View Tender Document - e-Tendering

View Tender Document - e-Tendering View Tender Document - e-Tendering
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Method ofpaymentAcceptance ofconditionscompulsory beforetendering for work.Employment ofscarcity labour.80Dy.Ex.Engr.sanctioned tender Contractor shall provide drinking water facilities to theworkers. Similar amenities shall be provided to the workersengaged on large work in urban areas.vii) Contractor to take precautions against accidents whichtake place on account of labour using loose garments whileworking near machinery.viii) All facilities provided in the Contract Labour(Regulation and Abolition Act 1971), the MaharashtraContract Labour Regulation and Abolition Rule 1971 shouldbe provided.Clause 44 - Payment to Contractors shall be made bycheque drawn on any treasury within the division convenientto them, provided the amount exceeds Rs. 10/- . Amountsnot exceeding Rs. 10 will be paid in cash.Clause 45 - Any Contractor who does not accept theseconditions shall not be allowed to tender for work.Clause 46 - If Government declares a state of scarcity orfamine to exist in any village situated within 10 miles of work,the Contractor shall employ upon such parts of the work, asare suitable for unskilled labour, any person certified to himby the Executive Engineer, or by any person to whom theExecutive Engineer may have delegated this duty in writingto be in need of relief and shall be bound to pay to suchperson wages not below the minimum which Governmentmay have fixed in this behalf. Any disputes which may arisein connection with the implementation of this clause shall bedecided by the Executive Engineer whose decision shall befinal and binding on the Contractor.Clause 47 - The price quoted by the Contractors shall not inany case exceed the control price, if any, fixed byGovernment or reasonable price which it is permissible forhim to change a private purchaser for the same class anddescription, the control price or the price permissible underthe provisions of Hoarding and Profiteering PreventionOrdinance, 1948 as amended from time to time. If the pricequoted exceeds the controlled price or the price permissibleunder Hoarding and Profiteering Prevention Ordinance, theContractor will specifically mention this fact in his tenderalong with the reasons for quoting such higher prices. Thepurchaser at his discretion will in such case exercise the rightof revising the price at any stage so as to conform with thecontroller price as permissible under the Hoarding andProfiteering Prevention ordinance. This discretion will beexercised without prejudice to any other action that may betaken against the Contractor.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

81Dy.Ex.Engr.Maharashtra ValueAdded Tax Act,2005Govt. in P.W.Deptt.Circular No. BDG/2005 /CR-324/ Bdg.2dated 3/3/2006.Clause 47 (A) – “ The tender rates are inclusive of all taxes,rates , cesses and are also inclusive of the leviable tax inrespect of sale by transfer of properly in goods involved inthe execution of a work contract under provision of Rule 58 ofMaharashtra Value added Tax Act, 2005, for the purpose oflevy of Tax.”Clause 48 - The rates to be quoted by the Contractor mustbe inclusive of MVAT. No extra payment on this account willbe made to the Contractor.Clause 49 - In case of materials that may remain surpluswith the Contractor from those issued for the work contractedfor, the date of ascertainment of the materials being surpluswill be taken as the date of sale for the purpose of sales taxand the sales tax will be recovered on such sale.PWD GovernmentResolutionNo.CAT/1097/CR-478/Bldg-2,Mantralaya, dated23 rd March, 1998.Clause 50 - The contractor shall employ the unskilled labourto be employed by him on the said work only from locallyavailable labour and shall give preference to those personsenrolled under Maharashtra Government Employment andSelf Employment Department Scheme. Provided, however,that if the required unskilled labours are not available locally,the contractor shall in the first instance employ such numberof persons as is available and thereafter may with previouspermission, in writing of the Executive Engineer-in-charge ofthe said work, obtain the rest of requirement of unskilledlabour from the outside the above scheme.Clause 51 – Wages to be paid to the skilled and unskilledlabourers engaged by the Contractor.The Contractor shall pay the labourers – skilled andunskilled – according to the wages prescribed by MinimumWages Act , 1948 applicable to the area in which work of theContractor is in progress.The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of theApprentices Act, 1961 and the Rules and Orders issuedthereunder from time to time, if he fails to do so. , his failurewill be a breach of the Contract and the SuperintendingEngineer may in his discretion may cancel the contract. TheContractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liabilityarising on account of any violation by him of the provisions ofthe Act.The Contractor shall pay the labourers – skilled andunskilled – according to wages prescribed by MinimumWages Act, 1948 applicable to the area in which the work isin progress.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

Method ofpaymentAcceptance ofconditionscompulsory beforetendering for work.Employment ofscarcity labour.80Dy.Ex.Engr.sanctioned tender Contractor shall provide drinking water facilities to theworkers. Similar amenities shall be provided to the workersengaged on large work in urban areas.vii) Contractor to take precautions against accidents whichtake place on account of labour using loose garments whileworking near machinery.viii) All facilities provided in the Contract Labour(Regulation and Abolition Act 1971), the MaharashtraContract Labour Regulation and Abolition Rule 1971 shouldbe provided.Clause 44 - Payment to Contractors shall be made bycheque drawn on any treasury within the division convenientto them, provided the amount exceeds Rs. 10/- . Amountsnot exceeding Rs. 10 will be paid in cash.Clause 45 - Any Contractor who does not accept theseconditions shall not be allowed to tender for work.Clause 46 - If Government declares a state of scarcity orfamine to exist in any village situated within 10 miles of work,the Contractor shall employ upon such parts of the work, asare suitable for unskilled labour, any person certified to himby the Executive Engineer, or by any person to whom theExecutive Engineer may have delegated this duty in writingto be in need of relief and shall be bound to pay to suchperson wages not below the minimum which Governmentmay have fixed in this behalf. Any disputes which may arisein connection with the implementation of this clause shall bedecided by the Executive Engineer whose decision shall befinal and binding on the Contractor.Clause 47 - The price quoted by the Contractors shall not inany case exceed the control price, if any, fixed byGovernment or reasonable price which it is permissible forhim to change a private purchaser for the same class anddescription, the control price or the price permissible underthe provisions of Hoarding and Profiteering PreventionOrdinance, 1948 as amended from time to time. If the pricequoted exceeds the controlled price or the price permissibleunder Hoarding and Profiteering Prevention Ordinance, theContractor will specifically mention this fact in his tenderalong with the reasons for quoting such higher prices. Thepurchaser at his discretion will in such case exercise the rightof revising the price at any stage so as to conform with thecontroller price as permissible under the Hoarding andProfiteering Prevention ordinance. This discretion will beexercised without prejudice to any other action that may betaken against the Contractor.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

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