Primata II - THORN Lighting

Primata II - THORN Lighting

Primata II - THORN Lighting


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<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>Flexible and versatile continuousrow trunking system for commercialand industrial applications

Contents3 <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> - an introduction4/5 Applications6 Fast, safe, simple, cost effective and flexible7 PEC programme8 Tool-free installation9 Electrical configuration10 Three-phase system11 Complete control12 Special accessories13 How to specify a <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> lighting system14 Brackets and suspension (Step 1)15 Trunking (Step 2)16/17 Trunking accessories (Step 2)18 T16 Luminaires (Step 3)19 T26 Luminaires (Step 3)20/21 White reflectors (Step 4)22/23 Aluminium reflectors (Step 4)24/25 Basic housing with mirror optics (Step 4)26/27 Basic housing with louvre optics (Step 4)28 Basic housing accessories (Step 4)30/31 Optional extras (Step 5)32/33 Photometric data34/35/36 Specification sheet37 Configuration sheet

<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>Pre-wired trunking systemssave time and money. Theyare increasingly popular intoday’s cost-sensitive marketbecause they are quick andeasy to assemble, andsimple to install withoutspecial tools<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>, with its simple,consistent tool-free mountingand electrical connection, canreduce installation times by upto 40% compared withconventional products. It is apre-wired continuous row systemwith a comprehensive selectionof fluorescent luminaires andvarious optics.<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> offers a number ofvaluable benefits:• Simple, tool-free installationsaves time and money• Pre-wired trunking improveselectrical safety• Wide range of reflectors, opticsand accessories ensures aperfect match for virtually anyproject and application• Choice of wiring configurationsup to 9-pole can supportoptional functions includingmains power supply, dimmingand emergency lighting

ApplicationsIndustry and Production<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> is an ideal solutionin large working areas whereuniform illumination is vital. Aswell as providing efficient andeconomical output, its preciseglare control means that<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> can be installed inareas where VDT screens areused. A new IP60 (dust-tight)protected lamp enclosureensures safety and continuedperformance.Summary of benefits:• Efficient and economical• Uniform illumination• Glare control in areas whereVDT screens are used• Dust protected lamp version• SafetyWarehouses and Distribution<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> offers energy efficientsolutions for warehouses andstorage areas, through itscombination of high output lightsources, precisely calculatedand designed optics, and achoice of narrow or wide beamdistributions.Summary of benefits:• High light output promotes clearvisibility and safety• Precise direction of light• Choice of narrow or widebeam distribution

Supermarkets, Hypermarketsand Commercial Areas<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> is a versatile solutionthat helps to create a comfortableshopping experience incustomer-facing areas of all typesand sizes. Its glare-free light,with asymmetric distributionfor shelf illumination, providescustomer comfort and presentsproducts to maximum advantage.The ability to include spotlights,offers additional scope for accentlighting.Summary of benefits:• Glare free light for customercomfort• Precise direction of light• Asymmetric distribution forshelf lighting• The ability to integratespotlights for accent lighting• Visual comfort and ambienceto create a pleasant shoppingenvironmentTrade Centres and Exhibition Halls<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> offers a dynamicsolution to nearly any site. Itcan be easily adapted to anylayout, and the right opticalperformance ensures visitorcomfort and optimum presentationof individual stands. Its energyefficiency makes it the preferredsystem for owners and end users.Summary of benefits:• Economical, glare-free light• Flexibility to adapt to changingspace layouts• Comfort and ambienceto create a stimulatingenvironment for visitors

Fast, safe, simple, cost effective and flexible– it’s the logical choiceEasy to configure and install,<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> is the ideal choice forapplications where quality, efficiencyand versatility are essential<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> is a tried and provensolution. It’s quick and easyto install, uses latest lamptechnologies to save energy,reduces maintenance, anddelivers output that’s comfortableand adaptable to a wide rangeof requirements.Fast<strong>Lighting</strong> installations with<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> can be completedwithin 40% of the time requiredfor single luminaire installationsSafe<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> is pre-wired and tested,so good electrical connectivityand site safety are built-inSimple<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> can be installed bynon-skilled labour, without specialtools, however the final electricalconnection must be carried out bya qualified electricianCost effective<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> is the cost effectivesolution that benefits installersand end users alikeFlexible<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> is available in versionswith up to 9-poles for mainspower supply, dimming andemergency operation. Opticsare available for virtuallyevery application, and canbe interchanged to suit anyapplication

Performance, Efficiency, ComfortThe aim of Thorn <strong>Lighting</strong> is to improve qualityof life by lighting people and places. Supportingthis mission is our PEC programme, through whichwe deliver efficient and reliable lighting andcontribute to a healthy and comfortable environmentThe PEC programme is basedon the three main factors in alighting installation which affectthe quality of life and our naturalenvironment:Performance: Providing thebest visual effectivenessEfficiency: Minimising the useof energyComfort: Giving peoplesatisfaction and stimulationThese principles are embodied inthe way we design our productsas well as individual lightingschemes. By addressing all threefactors we can make a dramaticimprovement in the quality of life.<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> has been designedto fulfil all criteria for achievingPEC in today’s demandingenvironments, from its choiceof light sources and simpleinstallation to its virtually unlimitedflexibility. Consistent, tool-freeinstallation, plus a wide range ofoptics and integrated dimmingand emergency options, make it apowerful tool in the drive towardslower costs and higher workplaceefficiency.PerformanceProviding the bestvisual effectiveness<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> has been designedfor optimum performance ina wide range of applications,from industry and productionto supermarkets and shops. Itsoverall flexibility, together withthe optical performance of itsmany attachments, can easilybe tailored to any lighting task.Its precisely calculated reflectorsoffer efficient and economicallighting, and asymmetric reflectorsprovide wall-washing or uniformvertical illumination.These are just some of the‘lighting tools’ which areincorporated into the <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>concept. Equally important, thefittings can be interchanged torespond to changes in spacedesign or function. This is a trulyversatile system. As well as theoptics on individual luminaires,entire luminaires can be replacedby track modules when a newlighting scheme requires 3-phasespotlighting, for example.EfficiencyMinimising the useof energyEnergy efficient artificial lightinghelps to reduce carbon dioxideemissions into the atmosphere,and <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> uses the latesttechnologies to set the pace inenvironmental sensitivity. Withthe latest lamp technology suchas T16 high output and highefficiency lamps, LOR’s of upto 95% and electronic anddimmable control gear, <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>is perfectly prepared for this task.Time is another resource which<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> can save. Its consistent,tool-free installation methodoffers enormous benefits for theinstaller, enabling more jobs to becompleted within the same timeframe. For end users, too,<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> can enable arefurbishment to be completed farearlier than using conventionallighting concepts.ComfortGiving people satisfactionand stimulationWith its choice of different louvreoptics and other attachments,<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> can provide theright combination of glarecontrol, direct lighting andindirect distribution to createa comfortable and productiveenvironment.The system can also incorporatelighting and emergency controls.Available as options in 7-poleand 9-pole systems, these offerhuge advantages in terms ofreduced maintenance andincreased user friendliness, withstraightforward installation.The secret is <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>’spre-wired trunking, whichalready incorporates allnecessary components. Now, astate-of-the-art lighting solutionwith integrated lighting andemergency controls can be fittedas easily as a conventionalsystem.

