AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association

AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association


WCAB Conclusions• A permanent disability rating established bythe Schedule is rebuttable• Burden of rebutting a scheduled PD ratingrests with the party disputing it– Rebutting WPI under the AMA Guides

WCAB Conclusions• When determining an injured employee’sWPI, it is not permissible to go outside thefour corners of the AMA Guides• However, a physician may utilize anychapter, table, or method in the AMAGuides that most accurately reflects theinjured employee’s impairment

WCAB Conclusions• When determining an injured employee’sWPI, it is not permissible to go outside thefour corners of the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Guides</strong>• However, a physician may utilize anychapter, table, or method in the <strong>AMA</strong><strong>Guides</strong> that most accurately reflects theinjured employee’s impairment

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