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<strong>Factors</strong> Affecting <strong>the</strong> Complexation<strong>of</strong> Polyacrylic Acid with Uranyl Ions inAqueous Solutions: A Luminescence StudyARTEM V. DUBOLAZOV, 1 OLGUN GÜVEN, 2 NURSEL PEKEL, 2 GRIGORIY A. MUN, 1 ZAURESH S. NURKEEVA 11 Department <strong>of</strong> Chemical Physics and Macromolecular Chemistry, Kazakh National University,480012 Almaty, Kazakhstan2 Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry, Hacettepe University, Beytepe 06532, Ankara, TurkeyReceived 24 June 2004; revised 1 June 2005; accepted 8 June 2005DOI: 10.1002/polb.20566Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).ABSTRACT: A study was carried out in aqueous solutions using luminescence techniqueto investigate <strong>the</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> pH, salt concentration, and temperature on <strong>the</strong> <strong>polyacrylic</strong>acid/uranyl ion (PAA/UO 2þ 2 ) complex formation as well as competitive phenomena<strong>of</strong> enhancement and quenching effects on photoexcited state <strong>of</strong> uranyl ions. Itwas found that excess <strong>of</strong> H þ and OH is not favorable for <strong>complexation</strong> betweenuranyl ions and polymer. Added nitrate salts <strong>of</strong> Na þ and K þ had significant enhancementeffect on emission spectra <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ 2 complex. These results indicated that<strong>the</strong> metal ion/polymer chain complex collapsed by addition <strong>of</strong> salts and <strong>the</strong>n complexbecame more compact with consequent phase separation. No significant effect <strong>of</strong> temperatureon <strong>the</strong> PAA/UO 2þ 2 complex stability has been observed between 25–50 8C.The quenching rate constants obtained from Stern–Volmer plots were found to be in<strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> k q (H þ ) >> k q (K þ ) > k q (Na þ ). VC 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci PartB: Polym Phys 43: 2737–2744, 2005Keywords: luminescence spectroscopy; <strong>polyacrylic</strong> acid; nonlinear Stern–Volmer;uranyl ionINTRODUCTIONHeavy metal ions tend to form complexes withpolymeric and copolymeric cosolutes in waterthat contain different types <strong>of</strong> chelating groupsand ligands such as, amine, heterocyclic amine,amidoxime, carboxyl, dithizone, and so forth. 1–5Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) is <strong>the</strong> simplest analog <strong>of</strong>weak polyelectrolytes, which can be used as flocculantin water treatment. 6,7 Various types <strong>of</strong>small molecules such as metal ions are complexedto PAA and its derivatives containingCorrespondence to: O. Güven (E-mail: Guven@hacettepe.edu.tr)Journal <strong>of</strong> Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 43, 2737–2744 (2005)VC 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.hydrophilic carboxyl groups. 8 On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand,PAA is used as <strong>the</strong> water-soluble chelating polymerbecause many comparable data on bindingproperties <strong>of</strong> PAA have been published in literature.The formation <strong>of</strong> metal complexes betweenPAA and divalent, trivalent, and tetravalentmetal ions was studied by Roma-Luciow et al. 9For divalent metal ions, <strong>the</strong> formation constantsdetermined according to <strong>the</strong> method <strong>of</strong> Gregoret al. 10 strongly decrease with increasing ligandconcentration in <strong>the</strong> range <strong>of</strong> 25–280 mM, butare nearly insensitive to <strong>the</strong> ligand-to-metal concentrationratio.It has been known that PAA forms complexwith uranyl ions in aqueous solutions. Nishideand his associates 11 as well as Leroy and co-2737

2738 DUBOLAZOV ET AL.workers 12 investigated <strong>the</strong> process <strong>of</strong> complexformation between PAA and UO 2þ 2 , using potentiometryand differential pulse polarographytechniques. It was found that polyelectrolyteforms intrapolymer chelates with actinide ionsand complex formation completes with <strong>the</strong> composition<strong>of</strong> UO 2þ2(carboxylate) 2 . The resulting complexformation constants revealed that PAA hasshown much higher complex ability than that <strong>of</strong>low-molecular-weight species such as succinicand propionic acids. This phenomena wereexplained by <strong>the</strong> assumption that <strong>the</strong> concentration<strong>of</strong> ligands is higher in <strong>the</strong> domain so thatonce <strong>the</strong> metal ion is attached to one group on<strong>the</strong> polymer chain, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r ligands coordinatemore easily. It was also found that PAA formsmore stable complex with uranyl ion than withcopper ion. 11Many researchers have investigated <strong>the</strong> <strong>complexation</strong>behavior between polymer and metalions using ultrafiltration, ion exchange, ionselective electrode potentiometry, and severalspectroscopic techniques. Luminescence spectroscopyin general and time-resolved fluorescencespectroscopy are very sensitive techniques for<strong>the</strong> analysis, speciation, and interactions <strong>of</strong> actinideand lanthanides. 