Tool-free installation1 23 4 5 6Each component of a <strong>Primata</strong><strong>II</strong> installation is pre-built in thefactory. Work on site is simply amatter of snapping the modulestogether. Untrained personnel cando this using their two-hands. Notools are required and rates ofinstallation and productivity areimpressive.1. After the suspension elementis fixed to the ceiling (wiresuspension shown on thisexample), the trunking simplysnaps onto the brackets.2. Just a simple push and thepre-wired trunking is securelyinstalled. Tool-free electricaland mechanical connectionhas been made betweentrunkings, due to its patentedconnector system.3. Convenient phase selectioninside the luminaire4. Easy positioning and tool-freeinstallation of the luminaire5. Electrical and mechanicalconnection by one singleoperation – just rotating theturnbuckle6. Optics can now be installedvia a simple snap-onmechanism7. Just press the optic towardsthe system and the springloadedfixation mechanismretains it immediately8. After attaching reflector endcaps and couplers are puton, lamps can be fitted9. Various louvres or opticscan be conveniently addedwithout the use of any tools10. Congratulations – you havejust completed your first<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> installation!7 89 10

Electrical configuration5-pole5-poles configured forthree-phase operation: <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>supports ‘load sharing’ to triplethe maximum length of acontinuous run, compared tostandard single-phaseenvironments. This is possiblebecause each phase can be usedto maximum loading. In addition,<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> provides separatecircuits which can be switchedindependently for very basiclighting control. Compatibleluminaires include CP - SwitchStart Compensated, NC - SwitchStart Non-Compensated and HF.7-pole7-poles configured forthree-phase operation: <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>enhances 5-pole capabilities bysupporting additional dimmingand/or standard emergencyor SelfTest emergency lighting.These options are available withdimming and emergency versionsHFD, HF E3, HF E3T, HFD E3,HFD E3T.L1L2L3NEENELL1L2L3NED1D2ELENL1L2L3NED1D2L1L2L3NE* * * *LUMINAIRE CP, NC or HFLUMINAIRE HFDD1D2Unswitched L1L2L3N* *E* *LUMINAIRE HF E3 or E3TLUMINAIRE HFD E3 or E3T* **LUMINAIRE HF EX3Electrical connection to thesystem if phase 2 or 3 selectedElectrical safety<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> uses dedicatedconnectors to achieve perfectelectrical connections withoptimum safety. There areno complicated electricalconnections and no terminalblocks between luminaires andwiring. The turnbuckle mechanismensures that once a connection ismade, it stays secure.StandardsDesigned and manufacturedto comply with EN 60598Emergency versionEN 60598.2.22Class I ElectricalIP20IP40 with IP40 kitIP60 Industrial fitting(in preparation)9-pole9-poles configured forthree-phase operation: <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>can incorporate high-endemergency lighting. It is theultimate in multi-functional (HFE3X) trunking and management.

Three-phase systemFor high load applications thethree-phase design of <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>offers enormous benefits. Everyluminaire can be set to pick oneof the phases by using a simpleselector tab at the connector.Because this flexibility allowslong uninterrupted runs,<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> is the perfect solutionfor large buildings or long,narrow transport areas.These benefits are possiblebecause of the characteristics ofthree-phase power. A balancedthree-phase load minimises the‘reactive power’ (kVA) drawnfrom the mains, reducing theamount of energy consumed.In addition, each luminaire isconnected to one of the threephases, so most luminaires canbe turned off at night or duringperiods of low requirement, whilemaintaining sufficient illuminationin critical areas.Max loadMaximum load recommendationfor Miniature Circuit Breakers(MCB)For lighting installations the use ofC type MCBs is recommended.The following table gives sometypical values (recommendations)and is valid for one pole MCBs(single phase application) and asupply voltage of 230V.When using multi-pole MCBs(3-phase application) the numberof ballasts has to be reduced by20%.The table on right shows themaximum number of fittings whichcan be installed dependant onwattage and MCB.MCB C10 C13 C16 B10 B13 B161x36 T26 NC 39 47 62 23 28 372x36 T26 NC 19 23 31 11 14 181x58 T26 NC 25 30 40 15 18 242x58 T26 NC 12 15 20 7 9 121x36 T26 CP 54 66 87 32 39 512x36 T26 CP 27 33 43 16 19 251x58 T26 CP 35 42 56 20 25 332x58 T26 CP 17 21 28 10 12 161x36 T26 HF 32 48 70 16 24 352x36 T26 HF 20 30 40 10 15 201x58 T26 HF 32 46 66 16 23 332x58 T26 HF 14 20 26 7 10 131x36 T26 HFD 30 50 70 15 25 302x36 T26 HFD 10 20 30 5 10 151x58 T26 HFD 20 30 40 10 15 202x58 T26 HFD 10 20 30 5 10 151x28 T16 HF 44 78 80 22 39 402x28 T16 HF 18 28 30 9 14 151x35 T16 HF 46 80 80 23 40 402x35 T16 HF 20 30 30 10 15 151x54 T16 HF 30 46 50 15 23 252x54 T16 HF 14 20 24 7 10 121x80 T16 HF 18 28 30 9 14 152x80 T16 HF 9 14 15 4 7 71x28 T16 HFD 32 50 72 16 25 362x28 T16 HFD 16 22 30 8 11 151x35 T16 HFD 32 50 70 16 25 352x35 T16 HFD 16 22 30 8 11 151x54 T16 HFD 22 32 44 11 16 222x54 T16 HFD 14 22 28 7 11 141x80 T16 HFD 10 20 30 5 10 152x80 T16 HFD 5 10 15 2 5 7NC - Switch Start Non-CompensatedCP - Switch Start CompensatedHF - High FrequencyHFD - High Frequency Dimmable2402001601208040Voltage (V)0-400 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20-80-120-160-200-240Time (milliseconds)L1L2L3The sum of the currents on the three phases is zeroat any time, therefore for a balanced load, the returncurrent down the common neutral is zero as well10

Complete controlDimming<strong>Lighting</strong> can be responsible formore than 20% of total electricityconsumption. In office buildings itcan account for as much as halfof total energy costs. The use oflighting controls can reduce thisfigure by up to 25%, encouragingusers to minimise wasteful use oflight and make the maximum useof natural light using presenceand/or daylight linked controls.This approach is in line withenergy regulations such as theEnergy Performance of BuildingsDirective (EPBD) which isdriving energy saving initiativesthroughout Europe.<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> is designed to supportadvanced indoor lighting controlswithout any additional installationeffort.EmergencyJust like fire protection systems,emergency lighting is potentiallylife saving – provided it isproperly maintained. Increasinglystringent legal requirementsrequire owners to inspect,test and maintain emergencylighting in workplaces and publicbuildings.<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> offers a wide range ofcompliant solutions. Its emergencyproduct range includes basic (E3)self-contained luminaires as wellas SelfTest (E3T) and Addressabletest (E3X) emergency luminaireswhich are fully compliant withEuropean Standards. The E3Tand E3X systems deliver completepeace of mind and safety withoutthe need for costly and timeconsuming manual testing bya competent person. <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>can incorporate these luminaireswithout any additional effort.The following emergency options are available to suit varying requirements and budgets. The comparisontable should help to decide which option is best for you, considering the project environment:E3 E3T E3XSelf contained SelfTest Addressable testAutomatic testing No Yes YesEN 1838 (BS5266) compliance Yes Yes YesFault IndicationLocally via LED on luminaire(battery charging only)Locally via LED on luminaireCentrally logged on Control PanelFault Reports Generated Manually Manually Printed or via SMS textProgrammable No No YesAddressable No No YesTypical ApplicationSmall to medium installationswhere manual checking is noproblem for the user. For example:small storage areas, warehouses,workshops, shops, etc.Small to medium areas whereautomatic testing is beneficial butvisual inspection of the luminaire iseasily possible, such as galleries,supermarkets, offices, lower andmedium industrial facilities, etcMedium and large sized projectswhere visual inspection of luminairesis impractical or undesirable. Forexample: Universities, schoolsand colleges, museums, largestores, supermarkets, DIY centres,offices, higher industrial facilities,warehouses, etc.11

