AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association

AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association


Most AccurateReflection of theImpairmentRating by Analogy&Other Approaches

The AMA Guides State:• “After all potentially impairing conditions havebeen identified and the correct ratings recorded,the evaluator should select the clinically mostappropriate (i.e., most specific) method(s) andrecord the estimated impairment for each (5th ed, 526)”• “Typically, one method will adequatelycharacterize the impairment and its impact on theability to perform ADL• In some cases, however, more than one methodneeds to be used to accurately assess all featuresof the impairment (5th ed, 527)”

Most AccurateReflection of theImpairmentRating by Analogy&Other Approaches

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