(KEC) companies, please download the application to ... - IKECA

(KEC) companies, please download the application to ... - IKECA (KEC) companies, please download the application to ... - IKECA


SERVING THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN EXHAUST INDUSTRY WORLDWIDEABOUT I<strong>KEC</strong>AI<strong>KEC</strong>A was founded in 1989 when a small group ofexhaust kitchen exhaust cleaning specialists wereattending <strong>the</strong> same meeting. They found that <strong>the</strong>y allhad similar needs and beliefs in <strong>the</strong> importance of properand complete exhaust cleaning <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> fire protectionworld. Within two years, <strong>the</strong>se founders had created <strong>the</strong>first trade association for <strong>the</strong> kitchen exhaust cleaningindustry.Today, I<strong>KEC</strong>A Members represent <strong>the</strong> best in <strong>the</strong> industry.They are proud <strong>to</strong> have made significant contributions <strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong> decrease in commercial kitchen fires in <strong>the</strong> US. Thecurrent membership is approximately 250.MISSIONThe International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Associationis committed <strong>to</strong> serve and represent <strong>the</strong> interests of<strong>the</strong> commercial kitchen exhaust cleaning industry bypromoting <strong>the</strong> highest cleaning and ethical standards;providing education and certification opportunities;creating a broader awareness of <strong>the</strong> need for continuallyimproving fire prevention by cooperating with andinvolving fire departments and <strong>the</strong> insurance industryand influencing in a positive manner regulations andgovernmental actions affecting <strong>the</strong> industry; advancing<strong>the</strong> safety, image, efficiency, competitiveness andprofitability of industry members; and working <strong>to</strong> createhealthier, cleaner and safer environments in which <strong>to</strong>operate a kitchen.I<strong>KEC</strong>A O<strong>the</strong>rsBENEFIT COMPARISON 100 North 20 th Street, Suite 400 | Philadelphia, PA 19103215-320-3876 | Fax: 215-564-2175www.ikeca.orgPAGE 2

Types of MembershipACTIVE | $880/yearOwners, corporate officers or <strong>the</strong>ir designated representatives of <strong>companies</strong> actively engaged in providing commercial kitchen exhaust cleaning servicesmay apply for Active Membership on behalf of <strong>the</strong> company. Active members shall be entitled <strong>to</strong> all benefits, rights and privileges of membershipincluding listing on <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A website as well as use of <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A Logo. Active Members are required <strong>to</strong> provide proofs of insurance for General Liability,Vehicle and Workers’ Comp, as well as certify at least one CECS per company. Active members receive one (1) vote at <strong>the</strong> Annual Membership meeting and allo<strong>the</strong>r balloting initiatives.SUPPLEMENTAL | $715/yearA subsidiary or branch office of an Active Member, which is a ls o engaged in providing commercial kitchen exhaust c l e a n i n g services. IndependentFranchisee operations shall n o t q u a l i f y for Supplemental Membership. Supplemental Members shall receive <strong>the</strong> same benefits and opportunities asActive Members, but shall not have voting rights or be entitled <strong>to</strong> hold elective office within <strong>the</strong> Association. Companies eligible for SupplementalMembership may not a p p l y for Active M emb ersh i p . Supplemental Members are r eq u i r ed <strong>to</strong> provide proofs of insurance for General Liability, Vehicle andWorkers’ Comp, as well as certify at least one CECS per company.ASSOCIATE | $880/yearAn owner, corporate officer or his d e s i g n a t e d representative, who operates a company which provides products, equipment and/or services <strong>to</strong> kitchenExhaust cleaning <strong>companies</strong>, or a company which manufactures or supplies commercial kitchen equipment, may apply for Associate Membership onbehalf of <strong>the</strong> c o m p a n y . Such membership shall entitle <strong>the</strong> m e m b e r <strong>to</strong> all rights and p r i v i l e g e s of membership, but s h a l l not e n t i t l e him <strong>to</strong> vote or holdelective office within <strong>the</strong> Associat ion . Associate Members are n ot r eq u i r ed <strong>to</strong> provide proofs of insurance and do not n e e d certified staff.INTERNATIONAL | $880/yearEi<strong>the</strong>r A c t i v e or