How to specify a<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> lighting systemThe specification sheet will guideyou through the ordering processof any <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> configurationand will make sure that you don’tmiss that vital part – it’s very easyand most convenient!Using the fold out specification sheetAt the back of the brochure youwill find a fold out page whichwill give you a logical orderingflow. You can use this whenbrowsing through the pages of thebrochure to specify all the rightparts for your individual system.Just simply follow Step 1 – 4(or even 5 if additionalaccessories are wanted) tocomplete your ordering list.Step 1Suspension bracketsSelect suspension brackets, which will be suitable for your applicationor building/installation environment. Turn to page 14 for Step 1Ordering Guides.Step 2Trunking and electrical connectionSelect trunking with 5, 7 or 9-pole wiring depending on whichluminaire is to be used. Make sure the modularity of the trunking/wiring specified matches the luminaire. Specify all other accessories,which might be needed in conjunction with the trunking or wiring(couplers, electrical connection, etc.) Turn to pages 15, 16 and 17 forStep 2 Ordering Guides.Step 3LuminairesSpecify the luminaire to go with the system, depending on thefunctionality (dimming, emergency) you need and wattage, which wasconsidered when selecting the pre-wired trunking. If IP40 is required forthe system, please select the correct IP40 kit. Turn to pages 18 and 19for Step 3 Ordering Guides.OpticsStep 4Depending on what kind of light distribution or level of glare control isrequired within the application, select the particular optic in the rightwattage. Dedicated end caps and couplers to be specified as well.Turn to pages 20 - 29 for Step 4 Ordering Guides.Step 5Optional ExtrasAdditional accessories such as spotlight modules or presencedetectors can also be specified. The only exception within the orderingprocess is the Industrial Optic IP60, where no separate luminaire orend caps etc. need to be specified (supplied as a complete fitting).Turn to pages 30 and 31 for Step 5 Ordering Guides.13

Brackets and suspensionStep 1Direct ceiling installation Caddy clip Chain suspension bracketAdjustable chain suspensionSuspension chain (per metre) Bracket for angled installationWire suspension kit Catenary wire suspensionFixing brackets• All fixing brackets attachtool-free to the trunking viaa snap-on mechanism and acommon stainless-steelquick-fix bracket• Direct ceiling installation• Caddy clip bracket forfastening on exposedceiling carrier systems of24mm - 26mm• Chain suspension brackets,adjustable (FIX/CHA) and nonadjustable triangle (FIX/CH)and galvanised suspensionchain (CH) which is suppliedin metres• Maximum distance betweensuspension brackets is 3 metres• Chain suspension brackets forangled installation, to allowaxial rotation• Wire suspension kits in threedifferent lengths for tool-freeheight adjustment via clutchmechanism• Catenary wire suspension forcatenary wires up to 12mmdiameterSpecificationTo specify state: Fixing bracketfor trunking systems.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong>...Brackets and Suspension Ordering Guide(for complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5)DescriptionSAP CodeDirect Ceiling Installation ClipPR2 FIX** 96502601Caddy ClipPR2 FIX/CAD ** 96502602Chain suspensionPR2 FIX/CH** Chain suspension bracket 96502603PR2 FIX/CHA ** Adjustable chain suspension bracket 96502604PR2 CH Suspension chain (per metre) 96502605PR2 FIX/CHRA** Bracket for angled installation (for axial rotation) 96502606Wire suspension kitsPR2 MSW1 1000 1m wire suspension 96502607PR2 MSW1 2000 2m wire suspension 96502608PR2 MSW1 5000 5m wire suspension 96502609Catenary wire suspensionPR2 FIX/CAT* 96502610* For catenary wires up to 12mm diameter** One bracket per code14

TrunkingStep 2Pre-wired Trunking Ordering Guide(for complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5)Description Weight (Kg) SAP CodePre-wired trunking• Pre-wired trunking with 5, 7 or9-pole wiring integrated• Wires in 2.5mm 2• Electrical connectionpoints in modular distancefor 36/58/28/54 or35/49/80W• Tool-free connection with uniqueconnector (to be orderedseparately)Materials/FinishTrunking: roll-formed sheet steelpre-painted whiteInstallation/MountingTrunking prepared for easymechanical and electricalconnectionSpecificationTo specify state: 5, 7 or 9-pole,2.5mm 2 , pre-wired trunking withelectrical connection points inmodular distance for use withtrunking system. As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong><strong>II</strong> T TWUn-wired trunking• Un-wired trunking for installingother <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> accessories ordifferent luminaires• Tool-free connection with uniqueconnector (to be orderedseparately)SpecificationTo specify state: Unwiredtrunking. As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> T60T16 trunking1175/350/3551475/950/445515-poleModular length for 1 fittingPR2 T TW 1226 5x2,5/36 1.8 96502611PR2 T TW 1526 5x2,5/58 .2 96502612PR2 T TW 1175 5x2,5/28/54 1.8 96502613PR2 T TW 1475 5x2,5/35/49/80 .2 96502614Modular length for 2 fittingsPR2 T TW 2452 5x2,5/36 3 96502623PR2 T TW 3052 5x2,5/58 3.8 96502624PR2 T TW 2350 5x2,5/28/54 3 96502625PR2 T TW 2950 5x2,5/35/49/80 3.8 96502626Modular length for 3 fittingsPR2 T TW 3678 5x2,5/36 4.2 96502635PR2 T TW 4578 5x2,5/58 5.4 96502636PR2 T TW 3525 5x2,5/28/54 4.2 96502637PR2 T TW 4425 5x2,5/35/49/80 5.4 965026387-PoleModular length for 1 fittingPR2 T TW 1226 7x2,5/36 .05 96502615PR2 T TW 1526 7x2,5/58 .5 96502616PR2 T TW 1175 7x2,5/28/54 .05 96502617PR2 T TW 1475 7x2,5/35/49/80 .5 96502618Modular length for 2 fittingsPR2 T TW 2452 7x2,5/36 3.5 96502627PR2 T TW 3052 7x2,5/58 4.4 96502628PR2 T TW 2350 7x2,5/28/54 3.5 96502629PR2 T TW 2950 7x2,5/35/49/80 4.4 96502630Modular length for 3 fittingsPR2 T TW 3678 7x2,5/36 4.95 96502639PR2 T TW 4578 7x2,5/58 6.3 96502640PR2 T TW 3525 7x2,5/28/54 4.95 96502641PR2 T TW 4425 7x2,5/35/49/80 6.3 965026429-PoleModular length for 1 fittingPR2 T TW 1526 9x2,5/58 .8 96502620PR2 T TW 1475 9x2,5/35/49/80 .8 96502622Modular length for 2 fittingsPR2 T TW 3052 9x2,5/58 5 96502632PR2 T TW 2950 9x2,5/35/49/80 5 96502634Modular length for 3 fittingsPR2 T TW 4578 9x2,5/58 7.2 96502644PR2 T TW 4425 9x2,5/35/49/80 7.2 9650264616/45/3678156/305/457851Un-wired Trunking Ordering GuideDescription Weight (Kg) SAP CodePR2 T 1526 1.6 96502651PR2 T 3052 3.2 96502652PR2 T 4578 4.8 9650265360T26 trunking15

