Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods

Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods Report on Harmonisation of freshwater biological methods
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Buffagni, A. and S. Erba, 2004. A simple procedure to harmonize class boundaries of Europeanassessment systems. Discussion paper for the Intercalibration process – WFD CIS WG 2.AECOSTAT. February, 6 th 2004.Capra, H., 1995. Amélioration des modèles prédictifs d’habitat de la truite fario : échellesd’échantillonnage, intégration des chroniques hydrologiques. Ph.D. thesis, University of Lyon I,Villeurbanne, France. 268 p.Cairns, J.Jr., D.W. Albough, F. Susey and M.D.Charry, 1968. The sequential comparison index - asimplified method for non-biologists to estimate relative differences in biological diversity in streampollution studies. J.Water Poll. Contrl.Fed. 40: 1607-1613.CEMAGREF, 1982. Etude des méthodes biologiques d'appréciation quantitative de la qualité des eaux.Rapport Q.E. Lyon A.F. Bassin Rhône-Méditérannée-Corse, 218p.Cimdins, P., I. Druvietis, R. Liepa, E. Parele, L. Urtane and A. Urtans, 1995. A Latvian catalogue ofindicator species of freshwater saprobity. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences570/571(1/2 122-133.SN 75 7716:1998. Water quality, biological analysis, determination of saprobic index. CzechTechnical State Standard, Czech Standards Institute, Prague.De Pauw, N. and H. Vanhooren, 1983. Method for biological quality assessment of water courses inBelgium. Hydrobiologia 100: 153-168.De Pauw, N. and S. Heylen, 2001. Biotic index for sediment quality assessment of watercourses inFlanders, Belgium. Aquatic Ecology 35: 121-133.Didier, J., 1997. Indice biotique d’intégrité piscicole pour évaluer la qualité écologique desécosystèmes lotiques. PhD thesis, Presses Universitaires de Namur, Belgium, 313 p.DIN 38 410:1990. Deutsche Einheitsverfahren zur Wasser-, Abwasser- und Schlammuntersuchung -Biologisch-ökologische Gewässeruntersuchung (Gruppe M) - Bestimmung des Saprobienindex (M2). Deutsches Institut für Normung, Berlin.DIN 38 410:2003. Deutsche Einheitsverfahren zur Wasser-, Abwasser- und Schlammuntersuchung -Biologisch-ökologische Gewässeruntersuchung (Gruppe M) - Teil 1: Bestimmung desSaprobienindex in Fließgewässern (M 1). Normentwurf, Deutsches Institut für Normung, Berlin.Dussling, U., H. Klinger, C. Wolter and R. Berg, 2004. Assessing the Ecological Status of RiverSystems Using Fish Assemblages, pp 1 - 84 - In: Steinberg et al (eds.) Handbuch angew.Limnologie, Ecomed, Landsberg.EN 25667-1 Water quality –Sampling- Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes (ISO5667-1:1980)EN 25667-2 Water quality – Sampling – Part 2: Guidance on sampling techniques (ISO 5667-2:1991)EN 27828 Water quality – Methods of biological sampling - Guidance on handnet sampling of aquaticbenthic macro-invertebrates (ISO 7828:1985)EN 28265 Water quality – Methods of biological sampling – Guidance on the design and use ofquantitative samplers for benthic macro-invertebrates on stony substrata in shallow freshwaters (ISO8265:1988)EN ISO 5667-3 Water quality – Sampling guidance on the preservation and handling of samples (ISO5667-3:1994)EN ISO 9391 Water Quality – Sampling in deep waters for macro-invertebrates – Guidance on the useof colonization, qualitative and quantitative samples (ISO 9391:1993)EN ISO 5667-16 Water quality – Sampling – Part 16: Guidance on biotesting of samples (ISO 5667-16:1998)EN ISO 8689-1 Water quality – Biological classification of rivers – Part 1: Guidance on theinterpretation of biological quality data from surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates in runningwaters (ISO 8689-1:2000)32