Supplemental member s, located outside of North America, will be considered International Members and w i l l be exempt from meetingI<strong>KEC</strong>A Certification requirements. Insurance requirements may be waived or altered, based on requirements of members in <strong>the</strong>ir own country. Membersin Canada and M e x i c o are r eq u i red <strong>to</strong> meet all certification and insurance requirements as stated.INSTITUTIONAL | $500/yearComprising of facility managers, restaurants, hospitals, universities, municipalities and o<strong>the</strong>r related organizations. No <strong>application</strong> fee applies . ThisMember type is non-voting, but h a s a c c e s s <strong>to</strong> all o<strong>the</strong>r member benefits.FIRE MARSHALS & AHJs | $0/yearIndividual who works in a municipality or for a government entity and h a s o v er s i g h t on exhaust system inspections and r e g u l a t i o n s regarding installationand maintenance of exhaust systems. No <strong>application</strong> fee applies. This member type is nonvoting, but h a s a c c e s s <strong>to</strong> all o<strong>the</strong>r member benefits.Member Code of EthicsALL MEMBERS SHALL AGREE TO UPHOLD THE FOLLOWING:• To, at all times, serve our clients with integrity, competence andobjectivity;• To perform a l l work f o r clients in accordance with lateststandards and p r a c t i c e s published by I<strong>KEC</strong>A;• To c l e a n all readily accessible areas of t h e kitchen exhaustremoval system, utilizing positive cleaning methods andtechniques consistent with proactive product management;• To s t r i v e <strong>to</strong> c o m p l y with all a p p l i c a b l e municipal, stateand national codes and guidelines during <strong>the</strong> course ofb u s i n e s s engagement;• To ensure that safety of life a n d property remain an i n t e g r a loperations effort;• To strive <strong>to</strong> comply with all applicable i n d u s t r y -related environmental standards, and p r a c t i c e s with ongoingawareness as continuing education advances <strong>the</strong> i n d u s t r y ;• To operate with a good working knowledge of available productsand <strong>to</strong> specify, where applicable, those accepted within <strong>the</strong>industry as efficient and e f f e c t i v e ;• To establish initial and o n g o i n g documentation consistent withlocal, state a n d n a t i o n a l guidelines regarding kitchen ventilationby-product management service schedules and s c o p e ;• To strive <strong>to</strong> continually educate consumers, neighboringindustries and authorities with respect <strong>to</strong> kitchen exhaustremoval systems;• To s t r i v e <strong>to</strong> o p e r a t e morally, ethically and in g o o dc o n s c i e n c e during <strong>the</strong> c o u r s e of maintaining kitchen exhaustremoval systems;• To obey l o c a l , s t a t e and federal laws, rules and regulations as<strong>the</strong>y pertain <strong>to</strong> our indu st r y;• To r e m a i n w ith in compliance of t h e policies, standards andpractices and by-laws of <strong>the</strong> International Kitchen ExhaustCleaning Association.PAGE 3

CECS Certification ExamAll a p p l i c a n t s for A c t i v e , Supplemental, Franchisor-ParentCompany, and Franchisee-Independent Private Businessmembership are required <strong>to</strong> have at least one employee takeand pass <strong>the</strong> CECS certification exam. Application <strong>to</strong> take <strong>the</strong>e x a m is a required part of <strong>the</strong> m e m b e r s h i p <strong>application</strong>.Certification and Membership are separate. Certified staff arerequired <strong>to</strong> renew <strong>the</strong>ir certification annually.For complete information on <strong>the</strong> CECS exam,visit www.ikeca.orgEXAM F E E SI<strong>KEC</strong>A Member Company Representatives $ 3 5 0 . 0 0Non-I<strong>KEC</strong>A Member Company Representatives $ 7 0 0 . 0 0Rush fee for all exams scheduled within 15 days of <strong>application</strong> $ 3 0 0 . 0 0Annual Certification Renewal $ 1 0 0 . 0 0Retakes (one in a calendar year) $ 1 0 0 . 