58Step 2Mains terminal – Electrical feed• Power feed for electrical connection for 5, 7and 9-pole pre-wired trunking• Plug-in terminals for mains power supply,dimming and emergency• For 5-pole or 7-pole in conjunction with dimming, usePR2 TB/TRU 5/7 DIMCable Fixings• Cable cleat to fix additionalinternal wiring (CC)• Cable clip to secureadditional cables on top ofthe trunking (TCC)• For 7-pole in conjunction with emergency use PR2 TB/TRU 5/7 EM• For 9-pole use PR2 TB/TRU 9SpecificationTo specify state: Electrical feed for 5, 7 and 9-pole pre-wiredtrunking for trunking systems. As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> TB/TRUCCTCCAdditional wiring• Additional 2-pole wiring set for 7-pole pre-wired trunking,to upgrade systems at a later date• Wires in 2.5 mm 2• Electrical connection points in modular distancefor 36/58/28/54 or 35/49/80WSpecificationTo specify state: 2-pole, 2.5mm 2 , additional wiring with electricalconnection points in modular distance for use with trunking systems.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> TWOrdering Guide(for complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5)Description Weight (Kg) SAP CodeTrunking CouplersPR2 T-C TRUNKING COUPLER 0.3 96502654PR2 T-CL L CONNECTOR 0.5 96502655PR2 T-CT T CONNECTOR 0.7 96502656PR2 T-CX X CONNECTOR 0.7 96502657Description Weight (Kg) SAP CodeTrunking Coupler KitsPR2 T-CL KIT Trunking L Coupler Kit - 96233756PR2 T-CT KIT Trunking T Coupler Kit - 96233757PR2 T-CX KIT Trunking X Coupler Kit - 96233758Trunking EndcapsPR2 ECP - 96502664GrommetPR2 GRM - 96502663Cover StripPR2 CF 36 0. 96502643PR2 CF 58 0. 96502665PR2 CF 28/54 0. 96502645PR2 CF 35/49/80 0. 9650266686450Mains terminal block for 5 and 7-polePR2 TB/TRU 5/7 DIM - 96502658PR2 TB/TRU 5/7 EM 96502660243Mains terminal block for 9-polePR2 TB/TRU 9 - 96502659Additional wiringPR2 TW 2x2,5/58 0.3 96502648PR2 TW 2x2,5/35/49/80 0.3 96502650Cable fixingsPR2 CC CABLE CLEAT (INSIDE TRUNKING) - 96502661PR2 TCC CABLE CLIP (ON TOP OF TRUNKING) - 96502662L connector with white reflector, twin17

T16 LuminairesStep 3• Available in single and twinlamp (narrow) versions, whereboth versions can mostly usethe same optic• High-frequency ballasts• Modular designaccommodates options forlighting management andemergency lighting• Simple phase selection forpower supply and emergency/dimming circuits• Tool-free installation• Thorn turnbuckles ensureelectrical and mechanicalconnection in one stepLamps28-80W T16 (FDH) linearfluorescent, Cap: G5Materials/FinishBody: pre-painted whiteroll-formed sheet steelLamp holder: injection mouldedwhite plasticInstallation/MountingLuminaire prepared for easyinstallation into pre-wired trunking,luminaire attaches to trunking bytwo turnbuckles, providing instantelectrical connection via fixed plugand socket system, phase selectionat connector, optics easily clippedonto luminaire if required.SpecificationTo specify state: Single or twin(narrow) 28-80W T16 linearfluorescent luminaire for use with5, 7 or 9-pole <strong>Primata</strong> trunkingsystem and optics. As Thorn<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> T16 luminaire.IP40 Kit for T16 luminaires:Can be fitted to any T16 luminaireor optic to increase the protectionclass to IP40. Two IP40 Kits haveto be ordered per luminaire/optic.T16 single luminaireT16 Luminaire Ordering Guide Lamp(s) to be ordered separately(for complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5)Description Ilcos Socket Weight (Kg) SAP Code Emergency SelfTest Addressable TestCode E3 E3T E3XHigh FrequencyPR2 1/28W T16 HF FDH G5 0.9 96502704 - - -PR2 1/35W T16 HF FDH G5 1 96502705 96502714 96502720 96502726PR2 1/49W T16 HF FDH G5 1 96502706 96502715 96502721 96502727PR2 1/54W T16 HF FDH G5 1 96502707 - - -PR2 1/80W T16 HF FDH G5 1.1 96502708 96502716 96502722 96502728PR2 2/28W T16 HF FDH G5 1.1 96502709 - - -PR2 2/35W T16 HF FDH G5 1.2 96502710 96502717 96502723 96502729PR2 2/54W T16 HF FDH G5 1.1 96502711 - - -PR2 2/49W T16 HF FDH G5 1.2 96502712 96502718 96502724 96502730PR2 2/80W T16 HF FDH G5 1.2 96502713 - - -High Frequency DimmablePR2 1/28W T16 HFD FDH G5 1 96502732 - - -PR2 1/35W T16 HFD FDH G5 1.1 96502733 96502742 96502748 -PR2 1/49W T16 HFD FDH G5 1.1 96502734 96502743 96502749 -PR2 1/54W T16 HFD FDH G5 1.1 96502735 - - -PR2 1/80W T16 HFD FDH G5 1.2 96502736 96502744 96502750 -PR2 2/28W T16 HFD FDH G5 1.2 96502737 - - -PR2 2/35W T16 HFD FDH G5 1.3 96502738 96502745 96502751PR2 2/54W T16 HFD FDH G5 1.2 96502739 - - -PR2 2/49W T16 HFD FDH G5 1.3 96502740 96502746 96502752PR2 2/80W T16 HFD FDH G5 1.3 96502741 - - -T16 twin luminaire4 9 1660T16 single/twin luminaireIP40 Kit T16 (two needed per luminaire)PR2 IP40 KIT 1/T16 - - - 96502669 - - -PR2 IP40 KIT 2/T16 - - - 96502670 - - -18

White reflectors• Suitable for T16 and T26 singleand twin lamp luminaires(see pages 18 and 19)• White plastic couplers and endcaps provide neat appearanceand perfect alignment• Ideally suited to low mountingin industrial or utility areaswhich require high levels ofuniform light• Asymmetric reflectors forillumination of vertical surfacesCoupler for R and RLW• White plastic coupler forreflector PR2 R and PR2 RLW toprovide neat appearance andperfect alignment• Simple, tool-free assembly• One pair needed per junctionEnd cap for R and RLW• White plastic end cap forreflector PR2 R and PR2 RLW toprovide neat appearance andperfect alignment• Simple, tool-free assemblyOne pair needed per housing oruninterrupted continuous runEnd cap for RA• White plastic end caps forreflector PR2 RA to provideneat appearance• Simple, tool-free assembly• One pair needed per housingMaterials/FinishReflector: sheet steel, whitepre-painted finishEnd caps and couplers: injectionmoulded white finishInstallation/MountingUnique ‘snap-in’ mechanismenables easy tool-free installationonto luminaireSpecificationTo specify state:White reflector for single or twinT16 and T26 luminaire for usewith trunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> RSpecificationTo specify state:White reflector with whitelouvre grille for single or twinT16 and T26 luminaire foruse with trunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> RLWSpecificationTo specify state:White asymmetric reflectorfor single/twin T16 or singleT26 luminaire for use withtrunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> RAWhite Reflectors Ordering GuideFor complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5Description Weight (Kg) SAP CodeWhite ReflectorFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 R 1x36 1.2 96502754PR2 R 1x58 1.5 96502755For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 R 2x36 1.7 96502756PR2 R 2x58 .1 96502757For use with single or Twin T16 luminairesPR2 R 1/2x28/54 1.1 96502758PR2 R 1/2x35/49/80 1.4 96502759White Reflector with white louvresFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 RLW 1x36 .4 96502760PR2 RLW 1x58 .9 96502761For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 RLW 2x36 3.6 96502762PR2 RLW 2x58 4.5 96502763For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 RLW 1/2x28/54 .3 96502764PR2 RLW 1/2x35/49/80 .8 96502765Coupler for R and RLWPR2 R-C 1xT26 1/2xT16 Pair 96502844PR2 R-C 2xT26 Pair 96502845End Cap for R and RLWPR2 R-EC 1xT26 1/2xT16 Pair 96502846PR2 R-EC 2xT26 Pair 96502847White Asymmetric ReflectorFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 RA 1x36 1.4 96502766PR2 RA 1x58 1.8 96502767For use with single or twin T16 versionsPR2 RA 1/2x28/54 1.3 96502768PR2 RA 1/2x35/49/80 1.7 96502769Couplers for R and RLWEnd caps for R and RLWEnd caps for RAEnd Cap for RAPR2 RA-EC Pair 96502848** (one pair needed per housing or uninterrupted continuous run)20