EN ISO 8689-2 Water quality – Biological classification of rivers – Part 2: Guidance on thepresentation of biological quality data from surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates (ISO 8689-1:2000)EN 14184 Water quality – Guidance standard for the surveying of aquatic macrophytes in runningwatersEN 13946 Water Quality – Guidance standard for the routine sampling and pre-treatment of benthicdiatoms from riversEN 14011 Water analysis – Sampling of fish with electricityEN 14407 Water quality – Guidance standard for the identification, enumeration and interpretation ofbenthic diatom samples from running watersEN 14614 Water quality – Guidace standard for assessing the hydromorlogical features of riversEngel, S., and S. A. Nichols, 1994. Aquatic macrophyte growth in a turbid windswept lake. JFreshwater Ecology 9(2) 97-110.Environment Agency 1996 The quality of rivers and canals in England and Wales (1990 to 1995).Environment Agency, Bristol.European Communities, 2003d. WFD CIS Guidance Document No. 10. Rivers and lakes – Typology,reference conditions and classification systems. Produced by Working Group 2.3 - REFCOND. Communities 2004. Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive(2000/60/EC). Overall Approach to the Classification of Ecological Status and Ecological Potential.Extence, C.A., D.M. Balbi and R.P. Chadd, 1999. River flow indexing using British benthicmacroinvertebrates : a framework for setting hydroecological objectives. Regulated Rivers: Researchand Management 15: 543-574.Gassner, H. and J. Wanzenböck, 1999: Fischökologische Leitbilder fünf ausgewählterSalzkammergutseen. Limnologica 29, 436-448Ghetti, P.F., 1997. Manuale di applicazione Indice Biotico Esteso (I.B.E.). I macroinvertebratinell'controllo della qualità degli ambienti di aque correnti. - Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Agenziaprovinciale per la protezione dell’ambienti.Golterman, H. L., R.S. Clymo and M.A.M. Ohnstand, 1978. Methods for physical & chemical analysisof fresh waters. Blackwell Sci. Publ., London, 213p.Grbovi, J., 1999. Water quality monitoring in Slovenia. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie(DGL) Tagungsbericht 1998. Band II. DGL, Tutzing: 517-520.Heiskanen, A.-S, W.J. van de Bund, A.C. Cardoso and P. Nõges, 2004. Towards good ecological statusof surface waters in Europe – Interpretation and harmonisation of the concept”. Water Science andTechnology 49 (7) 169-177.Hering, D., O. Moog, L. Sandin and P.F.M. Verdonschot, 2004. Overview and application of theAQEM assessment system. Hydrobiologia 516: 1-20.HMSO 1980. See, G., 1994. Aufwuchs-Diatomeen in Seen und ihre Eignung als Indikatoren der Trophie.Bbliotheca Diatomologica, 30. J. Cramer, Berlin, 241 pp.Holmes, N.T.H., J.R. Newman, S. Chadd, K.J. Rouen, L. Saint and F.H. Dawson, 1999. Mean TrophicRank: A User's Manual. R & D Technical ong>Reportong> E38. Bristol. Environment Agency.Jäger, P, K. Pall and E. Dunfarth, 2002. Zur Methodik der Makrophytenkartierung in großen Seen.Österr. Fischerei 55: 230-238.Jager, P., K. Pall and E. Dumfarth, 2004. A method of mapping macrophytes in large lakes with regardto the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. Limnologica 2004, Heft 34, S. 140-146.Jeffrey, S.W. and G.F Humphrey, 1975. New Spectrophotometric equations for determiningchlorophylls a, b, c1 and c2 in higher plants, algae, and natural phytoplankton. Biochem. Physiol.Pflanz. 167: 191-194.33