13 There are however fewpapers in <strong>the</strong> literature about <strong>the</strong> <strong>complexation</strong>behavior <strong>of</strong> functional group-containing polymerssuch as PAA with uranyl ions by using luminescencespectroscopy. 14 Both molecular structureand chemical surroundings have an influence onwhe<strong>the</strong>r a molecule can produce luminescence.These factors, including chemical structure, temperature,pH, ionic strength, solvent type, concentration,and dissolved oxygen, can affectemission intensity while luminescence occurs. 15The excitation and emission spectra <strong>of</strong> many fluorophores(fluorescent sensitive molecules) aresensitive to <strong>the</strong> polarity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir surroundingenvironment. As a consequence, quenching <strong>of</strong>fluorescence is observed if complex affects <strong>the</strong>electronic structure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fluorophore. For somecations, sensing methods were established thatrely on <strong>the</strong> intrinsic optical properties. Somemetal ions show absorption (ranging from <strong>the</strong> UVto <strong>the</strong> near infrared) or luminescence. Examplesare <strong>the</strong> detection <strong>of</strong> Cu(II) 16 or <strong>the</strong> uranyl ion. 14,17Luminescence <strong>of</strong> hexavalent uranium in solutionand solid state has been known for morethan 150 years. All <strong>the</strong> electrons in <strong>the</strong> stronglybonded UO 2þ2structure are paired. Thus, <strong>the</strong>ground electronic level is a singlet. To formhigher-energy electronic states, one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bondingelectrons is transferred to <strong>the</strong> 5f nonbondingatomic orbitals <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> uranium ion. 18 Thus, <strong>the</strong>fluorescence spectrum is <strong>the</strong> result <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> transitionsfrom <strong>the</strong> first excited electronic level to <strong>the</strong>ground singlet and <strong>the</strong> vibrational levels associatedwith <strong>the</strong> singlet. Using this fluorescence <strong>of</strong>uranyl, <strong>the</strong> <strong>complexation</strong> <strong>of</strong> uranyl ion with someinorganic and organic systems has beenstudied. 13,15 Application <strong>of</strong> U(VI) luminescenceto speciation <strong>of</strong> U(VI) however has forwardeddiscrepant results and interpretations. Especiallydependence <strong>of</strong> fluorescence behavior on pHis discussed in terms <strong>of</strong> mutually exclusive interpretations.Complexation studies and migration<strong>of</strong> radionuclides such as uranium are quiteimportant from environmental pollution andsafety point <strong>of</strong> view. The advantages <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong>polyelectrolytes such as PAA are easy recovery <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> uranyl ion from aqueous systems.In our previous study 19 <strong>the</strong> mechanism <strong>of</strong>interaction between PAA and uranyl ions inaqueous solutions and <strong>the</strong> restrictive role <strong>of</strong> Coulombicinteractions were confirmed using conductometric,potentiometric, <strong>the</strong>rmal analysis,and FT-IR spectroscopic methods. In this study,we tried to show <strong>the</strong> effect <strong>of</strong> some factors suchas pH, salt concentration, and temperature onluminescence properties <strong>of</strong> UO 2þ2ions complexedwith PAA in aqueous solutions.EXPERIMENTALPAA with weight-average molecular weight (M w )2.3 10 5 was purchased from BDH Chem. Corp.(England) and used without fur<strong>the</strong>r purification.Uranyl ion stock solutions (c ¼ 0.001 mol/L) wereprepared from hexahydrate <strong>of</strong> uranyl nitrateUO 2 (NO 3 ) 2 6H 2 O (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).Inorganic salts (NaNO 3 and KNO 3 ) <strong>of</strong> analyticalgrade were used as received.The PAA/UO 2þ2solutions were prepared byadding PAA solution (c ¼ 0.002 mol/L on arepeating unit basis) into UO 2þ2stock solutions.In all experiments <strong>the</strong> [repeating unit <strong>of</strong> PAA]/[metal] concentration ratio was 2 (stoichiometry<strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complex), keeping <strong>the</strong> total volumeconstant at 10 mL.To investigate <strong>the</strong> pH effect on <strong>the</strong> formation<strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complex, a set <strong>of</strong> solutions withpH varying from 1.88 to 4.02 were prepared byusing 0.05 M nitric acid or sodium hydroxidesolutions. The pH values <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> aqueous mixtureswere determined with a digital pH 211

