AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association

AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association


Grip Strength• Grip strength can be used when there is a“loss of strength due to a severe muscletear that healed leaving a palpable muscledefect (16.8a Principles, page 508)• By analogy, the MD could rate based onconsistent weakness due to an injury• It is critical that the physician clearly andunequivocally state that the injured workeris credible and the testing results arereliable

Grip Strength• If the following is true:– If there is evidence that the individual isexerting less than maximal effort, the gripstrength measurements are invalid forestimating impairment (16.8b Grip and Pinch Strength, page 509)• Then shouldn’t this be true?– If there is evidence that the individual isexerting maximal effort, the grip strengthmeasurements are valid for estimatingimpairment– Doesn’t the physician determine validity?

Grip Strength• Grip strength can be used when there is a“loss of strength due to a severe muscletear that healed leaving a palpable muscledefect (16.8a Principles, page 508)• By analogy, the MD could rate based onconsistent weakness due to an injury• It is critical that the physician clearly andunequivocally state that the injured workeris credible and the testing results arereliable

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