Step 451515858164164T16 white reflector, single or twinT26 white reflector, single5151585816474T16 white reflector with white louvre, single or twinT26 white reflector, twin5151878087170T16 asymmetric white reflector, single or twinT26 white reflector with white louvre, single518083T26 white reflector with white louvre, twin518787T26 asymmetric white reflector, single21

Aluminium reflectors• Suitable for T16 and T26 singleand twin lamp luminaires(see pages 18 and 19)• One-piece aluminium reflectorin Mirrorbrite finish providesexcellent optical control• Reflectors overlap to providevisually continuous system, noneed for separate end caps orcouplers• Ideally suited to high mountingin industrial and lower retailareas with demanding visibilityrequirements• Wall washer for uniformvertical illuminationMaterials/FinishReflector: roll-formed aluminiumMirrorbrite finishInstallation/MountingReflector clips easily and tool-freeonto luminaire via stainless steelbracket. Reflectors designed tooverlap, ensuring perfect fit andalignment.SpecificationTo specify state:Wide beam Mirrorbritealuminium reflector for single/twin T16 and T26 luminairesfor use with trunking system. AsThorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> WB.SpecificationTo specify state:Narrow beam Mirrorbritealuminium reflector for single/twin T16 and T26 luminairesfor use with trunking system. AsThorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> NB.SpecificationTo specify state:Wallwasher Mirrorbrite aluminiumreflector for single/twin T16 andsingle T26 luminaires for use withtrunking system. As Thorn<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> WAAluminium Reflector Ordering Guide(for complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5)Description Weight (Kg) SAP CodeAluminium Reflector Wide BeamFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 WB 1x36 0.6 96502770PR2 WB 1x58 0.7 96502771For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 WB 2x36 0.7 96502772PR2 WB 2x58 0.8 96502773For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 WB 1/2x28/54 0.6 96502774PR2 WB 1/2x35/49/80 0.7 96502775Aluminium Reflector Narrow BeamFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 NB 1x36 0.7 96502776PR2 NB 1x58 0.8 96502777For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 NB 2x36 0.8 96502778PR2 NB 2x58 0.9 96502779For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 NB 1/2x28/54 0.7 96502780PR2 NB 1/2x35/49/80 0.8 96502781Aluminium WallwasherFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 WA 1x36 0.6 96502782PR2 WA 1x58 0.7 96502783For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 WA 1/2x28/54 0.6 96502784PR2 WA 1/2x35/49/80 0.7 9650278522

Step 45151776113129T16 aluminium wide beam reflector,single or twinT26 aluminium wide beam reflector, single5151967817539T16 aluminium narrow beam reflector,single or twinT26 aluminium wide beam reflector, twin515195011014115T16 aluminium reflector, wallwasher,single or twinT26 aluminium narrow beam reflector, single5185315T26 aluminium narrow beam reflector, twin516611540T26 aluminium reflector, wallwasher, single23

Basic housings withmirror optics• Suitable for T16 and/or T26single and twin lamp luminaires(see pages 18 and 19)• Choice of wide, asymmetricor double-sided asymmetricreflectors• White plastic couplers and endcaps available to provide neatappearance (see page 28)• Ideal solutions for supermarketsand hyper-markets applicationsand shelf lightingMaterials/FinishHousing: sheet steel,white pre-paintedIntegrated reflector: roll-formedSatinbrite aluminiumEnd caps and couplers: injectionmoulded white plasticInstallation/MountingUnique ‘snap-in’ mechanismenables easy tool-free installationonto luminaireSpecificationTo specify state: White basichousing with integrated widebeam Satinbrite aluminiumreflector for single/twin T16and T26 luminaires for use withtrunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> HWBSpecificationTo specify state: White basichousing with integratedasymmetric Satinbrite aluminiumreflector for single T26 luminairesfor use with trunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> HASpecificationTo specify state: White basichousing with integrated doublesidedasymmetric Satinbritealuminium reflector for twinT26 luminaires for use withtrunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> HADBasic housing with mirror optics Ordering Guide(for complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5)DescriptionWeight (Kg) SAP CodeBasic housing with wide beam opticsFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 HWB 1x36 .5 96502792PR2 HWB 1x58 3 96502793For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 HWB 2x36 3.4 96502794PR2 HWB 2x58 4.3 96502795For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 HWB 1/2x28/54 96502796PR2 HWB 1/2x35/49/80 .4 96502797Basic housing with asymmetric mirror optics (single T26 only)PR2 HA 1x36 .5 96502798PR2 HA 1x58 3 96502799Basic housing with double sided asymmetric mirror (twin T26 only)PR2 HAD 2x36 3.4 96502800PR2 HAD 2x58 4.3 9650280124

Step 451516695113173T16 wide beam mirror, single or twinT26 wide beam mirror, single519583T26 wide beam mirror, twin5195173T26 asymmetric mirror, single519583T26 double sided asymmetric mirror, twin25

Basic housings withlouvre opticsStep 426• Suitable for T16 and T26 singleand twin lamp luminaires (seepage 18 and 19)• Choice of white paintedsteel, perforated white steel,Satinbrite aluminium orMirrorbrite aluminium louvres tocontrol glare• Satinbrite and Mirrorbritelouvres comply with EN 12464guidelines for modern VDTscreens (depending on thewattage used with the optic)• White plastic couplers and endcaps available to provide neatappearance (see page 28)• Ideally suited to retail,commercial and productionareas with VDT screens• Microperforated versionscreate a more comfortableenvironment with additionalambient lightingMaterials/FinishHousing: sheet steel, whitepre-painted with roll-formedaluminium reflector insertsLouvre: Satinbrite, Mirrorbritealuminium or white painted steelor perforatedEnd caps and couplers: injectionmoulded white plasticInstallation/MountingUnique snap-in mechanismenables easy tool-free installationonto luminaireSpecificationTo specify state: White basichousing with Satinbrite louvrefor single/twin T16 and T26luminaires for use with trunkingsystem. As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> HLSSpecificationTo specify state: White basichousing with Mirrorbrite louvrefor single/twin T16 and T26luminaires for use withtrunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> HLMSpecificationTo specify state: White basichousing with white painted steellouvre for single/twin T16 andT26 luminaires for use withtrunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> HLWSpecificationTo specify state: Whiteperforated basic housing withwhite perforated steel louvrefor single/twin T16 and T26luminaires for use withtrunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> HLW PFBasic housing with louvre optics Ordering Guide(for complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5)DescriptionWeight (Kg) SAP CodeBasic housing with Satinbrite louvresFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 HLS 1x36 .7 96502814PR2 HLS 1x58 3.4 96502815For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 HLS 2x36 3.8 96502816PR2 HLS 2x58 4.6 96502817For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 HLS 1/2x28/54 96502818PR2 HLS 1/2x35/49/80 .4 96502819Basic housing with Mirrorbrite louvresFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 HLM 1x36 .7 96502820PR2 HLM 1x58 3.4 96502821For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 HLM 2x36 3.8 96502822PR2 HLM 2x58 4.6 96502823For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 HLM 1/2x28/54 96502824PR2 HLM 1/2x35/49/80 .4 96502825Basic housing with White louvresFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 HLW 1x36 3.2 96502802PR2 HLW 1x58 4.1 96502803For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 HLW 2x36 5.4 96502804PR2 HLW 2x58 6.2 96502805For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 HLW 1/2x28/54 .5 96502806PR2 HLW 1/2x35/49/80 .9 96502807Perforated basic housing with white perforated louvreFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 HLW PF 1x36 3.1 96502808PR2 HLW PF 1x58 4 96502809For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 HLW PF 2x36 5.3 96502810PR2 HLW PF 2x58 6.1 96502811For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 HLW PF 1/2x28/54 .4 96502812PR2 HLW PF 1/2x35/49/80 .8 96502813