FACTORS AFFECTING POLYACRYLIC ACID/URANYL ION COMPLEX FORMATION 2739microprocessor pH meter (Hanna Instruments,Germany).The complex solutions with different concentrations<strong>of</strong> inorganic salts were prepared by addingcorresponding alkali-metal nitrate to PAAand UO 2þ2solutions separately followed by <strong>the</strong>irmixing to make up <strong>the</strong> total solution. Temperatureeffect on <strong>the</strong> <strong>complexation</strong> <strong>of</strong> PAA withuranyl ions was studied by changing <strong>the</strong> temperature<strong>of</strong> complex solution from 25 to 50 8C.UO 2þ2emission spectra were recorded on a PerkinElmerLS 55 luminescence spectrometer (PerkinElmerInstruments, England) under excitationat 310 nm. All measurements were carriedout at ambient temperature within 10 min aftermixing <strong>of</strong> components for salt concentration andpH investigations. The deconvolution <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>emission spectra was performed by resolving <strong>the</strong>peaks using a computer program (Peakfit 3.0s<strong>of</strong>tware).Turbidimetric measurements were carried outwith a Philips model 8715 UV–vis spectrophotometerat 400 nm.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe luminescence properties <strong>of</strong> uranium speciesin aqueous solutions are known to be stronglyinfluenced by <strong>the</strong>ir immediate coordinative environment.20 Earlier 19 we showed <strong>the</strong> preliminaryresults <strong>of</strong> very interesting behavior <strong>of</strong> UO 2þ2emission spectra in <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> PAA <strong>of</strong> differentconcentrations: at <strong>the</strong> concentration ratio[repeating unit <strong>of</strong> PAA]/[metal] ¼ 2, new hypertransitionshoulder at 483 nm appeared, whichis probably due to complex formation betweenUO 2þ2and PAA.The basic structure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> uranyl nitratehydrates is shown as [UO 2 (NO 3 ) 2 (H 2 O) 2 ]mH 2 O,where m ¼ 0, 1, and 4. 21 Basically, <strong>the</strong> linearuranyl ion is coordinated to two water moleculesand two bidentate nitrate ions. O<strong>the</strong>r water moleculesin <strong>the</strong> trihydrate (m ¼ 1) and hexahydrate(m ¼ 4) are linked loosely to <strong>the</strong> coordinatedwater molecules by means <strong>of</strong> hydrogen bonding.The removal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mH 2 O does not affect <strong>the</strong> fluorescencespectrum significantly. However, it iswell known that <strong>the</strong> water molecules adjacent to<strong>the</strong> uranyl ion affect <strong>the</strong> fluorescence lifetime.Among <strong>the</strong> hydrates <strong>of</strong> uranyl nitrate <strong>the</strong> hexahydrate,which has <strong>the</strong> highest number <strong>of</strong> watermolecules in <strong>the</strong> unit cell, is expected to lead toan increase in <strong>the</strong> lifetime.Figure 1. Emission spectra <strong>of</strong> aqueous UO 2þ2at differentn ¼ PAA on a repeating unit basis /UO 2þ2values:(a) n 2 and (b) (n > 3). k ex ¼ 310 nm.The emission spectra <strong>of</strong> UO 2þ2aqueous solutionsin <strong>the</strong> absence and presence <strong>of</strong> PAA withdifferent concentrations under excitation at310 nm are shown in Figure 1. When n < 2, increasein emission intensity is strongly related toPAA concentration and emission peaks shift tolower wavelengths (Fig. 1a) due to coordination<strong>of</strong> UO 2þ2ions by PAA. This can be explained by<strong>the</strong> expulsion <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> water moleculescoordinated to uranyl ions by complex formation.22 It is important to note that <strong>the</strong> increasein PAA concentration is accompanied by significantchanges in <strong>the</strong> spectral shape with appearance<strong>of</strong> a new shoulder at 483 nm (Fig. 1b) untilstoichiometric ratio reaches <strong>the</strong> value <strong>of</strong> n ¼ 2(PAA on a repeating unit basis/UO 2þ2¼ 2:1 Mratio). Formation <strong>of</strong> shoulders around <strong>the</strong> mainpeaks <strong>of</strong> UO 2þ2has also been observed for <strong>the</strong><strong>complexation</strong> <strong>of</strong> uranyl ions with some a-substitutedcarboxylic acids in <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> Moll et al. 23For higher n values however, (PAA on a repeatingunit basis/UO 2þ2>4) decrease in emissionintensity has been observed, which can beexplained by <strong>the</strong> quenching effect <strong>of</strong> PAA in