0 0Fees are non-refundable.DURATION OF CERTIFICATIONUpon passing <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A exam, an individual shall be certified fora period of one year. In order <strong>to</strong> be re-certified on a yearlybasis, <strong>the</strong> i n d i v i d u a l must earn a <strong>to</strong>tal of two ( 2) ContinuingEducation Units each year, and s u b m i t a re-certification<strong>application</strong> along with <strong>the</strong> r e n e w a l fee. Individuals who donot e a r n <strong>the</strong> r e q u i r e d CEUs, will be r e q u i r e d <strong>to</strong> re-take <strong>the</strong>examination in order <strong>to</strong> maintain certification.DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCTORED EXAMINATIONI<strong>KEC</strong>A administers a c l o s e d book, multiple-choice, writtenexamination. The l e n g t h of <strong>the</strong> e x a m is 150 questions. Thetime provided <strong>to</strong> complete <strong>the</strong> exam is three (3) hours.EXAM SCORING AND THE PASS-FAIL SCO R EThe pass-fail score for <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A exam is 70%. In o<strong>the</strong>r words,you m u s t answer a minimum of 105 o u t o f 150 q u e s t i o n scorrectly in order <strong>to</strong> pass <strong>the</strong> exam.SCORE REPORTWithin approximately 2-3 weeks of taking <strong>the</strong> t e s t , you w i l lreceive a “score report” by mail. The r e p o r t will also indicatewhe<strong>the</strong>r you passed or f a i l e d <strong>the</strong> exam. If you passed <strong>the</strong>exam, your score report will be followed by a certificate fromI<strong>KEC</strong>A within a few weeks.CODES AND STANDARDS IN THE EXAMNFPA 96 - 2011 EditionStandard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial CookingOperationsOSHA Standards:Hazardous CommunicationRef: 29 CFR 1910.1200 (c) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.1200 (d) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.1 (e)Ref: 29 CFR 1910.1200 (f) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.1200 (g) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.1 (h)Ref: 29 CFR 1910.1200 (i)Control of Hazardous Energy (Lock-out / Tag-out)Ref: 29 CFR 1910.147 (a) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.147 (c) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.147 (d)Ref: 29 CFR 1910.147 (e) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.147 (f)Respira<strong>to</strong>ry ProtectionRef: 29 CFR 1910.134 (a) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.134 (c)Ref: 29 CFR 1910.134 (d) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.134 (e)Personal Protective EquipmentRef: 29 CFR 1910.132 (d) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.132 (f) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.133 (a)Ref: 29 CFR 1910.133 (b) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.135 (a) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.136 (a)Ref: 29 CFR 1910.138 (a)Ladder SafetyRef: 29 CFR 1926.1053 (a) Ref: 29 CFR 1926.1053 (b)International Mechanical Code (2009)202 General Definitions506 Commercial Kitchen Grease Ducts and E x h au s t Equipment507 Commercial Kitchen Hoods508 Commercial Kitchen Make Up Air509 Fire Suppression Systems917 (Solid Fuel) Cooking AppliancesInternational Fire Code (2009)904 Alternative Au<strong>to</strong>matic Fire-Extinguishing Systems, including904.2.1 Hood suppression systems904.3.2 Actuation904.3.3 System interlocking904.3.5 Moni<strong>to</strong>ring904.11 Commercial cooking systems904.11 thru 904.11.6.5 apply <strong>to</strong> commercial cooking systemscontinuing educationrequirementsAll I<strong>KEC</strong>A certifications require ContinuingEducation Units (CEUs) <strong>to</strong> qualify for renewal. IfCEUs are not obtained, renewal will n o t begranted and you will need <strong>to</strong> retake <strong>the</strong> examfor certification.There are many ways you canearn your CEUs:Attendance at <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A Annual MeetingAttendance at <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A Fall Technical SeminarActive participation in an I<strong>KEC</strong>A CommitteeSubmission of a technical article for The I<strong>KEC</strong>A JournalAttendance at an industry-related conference,meeting or seminar. (NADCA, ASHRAE, NAFA, NFPA)Online Courses at ikeca.orgI n -house (OSHA, fire safety, cleaning practices, etc.)2 CEU2 CEU.5 CEU.3 CEU.1/hour.1/hour.1/hourConfined Space EntryRef: 29 CFR 1910.146 (b) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.146 (c) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.146 (d)Ref: 29 CFR 1910.146 (e) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.146 (g) Ref: 29 CFR 1910.146 (h)PAGE 4One CEU is equivalent of 10 contact hours of educational content. One hour ofcontent equals .1 CEU. Submissions of CEUs from alternate methods will bereviewed by <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A Board on a case by case basis for approval.FOR MORE INFORMATION - WWW.I<strong>KEC</strong>A.ORG