EN ISO 8689-2 Water quality – Biological classificati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> rivers – Part 2: Guidance <strong>on</strong> thepresentati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>biological</strong> quality data from surveys <strong>of</strong> benthic macro-invertebrates (ISO 8689-1:2000)EN 14184 Water quality – Guidance standard for the surveying <strong>of</strong> aquatic macrophytes in runningwatersEN 13946 Water Quality – Guidance standard for the routine sampling and pre-treatment <strong>of</strong> benthicdiatoms from riversEN 14011 Water analysis – Sampling <strong>of</strong> fish with electricityEN 14407 Water quality – Guidance standard for the identificati<strong>on</strong>, enumerati<strong>on</strong> and interpretati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>benthic diatom samples from running watersEN 14614 Water quality – Guidace standard for assessing the hydromorlogical features <strong>of</strong> riversEngel, S., and S. A. Nichols, 1994. Aquatic macrophyte growth in a turbid windswept lake. JFreshwater Ecology 9(2) 97-110.Envir<strong>on</strong>ment Agency 1996 The quality <strong>of</strong> rivers and canals in England and Wales (1990 to 1995).Envir<strong>on</strong>ment Agency, Bristol.European Communities, 2003d. WFD CIS Guidance Document No. 10. Rivers and lakes – Typology,reference c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and classificati<strong>on</strong> systems. Produced by Working Group 2.3 - REFCOND. Communities 2004. Comm<strong>on</strong> Implementati<strong>on</strong> Strategy for the Water Framework Directive(2000/60/EC). Overall Approach to the Classificati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ecological Status and Ecological Potential.Extence, C.A., D.M. Balbi and R.P. Chadd, 1999. River flow indexing using British benthicmacroinvertebrates : a framework for setting hydroecological objectives. Regulated Rivers: Researchand Management 15: 543-574.Gassner, H. and J. Wanzenböck, 1999: Fischökologische Leitbilder fünf ausgewählterSalzkammergutseen. Limnologica 29, 436-448Ghetti, P.F., 1997. Manuale di applicazi<strong>on</strong>e Indice Biotico Esteso (I.B.E.). I macroinvertebratinell'c<strong>on</strong>trollo della qualità degli ambienti di aque correnti. - Provincia Aut<strong>on</strong>oma di Trento, Agenziaprovinciale per la protezi<strong>on</strong>e dell’ambienti.Golterman, H. L., R.S. Clymo and M.A.M. Ohnstand, 1978. Methods for physical & chemical analysis<strong>of</strong> fresh waters. Blackwell Sci. Publ., L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>, 213p.Grbovi, J., 1999. Water quality m<strong>on</strong>itoring in Slovenia. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie(DGL) Tagungsbericht 1998. Band II. DGL, Tutzing: 517-520.Heiskanen, A.-S, W.J. van de Bund, A.C. Cardoso and P. Nõges, 2004. Towards good ecological status<strong>of</strong> surface waters in Europe – Interpretati<strong>on</strong> and harm<strong>on</strong>isati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> the c<strong>on</strong>cept”. Water Science andTechnology 49 (7) 169-177.Hering, D., O. Moog, L. Sandin and P.F.M. Verd<strong>on</strong>schot, 2004. Overview and applicati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> theAQEM assessment system. Hydrobiologia 516: 1-20.HMSO 1980. See<strong>of</strong>mann, G., 1994. Aufwuchs-Diatomeen in Seen und ihre Eignung als Indikatoren der Trophie.Bbliotheca Diatomologica, 30. J. Cramer, Berlin, 241 pp.Holmes, N.T.H., J.R. Newman, S. Chadd, K.J. Rouen, L. Saint and F.H. Daws<strong>on</strong>, 1999. Mean TrophicRank: A User's Manual. R & D Technical <str<strong>on</strong>g>Report</str<strong>on</strong>g> E38. Bristol. Envir<strong>on</strong>ment Agency.Jäger, P, K. Pall and E. Dunfarth, 2002. Zur Methodik der Makrophytenkartierung in großen Seen.Österr. Fischerei 55: 230-238.Jager, P., K. Pall and E. Dumfarth, 2004. A method <strong>of</strong> mapping macrophytes in large lakes with regardto the requirements <strong>of</strong> the Water Framework Directive. Limnologica 2004, Heft 34, S. 140-146.Jeffrey, S.W. and G.F Humphrey, 1975. New Spectrophotometric equati<strong>on</strong>s for determiningchlorophylls a, b, c1 and c2 in higher plants, algae, and natural phytoplankt<strong>on</strong>. Biochem. Physiol.Pflanz. 167: 191-194.33

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