(KEC) companies, please download the application to ... - IKECA

(KEC) companies, please download the application to ... - IKECA

(KEC) companies, please download the application to ... - IKECA


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Types of MembershipACTIVE | $880/yearOwners, corporate officers or <strong>the</strong>ir designated representatives of <strong>companies</strong> actively engaged in providing commercial kitchen exhaust cleaning servicesmay apply for Active Membership on behalf of <strong>the</strong> company. Active members shall be entitled <strong>to</strong> all benefits, rights and privileges of membershipincluding listing on <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A website as well as use of <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A Logo. Active Members are required <strong>to</strong> provide proofs of insurance for General Liability,Vehicle and Workers’ Comp, as well as certify at least one CECS per company. Active members receive one (1) vote at <strong>the</strong> Annual Membership meeting and allo<strong>the</strong>r balloting initiatives.SUPPLEMENTAL | $715/yearA subsidiary or branch office of an Active Member, which is a ls o engaged in providing commercial kitchen exhaust c l e a n i n g services. IndependentFranchisee operations shall n o t q u a l i f y for Supplemental Membership. Supplemental Members shall receive <strong>the</strong> same benefits and opportunities asActive Members, but shall not have voting rights or be entitled <strong>to</strong> hold elective office within <strong>the</strong> Association. Companies eligible for SupplementalMembership may not a p p l y for Active M emb ersh i p . Supplemental Members are r eq u i r ed <strong>to</strong> provide proofs of insurance for General Liability, Vehicle andWorkers’ Comp, as well as certify at least one CECS per company.ASSOCIATE | $880/yearAn owner, corporate officer or his d e s i g n a t e d representative, who operates a company which provides products, equipment and/or services <strong>to</strong> kitchenExhaust cleaning <strong>companies</strong>, or a company which manufactures or supplies commercial kitchen equipment, may apply for Associate Membership onbehalf of <strong>the</strong> c o m p a n y . Such membership shall entitle <strong>the</strong> m e m b e r <strong>to</strong> all rights and p r i v i l e g e s of membership, but s h a l l not e n t i t l e him <strong>to</strong> vote or holdelective office within <strong>the</strong> Associat ion . Associate Members are n ot r eq u i r ed <strong>to</strong> provide proofs of insurance and do not n e e d certified staff.INTERNATIONAL | $880/yearEi<strong>the</strong>r A c t i v e or Supplemental member s, located outside of North America, will be considered International Members and w i l l be exempt from meetingI<strong>KEC</strong>A Certification requirements. Insurance requirements may be waived or altered, based on requirements of members in <strong>the</strong>ir own country. Membersin Canada and M e x i c o are r eq u i red <strong>to</strong> meet all certification and insurance requirements as stated.INSTITUTIONAL | $500/yearComprising of facility managers, restaurants, hospitals, universities, municipalities and o<strong>the</strong>r related organizations. No <strong>application</strong> fee applies . ThisMember type is non-voting, but h a s a c c e s s <strong>to</strong> all o<strong>the</strong>r member benefits.FIRE MARSHALS & AHJs | $0/yearIndividual who works in a municipality or for a government entity and h a s o v er s i g h t on exhaust system inspections and r e g u l a t i o n s regarding installationand maintenance of exhaust systems. No <strong>application</strong> fee applies. This member type is nonvoting, but h a s a c c e s s <strong>to</strong> all o<strong>the</strong>r member benefits.Member Code of EthicsALL MEMBERS SHALL AGREE TO UPHOLD THE FOLLOWING:• To, at all times, serve our clients with integrity, competence andobjectivity;• To perform a l l work f o r clients in accordance with lateststandards and p r a c t i c e s published by I<strong>KEC</strong>A;• To c l e a n all readily accessible areas of t h e kitchen exhaustremoval system, utilizing positive cleaning methods andtechniques consistent with proactive product management;• To s t r i v e <strong>to</strong> c o m p l y with all a p p l i c a b l e municipal, stateand national codes and guidelines during <strong>the</strong> course ofb u s i n e s s engagement;• To ensure that safety of life a n d property remain an i n t e g r a loperations effort;• To strive <strong>to</strong> comply with all applicable i n d u s t r y -related environmental standards, and p r a c t i c e s with ongoingawareness as continuing education advances <strong>the</strong> i n d u s t r y ;• To operate with a good working knowledge of available productsand <strong>to</strong> specify, where applicable, those accepted within <strong>the</strong>industry as efficient and e f f e c t i v e ;• To establish initial and o n g o i n g documentation consistent withlocal, state a n d n a t i o n a l guidelines regarding kitchen ventilationby-product management service schedules and s c o p e ;• To strive <strong>to</strong> continually educate consumers, neighboringindustries and authorities with respect <strong>to</strong> kitchen exhaustremoval systems;• To s t r i v e <strong>to</strong> o p e r a t e morally, ethically and in g o o dc o n s c i e n c e during <strong>the</strong> c o u r s e of maintaining kitchen exhaustremoval systems;• To obey l o c a l , s t a t e and federal laws, rules and regulations as<strong>the</strong>y pertain <strong>to</strong> our indu st r y;• To r e m a i n w ith in compliance of t h e policies, standards andpractices and by-laws of <strong>the</strong> International Kitchen ExhaustCleaning Association.PAGE 3

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