51516695113173T16 Satinbrite louvre, single or twinT26 Satinbrite louvre single5151669511383T16 Mirrorbrite louvre, single or twinT26 Satinbrite louvre twin51516695113173T16 white louvre singleT26 Mirrorbrite louvre single5151956711383T16 perforated and white perforated louvresingle or twinT26 Mirrorbrite louvre twin5195173T26 white or perforated housing with whiteor perforated louvre, single519583T26 white or perforated housing with whiteor perforated louvre, twin27

Basic housings accessoriesStep 4Coupler for basichousing optics• White plastic coupler for allbasic housing optics to provideneat appearance and perfectalignment• Simple, tool-free assembly• One pair needed per junctionEnd cap for basichousing optics• White plastic end caps for allbasic housing optics to provideneat appearance and perfectalignment• Tool-free and easy assembling• One pair needed per housingor uninterrupted continuous runBasic housing accessories Ordering Guide(for complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5)DescriptionSAP CodeCoupler for all basic housing optics (one pair needed per junction)For use with single T26 versionsPR2 H-C 1xT26 Pair 96502849For use with twin T26 versionsPR2 H-C 2xT26 Pair 96502850For use with single or twin T16 versionsPR2 H-C 1/2xT16 Pair 96502851Endcaps for all basic housing optics (one pair needed per housing oruninterrupted continuous run)For use with single T26 versionsPR2 H-EC 1xT26 Pair 96502852For use with twin T26 versionsPR2 H-EC 2xT26 Pair 96502853For use with single or twin T16 versionsPR2 H-EC 1/2xT16 Pair 9650285428

Optional extrasWire guard• Suitable for T16 and T26single and twin lampluminaires• Can be hinged for lampreplacement• For mechanical lampprotection – ideal in lowstorage areasMaterials/FinishRods: polished galvanised steelFixing brackets: aluminiumInstallation/MountingTool-free fixing via twoaluminium bracketsSpecificationTo specify state: Wire guardmade of polished galvanisedsteel for single/twin T16 andT26 luminaires for use withtrunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> WG517596T26 wire guard, single517505T26 wire guard, twin517596T16 Wire guard, single/twinSpotlight modules• Module with integratedthree-phase track in modularlengths• Standard spotlights for threephasetrack can be installed• Simple phase selection forpower supply• Tool-free installation• Thorn turnbuckles for one-stepelectrical and mechanicalconnectionMaterials/FinishBody: pre-painted whiteroll-formed sheet steel, injectionmoulded white plastic end partsInstallation/MountingModule prepared for easyinstallation into pre-wiredtrunking, unit attaches to trunkingby two turnbuckles, providinginstant electrical connection viafixed plug and socket system,phase selection at connector,spotlights to be installed as inany standard three-phase tracksystemSpecificationTo specify state: three-phasetrack module in modular lengths,for use on 5, 7 or 9-poletrunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> TM1175/1475 - T161226/1526 - T26570/760Spotlight not suppliedFixing kit for fluorescentfittings• Fixing kit for other fluorescentfittings on unwired trunking (FF)30

Step 5Presence detector module• Module with an integratedpresence detector• Switching capacity 1200- 2000W• Surveillance range: 220°• Max Distance: 16 metres• 6 time stages from 1sec.up to approx. 8mins.• Tool-free installationMaterials/FinishBody: pre-painted whiteroll-formed sheet steel, injectionmoulded white plastic end partsInstallation/MountingModule prepared for easyinstallation onto trunking,electrical connection via pianokey terminal blockSpecificationTo specify state:Presence detection module for useon trunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> SLDPm16790288742.504 01.2m2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16mIndustrial unit IP60• Complete single or twin 58Wfitting (no separate luminaireneeds to be ordered)• High-frequency ballasts• Integrated aluminium reflectorfor symmetrical or asymmetricaldistribution• IP60 (dust-tight) protectedlamp/reflector area to avoid adecrease in LOR due to dust• Convenient tool-free phaseselection• Plastic cover panel (PC) held bygalvanised frame• One-step electrical andmechanical connection viaexternal turnbuckle• Ideal solution for dustyindustrial applications andautomotive industryMaterials/FinishHousing: white painted sheetsteel with plastic cover panel(polycarbonate) held bygalvanised metal frameInstallation/MountingTool-free installation onto trunkingsystem via external turnbucklemechanismSpecificationTo specify state: Complete1/2x58W luminaire, highfrequency ballast, IP60,integrated aluminium reflectorfor symmetrical/asymmetricaldistribution, polycarbonate coverpanel held by galvanised framefor tool-free installation for usewith trunking system.As Thorn <strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> I PCIndustrial Optic Ordering Guidecomplete fitting - no separate luminaire required. T26 Lamps to beordered separately.Description Ilcos Socket Wt (Kg) SAP CodeCodeSymmetricPR2 I PC 1x58W HF SYM IP60 FD G13 7.9 96502826PR2 I PC 2x58W HF SYM IP60 FD G13 8.2 96502828AsymmetricPR2 I PC 2x58W HF ASYM IP60 FD G13 7.9 96502829PR2 I PC 1x58W HF ASYM IP60 FD G13 8.2 965028275199240Optional Extras Ordering Guide(for complete luminaire follow ordering steps 1-5)Description Wt (Kg) SAP CodeWire GuardsFor use with single T26 luminairesPR2 WG 1x36 1.1 96502838PR2 WG 1x58 1.5 96502839For use with twin T26 luminairesPR2 WG 2x36 1.7 96502840PR2 WG 2x58 1.9 96502841For use with single or twin T16 luminairesPR2 WG 1/2x28/54 1 96502842PR2 WG 1/2x35/49/80 1.4 96502843DescriptionWt (Kg) SAP CodeSpotlight modules3-phase module 1226 PR2 TM 36 1.2 965026313-phase module 1526 PR2 TM 58 1.5 965026713-phase module 1175 PR2 TM 28/54 1.1 965026333-phase module 1475 PR2 TM 35/49/80 1.4 96502672Presence detector module PR2 SLDP 0.7 96502673Fixing kit for other fluorescent fittings PR2 FF 9650266731