2740 DUBOLAZOV ET AL.Figure 2. Convoluted emission spectrum <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complex in aqueous solution. k ex ¼ 310 nm,PAA/UO 2þ2¼ 2, pH ¼ 3.13. Experimental spectrum(—) obtained from UO 2þ2(---) and PAA/UO 2þ2(—)peaks.excess <strong>of</strong> UO 2þ2complex stoichiometry with nondissociatedgroups <strong>of</strong> polyelectrolyte.As <strong>the</strong> emission spectrum shown in Figure 2gives <strong>the</strong> envelope <strong>of</strong> individual peaks within <strong>the</strong>spectral range deconvolution s<strong>of</strong>tware has beenused to determine peak positions and <strong>the</strong> exactintensities <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2spectrum. According to<strong>the</strong> changes in intensity <strong>of</strong> uranyl PAA complexband under external stimuli factors we attemptedto use <strong>the</strong> I/I 0 ratio, where I and I 0 are <strong>the</strong>luminescence intensity <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complexband in aqueous solution with and withoutexternally <strong>affecting</strong> factors such as, H þ or OH ,salt concentration (Na þ and K þ ), and temperature.Relative luminescence intensity <strong>of</strong> polycomplexband can serve as a qualitative evaluationcriterion <strong>of</strong> enhancement or weakening <strong>of</strong> interactionsbetween polymer and metal ions: increase<strong>of</strong> I/I 0 value can be interpreted to be asdue to a more compact structure as well as morestable. On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, if I/I 0 value is lowerthan 1 it means that fluorescence properties <strong>of</strong>UO 2þ2species are diminished under <strong>the</strong> quenchingeffect. Contribution <strong>of</strong> both enhancement(destabilization) and quenching effect to <strong>the</strong>PAA/UO 2þ2emission spectra under external stimulieffects are separately considered later.pH EffectThe results <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> previous studies showed thatchelation <strong>of</strong> metal ions by polymeric ligandsdepend on <strong>the</strong> equilibrium pH <strong>of</strong> medium. Sebastianand coworkers 24 investigated <strong>the</strong> PAA <strong>complexation</strong>with various metal ions at different pHvalues (3.45–6.0). The optimum pH for maximummetal-ion uptake by this polymer was found tobe as follows: 5.4 for Fe(III), 5.4 for Co(II), 6.2for Ni(II), 5.4 for Cr(III), and 6.4 for Zn(II). Thelimitation <strong>of</strong> pH interval was attributed to <strong>the</strong>metal hydrolysis and precipitation at higher pH.However, Bodzek et al. 25 investigated <strong>the</strong> possibility<strong>of</strong> removing Cu, Ni, and Zn ions frommodel and real galvanic wastewater at 2–10 pHregion, using PAA as flocculant. In all cases<strong>the</strong>re was an increase in <strong>the</strong> permeate flux concomitantwith increasing <strong>of</strong> pH. This phenomenonwas explained by formation <strong>of</strong> metal–PAAcomplexes more easily at higher pH.Most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> studies about <strong>complexation</strong> <strong>of</strong>UO 2þ2ions with functional group containing polymersshowed that ion exchange has been consideredas <strong>the</strong> main mechanism responsible forUO 2þ2ion separation. 26 The ion exchange mechanismfor UO 2þ2ion binding to <strong>the</strong> polymer is complicatedby <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong> UO 2þ2ion is hydrolyzedin aqueous solutions within <strong>the</strong> pH range<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> studied adsorption system and differenttype <strong>of</strong> hydrolyzed UO 2þ2ions are formed. At pH4.0, more UO 2 (OH) þ ions exist in <strong>the</strong> solution. 