Syllabus - Guru Ghasidas University

Syllabus - Guru Ghasidas University Syllabus - Guru Ghasidas University


• Meaning and nature of social change, Constraints on social change in India(caste, ethnicity, class, language, religion, and regionalism)UNIT IV• Issues of equality of educational opportunity and excellence in education.Equality vs. equity in education• Education of socially and economically disadvantaged sections of society withspecial reference to SC, ST, Women, Rural population, and DisabledUNIT V• Education and Democracy, Constitutional provisions for education;Nationalism and Education; Education for national integration andInternational understandingINTERNAL EVALUATION-(Total Marks: 15)• Attendance- (05marks)• One Class Test -(10 marks)OrOne assignment /presentation on a given topic (5 marks) andBook review (one) (5 Marks)

8. PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION-II(PERSONALITY, ADJUSTMENT AND MENTAL HEALTH)COURSE OBJECTIVES Theory Marks: 351. To acquaint the learner with the process of assessment of personality.2. To enable the students to understand a concept of group dynamics.3. To make them understand the concept of adjustment and mental health.4. To develop the skill of administration and interpretation of psychological tests.COURSE CONTENTSUNIT I• Group Dynamics: Group process, interpersonal relations, sociometric grouping,social emotional climates of the classroom and influence of teachercharacteristics.UNIT II• Personality: Concept, development, structure and dynamics of personality.• Theories of personality – Allport, Eysenck; Psychoanalytic approach of Freud,Erickson; Behaviour approach – Miller, Dollard and Bandura; Humanisticapproach – Roger, MaslowUNIT IIIAssessment of Personality – Techniquesa) Personality inventories – rating scalesb) Projective techniques : Rorschach, TAT,SAT,WATUNIT IVAdjustmenta) Concept,b) Mechanism of adjustment –c) Defense mechanism-escape, withdrawal, compensation, etc.UNIT VMental Healtha) Introduction to common forms of neuroses, psychosis and somatic disorders.b) Principles of mental hygiene – preventive, constructive, curative measure,c) Implications for education

• Meaning and nature of social change, Constraints on social change in India(caste, ethnicity, class, language, religion, and regionalism)UNIT IV• Issues of equality of educational opportunity and excellence in education.Equality vs. equity in education• Education of socially and economically disadvantaged sections of society withspecial reference to SC, ST, Women, Rural population, and DisabledUNIT V• Education and Democracy, Constitutional provisions for education;Nationalism and Education; Education for national integration andInternational understandingINTERNAL EVALUATION-(Total Marks: 15)• Attendance- (05marks)• One Class Test -(10 marks)OrOne assignment /presentation on a given topic (5 marks) andBook review (one) (5 Marks)

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