View Tender Document - e-Tendering

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78Dy.Ex.Engr.Claim for quantitiesentered in thetender or estimate.Clause 38 - 1. Quantities in respect of the several itemsshown in the tender are approximate and no revision in thetendered rate shall be permitted in respect of any of the itemsso long as, subject to any special provision contained in thespecifications prescribing a different percentage ofpermissible variation in the quantity of the item does notexceed the tender quantity by more than 25 percent and solong as the value of the excess quantity beyond this limit atthe rate of the item specified in the tender, is not more thanRs. 5,000/-2. The Contractor shall if ordered in writing by the Engineerso to do, also carry out any quantities in excess of the limitmentioned above in Sub-clause (i) hereof on the sameconditions as and in accordance with the specifications in thetender and at the rates (i) derived from the rates entered incurrent Schedule of Rates and in the absence of such rates(ii) at the rates prevailing in the market. The said rates beingincreased or decreased as the case may be by thepercentage which the total tendered amount bears to theestimated cost of the works as put to tender based upon theschedule of rates applicable to the year in which the tenderswere accepted. For the purpose of operation of this Clause,this cost shall be worked out from the prevailing DistrictSchedule of Rates at the time of acceptance of tender.3. Claims arising out of reduction in the tendered quantity ofany item beyond 25 percent will be governed by the provisionof Clause 15 only when the amount of such reduction beyond25 percent at the rate of the item specified in the tender ismore than Rs. 5,000/- ( the clause is not applicable to extraitems).4. This clause is not applicable to extra items.5. There is no change in the rate if the excess is more than25 percent of the tendered quantity. But the value of theexcess work at the tendered rates not exceed Rs. 5,000/-.6. The quantities to be paid at the tendered rates shallinclude :a) Tendered quantity plusb) 25% excess of tendered quantity or the excess quantityof the value of Rs. 5,000/- at tendered rate whichever ismore.Signature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

79Dy.Ex.Engr.Employment offamine labour etc.Clause 39 - The Contractor shall employ any famine ,convict or other labour of a particular kind or class if orderedin writing to do so by the Engineer-in- Charge.Claim forcompensation fordelay in starting thework.Clause 40 - No compensation shall be allowed for anydelay caused in the starting of the work on account ofacquisition of land or, in the case of clearance works, onaccount of any delay in accordance to sanction of estimates.Claim forcompensation fordelay in executionof workClause 41 - No compensation shall be allowed for any delayin the execution of the work on account of water standing inborrow pits or compartments. The rates are inclusive forhard or cracked soil excavation, excavation in mud, sub-soil,water standing in borrow pits and no claim for an extra rateshall be entertained unless otherwise expressly specified.Enter upon orcommencing anyportion of work.Clause 42 - The Contractor shall not enter upon orcommence any portion of work except with written authorityand instructions of the Engineer-in- Charge or of hissubordinate in charge of the work. Failing such authority theContractor shall have no claim to ask for measurements of orpayment for work.Minimum age ofperson employed ,the employment ofdonkeys and/orother animals andthe payment of fairwages.Clause 43 - i) No Contractor shall employ any person whois under the age of 18 years.ii) No Contractor shall employ donkeys or other animalswith breaching of string or thin rope. The breaching must beat least three inches wide and should be of tape ( Newar).iii) No animal suffering from sores, lameness or emaciationor which is immature shall be employed on the work.iv) The Engineer-in- Charge or his agent is authorised toremove from the work, any person or animal found workingwhich does not satisfy these conditions and no responsibilityshall be accepted by the Government for any delay caused inthe completion of the work by such removal.v) The Contractor shall pay fair and reasonable wages tothe workmen employed by him , in the contract undertakenby him. In the event of any dispute arising between theContractor and his workmen on the ground that the wagespaid are not fair and reasonable, the dispute shall be referredwithout delay to the Executive Engineer who shall decide thesame. The decision of the Executive Engineer shall beconclusive and binding on the Contractor but such decisionshall not in any way affect the conditions in the contractregarding the payment to be made by the Government at theSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

79Dy.Ex.Engr.Employment offamine labour etc.Clause 39 - The Contractor shall employ any famine ,convict or other labour of a particular kind or class if orderedin writing to do so by the Engineer-in- Charge.Claim forcompensation fordelay in starting thework.Clause 40 - No compensation shall be allowed for anydelay caused in the starting of the work on account ofacquisition of land or, in the case of clearance works, onaccount of any delay in accordance to sanction of estimates.Claim forcompensation fordelay in executionof workClause 41 - No compensation shall be allowed for any delayin the execution of the work on account of water standing inborrow pits or compartments. The rates are inclusive forhard or cracked soil excavation, excavation in mud, sub-soil,water standing in borrow pits and no claim for an extra rateshall be entertained unless otherwise expressly specified.Enter upon orcommencing anyportion of work.Clause 42 - The Contractor shall not enter upon orcommence any portion of work except with written authorityand instructions of the Engineer-in- Charge or of hissubordinate in charge of the work. Failing such authority theContractor shall have no claim to ask for measurements of orpayment for work.Minimum age ofperson employed ,the employment ofdonkeys and/orother animals andthe payment of fairwages.Clause 43 - i) No Contractor shall employ any person whois under the age of 18 years.ii) No Contractor shall employ donkeys or other animalswith breaching of string or thin rope. The breaching must beat least three inches wide and should be of tape ( Newar).iii) No animal suffering from sores, lameness or emaciationor which is immature shall be employed on the work.iv) The Engineer-in- Charge or his agent is authorised toremove from the work, any person or animal found workingwhich does not satisfy these conditions and no responsibilityshall be accepted by the Government for any delay caused inthe completion of the work by such removal.v) The Contractor shall pay fair and reasonable wages tothe workmen employed by him , in the contract undertakenby him. In the event of any dispute arising between theContractor and his workmen on the ground that the wagespaid are not fair and reasonable, the dispute shall be referredwithout delay to the Executive Engineer who shall decide thesame. The decision of the Executive Engineer shall beconclusive and binding on the Contractor but such decisionshall not in any way affect the conditions in the contractregarding the payment to be made by the Government at theSignature of the Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer

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