSIONS (page 16)Allied Partnerships: A Cooperative Approach toBusiness ImprovementNorthern Hemisphere E3Volume vs. Cost & How to Make It Work Together Northern Hemisphere E2State of Automation in Retail DistributionNorthern Hemisphere E4Beer n’ Bull Asia 4ROUNDTABLES (page 17)KPIs and Benchmarking Europe 4Mergers & Acquisitions Europe 5Slotting Best Practices Europe 65:00 - 7:00 am Reception Dolphin Pool / Cabana DeckWednesday, May 186:30 -11:30 amFACILITY TOURS Meet in Asia 4-57:30 - 8:30 am Buffet Breakfast Northern Hemisphere A8:45 -10:00 amSESSIONS (page 18)Mayo Clinic’s Distribution Value EquationFASB Change ComingPactiv’s Lean Journey Playbook–Implementing a Lean CultureMaple Leaf Foods Supply Chain Transformationwith SAP’s EWNorthern Hemisphere E2Northern Hemisphere E3Northern Hemisphere E4Americas Seminar RoomROUNDTABLES (page 18)Dealing With Your Safety Challenges Europe 4How to Cut Costs (All of us is smarter than one of us) Europe 5System Integration – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Europe 65:00 - 8:30 pmFACILITY TOUR Southern Wine & Spirits Meet in Asia 510:15 -11:30 amClosing PresentationOrdinary People, Extraordinary ResultsNorthern Hemisphere A-CEVERYONE’S A WINNER WITHVocollect Voice.We can make you a winner, too.Voice-enable your warehouse or distributioncenter with Vocollect Voice. We’ll help you improveproductivity and enable you to achieveaccuracy of up to 99.995% while leveragingyour current WMS platform - and deliverimproved, quantifiable bottom line results.Take 15 minutes to talk with us and we’ll give youtwo tickets to a professional baseball game.*Come to Vocollect Booth 523 at <strong>WERC</strong> WIRE todiscuss how we can win together!#1 in the Business of VoiceVisit us at www.vocollect.com*Offer available to new, qualified prospects only. Two tickets per organization. Terms and conditions apply.© <strong>2011</strong>, Vocollect, Inc. All rights reserved.34TH ANNUAL <strong>WERC</strong> CONFERENCE31

Thank you to our <strong>2011</strong> volunteers …To Tour HostsAnd Registration Committee & AmbassadorsHallie DevonisCHEPMarceline Absiltop-VOX CorporationCarol Garrity KomonFeeding AmericaHeather StoneWest Logistics, Inc.Peter J. GrangeAdvance Auto PartsRon MillsWalt Disney World Resort DCKelly ReedTompkins AssociatesJason WittySouthern Wine & SpiritsJohn ZapataRooms to Go, Inc.Joe AndersonUnited Facilities, Inc.Maurice BremekampWest Logistics Group Inc.Susan BarberCe soir Lingerie Inc.,DBA Fashion FormsChris BenyovskyMaple PressJohn CresseySupply Chain Consulting Search, LLCDon CroninAlternative Technologies, Inc.Al GagnonenVistaBill GayDanco/Perfect MatchSteve HaleAwana Clubs InternationalMichael HanscheAshland Cold StorageJim HigginsAbeTechAmyn KassamDeloitteMarvin LoganBastian Material Handling LLCJoe McLellanMaple PressSal LaBrunoHall’s Warehouse CorporationBill McIntyreAmerican ManagementAssociation InternationalRandy PlostVictaulic Company of AmericaLarry SevichAmerican Seaway FoodsAlan TaliaferroDeloitteDebra TownsAaron TownsStampin’ UpJoseph TillmanSupply Chain VisionsGeoff SiskoJack Kuchta, LLCKathryn ZepaltasJackson Family WinesJeff WilkeClark Logistic ServicesMike “Ging” GingerellaRinchem Company, Inc.Bill MillerFaure Brothers CorporationDavid WilsonWorleyJohn GiangrandeFortna, Inc.SAVE THE DATEStart planning now to join us for the35th Annual <strong>WERC</strong> Conference and WIRE.Atlanta Marriott MarquisAtlanta, GeorgiaMay 6-9, 2012Watch for the call for presentations forthe 35th annual conference on the <strong>WERC</strong>website in July.www.werc.orgStop by the DC Velocity booth #305 to find out about the exciting possibilities forWIRE 2012. Gary Master and Jim Indelicato look forward to speaking with youabout sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities in Atlanta.

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