1 June 12 Information regarding marking requirements' according ...

1 June 12 Information regarding marking requirements' according ... 1 June 12 Information regarding marking requirements' according ...


June 12Information regarding marking requirements' according clause 2.2.2 in the Israeli Standard SI742- Aerosol dispenser.Dear Customer,We compiled for you the main information you have to provide to the Standards Institution ofIsrael, regarding the marking requirements' according to clause 2.2.2 in the Israeli Standard SI742- Aerosol dispenser.1. The marking in this clause is tested according to the Israeli Standard 2302 part 1:"Dangerous substances and preparations: classification, packaging, labeling andmarking ". This marking is based on the European directives and the material safetyData Sheet (MSDS) of the product.1.1 Please note that The Israeli Standard 2302 part 1 (Feb 2009) is in final stages ofrevision. Your responsibility to be updated accordingly.2. Provide the Standards Institution of Israel a material Safety Data Sheet, written by theproduct manufacturer according to the rules listed in the European directives1907/2006 or 453/2010.2.1 Make sure that the document contains 16 clauses and the name of the product iswritten in the first clause of the MSDS.2.2 The content of clause 2.1 in the MSDS where it is written according to 453/2010-Label Elements Information shall be according to the European directive 1999/45/ECand regulation 1272/2008. If the MSDS is written according to 1907\2006, then thecontent of clause 15- Regulatory Information shall be according to the Europeandirective 1999/45/EC.3. Make sure that the production code will appears on the packaging.4. The marking of the product shall be in Hebrew. The size of the label shall be at least74X52 mm (for packaging not exceeding 3 liters). The label shall be stable in waterand detergent. However, the marking can be directly on the package. The markingmust be readable and un-erasable.5. Make sure there would be no contradiction between the Hebrew marking and themarking in other language.6. The Hebrew marking shall contains:The product name and its' purpose.Instructions use.The importer name, his full address including his phone number. The producername, the city and the country of manufacturing.The amount of content in volume units (ml, cc) and in weight units (gr).The symbols, when required according to the product Material Safety DataSheet. The icon shall be in black on a orange background square, where each1

<strong>June</strong> <strong>12</strong><strong>Information</strong> <strong>regarding</strong> <strong>marking</strong> <strong>requirements'</strong> <strong>according</strong> clause 2.2.2 in the Israeli Standard SI742- Aerosol dispenser.Dear Customer,We compiled for you the main information you have to provide to the Standards Institution ofIsrael, <strong>regarding</strong> the <strong>marking</strong> <strong>requirements'</strong> <strong>according</strong> to clause 2.2.2 in the Israeli Standard SI742- Aerosol dispenser.1. The <strong>marking</strong> in this clause is tested <strong>according</strong> to the Israeli Standard 2302 part 1:"Dangerous substances and preparations: classification, packaging, labeling and<strong>marking</strong> ". This <strong>marking</strong> is based on the European directives and the material safetyData Sheet (MSDS) of the product.1.1 Please note that The Israeli Standard 2302 part 1 (Feb 2009) is in final stages ofrevision. Your responsibility to be updated <strong>according</strong>ly.2. Provide the Standards Institution of Israel a material Safety Data Sheet, written by theproduct manufacturer <strong>according</strong> to the rules listed in the European directives1907/2006 or 453/2010.2.1 Make sure that the document contains 16 clauses and the name of the product iswritten in the first clause of the MSDS.2.2 The content of clause 2.1 in the MSDS where it is written <strong>according</strong> to 453/2010-Label Elements <strong>Information</strong> shall be <strong>according</strong> to the European directive 1999/45/ECand regulation <strong>12</strong>72/2008. If the MSDS is written <strong>according</strong> to 1907\2006, then thecontent of clause 15- Regulatory <strong>Information</strong> shall be <strong>according</strong> to the Europeandirective 1999/45/EC.3. Make sure that the production code will appears on the packaging.4. The <strong>marking</strong> of the product shall be in Hebrew. The size of the label shall be at least74X52 mm (for packaging not exceeding 3 liters). The label shall be stable in waterand detergent. However, the <strong>marking</strong> can be directly on the package. The <strong>marking</strong>must be readable and un-erasable.5. Make sure there would be no contradiction between the Hebrew <strong>marking</strong> and the<strong>marking</strong> in other language.6. The Hebrew <strong>marking</strong> shall contains:The product name and its' purpose.Instructions use.The importer name, his full address including his phone number. The producername, the city and the country of manufacturing.The amount of content in volume units (ml, cc) and in weight units (gr).The symbols, when required <strong>according</strong> to the product Material Safety DataSheet. The icon shall be in black on a orange background square, where each1

side of the symbol shall be at least 10 mm. The name of the symbol hazardgroup shall be in Hebrew below the symbol (irritant מגרה"‏ ‏\"חומר extremelyFlammable "Dangerous for the Environment" " "\corrosive "" ‏("רעיל"‏toxic‏\‏ <strong>according</strong>ly. The description of the symbols can be found inIsraeli standard 2302 part 1, appendix C.‏\"חומר מזיק"‏Harmful ‏\"חומר דליק"‏flammable \ חומר דליק ביותרחומר חומרים מסוכנים לסביבהמשתך Mark the words 'not eatable' למאכל"‏ ‏"לא near the icon. The size shall be at least 3mm. It shall be bold and in different color from the label background.The risk and safety phrases <strong>according</strong> to the MSDS of the aerosol product.The following statements must be listed exactly on aerosol::05" , (meaning, pressurized container: keep out of reach ofchildren, keep away from heat and fire. Do not store in direct sunlight or temperatureabove 50 oC, Empty the container before discarding. Do not puncture the container. Donot burn the container even after use).אריזת לחץ הרחק מהישג ידם של ילדים,‏ הרחק מחום ואש.‏ אין לאחסן תחת קרינת שמש ישירה או "בטמפרטורה הגבוהה מ מעלות צלזיוס.‏ יש לרוקן את המיכל לפני השלכה.‏ אין לנקב את המיכל.‏ איןלשרוף את המיכל אף בגמר השימושהרחק ממקור הצתה-‏ " mm: Must include the following warning in letter size at least 1.5) " (meaning, Keep away fromsources of ignition- smoking is forbidden. Do not Spray on an open flame or on hotsurfaces).העישון אסור.‏ אין לרסס על להבה חשופה או על משטחים לוהטיםWhen the product is classified <strong>according</strong> to the MSDS of the product asharmful/toxic/corrosive, a tactile warning of danger shall be marked <strong>according</strong> toISO 11683. The tactile warning of danger shall be located on that surface of thepackaging of the aerosols where the finger is placed to actuate the aerosol. Thissurface (the actuator button or spray through over cap) shall be an integral part ofthe aerosol packaging and not one which is removed. The size shall be: length:18+-2 mm, width: 1.7+-0.2 mm, height of the shall be 0.25 mm to 0.5 mm2

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