Photometric dataT16 Luminaires150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°90° 180 120 6090°90° 180 120 6090°90° 300 200 10090°90° 300 200 10090°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2Lamp: 1x 35W T16ULOR:Lamp:0.231x 35WDLOR:T160.75 LOR: 0.99ULOR: 0.23 DLOR: 0.75 LOR: 0.99<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2Lamp: 2x 35W T16Lamp:ULOR:2x0.2235WDLOR:T160.75 LOR: 0.97ULOR: 0.22 DLOR: 0.75 LOR: 0.97<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+R<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+RLamp: 1x 35W T16Lamp:ULOR:1x0.035WDLOR:T160.99 LOR: 0.99ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.99 LOR: 0.99<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+R<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+RLWLamp: 1x 35W T16Lamp:ULOR:1x0.035WDLOR:T160.99 LOR: 0.99ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.9 LOR: 0.9150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°90° 300 200 10090°90° 450 300 15090°90° 450 300 15090°90° 750 500 25090°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+RALamp:<strong>Primata</strong>1x<strong>II</strong>35WPR2+RAT16ULOR: Lamp: 0.18 1x 35W DLOR: T16 0.75 LOR: 0.93ULOR: 0.18 DLOR: 0.75 LOR: 0.93<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+WB<strong>Primata</strong>Lamp: 1x<strong>II</strong>35WPR2+WBT16Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.035W DLOR: T161.03 LOR: 1.04ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 1.03 LOR: 1.04<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+NBLamp: <strong>Primata</strong> 1x <strong>II</strong> 35W PR2+NB T16ULOR: Lamp: 0.0 1x 35W DLOR: T160.99 LOR: 0.99ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.99 LOR: 0.99<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+WA<strong>Primata</strong> Lamp: 1x <strong>II</strong> 35W PR2+WA T16Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.035W DLOR: T161.02 LOR: 1.02ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 1.02 LOR: 1.02150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°90° 300 200 10090°90° 300 200 10090°90° 300 200 10090°90° 450 300 15090°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HWB<strong>Primata</strong>Lamp: 1x<strong>II</strong>35WPR2+HWBT16Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.035W DLOR: T160.85 LOR: 0.85ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.85 LOR: 0.85<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HLW PF<strong>Primata</strong>Lamp: 1x<strong>II</strong>35WPR2+HLWT16PFLamp: ULOR: 1x 0.12 35W DLOR: T16 0.72 LOR: 0.84ULOR: 0.12 DLOR: 0.72 LOR: 0.84<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HLSLamp:<strong>Primata</strong>1x<strong>II</strong>35WPR2+HLST16ULOR: Lamp: 0.0 1x 35W DLOR: T160.74 LOR: 0.74ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.74 LOR: 0.74<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HLM<strong>Primata</strong>Lamp: 1x<strong>II</strong>35WPR2+HLMT16Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.035W DLOR: T160.76 LOR: 0.76ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.76 LOR: 0.7632

T26 Luminaires150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°90° 120 80 4090°90° 120 80 4090°90° 180 120 6090°90° 300 200 10090°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2Lamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.29 58W DLOR: T26 0.67 LOR: 0.96ULOR: 0.29 DLOR: 0.67 LOR: 0.96<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2Lamp: 2x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 2x 0.38 58W DLOR: T26 0.59 LOR: 0.97ULOR: 0.38 DLOR: 0.59 LOR: 0.97<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+R<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+RLamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.058W DLOR: T260.83 LOR: 0.83ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.83 LOR: 0.83<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+RLW<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+RLWLamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.058W DLOR: T260.73 LOR: 0.74ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.73 LOR: 0.74150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°90° 120 80 4090°90° 300 200 10090°90° 450 300 15090°90° 750 500 25090°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+RALamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.29 58W DLOR: T26 0.67 LOR: 0.96ULOR: 0.19 DLOR: 0.63 LOR: 0.82<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+WB<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+WBLamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.058W DLOR: T260.80 LOR: 0.80ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.80 LOR: 0.80<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+NB<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+NBLamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.058W DLOR: T260.83 LOR: 0.83ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.83 LOR: 0.83<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+WA<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+WALamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.058W DLOR: T260.87 LOR: 0.87ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.87 LOR: 0.87150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°150°cd/1000lm150°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°120°90° 450 300 15090°90° 300 200 10090°90° 300 200 10090°90° 300 200 10090°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°60°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°30°0°30°<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HA<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HALamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.058W DLOR: T260.71 LOR: 0.71ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.71 LOR: 0.71<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HAD<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HADLamp: 2x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 2x 0.058W DLOR: T260.74 LOR: 0.74ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.74 LOR: 0.74<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HLS<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HLSLamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.058W DLOR: T260.60 LOR: 0.60ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.60 LOR: 0.60<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HLM<strong>Primata</strong> <strong>II</strong> PR2+HLMLamp: 1x 58W T26Lamp: ULOR: 1x 0.058W DLOR: T260.66 LOR: 0.66ULOR: 0.0 DLOR: 0.66 LOR: 0.6633

Suspension bracketsSelect suspension brackets, which will be suitable for your applicationor building/installation environment. Turn to page 14 for Step 1Ordering Guides.Trunking and electrical connectionSelect trunking with 5, 7 or 9-pole wiring depending on whichluminaire is to be used. Make sure the modularity of the trunking/wiring specified matches the luminaire. Specify all other accessories,which might be needed in conjunction with the trunking or wiring(couplers, electrical connection, etc.) Turn to pages 15, 16 and 17 forStep 2 Ordering Guides.LuminairesSpecify the luminaire to go with the system, depending on thefunctionality (dimming, emergency) you need and wattage, which wasconsidered when selecting the pre-wired trunking. If IP40 is required forthe system, please select the correct IP40 kit. Turn to pages 18 and 19for Step 3 Ordering Guides.OpticsDepending on what kind of light distribution or level of glare control isrequired within the application, select the particular optic in the rightwattage. Dedicated end caps and couplers to be specified as well.Turn to pages 20 - 29 for Step 4 Ordering Guides.Optional ExtrasAdditional accessories such as spotlight modules or presence detectorscan be specified as well. The only exception within the orderingprocess is the Industrial Optic IP60, where no separate luminaire orend caps etc. need to be specified (supplied as a complete fitting).Turn to pages 30 and 31 for Step 5 Ordering Guides.

Step 1Direct ceilinginstallationCaddy clipChain suspensionbracketAdjustable chainsuspensionSuspension chain(per metre)Bracket for angledinstallationWire suspensionkitsCatenary wiresuspensionSuspension brackets96502601965026029650260396502604965026059650260696502607– 20996502610Step 2Pre-wired trunkingUn-wired trunkingTrunking end capTrunking couplerTrunking coupler LTrunking coupler TTrunking coupler XTrunking andelectrical connection96502611– 64696502651– 6539650266496502654965026559650265696502657Step 3T16 SingleT16 TwinT26 SingleT26 TwinIP40 Kit T16IP40 Kit T26Luminaires96502700 – 75396502674 – 70396502669 – 67096502668Step 4T16 White singleor twinT16 White +white louvressingle/twinCouplersEnd capsT16 White asymmetricsingle/twinOpticsT16Reflectors96502758 – 75996502764 – 76596502844 – 84596502846 – 84796502768 – 769T16 Wide beammirror single/twinT16 White louvresingle/twinT16 Perforated +white perforatedlouvre single/twinT16 Satinbritelouvre single/twinT16 Mirrorbritelouvre single/twinCouplersT16 Basichousing96502796 – 79796502806 – 80796502812 – 813965028118 – 81996502824 – 82596502849 – 851T26 White singleT26 White twinT26 White +white louvressingleT26 White +white louvres twinCouplersEnd capsT26Reflectors96502754 – 75596502756 – 75796502760 – 76196502762 – 76396502844 – 84596502846 – 847T26 Wide beammirror singleT26 Wide beammirror twinT26 Asymmetricmirror singleT26 Double sidedasymmetric mirrortwinT26 White louvresingleT26 White louvretwinT26 Perforated +white perforatedlouvre singleT26 Perforated +white perforatedlouvre twinT26 Basichousing96502792 – 79396502794 – 79596502798 – 79996502800 – 80196502802 – 80396502804 – 80596502808 – 80996502810 – 811Step 5Industrial opticIP60Spotlight modulesPresence detectormoduleFixing kit for otherfluorescent fittingsT16 Wire guardsT26 Wire guardsOptional extras96502826 – 82996502631/671/633/672965026739650266796502842 – 4396502838 – 41

