AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association

AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association AMA Guides 5th Edition - California Orthopaedic Association


Bottom Line• It is critical that the physician’s reportprovide a WPI that is the most accuratereflection of the impairment that meets thecriteria of being substantial medicalevidence• Provide different "scenarios" that addressthe concerns of both the applicant and thedefendant - leave the final decision aboutwhat is substantial evidence to the WCAB

Functional Capacity Evaluation• Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs)• Functional Capacity Assessments (FCAs)• Work Capacity Assessments (WCAs)• Valuable in determining an individual’s lossof work and self care (ADLs) capacity andretained abilities• Useful in assessing work ability whiledefining areas of inability that can be treated•

Bottom Line• It is critical that the physician’s reportprovide a WPI that is the most accuratereflection of the impairment that meets thecriteria of being substantial medicalevidence• Provide different "scenarios" that addressthe concerns of both the applicant and thedefendant - leave the final decision aboutwhat is substantial evidence to the WCAB

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