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Factors affecting the complexation of polyacrylic ... - ResearchGate

Factors affecting the complexation of polyacrylic ... - ResearchGate


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2744 DUBOLAZOV ET AL.tion <strong>of</strong> UO 2 (OH) þ alters <strong>the</strong> <strong>complexation</strong>behavior <strong>of</strong> PAA, thus reducing <strong>the</strong> emissioncoming from PAA/UO 2þ2complex. Onlyat pH 3.25, H þ has no significant effect on<strong>the</strong> <strong>complexation</strong> <strong>of</strong> uranyl with PAA.2. The influence <strong>of</strong> salt concentration hasbeen studied by using sodium and potassiumnitrate salts. The fluorescence intensitywas first observed to increase withincreasing salt concentration and <strong>the</strong>ndecreased. The decrease in intensity wasassumed to be mostly due to <strong>the</strong> collapse <strong>of</strong>PAA chains, as observed by <strong>the</strong> increasingturbidity <strong>of</strong> solutions at higher salt concentrations.3. Temperature has limited effect on fluorescenceintensity <strong>of</strong> complex within <strong>the</strong>range <strong>of</strong> 25–50 8C.4. The luminescence quenching rate constant<strong>of</strong> H þ , k q ¼ 1.7 10 8 M 1 s 1 determinedfrom Stern–Volmer plot was found to be invery good accordance with <strong>the</strong> reported literaturevalues. The order <strong>of</strong> quenching efficiencies<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ions were found to be k q (H þ )>> k q (K þ ) > k q (Na þ ). Because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> combinedeffects <strong>of</strong> dynamic and static quenchingprocesses a nonlinear Stern–Volmerplot was observed for <strong>the</strong> salts studied.REFERENCES AND NOTES1. Pekel, N.; S˛ ahiner, N.; Güven, O. Radiat PhysChem 2000, 59, 485–491.2. S˛ ahiner, N.; Pekel, N.; Güven, O. Reactive FunctPolym 1999, 39, 139–146.3. S˛ ahiner, N.; Pekel, N.; Akkas˛, P.; Güven, O.;J Macromol Sci, Pure and Appl Chem 2000, 37A,1159–1172.4. Choi, S. H.; Nho, Y. C. Rad Phys Chem 2000, 57,187–193.5. Beavais, R. A.; Alexandratos, S. D. ReactiveFunct Polym 1998, 36, 113–123.6. Morlay, C.; Cromer, M.; Mouginot, Y.; Vottori, O.Talanta 1999, 48, 1159–1166.7. Morlay, C.; Cromer, M.; Mouginot, Y.; Vottori, O.Talanta 1998, 45, 1177–1188.8. Molyneux, P. Water-Soluble Syn<strong>the</strong>tic Polymers:Properties and Behavior, Vol. 2; CRC Press: BocaRaton, 1982.9. Roma-Luciow, R.; Saraff, L.; Morcellet, M. PolymBull 2000, 45, 411–418.10. Gregor, H. P.; Luttinger, L. B.; Loebl, E. M.J Phys Chem 1955, 59, 34–39.11. Nishide, H.; Oki, N.; Tsuchida, E. Eur Polym J1982, 18, 799–802.12. Leroy, D.; Martinot, L.; Jerome, C.; Jerome, R.Polymer 2001, 42, 4589–4596.13. Saito, T.; Nagasaki, S.; Tanaka, S. RadiochimActa 2002, 90, 27–33.14. Watanabe, C. N.; Gehlen, M. H. J PhotochemPhotobiol A: Chem 2003, 156, 65–68.15. Rustenholtz, A.; Billard, I.; Duplâtre, G.; Lützenkirchen,K.; Sémon, L. Radiochim Acta 2001, 89,83–89.16. Szintay, G.; Horváth, A. Inorg Chim Acta 2001,324, 278–285.17. Addleman, R. S.; Carrott, M.; Wai, C. M.; Carleson,T. E.; Wenclawiak, B. W. Anal Chem 2001,73, 1112–1119.18. Meiranth, G. Aquatic chemistry <strong>of</strong> uranium, FreibergOn-line Geoscience 1998, 1; available at http://www.geo.tu_freiberg/fog (June 19, 2003).19. Dubolazov, A. V.; Güven, O.; Pekel, N.; Azhgozhinova,G. S.; Mun, G. A.; Nurkeeva, Z. S.J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 2004, 42,1610–1618.20. Kato, B. Y.; Meinrath, G.; Kimura, T.; Yoshida, Z.Radiochim Acta 1994, 64, 107–113.21. Leung, A. F.; Hayashibara, L.; Spadaro, J. J PhysChem Solids 1999, 60, 299–304.22. Nagata, I.; Okamoto, Y. Macromolecules 1983, 16,749–753.23. Moll, H.; Geipel, G.; Reich, T.; Bernhard, G.; Fanghanel,T.; Gren<strong>the</strong>, I. Radiochim Acta 2003, 91,11–20.24. Sebastian, N.; George, B.; Ma<strong>the</strong>w, B. PolymDegrad Stab 1998, 60, 371–375.25. Bodzek, M.; Korus, I.; Loska, K. Desalination1999, 121, 117–121.26. Schiewer, S.; Volesky, B. Environ Sci Technol1995, 29, 3049–3058.27. Yang, J.; Volesky, B. Internat BiohydrometallSymp Proc B 1999, 483–492.28. Hongxia, Z.; Zuyi, T. J Radioanal Nucl Chem2002, 254, 103–107.29. Moulin, C.; Decambox, P.; Trecani, L. Anal ChimActa 1996, 321, 121–126.30. Morawetz, H. Macromolecules in Solution, Wiley:New York 1975, p 366.31. Kim, G. H.; Lee, J. H.; Lee, H. B.; John, M. S.J Colloid Interface Sci 1993, 157, 82–87.32. Iida, S. Biophys Chem 1996, 57, 133–142.33. Weast, R. C. Handbook <strong>of</strong> Chemistry andPhysics, 53rd ed.; The Chemical Rubber Co.:Ohio, 1973.34. Adenier, A.; Aaron, J. J. Spectrochim Acta A 2002,58, 543–551.35. Rao, L.; Jiang, J.; Zanonato, P. L.; Bernardo, P.D.; Bismondo, A.; Garnov, A. Y. Radiochim Acta2002, 90, 581–588.

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