Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods

Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods
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OECD (Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques), 1982. Eutrophisation deseaux. Méthodes de surveillance, d'evaluation et de lutte. Organisation de Coopération et deDéveloppement Economiques, Paris.Ofenböck, T., O. Moog, J. Gerritsen, and M. Barbour, 2004. A stressor specific multimetric approachfor monitoring running waters in Austria using benthic macro-invertebrates. Hydrobiologia 516: 251-268.Pantle, R. and H. Buck 1955. Die biologische Überwachung der Gewässer und die Darstellung derErgebnisse. Gas- und Wasserfach 96: 604.Parsons, T.R. and J.D.H. Strickland, 1965. Particulate organic matter. III. I. Pigment analysis. III. I. I.Determination of phytoplankton pigments. J. Fish Res. Bd. Can., 8: 117-127.Peev, D. and S. Gerassimov 1999. National Biomonitoring Programme of Bulgaria. EU ProgrammePhare BG9310-04-03-01. - GEA-Libris, Sofia.Pepe, M., C. Giardino, G. Borsani, A. C. Cardoso, G. Chiaudani, G. Premazzi, E. Rodari and E. Zilioli,2001. Relationship between apparent optical properties and photosynthetic pigments in the subalpineLake Iseo. Science of the Total Environment 268(1-3) 1-235.Persat, H., and G.H. Copp,1990. Electric fishing and point abundance sampling in for the ichthyologyof large rivers. Pages 197-209 in I.G. Cowx, editor. Developments in electric fishing. BlackwellScientific Publications, Ltd., Cambridge, MA.Phillips, G. L. and P. Kerrison, 1991. The restoration of the Norfolk Broads: The role ofbiomanipulation. Mem. Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 48: 75–97Pouilly, M., 1994. Relations entre l’habitat physique et les poissons des zones à cyprinidés rhéophilesdans trois cours d’eau du bassin rhodanien : vers une simulation de la capacite d’accueil pour lespeuplements. Ph.D. thesis, University of Lyon I, Villeurbanne, France.256 p.Prat, N., A. Munné, M. Rieradeval, C. Solá and N. Banada, 2000 ECOSTRIMED. Protocol to establishthe ecological status of Mediterranean rivers and streams. Estudis de la Qualitat ecològica dels Rius8. Diputatió de Barcelona, Barcelona.Raddum, G.G., 1999. Large scale monitoring of invertebrates: Aims, possibilities and acidificationindexes. In: Raddum, G.G., Rosseland, B.O.& J. Bowman (eds. Workshop on biological assesmentand monitoring; evaluation and models. NIVA ong>Reportong> SNO 4091/1999, ICP Waters: 7-16.Rolauffs, P., I. Stubauer, S. Zahrádková, K. Brabec and O. Moog 2004. Integration of the SaprobicSystem into the European Union Water Framework Directive. Case studies in Austria, Germany andCzech Republic. Hydrobiologia 516: 285-298.Rothschein, J., 1962 . Grafické znázornenie výsledkov biologického hodnotenia cistoty vod. Výsk.Ústav vodohosp, Bratislava 9: 1-63.Ruse, L.P., 2000 . A simple key to water quality based on chironomid pupal exuviae. In: Hoffrichter,O. (ed. Late 20th Century Research on Chironomidae. Aachen (Shaker Verlag 405-413.Rutt, G.P., N.S. Weatherly and S.J. Ormerod, 1990. Relationships between physicochemistry andmacroinvertebrates in British upland streams: the development of modelling and indicator systemsfor predicting stream fauna and detecting acidity. Freshwater Ecology 2: 463-480.Schaumburg, J., U. Schmedtje, C. Schranz, B. Köpf, S. Schneider, P. Meilinger, D. Stelzer, G.Hofmann, A. Gutowski and J. Foerster, 2004. Erarbeitung eines ökologischen Bewertungsverfahrensfür Fließgewässer und Seen im Teilbereich Makrophyten und Phytobenthos zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. Abschlussbericht. Januar 2004. München. Bayerisches Landesamt fürWasserwirtschaft.Schmutz, S., M. Kaufmann, B. Vogel, M. Jungwirth and S. Muhar, 2000. “A multi-level concept forfish-based, river-type-specific assessment of ecological integrity.”Hydrobiologia, 422/423: 279-289.Schöll, F. and A. Haybach, 2001. Bewertung von großen Fließgewässern mittels Potamon-Typie-Index(PTI). Verfahrensbeschreibung und Anwendungsbeispiele. BfG-Mitteilungen Nr. 23. Bundesanstaltfür Gewässerkunde, Koblenz.SEPA (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency) 2000. Environmental Quality Criteria - lakes andwatercourses. ong>Reportong> no. 5050. SEPA, Stockholm.36