2013 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIPActive-North American, Supplemental, Franchisor-Parent Company,Franchisee-Independent Private BusinessPlease fill out all three pages of this <strong>application</strong> clearly. This <strong>application</strong> and supporting materials should be sent <strong>to</strong>:100 North 20th Street, Suite 400 • Philadelphia, PA 19103 • 215-320-3876 • fax 215-564-2175 • www. ikeca.orgAPPLICATION REQUIREMENTSAll <strong>application</strong>s MUST be submitted with <strong>the</strong> following materials, unless noted o<strong>the</strong>rwise in <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A Policies and Procedures:1. A minimum of $2,000,000.00 in Liability and Completed Operations insurance coverage2. Workers’ Compensation coverage3. Vehicle Insurance4. A separate telephone business listing for <strong>the</strong> company5. Completed CECS Certification Application6. All required fees7. Signed Supplemental Membership FormIncomplete <strong>application</strong>s will not be processed until allattachments are submitted and requirements are met.The <strong>application</strong> for International, Associate, Fire Marshal/AHJ and InstitutionalMembership is a separate form and can be found online at www.ikeca.org.Thank you for your interest in “Cleaning <strong>to</strong> a Higher Standard.”APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR SUBMISSIONo Completed Exam Applicationo Proc<strong>to</strong>r Indentifiedo Date of exam selectedo Signed affidavit of work experienceo Signed <strong>application</strong>o Proofs of all required Insurance submittedo Liability ($2,000,000 aggregate)o Workers’ Compensationo Vehicle Insuranceo Read and understand <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A Code of Conduct and Code of Ethicso Completed Information and Backgroundo Signed Supplemental Membership Form for all Active Membership ApplicantsFailure <strong>to</strong> provide a completed <strong>application</strong> including all required attachments and verifications will delay membershipbenefits including access <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A website, listing in <strong>the</strong> member direc<strong>to</strong>ry and use of <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A logo.Applications that do not meet membership eligibility requirements after 90 days will be denied.Membership dues and fees are non-refundable.100 North 20th Street, Suite 400 • Philadelphia, PA 19103 • 215-320-3876 • fax 215-564-2175 • www. ikeca.org

MEMBERSHIP TYPE2013 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIPActive-North American, Supplemental, Franchisor-Parent Company,Franchisee-Independent Private BusinessPART ONE: APPLICANT INFORMATIONPlease select <strong>the</strong> type of company membership you are applying for by checking <strong>the</strong> appropriate box below.Active-North AmericanSupplementalOwners, corporate officers or <strong>the</strong>ir designated representatives of <strong>companies</strong> located in <strong>the</strong> US, Canada and Mexico, who actively engage in providingcommercial kitchen exhaust cleaning services may apply for Active Membership on behalf of <strong>the</strong> company. Active members shall be entitled <strong>to</strong> all rights andprivileges of membership, and shall maintain one (1) vote at all official meetings of <strong>the</strong> Association.A subsidiary or branch office of an Active Member, which is also engaged in providing commercial kitchen exhaust cleaning services. Independent franchiseeoperations shall not qualify for Supplemental Membership. Supplemental Members shall receive <strong>the</strong> same benefits and opportunities as ActiveMembers, but shall not have voting rights or be entitled <strong>to</strong> hold elective office within <strong>the</strong> Association. Companies eligible for Supplemental Membership maynot apply for Active Membership.Annual Dues$880.00$715.00Non-Refundable Application Fee $250.00MEMBER INFORMATION (<strong>please</strong> print clearly)Company NameMain AddressCityZip or Postal CodeState/ProvinceCountryBilling Address(if different than mailing address)CityZip or Postal CodeState/ProvinceCountryWhich address is <strong>the</strong> primary address <strong>to</strong> be listed in <strong>the</strong> online member direc<strong>to</strong>ry? 0 Main 0 BillingTelephoneFaxWebsiteNumber of years in businessNumber of locationsNumber of FullTime EmployeesType of business 0 Private or Public Independent 0 Subsidiary or Branch Location 0 Franchisor 0 FranchiseePrimary Contactall invoices and official notificationswill be sent <strong>to</strong> this personFirst/Last:Title:Email:Secondary ContactFirst/Last:Title:Email:COMPANY BACKGROUND INFORMATIONI<strong>KEC</strong>A reserves <strong>the</strong> right, in its sole discretion, <strong>to</strong> deny an <strong>application</strong> based on responses <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>se