27Application <strong>of</strong> fluorescence spectroscopy hasbeen hampered by inconsistent interpretation <strong>of</strong>fluorescence lifetimes observed in solutions withincreasing pH. While it has been well knownthat <strong>the</strong> UO 2þ2species has a fluorescence lifetime<strong>of</strong> about 1 ls in acid solution (pH < 2), a secondlifetime contribution had been reported toappear on increasing <strong>the</strong> pH value to basic solutions.This second lifetime <strong>of</strong> about 2.5 ls hasbeen interpreted because <strong>of</strong> different fundamentalprocesses, for example, intersystem crossingor various hydrolyzed uranyl species formation.18 At pH 4, UO 2þ2is <strong>the</strong> predominant species(96%), UO 2 (OH) þ is less than 4%; at pH 5, UO 2þ2is around 69%, UO 2 (OH) þ is less than26%, (UO 2 ) 2 (OH) 2þ2is less than 5%; at pH > 5.5,<strong>the</strong> fractions <strong>of</strong> UO 2 (OH) þ (35%) and (UO 2 ) 2 (OH) 2þ2are decreased and <strong>the</strong> fraction <strong>of</strong> (UO 2 ) 2 (OH) 3þis increased with increasing pH. 28For studying <strong>the</strong> pH effect on luminescenceproperties <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complex we investigated1.88–4.02 pH range to avoid hydrolyzed forms <strong>of</strong>UO 2þ2. The pH dependence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> relative luminescenceintensity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> complex emission bandis shown in Figure 3a. As it can be seen from figure,I/I 0 values are lower than 1 and reachingthis value only at pH 3.25, which probablymeans that <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> excess <strong>of</strong> H þ or OHions is unfavorable for <strong>complexation</strong> between

FACTORS AFFECTING POLYACRYLIC ACID/URANYL ION COMPLEX FORMATION 2741appearance <strong>of</strong> first uranyl hydroxide complexUO 2 (OH) þ at pH 4, which probably has less tendencyto form complexes with PAA than withUO 2þ2(aq.).Figure 3. (a) Effect <strong>of</strong> pH on <strong>the</strong> relative luminescenceintensity <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complex band. k ex ¼ 310nm, PAA/UO 2þ2¼ 2. (b) Effect <strong>of</strong> concentration <strong>of</strong> H þ on<strong>the</strong> relative luminescence intensity <strong>of</strong> maximumUO 2þ2band in <strong>the</strong> presence and absence <strong>of</strong> PAA. k ex ¼310 nm, [UO 2þ 2 ] ¼ 0.001 mol/L.Salt EffectFigure 4 shows <strong>the</strong> plot <strong>of</strong> relative luminescenceintensity <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complex band against concentration<strong>of</strong> sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate.It is seen that I/I 0 value increases withincrease in <strong>the</strong> concentration <strong>of</strong> NaNO 3 (achieving<strong>the</strong> maximum point at c ¼ 0.03 M <strong>of</strong> salt)and drastically increases in <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong>KNO 3 (maximum I/I 0 value at c salt ¼ 0.01 M). Athigher salt concentrations phase separation wasobserved, which was confirmed by turbidimetricmeasurements <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2 /MeNO 3 mixtures,Figure 5.This experimental result suggests that <strong>the</strong>presence <strong>of</strong> inorganic salt in PAA/UO 2þ2complexaqueous solutions enhances <strong>the</strong> hydrophobicity<strong>of</strong> polycomplex particles because <strong>of</strong> an increasein luminescence intensity. 22 It should be notedthat in both cases I/I 0 values are higher than 1,indicates that luminescence intensity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> complexhas been governed by enhancement effect.It is known that ‘‘<strong>complexation</strong>’’ term is usedfor <strong>the</strong> binding <strong>of</strong> PAA with multivalent metalions (Cu 2þ , Zn 2þ , Ca 2þ , Mg 2þ , Tb 3þ , etc) and‘‘condensation’’ is conventionally used for <strong>the</strong>binding <strong>of</strong> PAA with monovalent ions (Li þ ,Na þ ,K þ , etc). In both cases electrostatic interactionUO 2þ2and PAA ligands. On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, quenchingeffect <strong>of</strong> excess H þ cannot be ignored. Figure3b represents curves <strong>of</strong> I/I 0 values for maximumuranyl bands <strong>of</strong> uranyl spectrum in <strong>the</strong> presenceand absence <strong>of</strong> PAA versus concentration <strong>of</strong>nitric acid, which confirms <strong>the</strong> fact <strong>of</strong> quenchingeffect. 29 Therefore we propose that protons andUO 2þ2ions compete for <strong>the</strong> same binding sitesalong PAA chains. The possible mechanism <strong>of</strong>complex formation between PAA chains andUO 2þ2ions were given in our previous paper. 19As shown in Figure 3a <strong>the</strong> complex formationability increased with increase in pH, reachingmaximum values at 3.25 and <strong>the</strong>n decreased.Depression in I/I 0 value can be attributed to <strong>the</strong>Figure 4. Dependence <strong>of</strong> I/I 0 value <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2band on <strong>the</strong> concentration <strong>of</strong> NaNO 3 (1) and KNO 3(2). k ex ¼ 310 nm, pH ¼ 3.13, PAA/UO 2þ2¼ 2.