GrommetCover FilletsMains terminalblock for dimmingAdditional wiringCable cleatCable clip9650266396502643/65/45/6696502658– 66096502647– 6509650266196502662End caps for RAT16 Wide Beamsingle/twinT16 Narrow Beamsingle/twinT16 Wallwashersingle/twin9650284896502774 – 77596502780 – 78196502784 – 785End caps96502852 – 854T26 Whiteasymmetric singleEnd caps for RAT26 Wide BeamsingleT26 Wide BeamtwinT26 Narrow BeamsingleT26 Narrow BeamtwinT26 Wallwashersingle96502766 – 7679650284896502770 – 77196502772 – 77396502776 – 77796502778 – 77996502782 – 783T26 Satinbritelouvre singleT26 Satinbritelouvre twinT26 Mirrorbritelouvre singleT26 Mirrorbritelouvre twinCouplersEnd caps965028114 – 815965028116 – 81796502820 – 82196502822 – 82396502849 – 85196502852 – 854

Configuration sheetPHOTOCOPY BEFORE USEPlease keep this configuration sheet as the original base artwork for you to photocopy from.Option:Option:ProductSAP CodeQtyProductSAP CodeQtyStep 1SuspensionbracketsStep 1SuspensionbracketsStep 2Trunking &electricalconnectionStep 2Trunking &electricalconnectionStep 3LuminairesStep 3LuminairesStep 4OpticsStep 4OpticsStep 5OptionalextrasStep 5Optionalextras

<strong>Lighting</strong> people and placesThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> Main OfficesHead OfficeThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> LimitedSilver Screens, Elstree Way, Borehamwood,Hertfordshire, WD6 1FE, UKTel: (44) 20 8732 9800Fax: (44) 20 8732 9801Website: www.thornlighting.comAustraliaThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> Pty Limited13 Cooper Street, P O Box 188, Smithfield,NSW 2164, AustraliaTel: (61) 2 9604 4300Fax: (61) 2 9604 4588E-mail: info@thornlight.com.auWebsite: www.thornlight.com.auAustriaThorn Licht GmbHDonau-City-Straße 11, 1220 Wien, AustriaTel: (43) 1 202 66 11Fax: (43) 1 202 66 11 12E-mail: office@thorn.atChinaThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> (Guangzhou) Operations LtdNo.12 Lian Yun Road, Eastern Section, GETDD,Guangzhou 510760, ChinaTel: (86) 20 3228 2706Fax: (86) 20 3228 1777E-mail: sales@thorn.com.cnThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> (Tianjin) Co. Ltd332 Hongqi Road, Tianjin 300190, ChinaTel: (86) 22 8369 2303Fax: (86) 22 8369 2302E-mail: marketing@thorntj.com.cnCzech RepublicThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> CS spol. s.r.o.,Na Březince 6/930, 150 00 Praha 5Czech RepublicTel: (420) 224 315 252Fax: (420) 233 326 313E-mail: thorn@thornlight.czWebsite: www.thornlight.czDenmarkThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> A/SAlbuen 44, 6000 Kolding, DenmarkTel: (45) 7696 3600Fax: (45) 7696 3601Website: www.thornlight.dkFranceThorn Europhane SA156 Boulevard Haussmann,Cedex 08, Paris 75379, FranceTel: (33) 1 49 53 6262Fax: (33) 1 49 53 6240Website: www.thorn.frHong KongThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> (Hong Kong) LimitedUnit 4301, Level 43, Tower 1, Metroplaza,223 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Chung, N.T.,Hong Kong, ChinaTel: (852) 2578 4303Fax: (852) 2887 0247E-mail: info@thorn.com.hkWebsite: www.thorn.com.hkIrelandThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> (Ireland) Limited320 Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6W, IrelandTel: (353) 1 4922 877Fax: (353) 1 4922 724E-mail: enq.dublin@thornlight.comItalyThorn Europhane SpaVia G Di Vittorio, 2, Cadriano di Granarolo,Bologna 40057, ItalyTel: (39) 051 763391Fax: (39) 051 763088E-mail: info@thornlighting.itWebsite: www.thornlighting.itNew ZealandThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> (NZ) Ltd399 Rosebank Road, P O Box 71134, Rosebank,Auckland 7, New ZealandTel: (64) 9 828 7155Fax: (64) 9 828 7591NorwayThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> ASIndustriveien 11, P O Box 63, Skytta 1483, NorwayTel: (47) 6706 2233Fax: (47) 6706 0351E-mail: s.kvernberg@thornlight.noPolandThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> Polska Sp.z.o.o.,Ul. Gazowa 26A, Wrocław 50-513, PolandTel: (48) 71 7833 740Fax: (48) 71 3366 029E-mail: thorn@thornlight.plWebsite: www.thornlight.plRussiaThorn <strong>Lighting</strong>Novoslobodskaya Str., 21, office 406 Business Center“Novoslobodskaya 21”, Moscow 127030, RussiaTel: (7) 495 981 35 41Fax: (7) 495 981 35 42E-mail: office.moscow@thorn.ruWebsite: www.thorn.ruThorn <strong>Lighting</strong>Representative Office,1 Artilleriyskaya str.,1 BC ‘Europa House’, St Petersburg 191104, RussiaTel: (7) 812 718 8112Fax: (7) 812 718 8119E-mail: office.petersburg@thorn.ruWebsite: www.thorn.ruSingaporeThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> (Singapore) Pte Ltd5 Kaki Buki Crescent, 04-02 Koyotech Building,416238 SingaporeTel: (65) 6844 5800Fax: (65) 6745 7707E-mail: info@thornlight.com.sgWebsite: www.thornlight.com.sgSwedenThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> ABIndustrigatan, Box 305,SE-261 23 Landskrona, SwedenTel: (46) 418 520 00Fax: (46) 418 265 74E-mail: thorn@thornlight.seWebsite: www.thornlight.seUnited Arab EmiratesThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> Ltd DubaiAl Shoala Building, Office 301, Block E,PO Box 1200, Deira, Dubai, UAETel: (971) 4 2940181Fax: (971) 4 2948838E-mail: tlluae@emirates.net.aeThorn Gulf LLCAl Shoala Building, Office 301/2,Block E, PO Box 1200, Deira, Dubai, UAETel: (971) 4 2948938Fax: (971) 4 2948838E-mail: thorng@emirates.net.aeUnited KingdomThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> LimitedSilver Screens, Elstree Way,Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1FE, UKTel: (44) 20 8732 9800Fax: (44) 20 8732 9801E-mail: brochures@thornlight.comWebsite: www.thornlighting.co.ukInternational SalesThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> Limited156 Boulevard Haussmann,Cedex 08, Paris 75379, FranceTel: (33) 1 49 53 6262Fax: (33) 1 49 53 6240Thorn <strong>Lighting</strong> LimitedSilver Screens, Elstree Way, Borehamwood,Hertfordshire, WD6 1FE, UKTel: (44) 20 8732 1915Fax: (44) 20 8732 1911E-mail: international_sales@thornlight.comwww.thornlighting.comThorn <strong>Lighting</strong> is constantly developing and improving its products. All descriptions, illustrations, drawings and specifications in this publication present only general particulars and shall not form partof any contract. The right is reserved to change specifications without prior notification or public announcement. All goods supplied by the company are supplied subject to the company’s GeneralConditions of Sale, a copy of which is available on request. All measurements are in millimetres and weights in kilograms unless otherwise stated.Publication No: 389 (INT) Publication Date: 03/07

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