background questions.Answers <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> following questions are manda<strong>to</strong>ry. Failure <strong>to</strong> respond <strong>to</strong> each question will result in <strong>the</strong> <strong>application</strong> being returned. Failure <strong>to</strong> provide accurate, true and correct information shall constitute grounds fordenial of your membership <strong>application</strong>, or termination of your membership. If <strong>the</strong> applicant answers “Yes” <strong>to</strong> any of questions 1-4 it must submit <strong>the</strong> following before its <strong>application</strong> will be considered:1) A complete written explanation of <strong>the</strong> circumstances surrounding <strong>the</strong> proceedings, including a narrative describing where <strong>the</strong> incident occurred, <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong> incident; and <strong>the</strong> outcome of <strong>the</strong> proceedings.2) Copies of relevant court documents.HAS THE APPLICANT:1. Ever violated or infringed upon any I<strong>KEC</strong>A intellectual property, including but not limited <strong>to</strong>, I<strong>KEC</strong>A trademarks? YES NO2. Ever been deemed or found <strong>to</strong> be in noncompliance with any state, local or federal law? YES NO3. Ever failed <strong>to</strong> obtain a license or authorization needed <strong>to</strong> conduct its business? YES NO4. Been a defendant in civil litigation in which <strong>the</strong> basis of <strong>the</strong> complaint against <strong>the</strong> applicant alleged negligence, malpractice, lack of professional conduct or fraud? YES NO5. Is <strong>the</strong> company located at <strong>the</strong> exact address provided on <strong>the</strong> <strong>application</strong>? If not, <strong>please</strong> explain <strong>the</strong> discrepancy. YES NO6. Please provide <strong>the</strong> name and address of <strong>the</strong> Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)/Fire Authority closest <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> address listed on this <strong>application</strong>.

CERTIFICATION APPLICANT INFORMATIONApplicant Name2013 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIPActive-North American, Supplemental, Franchisor-Parent Company,Franchisee-Independent Private BusinessPART TWO: CECS CERTIFICATIONCandidate’s affiliation withapplicant companyDate of your examLocation of ExamOwner Manager Employee O<strong>the</strong>r:Note: Exams scheduled within 15 business days of <strong>application</strong>submission will be subject <strong>to</strong> a $100 rush fee.PRIVATE PROCTOR INFORMATION (Only completed if you are requesting a privately proc<strong>to</strong>red exam.)In order <strong>to</strong> set up a privately proc<strong>to</strong>red I<strong>KEC</strong>A exam, you must find a qualified proc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> administer <strong>the</strong> exam. You will need <strong>to</strong> contact <strong>the</strong> proc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> arrange an appointment <strong>to</strong>take <strong>the</strong> exam that is convenient for both of you. Three hours are allowed for <strong>the</strong> CECS exam. The proc<strong>to</strong>r should be a disinterested, third-party, and cannot be a direct supervisorof anyone taking <strong>the</strong> exam. The exam packet will be sent <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> proc<strong>to</strong>r, with a prepaid return envelope, and returned by <strong>the</strong> proc<strong>to</strong>r. Both <strong>the</strong> examinee and proc<strong>to</strong>r will need<strong>to</strong> sign an affidavit verifying that exam procedures were followed.Proc<strong>to</strong>r NameCompany NameStreet AddressCityZip or Postal CodeTelephoneEmailDeadline:State/ProvinceCountryCertification Applications are due 15 business days prior <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> test date. Exams scheduled earlier are subject <strong>to</strong> a$300 rush fee.FaxCancellation Policy:Refund Policies:ADA COMPLIANCEAll exam cancellations must be received in writing no less than 10 business days in advance of <strong>the</strong> test date.No refunds shall be provided for exams; however, examination fees may be applied <strong>to</strong>ward taking <strong>the</strong> exam at afuture administration of <strong>the</strong> exam.The I<strong>KEC</strong>A Certification Examination shall be administered in accordance with <strong>the</strong> requirements set forth in <strong>the</strong>Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require special assistance or unique conditions in taking <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>ACertification Examination as a result of a disability or physical impairment, <strong>please</strong> contact I<strong>KEC</strong>A Headquarters formore information.100 North 20th Street, Suite 400 • Philadelphia, PA 19103 • 215-320-3876 • fax 215-564-2175 • www. ikeca.org