2742 DUBOLAZOV ET AL.takes place, but in <strong>the</strong> latter case <strong>the</strong>re is only adistribution <strong>of</strong> Me þ metal ions near <strong>the</strong> polymerchain and no real binding <strong>of</strong> monovalent metalions. 30 Attraction between PAA and Me þstrongly affects <strong>the</strong> electric field <strong>of</strong> polymer surface,which can lead to <strong>the</strong> rearrangement <strong>of</strong>PAA structure. As a general rule <strong>the</strong> increase insalt concentration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> medium changes <strong>the</strong>conformation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> polymer chains to a morecompact form. 31 In our case this factor probablyleads to <strong>the</strong> enhancement <strong>of</strong> hydrophobicity aswell as stability <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complex.Recently Iida observed <strong>the</strong> similar effect <strong>of</strong>KCl on activity <strong>of</strong> Ca 2þ in aqueous PAA solution,using a Ca 2þ ion sensitive electrode. The Ca 2þactivity in <strong>the</strong> PAA solution at <strong>the</strong> low degree <strong>of</strong>neutralization was increased by <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong>dilute KCl and decreased by <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> concentratedKCl. 32The size effect seems to be obvious explanationfor <strong>the</strong> influence <strong>of</strong> Me þ nature on <strong>the</strong>stability <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2polycomplex. Kim and coworkers31 found that in <strong>the</strong> solutions containingalkali metal ions, aggregation <strong>of</strong> PAA wasincreased in <strong>the</strong> order Li þ < Na þ < K þ < Cs þ ,which means that <strong>the</strong> hydrophobicity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>chain decreases with increasing solvated radius<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> counterion. As it can be seen from Figure4, <strong>the</strong> addition <strong>of</strong> KNO 3 has more pronouncedeffect on increasing <strong>of</strong> I/I 0 value than NaNO 3 aswell as on <strong>the</strong> critical concentration <strong>of</strong> complexprecipitation (see Fig. 5). Indeed, <strong>the</strong> radius <strong>of</strong>hydrated Na þ (R H 4Å) is bigger than that <strong>of</strong>K þ (R H 3Å). 33 Therefore in our case condensationforce is higher for K þ , which can stabilizeand favor <strong>the</strong> aggregation <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2polycomplexat lower concentrations than Na þ . Considering<strong>the</strong> difference in <strong>the</strong> critical concentration <strong>of</strong>complex aggregation at <strong>the</strong> onset <strong>of</strong> phase separation,we conclude that <strong>the</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2 /KNO 3complex is more hydrophobic and stable thanPAA/UO 2þ2 /NaNO 3.The effect <strong>of</strong> concentrations <strong>of</strong> H þ , NaNO 3 ,and KNO 3 on quenching <strong>the</strong> luminescent intensity<strong>of</strong> UO 2þ2complexed with PAA has been analyzedby constructing relevant Stern–Volmerplots, namely, I 0 /I versus quencher concentrations,using <strong>the</strong> following relation:Figure 5. Effect <strong>of</strong> inorganic salts NaNO 3 (1) andKNO 3 (2) on <strong>the</strong> turbidity <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2aqueous solutions.k ¼ 400 nm, pH ¼ 3.13, PAA/UO 2þ2¼ 2.I 0 =I ¼ I þ k q hs 0 i½QŠwhere I 0 and I are luminescent intensities in <strong>the</strong>absence and presence <strong>of</strong> quencher, k q quenchingrate constant, hs 0 i average lifetime <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> uranylion in water and [Q] concentration <strong>of</strong> quencher.The data presented in Figures 3a and 4 were<strong>the</strong>refore used to prepare Figure 6. The inset inthis figure is for H þ ions. Ascending parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>curves correspond to quenching <strong>of</strong> luminescenceby corresponding salts or acid. By taking <strong>the</strong> hs 0 ivalue as 5 ls, which is typical average lifetime <strong>of</strong>UO 2þ2in aqueous solutions, 14 and using <strong>the</strong> slope<strong>of</strong> ascending parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> curves <strong>of</strong> Figure 6quenching rate constant k q was calculated andlisted in Table 1. By analogy to <strong>the</strong> effect <strong>of</strong>quenching, <strong>the</strong> descending parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> curveswere evaluated similarly to calculate <strong>the</strong> rateconstants for enhancement effect, where <strong>the</strong>coefficient k q in above given equation is replacedby k e . Both results are listed in Table 1. Thequenching rate constant k q ¼ 1.7 10 8 M 1 s 1determined for H þ is in very good accordanceFigure 6.3a and 4Stern–Volmer plot <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> data <strong>of</strong> Figures

