Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods

Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods
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method country status referenceBuckSaprobiological Analysis Slovenia u Grbovic (1999)ECOSTRIMED – Ecological Status of Streams and Rivers inthe Spanish Mediterranean AreaSpain d Prat et al. (2000)Benthic Fauna in Lake Littorals and Running Water - TimeSeriesSweden u SEPA (2000)Acidification Index United Kingdom ? Rutt et al. (1990)Biological GQA (General Quality Assessment) classification United Kingdom uENVIRONMENTAGENCY (1996)Lotic-invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluation (LIFE) Index United Kingdom u* Extence et al. (1999)System for Evaluating Rivers for Conservation (SERCON) United Kingdom n Boon et al. (1997)u - to be used in WFD-compliant monitoring (only Member States)u* - part of method to be used in WFD-compliant monitoringn - not to be used in WFD-compliant monitoringd - under development to be used in WFD-compliant monitoring (only Member States)c - monitoring discontinued? - usage in WFD-compliant monitoring uncertain44

Annex IV: Analysis of lake biological monitoring methods(Intercalibration metadata at 14/01/2004)CHLOROPHYLL1. The WFD allows for the use of chlorophyll a as surrogate for phytoplanktonbiomass and, thus, is considered a biological parameter, and the most frequentlymeasured in lakes. In the GIGs the percentage of lakes for which chlorophyll a ismeasured varies between 40% (Eastern Continental, EC) and 100% (Mediterranean,ME), with an overall average of 82.5% (Fig. 1). A possible explanation for a smallerpercentage of lakes with chlorophyll a data in the Eastern Continental and NorthernGIGs could be a monitoring strategy targeted to identify acidification impacts and forwhich chlorophyll a is less used.Percentage measuring Chl-a per GIG1008060%40200AL AT BA CE EC ME NOFigure 1. Percentage of lakes for which chlorophyll a is measured in the GIG (Al= Alpine;AT= Atlantic, BA= Baltic; CE= Central; EC= Eastern continental, ME= Mediterranean,NO= Northern).2. However, there is great heterogeneity both within GIG and between GIGs in termsof the sampling methods. Most lakes in the GIGs are sampled for chlorophyll abetween 2 and 12 times per year (Fig. 2), and samples are taken over the whole year(monthly) or concentrated during spring, summer, or vegetation periods (Fig. 3).45

method country status referenceBuckSapro<strong>biological</strong> Analysis Slovenia u Grbovic (1999)ECOSTRIMED – Ecological Status <strong>of</strong> Streams and Rivers inthe Spanish Mediterranean AreaSpain d Prat et al. (2000)Benthic Fauna in Lake Littorals and Running Water - TimeSeriesSweden u SEPA (2000)Acidificati<strong>on</strong> Index United Kingdom ? Rutt et al. (1990)Biological GQA (General Quality Assessment) classificati<strong>on</strong> United Kingdom uENVIRONMENTAGENCY (1996)Lotic-invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluati<strong>on</strong> (LIFE) Index United Kingdom u* Extence et al. (1999)System for Evaluating Rivers for C<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> (SERCON) United Kingdom n Bo<strong>on</strong> et al. (1997)u - to be used in WFD-compliant m<strong>on</strong>itoring (<strong>on</strong>ly Member States)u* - part <strong>of</strong> method to be used in WFD-compliant m<strong>on</strong>itoringn - not to be used in WFD-compliant m<strong>on</strong>itoringd - under development to be used in WFD-compliant m<strong>on</strong>itoring (<strong>on</strong>ly Member States)c - m<strong>on</strong>itoring disc<strong>on</strong>tinued? - usage in WFD-compliant m<strong>on</strong>itoring uncertain44

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