Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods

Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods

Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods


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Phytobenthos per GIG1008060%40200AL AT BA CE EC ME NOintercalibrati<strong>on</strong> GIGFigure 12. Percentage measuring phytobenthos in the GIGs.14. In cases where phytobenthos is sampled, the most frequent sampling frequency is2-6 times per year, but in Mediterranean countries it is <strong>on</strong>ly sampled <strong>on</strong>ce a year (Fig.13). The samples are taken in either <strong>on</strong>e lake stati<strong>on</strong> (all AT and EC), or 2-10 stati<strong>on</strong>s(most BA and CE), or more than 10 stati<strong>on</strong>s (all ME and most AL) (Fig. 14).Sampling frequencyNOMEECCEBAATAL1x yr2-6x yr7-12x0 20 40 60 80 100%Figure 13. Phytobenthos sampling frequency in the GIGs.54

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