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OECD (Organisati<strong>on</strong> de Coopérati<strong>on</strong> et de Développement Ec<strong>on</strong>omiques), 1982. Eutrophisati<strong>on</strong> deseaux. Méthodes de surveillance, d'evaluati<strong>on</strong> et de lutte. Organisati<strong>on</strong> de Coopérati<strong>on</strong> et deDéveloppement Ec<strong>on</strong>omiques, Paris.Ofenböck, T., O. Moog, J. Gerritsen, and M. Barbour, 2004. A stressor specific multimetric approachfor m<strong>on</strong>itoring running waters in Austria using benthic macro-invertebrates. Hydrobiologia 516: 251-268.Pantle, R. and H. Buck 1955. Die biologische Überwachung der Gewässer und die Darstellung derErgebnisse. Gas- und Wasserfach 96: 604.Pars<strong>on</strong>s, T.R. and J.D.H. Strickland, 1965. Particulate organic matter. III. I. Pigment analysis. III. I. I.Determinati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> phytoplankt<strong>on</strong> pigments. J. Fish Res. Bd. Can., 8: 117-127.Peev, D. and S. Gerassimov 1999. Nati<strong>on</strong>al Biom<strong>on</strong>itoring Programme <strong>of</strong> Bulgaria. EU ProgrammePhare BG9310-04-03-01. - GEA-Libris, S<strong>of</strong>ia.Pepe, M., C. Giardino, G. Borsani, A. C. Cardoso, G. Chiaudani, G. Premazzi, E. Rodari and E. Zilioli,2001. Relati<strong>on</strong>ship between apparent optical properties and photosynthetic pigments in the subalpineLake Iseo. Science <strong>of</strong> the Total Envir<strong>on</strong>ment 268(1-3) 1-235.Persat, H., and G.H. Copp,1990. Electric fishing and point abundance sampling in for the ichthyology<strong>of</strong> large rivers. Pages 197-209 in I.G. Cowx, editor. Developments in electric fishing. BlackwellScientific Publicati<strong>on</strong>s, Ltd., Cambridge, MA.Phillips, G. L. and P. Kerris<strong>on</strong>, 1991. The restorati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Norfolk Broads: The role <strong>of</strong>biomanipulati<strong>on</strong>. Mem. Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 48: 75–97Pouilly, M., 1994. Relati<strong>on</strong>s entre l’habitat physique et les poiss<strong>on</strong>s des z<strong>on</strong>es à cyprinidés rhéophilesdans trois cours d’eau du bassin rhodanien : vers une simulati<strong>on</strong> de la capacite d’accueil pour lespeuplements. Ph.D. thesis, University <strong>of</strong> Ly<strong>on</strong> I, Villeurbanne, France.256 p.Prat, N., A. Munné, M. Rieradeval, C. Solá and N. Banada, 2000 ECOSTRIMED. Protocol to establishthe ecological status <strong>of</strong> Mediterranean rivers and streams. Estudis de la Qualitat ecològica dels Rius8. Diputatió de Barcel<strong>on</strong>a, Barcel<strong>on</strong>a.Raddum, G.G., 1999. Large scale m<strong>on</strong>itoring <strong>of</strong> invertebrates: Aims, possibilities and acidificati<strong>on</strong>indexes. In: Raddum, G.G., Rosseland, B.O.& J. Bowman (eds. Workshop <strong>on</strong> <strong>biological</strong> assesmentand m<strong>on</strong>itoring; evaluati<strong>on</strong> and models. NIVA <str<strong>on</strong>g>Report</str<strong>on</strong>g> SNO 4091/1999, ICP Waters: 7-16.Rolauffs, P., I. Stubauer, S. Zahrádková, K. Brabec and O. Moog 2004. Integrati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> the SaprobicSystem into the European Uni<strong>on</strong> Water Framework Directive. Case studies in Austria, Germany andCzech Republic. Hydrobiologia 516: 285-298.Rothschein, J., 1962 . Grafické znázornenie výsledkov biologického hodnotenia cistoty vod. Výsk.Ústav vodohosp, Bratislava 9: 1-63.Ruse, L.P., 2000 . A simple key to water quality based <strong>on</strong> chir<strong>on</strong>omid pupal exuviae. In: H<strong>of</strong>frichter,O. (ed. Late 20th Century Research <strong>on</strong> Chir<strong>on</strong>omidae. Aachen (Shaker Verlag 405-413.Rutt, G.P., N.S. Weatherly and S.J. Ormerod, 1990. Relati<strong>on</strong>ships between physicochemistry andmacroinvertebrates in British upland streams: the development <strong>of</strong> modelling and indicator systemsfor predicting stream fauna and detecting acidity. Freshwater Ecology 2: 463-480.Schaumburg, J., U. Schmedtje, C. Schranz, B. Köpf, S. Schneider, P. Meilinger, D. Stelzer, G.H<strong>of</strong>mann, A. Gutowski and J. Foerster, 2004. Erarbeitung eines ökologischen Bewertungsverfahrensfür Fließgewässer und Seen im Teilbereich Makrophyten und Phytobenthos zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. Abschlussbericht. Januar 2004. München. Bayerisches Landesamt fürWasserwirtschaft.Schmutz, S., M. Kaufmann, B. Vogel, M. Jungwirth and S. Muhar, 2000. “A multi-level c<strong>on</strong>cept forfish-based, river-type-specific assessment <strong>of</strong> ecological integrity.”Hydrobiologia, 422/423: 279-289.Schöll, F. and A. Haybach, 2001. Bewertung v<strong>on</strong> großen Fließgewässern mittels Potam<strong>on</strong>-Typie-Index(PTI). Verfahrensbeschreibung und Anwendungsbeispiele. BfG-Mitteilungen Nr. 23. Bundesanstaltfür Gewässerkunde, Koblenz.SEPA (Swedish Envir<strong>on</strong>mental Protecti<strong>on</strong> Agency) 2000. Envir<strong>on</strong>mental Quality Criteria - lakes andwatercourses. <str<strong>on</strong>g>Report</str<strong>on</strong>g> no. 5050. SEPA, Stockholm.36

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