FACTORS AFFECTING POLYACRYLIC ACID/URANYL ION COMPLEX FORMATION 2743Table 1. Quenching and Enhancement Effects<strong>of</strong> Some Ions on Luminescence Properties <strong>of</strong>PAA-Bonded UO 2þ2Ion k q (M 1 s 1 ) k e (M 1 s 1 )H þ 1.7 10 8 1.1 10 9Na þ 7.6 10 4 1.8 10 7with data reported in <strong>the</strong> literature 2.8 10 7 ,2.7 10 8 for acrylic acid and methacrylic acidmonomers. 14Stern–Volmer plots obtained in <strong>the</strong> presence<strong>of</strong> Na þ and K þ , and as a function <strong>of</strong> H þ shownonlinear behavior (Fig. 6). The curves given inthis figure can be considered to be composed <strong>of</strong>two parts; an initial enhancement effect up to acertain salt or H þ concentration, followed by aquenching effect. I 0 /I vs. concentration patternsfor all three quenchers used are quite similar.These type <strong>of</strong> nonlinear Stern–Volmer plots havebeen also observed with monovalent alkalinesalts (Na þ and K þ ) in ano<strong>the</strong>r fluorescencequenching study. 34 Such nonlinear behavior hasbeen generally explained to be due to combinedeffects <strong>of</strong> dynamic and static quenching mechanisms.As it is seen directly from <strong>the</strong> slopes <strong>of</strong>quenching part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> curves corresponding tohigher salt concentrations in Figure 6, and from<strong>the</strong> calculated quenching constants k q given inTable 1, K þ is more effective than Na þ . This canbe due to smaller hydrated ion size <strong>of</strong> K þ comparedto that <strong>of</strong> Na þ . A similar effect on quenchingefficiency <strong>of</strong> ions has been observed in <strong>the</strong>case <strong>of</strong> interactions <strong>of</strong> monovalent salts (NaCland KCl) with a fluorescent probe. 34are relatively temperature stable in 25–50 8Crange. Rao et al. 35 studied <strong>the</strong> <strong>complexation</strong> <strong>of</strong>uranium (VI) with malonate using UV–visabsorption and luminescence spectra at differenttemperatures, and provided qualitative informationon <strong>the</strong> temperature effect. No significantshifts in <strong>the</strong> positions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> luminescence emissionbands were observed when <strong>the</strong> temperature<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> uranyl malonate solutions was increasedfrom 25 to 70 8C. However, <strong>the</strong> overall intensities<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bands decreased by about ten times at70 8C, compared to those at 25 8C.CONCLUSIONSThe <strong>complexation</strong> behavior <strong>of</strong> UO 2þ2ions withpoly(acrylic acid) (PAA) has been studied byusing fluorescence spectroscopy in <strong>the</strong> presence<strong>of</strong> varying external factors such as pH, salt concentration,and temperature. Following are <strong>the</strong>conclusions reached from this work:1. UO 2þ2ions form various hydrolyzed speciesdepending on <strong>the</strong> pH <strong>of</strong> medium. In acidicsolutions generally UO 2þ2ions are predominant,while <strong>the</strong> hydrolyzed species predominatewith increasing pH. Fluorescenceemission intensities <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complexdecreased in strong acidic solutions (pH ¼2.0–3.25) because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> destabilization <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> complex between uranyl ions and PAAby H þ ions, whereas at pH > 3.25 forma-K þ 1.2 10 6 4.6 10 6 Figure 7. Effect <strong>of</strong> temperature on <strong>the</strong> relativeTemperature EffectThe temperature effect on <strong>the</strong> stability <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2complex is shown in Figure 7. Variation <strong>of</strong>temperature from 25 to 50 8C affects I/I 0 value <strong>of</strong>complex emission band (483 nm) by slightdecreasing <strong>of</strong> relative emission intensity <strong>of</strong> complexband (curve 1). It is known that <strong>the</strong> lifetime<strong>of</strong> excited uranyl (VI) ion in aqueous solutionalso decreased with temperature from 1.6 to0.6 ls at 20–50 8C temperature range. 18 Resultsobtained confirmed <strong>the</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> enhancementeffect, as well as existing <strong>of</strong> slight increase <strong>of</strong>quenching with increase in temperature (curves2 and 3). Therefore taking into account this factwe concluded that PAA/UO 2þ2complex particlesluminescence intensity <strong>of</strong> PAA/UO 2þ2(1) and maximumUO 2þ 2 bands in <strong>the</strong> absence (2) and presence <strong>of</strong> PAA(3). k ex ¼ 310 nm, pH ¼ 3.13, [UO 2þ2] ¼ 0.001 mol/L,PAA/UO 2þ2¼ 2.