SUPPLEMENTAL MEMBERS2013 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIPActive-North American, Supplemental, Franchisor-Parent Company,Franchisee-Independent Private BusinessPART THREE: SUPPLEMENTAL MEMBER FORMActive Members of I<strong>KEC</strong>A with branch or satellite offices are required <strong>to</strong> report <strong>the</strong> branches <strong>to</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>AHeadquarters so <strong>the</strong>y are in compliance with <strong>the</strong> membership eligibility requirements detailed below:a) Defined as branch or satellite offices of Active Members where:i) The Supplemental Member is an office of <strong>the</strong> parent organization and cannot be a separately incorporated entity;ii) The Supplemental Member offices must have <strong>the</strong> same name as <strong>the</strong>ir principal office/parent organization;b) Annual Dues will be $715.00 USD per year and pro-rated for members who join after January.c) Supplemental Members have use of <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A logo on promotional and marketing materials;d) Supplemental Members have a listing in <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A membership direc<strong>to</strong>ry and on <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A website;e) Supplemental Members are eligible for leads generated through <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A website;f) Supplemental Members are required <strong>to</strong> provide proof of:i. A minimum of $2,000,000 in Liability and Completed Operations insurance coverage.ii. Workers’ Compensation coverage. The requirement for workers’ compensation coverage applies <strong>to</strong> all applicants, including soleproprie<strong>to</strong>rships with no salaried employees and <strong>companies</strong> that subcontract <strong>the</strong>ir labor through a third-party staffing agency. Noexceptions <strong>to</strong> this policy will be considered for <strong>companies</strong> doing business in <strong>the</strong> USA.iii. Vehicle Insurance.iv. Where applicable – all Supplemental members shall notify insurers <strong>to</strong> add I<strong>KEC</strong>A <strong>to</strong> any/all Notices of Cancellation.v. Supplemental Members are required <strong>to</strong> update <strong>the</strong>ir insurance information with I<strong>KEC</strong>A. Failure <strong>to</strong> do so will result in <strong>the</strong> Member’sstatus being changed <strong>to</strong> Pending.g) Supplemental Members are required <strong>to</strong> maintain one CECS certified employee.i. Failure <strong>to</strong> do so will result in <strong>the</strong> Member’s status being changed <strong>to</strong> Pending.h) Supplemental Members are subject <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> same <strong>application</strong> and certification requirements as Active Members.i) Supplemental Members are required <strong>to</strong> pay annual membership dues/assessments as prescribed by <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs;j) Failure <strong>to</strong> report <strong>the</strong> existence of a Supplemental office and/or failure <strong>to</strong> pay dues for that office shall result in disciplinary action by <strong>the</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>ABoard of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs.k) Supplemental members do not have voting privileges;Please list your supplemental locations below (if <strong>the</strong>y are not already Supplemental Members) and return this form <strong>to</strong> I<strong>KEC</strong>A and we willinvoice <strong>the</strong>m for supplemental membership: (If you require additional space, <strong>please</strong> use a separate sheet of paper.)Company Name Address Contact Name Contact Phone Number Contact Email AddressRequired Affidavit: I attest <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> best of my knowledge that <strong>the</strong> supplemental membership information provided is complete and accurate inaccordance with I<strong>KEC</strong>A’s Supplemental membership eligibility requirements detailed above.Signature:Company Name:Thank you for your cooperation.100 North 20th Street, Suite 400 • Philadelphia, PA 19103 • 215-320-3876 • fax 215-564-2175 • www. ikeca.org

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