2744 DUBOLAZOV ET AL.tion <strong>of</strong> UO 2 (OH) þ alters <strong>the</strong> <strong>complexation</strong>behavior <strong>of</strong> PAA, thus reducing <strong>the</strong> emissioncoming from PAA/UO 2þ2complex. Onlyat pH 3.25, H þ has no significant effect on<strong>the</strong> <strong>complexation</strong> <strong>of</strong> uranyl with PAA.2. The influence <strong>of</strong> salt concentration hasbeen studied by using sodium and potassiumnitrate salts. The fluorescence intensitywas first observed to increase withincreasing salt concentration and <strong>the</strong>ndecreased. The decrease in intensity wasassumed to be mostly due to <strong>the</strong> collapse <strong>of</strong>PAA chains, as observed by <strong>the</strong> increasingturbidity <strong>of</strong> solutions at higher salt concentrations.3. Temperature has limited effect on fluorescenceintensity <strong>of</strong> complex within <strong>the</strong>range <strong>of</strong> 25–50 8C.4. The luminescence quenching rate constant<strong>of</strong> H þ , k q ¼ 1.7 10 8 M 1 s 1 determinedfrom Stern–Volmer plot was found to be invery good accordance with <strong>the</strong> reported literaturevalues. The order <strong>of</strong> quenching efficiencies<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ions were found to be k q (H þ )>> k q (K þ ) > k q (Na þ ). Because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> combinedeffects <strong>of</strong> dynamic and static quenchingprocesses a nonlinear Stern–Volmerplot was observed for <strong>the</strong> salts studied.REFERENCES AND NOTES1. Pekel, N.; S˛ ahiner, N.; Güven, O. Radiat PhysChem 2000, 59, 485–491.2. S˛ ahiner, N.; Pekel, N.; Güven, O. Reactive FunctPolym 1999, 39, 139–146.3. S˛ ahiner, N.; Pekel, N.; Akkas˛, P.; Güven, O.;J Macromol Sci, Pure and Appl Chem 2000, 37A,1159–1172.4. Choi, S. H.; Nho, Y. C. Rad Phys Chem 2000, 57,187–193.5. Beavais, R. A.; Alexandratos, S. D. ReactiveFunct Polym 1998, 36, 113–123.6. Morlay, C.; Cromer, M.; Mouginot, Y.; Vottori, O.Talanta 1999, 48, 1159–1166.7. Morlay, C.; Cromer, M.; Mouginot, Y.; Vottori, O.Talanta 1998, 45, 1177–1188.8. Molyneux, P. Water-Soluble Syn<strong>the</strong>tic Polymers:Properties and Behavior, Vol. 2; CRC Press: BocaRaton, 1982.9. Roma-Luciow, R.; Saraff, L.; Morcellet, M. PolymBull 2000, 45, 411–418.10. Gregor, H. P.; Luttinger, L. B.; Loebl, E. M.J Phys Chem 1955, 59, 34–39.11. Nishide, H.; Oki, N.; Tsuchida, E. Eur Polym J1982, 18, 799–802.12. Leroy, D.; Martinot, L.; Jerome, C.; Jerome, R.Polymer 2001, 42, 4589–4596.13. Saito, T.; Nagasaki, S.; Tanaka, S. RadiochimActa 2002, 90, 27–33.14. Watanabe, C. N.; Gehlen, M. H. J PhotochemPhotobiol A: Chem 2003, 156, 65–68.15. Rustenholtz, A.; Billard, I.; Duplâtre, G.; Lützenkirchen,K.; Sémon, L. Radiochim Acta 2001, 89,83–89.16. Szintay, G.; Horváth, A. Inorg Chim Acta 2001,324, 278–285.17. Addleman, R. S.; Carrott, M.; Wai, C. M.; Carleson,T. E.; Wenclawiak, B. W. Anal Chem 2001,73, 1112–1119.18. Meiranth, G. Aquatic chemistry <strong>of</strong> uranium, FreibergOn-line Geoscience 1998, 1; available at http://www.geo.tu_freiberg/fog (June 19, 2003).19. Dubolazov, A. V.; Güven, O.; Pekel, N.; Azhgozhinova,G. S.; Mun, G. A.; Nurkeeva, Z. S.J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 2004, 42,1610–1618.20. Kato, B. Y.; Meinrath, G.; Kimura, T.; Yoshida, Z.Radiochim Acta 1994, 64, 107–113.21. Leung, A. F.; Hayashibara, L.; Spadaro, J. J PhysChem Solids 1999, 60, 299–304.22. Nagata, I.; Okamoto, Y. Macromolecules 1983, 16,749–753.23. Moll, H.; Geipel, G.; Reich, T.; Bernhard, G.; Fanghanel,T.; Gren<strong>the</strong>, I. Radiochim Acta 2003, 91,11–20.24. Sebastian, N.; George, B.; Ma<strong>the</strong>w, B. PolymDegrad Stab 1998, 60, 371–375.25. Bodzek, M.; Korus, I.; Loska, K. Desalination1999, 121, 117–121.26. Schiewer, S.; Volesky, B. Environ Sci Technol1995, 29, 3049–3058.27. Yang, J.; Volesky, B. Internat BiohydrometallSymp Proc B 1999, 483–492.28. Hongxia, Z.; Zuyi, T. J Radioanal Nucl Chem2002, 254, 103–107.29. Moulin, C.; Decambox, P.; Trecani, L. Anal ChimActa 1996, 321, 121–126.30. Morawetz, H. Macromolecules in Solution, Wiley:New York 1975, p 366.31. Kim, G. H.; Lee, J. H.; Lee, H. B.; John, M. S.J Colloid Interface Sci 1993, 157, 82–87.32. Iida, S. Biophys Chem 1996, 57, 133–142.33. Weast, R. C. Handbook <strong>of</strong> Chemistry andPhysics, 53rd ed.; The Chemical Rubber Co.:Ohio, 1973.34. Adenier, A.; Aaron, J. J. Spectrochim Acta A 2002,58, 543–551.35. Rao, L.; Jiang, J.; Zanonato, P. L.; Bernardo, P.D.; Bismondo, A.; Garnov, A. Y. Radiochim Acta2002, 90, 581–588.

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